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Why does /vp/ hate Sinnoh?
parroting is an admission of defeat
...do we?
Other than having Rapidash as the sole fire type I can't really think of anything bad about it.
only the transgender portion of this board (at least 80% of the posters here) hate that region
Worst region ever
There's no region that doesn't get hate on this board. The one I see get shit on the least is Hoenn
/vp/ hates every region.
gamefreak hates sinnoh
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>The one I see get shit on the least is Hoenn
As it should be.
if you want your dose of hoenn hate just ask a johtoddler what killed pokemania
At least the Pokémonia fad died around Gen 3 so that accusation has some merit even if the actual killer was time not any actual game. Meanwhile, Hoeenbabies scapegoat Johto because Pokementally Challenged gaslit them into thinking Whitney didn’t have a miltank
We dont

we worship that region, Arceus, Dawn and Cynthia!
I will never understand why so many people choose to doodle into their skin.
literally more mindbroken than the shaunpost above
>At least the Pokémonia fad died around Gen 3 so that accusation has some merit even if the actual killer was time not any actual game.
this is pure johtoddler cope as Pokemania had already died during Gen II, making Gen II the actual killer of pokemania
>Meanwhile, Hoeenbabies scapegoat Johto
other way around
>Pokementally Challenged
nobody gives a shit about him and poketubers get all their ideas from here
For me, I don't find any of the Sinnoh games particularly fun, memorable, replayable, or impactful in the grand scheme of the series.

Just on a surface level, I find colder environments depressing, so the cards were already stacked against Sinnoh for me from its inception. Its new dex additions are, for the most part, very middle-of-the-road, adding insult to that injury by sidelining most of them for a very lackluster selection of classic mons. Hoenn and Johto both famously pad their dexes with lines from the previous games, but they make diverse and memorable inclusions; the only thing memorable about their classic selection in Sinnoh is how many fucking Geodudes and Ponytas could possibly live in one region. Name five readily available Johto or Hoenn lines in Sinnoh that don't receive new evolutions.

In addition, the PokeGods storyline has always felt very fanficky and forced to me, which combines with a lukewarm cast of characters to create a narrative that puts you to sleep if you're not mashing through it.

Throw in the chaos of this being the average first region of the zoomer portion of the fanbase, thus setting standards for the series and not breaking them, you get a region that's constantly bashed by older fans while constantly shilled by younger fans, leading to /vp/'s most divisive region.

All of the above is why Hoenn gets the least hate. The fans that it scared off never returned to hate on it in the modern day, and for the rest of us it was just the last universally unquestioned region before the fanbase permanently fractured into the hellscape that it is now. Gen 4 rocked the fanbase, Gen 5 struck an iceberg, and everything since the jump to 3D has been the stragglers of the Titanic pushing each other under the ocean waves to gasp for air.

View things through this lens, and all of the echo chamber'd opinions of the fanbase start to make a lot of sense.
they think it makes them less boring
What pokemon region would I live in?
>region with very few fairy type pokemon
>region that is hell for fairy type pokemon
>region where it is a very bad idea to have a fairy type pokemon
>region with many pokemon with steel, fire and poison type
>Gen 4 rocked the fanbase
nobody says this
>The fans that it scared off
GSC has ~12 million less sales than RBY, to RSE's ~8 million sales difference
>View things through this lens
a deranged, delusional johtoddler lens?
>sidelining most of them for a very lackluster selection of classic mons
no it doesn’t retard. sorry you’re dumb and brown and couldn’t catch skorupi lol
>Why does /vp/ hate Sinnoh?
It doesn't.
We don't. The high-ranking government officials passed laws ensuring that Johto is the least liked region by heavily restricting access to all the new Pokemon and railroading you for half the game.
>we worship that region, Arceus, Dawn and Cynthia!
>high-ranking government officials
wake up babe, new johto shitposting meme just dropped
>nobody says this
It's objectively true, regardless of who says it or who says otherwise. You were not alive in 2006, so your opinion doesn't hold much weight here.

>bringing up sales
Holy autism. I'm saying that nowadays there are hate-fans who compulsively play the games even though they don't like them anymore, thus you get fans who tear the new regions apart. The series wasn't established enough and social media wasn't existent for those fans to perpetuate yet, so anybody who got filtered by Hoenn in its day is not posting here. I don't care how many copies the game sold, that is a nonfactor in my point.

You'd be shocked and amazed at what my second least favorite region is. I think the subtext of my comment pretty clearly depicts me as a HoennFag, but you're so devoid of reading comprehension and so focused on me being your boogeyman that you're not even reading these words right now, you're too far down the schizophrenic rabbit hole that genwar fags fall down when they spend too much time on this board. Basically, you're a faggot, and a zoomer, and all of your assumptions are wrong simply by virtue of me engaging with the series normally, something that you have clearly never done.

I'm more white and more educated than any amount of skin bleaching powder and ChatGPT could give you, Kumar. Thank you for proving my point though by listing a Sinnoh Pokemon who was sidelined in favor of lackluster classics.
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This this, plus you forgot someone
and Lucario too
Lucario is statistically the sexiest Pokemon
Even more than Gardevoir according to Rule 34.
>"it's objectively true"
lmfao johtoddlers are too funny

>Thank you for proving my point though by listing a Sinnoh Pokemon who was sidelined in favor of lackluster classics.
more like you’re just shit at the game
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It's objectively the worst region from a gameplay standpoint, and it brought in the worst posters (furfags) as seen in this thread.

Plus all those babies and shit evolutions.
See this is why Johtoddlers have given up having any real discussion and just start spamming “GAY CUNT”. The anon your taking to basically implied they hate Johto or consider it worse then 7 other regions. yet your rabid obsession with making Johto a scapegoat for your failure at life causes you to blame Johtofans even now. Even though Johtofan’s only crime is being constantly fucked over by Game Freak
lame story
lame dex
lame implementation of its soundtrack
slow (even by pokemon's slow as molasses standards)
no real interesting new gameplay mechanics
>You'd be shocked and amazed at what my second least favorite region is
If you don’t have kalos, galar, and paldea at the bottom, you like eating shit
>eating shit is... le bad!
>See this is why Johtoddlers have given up having any real discussion and just start spamming “GAY CUNT”.
that schizo has always done that regardless of the criticisms presented
this but unova, alola, galar, and paldea
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>lame story
only dicksucking faggots care about the story
>lame dex
based dex, lucario, gible, torterra, shinx, gliscor, weavile, gallade, croagunk, froslass, darkrai, roserade, gastrodon, rotom, etccc
>lame implementation of its soundtrack
ok whatever the fuck that means
>slow (even by pokemon's slow as molasses standards)
disinfo; see webm
>no real interesting new gameplay mechanics
overhauled the entire battle system
mental illness
>only dicksucking faggots care about the story
then why do I have to mash through so much of it?
>those mons
mostly shit
>ok whatever the fuck that means
...are you ESL?
>that webm
clearly sped up lmao
>overhauled the entire battle system
to be shittier yeah
>johto is sooooooooooo hated guize! everyone uses it as a scapegoat! just ignore that most fans shill hgss at every opportunity!
you wouldn't last a day as a kalos/alola/galar/paldea fan
>then why do I have to mash through so much of it?
so you dont got to read that garbage nigger
>>those mons
all based
>...are you ESL?
......r u tho ... ?
>clearly sped up lmao
>to be shittier yeah
to be better
>split is le….bad!!
There's no point in seriously replying to him if he uses that webm to refute the "Sinnoh is slow" argument.
you can see from the webm the slow argument is bull shit tho, cry about it
Tell me how the numbers factor into the specific point I’m making.

I am perfectly capable of venturing out to the sidelines, it’s not like I can’t find the great marsh, the problem is that a cool new guy is exclusively there. On the sideline. A casual player blowing through only the mandatory portions of the game has a 0% chance of encountering a great portion of Sinnoh’s native Pokemon.

Thank you. These retards are not living in the same world, I could confirm that Johto is my second least favorite region and these faggots would still go “The absolute Johtoddler cope!!” just because that’s the boogeyman they want me to be. I could just respond with meaningless excerpts from my local newspaper and they’d give it the same response.

Purely in terms of the REGION, not their games or anime or whatever the fuck else:

Hoenn > Alola > Kanto > Unova > Paldea > Kalos > Galar > Johto > Sinnoh, and if Hisui counts as its own then it’s even lower than Sinnoh, as it’s just “Worse Sinnoh” by design.
How are the regions ranked? By their aesthetics? Level design? Pokemon design? Pokemon distribution? If it's aesthetics then I don't see why Kanto is so high up when it's not the best looking region even with Let's Go factored in. If it's level design then there's no way Galar's linear routes and non existent dungeons are better than Johto and Sinnoh.
try not making up bullshit next time you gay CUNT! go stick your head into a fucking blender nigger
>Tell me how the numbers factor into the specific point I’m making.
it shows pokemania already died during gen ii and maybe even as a result of gen ii via declining sales that didn't reverse until Gen III onward

>> Alola
So you're just plain retarded, gotcha
>A casual player blowing through only the mandatory portions of the game has a 0% chance of encountering a great portion of Sinnoh’s native Pokemon.
nah, madeup issue.

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