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Let's be honest, we're thankful to Serena for single-handedly carrying the entire XY season and keeping us entertained.
>yet another Serena bait thread
But yes. Unironically.
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Weird picture and way of spelling of Hawlucha
Fuck off with spamming Serena threads everyday, your stupidass bait only gets the same replies.
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So as long as the show has an very attractive girl with a crush on Ash, it will be popular. JN should have brought Gloria as the lead girl and Ash's love interest instead of pushing Goh.
Nobody cares about your self-insert fantasies, Isdra. Btw how is it to poo in the loo after getting evicted?
>lost to Pikashit
Daily lw*s thread
my husband!
this reminds me. should i add the pokemon anime to a list of shows i need to watch? do i just start from episode one? because i heard the show is very long.
Everyone has already forgotten this incarnation of Serena.
do not

looks fun
If by that you mean a complete flop than yes, thank God I skipped it like most people did.
>because i heard the show is very long.

The Original Series covers Kanto, the Orange Islands (anime-original arc), and Johto.
Kanto is EP001-EP080 (80 episodes).
Orange Islands are EP081-EP116 (36 episodes)
Johto is EP117-EP274 (158 episodes).

Then came Advanced Generation, which covers Hoenn and the Battle Frontier, which has been moved to Kanto.
Hoenn is AG001-AG133 (133 episodes).
The Battle Frontier is AG134-AG192 (59 episodes).

After that came Diamond and Pearl, covering Sinnoh.
Sinnoh runs from DP001-DP191 (191 episodes).

Next is Best Wishes, covering Unova.
Unova runs from BW001-BW142 (142 episodes).

Then came XY, which got fairly-mainstream appeal here. This series is where the anime general spawned from.
Kalos runs from XY001-XY140 (140 episodes).

Succeeding that was Sun & Moon, covering Alola.
Alola runs from SM001-SM146 (146 episodes).

Then came Journeys, which was more a world tour than strictly Galar.
Journeys runs from JN001-JN147 (147 episodes).
Journeys concludes Ash's story.

Finally a series semi-reboot came along with Horizons, the current airing anime. It's also a world tour, but strongly features Paldea much more than anything else.
Horizons runs from HZ001-HZ56 (56 episodes so far).

So that's 1288 episodes of Pokemon for you to watch, discounting movies and specials. Have fun.
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Only watch the episodes with major events like Ash or his companions catching or releasing Pokémon, Gym battles, and the appearances of major game characters. Someone made a sheet listing all the major episodes from Misty's to Lillie's anime, but the faggot PM (our only one) refused to sub the previous seasons like Sinnoh because he didn't "feel" like it
Ah so XYfags are just coping now
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Stare into her eyes anons
the pokemon anime is kinda mind numbing
Only newfags hate xy

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