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There isn't, nor was there ever, such a a thing as a "Incineroar".

Incineroar is a video game character that never existed. He is a fake meme character invented in 2016 by posters on 4chan to see if they could gaslight Nintendo into adding a literal nobody they invented to Smash.

They went all-in on this elaborate fake and created several deepfake games that seem period accurate and tried to say that he was always a series of games that originated on 3DS or the SM anime, but these are complete fabrications. These games and episodes never existed prior to 2016 when he had a sudden spike in mentions and popularity.

Open your eyes people, Incineroar was a fake video game character this whole time and you could tell just by looking at him how fake he is but you guys went along with it anyway, either because you fell for the Incineroar myth or because you were just entertaining the bit. Become a Incineroar truther and stop the dissemination of this disinfo character before it destroys us all.
In truth, Incineroar is every bit as real a character as Gwimbly, Kekcroc, Scripulous Fingore, Sonic.EXE and Petscop.

There is no such thing as Incineroar, and there never was.
who called you a j*htonigger this time?
>a Incineroar
So the Incineroar/Samurott weirdo is an ESL?
He's some balding freak from brazil.
Most regular seethers on this board are. Just ignore brown posters.
Is that why he's also obsessed with calling skeledirge "bald" even though it's a fucking reptile?

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