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Why is vee pee so infatuated by this fat shitmon?
he's sexy
Make it Zebstrika and /vp/ is buck broken.
I love T-tar psychic & ghost chuds seething
> fat
Big boned
If 2 decades of OU excellent only falling off in in Gen 9 (the most powecrept Gen with a gimmick that uniquely punishes Tyranitar) and even then climbing it’s way back up to UU (all the while maintaining a strong to decent presence on VGC) is a “shitmon” than literally everything ine franchise except for like 5 mons is a shitmon
>Why is vee pee so infatuated by jt
Johto Pokémon are by far the most hated in the franchise for being moe blobs, and babyish (there’s a slight chance that the glaring lack of shilling they get compared to every other region’s mon may be the real reason its but vp told me that johtomons did get a fair chance and vp never lies) Tyranitar is the exact opposite of that. It’s also noy related to any KANTOOOOOOO like so Genwunners can’t even complain about it ruining a Genwun line.
We honestly need more fat dinosaur mons. No, don't post the fucking bridge stapler.
Tyranitar no doubt would be OU in gen 9 if game freak didn't take Pursuit away from her
>Johto Pokémon are by far the most hated in the franchise
Johtroon victim complex case #7449834735561. It would take the entire board to kiss your ass for you to stop being a bitch.
I would...
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That's no bone, that's a belly
Sinnohfoeti use Johto to steal oldfag valor, since they pretend HGSS is a gen 2 game (even though it's bad). Thus you see a lot of hyperbolic praise for Johtomons as these zoomlets try to fit in with the OG generations.
1. Rent free.
2. Does this thing look fat to you?
This is hot but only if she's female
Tyranitar is hot
he's male
take your meds nigger
>Johto Pokémon are by far the most hated in the franchise
Not when that ugly atrocity called gen 5 exists
it doesn't exist
there are only 4 generations

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