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ITT: We assign Pokémon typings to things that are not Pokémon.

Wouldn’t Normal make more sense? DQ Slime is the equivalent of an early route mon
Normal/Water and have the many other variants with other typings. Simple as.
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I think Slime has to be pure normal. It's the most basic of all basic JRPG monsters, the original early route encounter. Dragon Quest Monsters 2 has a water family and pic related is what you get when you breed a slime with water, so it should probably be normal/water.
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ice type
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>it's blue so it's water
Ability: Punk Rock
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hnnnng *starts jacking off and cums all over the screen*
Ability: Levitate
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A while ago, me and a friend had tried doing something like this for Battle Cats.
> Ninja: Dark, Dark/Flying in TF
> Sumo: Normal/Fighting
> Samurai: Steel, Steel/Fairy in TF
> Zombie: Dark, Ghost/Dark in TF
> Boogie: Normal
> Cats in a Box: Normal, maybe Normal/Dark evolved and Normal/Fire or Fire/Steel in TF
> Bondage: Ground
> Dom: Normal or Dark, Dark or Dark/Electric in TF
> Actress: Flying, Fighting/Flying in TF
> Skirt: Normal
> Panties: Normal, Normal/Grass evolved, Normal/Fairy TF
> Mr.: Normal, Normal/Fighting in TF
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A bit boring. So let anon assign they typing. Assign this guy <<<

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