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ITT: post bad gym leader teams
hard mode: no kalos
if kalos doesn't count, neither should the first games in the series
literally all of them
I don’t know why the fuck this series keeps using gyms when gen 7 already proved you can have boss design that isn’t stagnated dogshit that lazily copies what kanto did
Posting Gen 1 is cheating
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>Dragon Rage
>Dragon Dance + Dragon Tail
Don’t know which is worse
>two mons
>two moves each
>only one of them Is actually grass type
why was this jobber shilled by the ashnime again?
he gives tip top sloppy toppy
>why do they keep copying Kanto (the original and most beloved region) instead of copying Alola (region shit on everyone but toddlers)
gee I dunno anon.
All of them are bad. The only time GF has made teams based around a single type work is blueberry academy elite four.
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>wear dress that looks like drifblim
>don't use drifblim
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>7th gym
>only 3 pokemon
>all shitmons
unova's gyms are just as pathetic as kalos's honestly
Yeah that's weird, her gym layout is cool but you can't even get Mismagius in Platinum
Considering when in the game you'll face her these levels are beyond pitiful.
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i was wondering how long it would take for a GSC team to be posted
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Pic related wouldn't be too bad, until you realize you can get Sableye in the cave right next to him and he can' even touch it, I wouldn't even put this here except RS didn't have this problem since Makuhita had Knock Off.


might be the worse one here. Genuinely braindead movesets. What were they thinking

its the first gym though, also it's not really a grass gym its more like a tutorial type gym.

kek, how embarrassing

to be fair most ice types are shitmons, but they could have given him at least one more Pokemon

she's supposed to be new, still not a good look though. also could have at least given the weezing different movesets.
Level 16 Scyther is pretty OP for that point in the game
why did her steelix get sunny day what were they thinking
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Sabrina feels way more like a final boss than this jobber
She did in DP
because he has a bright smile :)
To lure in fire types, so Steelix can use rock throw on them.

Kinda smart
>poison sting
lol what the fuck

He might honestly be better i he just had Scyhter, the cocoons are such an embarrassment

it's to counter water types (which the play is 3 times more likely to have at that point in the game than fire types) though its weird Steelix even gets Sunny Day in the first place.
it isn't since they all outspeed it
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This is the 8th gym.
What happened to the Dugtrio? Why does he have an unevolved shitmon? Should have stole more moon stones.
This one is okay actually
They wanted to give his team a kaiju theme
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You got the wrong team
kek no it isnt. even if you don't pick cyndaquil, you have access to mareep in GS, geodude, and onix by this point. except even with bayleef bugsy is trash easy.
That explanation makes the exclusion of Rhydon and Nidoking even less acceptable
that's the silph co fight retard. it even says right in picrel
they really just gave up on this one.
was it too much to give, at the minimum, hail to something like vanillish instead of astonish (at the 7th gym btw)? he has two mons with hail-based abilities.
cryogonal is fast at least. give it dual screens or confuse ray to be annoying since its movepool is bad.
beartic needs better coverage, but it's slow as shit and dying anyways. with screens up it could probably live a hit from anything not mega-overleveled. it gets superpower at level 1 so he should've at least gotten that too. toss on some mid-tier TMs like rock slide and shadow claw and you got a 3/10 boss pokemon instead of a 1/10
Nvm I'm also an illiterate retard
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There, I won
>You can get Dig right before it
>Dig's power is 100 in gen I
>even so, Diglett's cave is right next to it
>fucking X Speed 25% of the time
SILPH CO battle
>Just use xxx from 6 routes ago!
Every gym is easy then
>randomly unevolving his Rhyhorn when it's several levels past its evolution point
Easily makes this fight way worse than it should be. What's the point in having your games central antagonist strongest Pokémon be a slow NFE that gets one-shot by 2 of the most common types in the game. Rhydon isn't a ton faster and would die just as quick but it seems so pointless to randomly make it even worse
dear god
You're supposed to solo it with Pikachu. You didn't really beat the gym otherwise.
It's supposed to mirror the anime, besides, Red/Blue Surge's Raichu is infinitely worse
>if it's easy it's bad
You guys know what series you're talking about, right?
>developed the tm earthquake
>none of his mons use it
Because Rhyhorn has the better design. Simple as.
>red, blue, and green
you need at least 3 moves to defeat Surge in Red/Blue, unlike Yellow
Her Driflim is for Contests
i'd fucking shit my asshole inside out if that faggot landed a focus punch on me
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>"2nd" gym
>no held items
>two moves each
>Petilil hard-walled by Sap Sippers
>Smoliv using physical attacks
>ruins a good counter by Terastallizing into the same type as the rest of his team
Compared to Gardenia, he's an absolute joke.
these are supposed to be boss fights
why do autistic people think explaining the thought process that lead to someone making a shitty thing makes it less shitty?
>ITT: post bad gym leader teams
So all of them?
In a pokemon game. They were never hard and were never intended to be. If something being easy makes it bad then I can't imagine why you'd be in to this series in the first place.
poor theory of mind
they assume that everyone thinks the same way they do, and would come to the same conclusions if given the same information
>play game explicitly designed to be like the anime
>wtf this is shit it's too much like the anime
Definitely some autism around.

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