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None, for the manlet has chosen the Pikabussy.
Pikachu duh
Well, I find Serena hotter nowadays, due to my leg fetish and my attraction to European women, but Dawn was my OG fap as a kid, so I'd have to go with her. It'd feel so good finally unloading inside her after fapping to her for so long.
Isn't it obvious? It takes a real man to take all three, which Ashy boy isn't. I'd make a polycule with them, plus Hilda and Green (OG black dress, not the FRLG bullshit one)
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This, always this
I kidnap May and Dawn and kill Serena and Ash
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All of them
All of them.
Based harem chad
>All of them
>Including the boy
Kinda gay, man.
Sure. Dress him up in her BW Ashley outfit and he's perfect.
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I don't even understand why these discussions exist. Ash is never interested in any of them.
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Whose this supposed to be?
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If you chose to make a harem with them (which is the correct choice) and you self insert yourself as Ash, you are a little bitch and a massive cuck, and you deserve none of them
Why is she naked also ash x Iris bros RISE
Ashy boy can keep that Asuka Langley clone. I’ll take all the other girls that are actually good wife material
Don't diss Ash like that! Sure, he's a massive dummy, but he can be pretty cool sometimes...

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