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If Meganium doesn't get a Mega Evolution in PLZA, then GameFreak are a bunch of cocksuckers
Is this an example of a good mega?
you have terrible taste
gamefreak are already a bunch of cocksuckers
>johto starter
>getting a mega or any cool battle transformation or even any spotlight
Anon, the johto starters are among the most neglected pokemon in the entire franchise by design, Game freak despises them and intended them to fail: They were never intended to get any love, shilling or respect because they only exists to prop up the GenWun starters. The only reason Feraligatr escaped shitmon hell is because it’s impossible to be a water type with a starter’s BST and be a shitmon because water types are just that overpowered.
Game Freak's already what you just said though, and not only for how they treat Meganium.
Literally no one gives a shit. Ampharos, Heracross, Scizor and Tyranitar already have megas - the only Johtomons that matter. No point giving Johtoshit anything else.
>No point giving Johtoshit anything else.
Did someone escape the buck breaking chamber?
Johto's high-ranking government officials are very conservative and resistant to change, so Johtomons getting anything new is the exception, not the rule.
The most beautiful Johto starter and the one who needs a Mega the most.
Meganium is already a mega evolution. It implies the existence of a lesser, so far unknown Pokemon called Nium.

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