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This might sound farfetched or too hard to pull off but I figured I’ll try anyway
I’ve been thinking of ways to kind of have a group playthrough session
General idea would be something like this
>final digit determines your starters
>play game like normal
Must catch 1 team member before each gym
>after each gym, through emulation magic, wifi battle another anon
>winner gets to keep one mon from the losers team
>do this until E4 / super boss is finished
>then everyone battles each other

Up for critiques or general brainstorming in totally different directions too
sounds gay
I mean I think this could work. There's a few details to work out
>Are there level caps?
>Do you have to battle right after you hear a gym or do you have some time to train your team afterwards
>are the opponents just randomized to "whoever is available at the moment"?
>If there are no available opponents are you just kinda fucked? Can you procceed wothout a battle or do you just gotta keep waiting?
Thank you for the input I’ll try and add some heteroness
>level caps
Probably but just a soft one like a ranged of 1-2 levels compared to gym leader nothing that would matter in real gameplay but prevents hardcore grinding
>opponents randomized
that’s a tough part idk how it would be decided
>are you fucked
Kinda yeah, but there could be planned timed play session
Or if you just upload your pokemon to showdown via pokesav you could always battle at a later time

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