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Why does /vp/ hate Alola?
it’s boring dogshit. the mock gyms were gay. rotomdex is shit. festival plaza is shit. battle agency is the dumbest facility in the series, aside from maybe the palace. the whole game is a boring railroaded piece of shit with 0 replayability
What pokemon region would I live in?
>region with very few fairy type pokemon
>region that is hell for fairy type pokemon
>region where it is a very bad idea to have a fairy type pokemon
>region with many pokemon with steel, fire and poison type
>region with legendaries that have types that make them ultra resistant and effective against fairy Type
Reading is hard
Shit taste
it is when the reading material is dogshit slop for toddlers.
there’s nothing in sm worth reading
all I remember from this region is being stopped every 2 minutes for an exposition dump of the most infantilized story Pokemon had yet. I will never replay these games.
My best guess is an aussie region. Its hot as fuck, everything is venomous, and I get the feeling that pokemon like aggron, steelix, and magnezone would like it there. Then again there would be a poke-tazmania nearby, and that place is so batshit magically insane I can't think of fairy types that WOULDNT be there
even in a entire series of babygames it is by far the most baby
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Gen VII is dogshit. Posting ironic memes as a false-flag won’t convince me otherwise.
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Could I get that with less pixels
Kanto from KANTOOOOO
Reasons why Kanto would be the Pokemon region where I lived?
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I love Alola, favorite generation of mine.
i like alola because it's hawaii, but the first island is unforgivably tedious and it remains the game that made me realize they no longer make pokemon for me

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