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the game itself was pretty good (much better than the rest of the slop on the switch at least) but the lack of any form of discussion about this game on any website make it look like not many people outside of shinyautists actually played it.
>the game itself was pretty good
>lack of any form of discussion about this game on any website
It's okay to like things that aren't popular. You don't need to act like this.
>BDSP was released two months prior
>Scarlet and Violet was announced one month later

There was basically reverse marketing against that game, it took 11 months to release from the announcement and then they shifted to Scarlet/Violet instantly. TPCi even killed its website for Z-A, basically telling us that it's obsolete in their eyes.
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that's...just blatantly untrue lol, it's out sold a bunch of games, and is one of the highest selling if you break up all the paired games.
also I see plenty of discussion about it, don't know what you or OP are talking about.
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Would someone just lie like that?
>add up all the games by region
>your game
Even more autistic.
Yes, I know that. Why do you think I'm some loser genwarrer like you when all I did was call you an autist for doing autistic things?
I was never wondering that. If you were literate you'd have known that.
> he doesn't know how to use per capita stats
Sub 60 IQ mongrel detected
Is this your first time here? Haven't you noticed no one talks about ANY game? There is no discussion about any pokemon game. It's all waifu threads, threads about specific pokemons, ragebait, baits, and that's it.
No one talks about PLA like no one talks about any gen.
Why the fuck can porygon not learn Conversion in this game?
Maybe tgey rotated it out for REAL nigga attack, like Tackle

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