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Which game was it? Did you succeed?
Emerald is so shit why do boomers cream their pants over it everything expect maybe X&Y are better
Partyarlie will never have sex with you.
You don't know that.
I don't have enough autism for that. Only time I ever shiny hunted was a Pheromosa for my mono-fighting team. Cute girl
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i made shiny only run of both pla ( the best 3d pokemon game) and sv (the second worse 3d pokemon game after xy) because those games are the only one with decent early game shiny odds.
I've never done a challenge run because I'm not autistic or gay
>pokemon player
>not autistic
pick one
Yes, it's just beating the game normally after you acquire shinies. The only challenge is maintaining your patience for 500+ hours total just for a team you would normally run anyway.
I've done a few runs off shinies only, but I hacked those little niglets in son, I got money to make smdh.
I watched Pointcrow's shiny HGSS run though and that was pretty fire ngl
>Shiny hunter
This is everything I hate about this series' fans.

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