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ITT based NPCs
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what's with gf and bigger guys? they obviously have a barafag in their midst
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They're just pandering to half their buyers.
God bless him, he's got great taste
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this is probably the closest we'll get to a canon gay MC. it's clear hilberxhiker is a thing
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It's in the manga, too. Hilbert going after burly men is canon
Roughneck Kirby from the gen 4 games. Poor guy is one of the only random trainers I've ever felt sorry for.
I'd be choking too if my team got mercilessly destroyed by a completely normal cat.
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Sorry but he’s straight, him and Andy are just good friends
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I'm going to hell guys. See you there.
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Anyone have a shot of the parasol lady from BW's battle subway that says "If I didn't have a parasol, I'd just be a lady"?
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Hmm. No
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is a japanese meme called gap moe

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