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in hindsight, swsh looked pretty good actually
It would look better in a landfill
Yeah, in cherrypicked screenshots
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you have to cherrypick screenshot to make it look bad
For the main story, up until the 3rd gym, yeah. I did really enjoy battling online though.
looks like shit in the wild area
It has a good artstyle. Artstyle will carry worse graphics
The biggest disappointment wasn't how it looked but how non-explorable the region was outside of the Wild Area
This. Part of the reason why some people still prefers Routes over open world.
It's the art style and the lightning, it does miracles and shows graphics aren't everything, SV technically has better graphics but due to the art style and shitty lightning it looks goddawful
I still feel like wider, more open routes would be better than full open-world, like Mario Galaxy or Mario 3D-World levels
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>When Marnie's Town is a literal hallway
People here don't even play the games
You have to wait until at least next generation to say that and get away with it
Looks like dogshit even for switch
Looks fantastic especially for the switch
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>be disappointed that swsh had no traditional open routes
>shit wild area but at least the game looked pretty decent
>prayed that Gen 9 would go back to Pokémon’s basics but with swsh’s graphics and no open world bullshit
>gen 9 comes out
>open world bullshit
>buggy with shit graphics and barebones “routes” with barely anything to discover
Here’s to me coping that Gen 10 will drop the “WERE MAKING BOTW BUT WITH POKÉMON JUST RIKE YOU WANTED RIGHT HAHA” and go back to older gens basics like fucking decent exploration
gen 9 has the best exploration of every game though.
It had better art direction to SV, but that's all it had
>bigger space = more exploration
not how it works.
>Here’s to me coping that Gen 10 will drop the “WERE MAKING BOTW BUT WITH POKÉMON JUST RIKE YOU WANTED RIGHT HAHA” and go back to older gens basics like fucking decent exploration
Open World syndrome has killed a lot of games. I miss both classic Zelda and classic Pokemon. They also use open world syndrome to justify bloated dev times too. It fucking sucks
>art direction
what are people refering when they're talking about art direction?
>more dancing fat guys = more exploration
not how it works.
The art style of the game and how its executed in the game. Minus the Switch just going low res in a lot of places (and the galar wild area using a few questionable assets), the game looks beautiful. Although a more competent dev would have made it look better. SV on the other hand just looks like unmitigated trash everywhere.
Just look at a SWSH screenshot and a SV screenshot side by side. You'll see SV tried to go for a slightly more realistic approach and it looks worse for it despite technically being better. SWSH leans more into the anime/cartoon aesthetic
it unironically looked better and anyone who says otherwise is fucking blind. the towns also had character, despite being small, which is still better than copying and pasting 17 sandwich shops
Like this?
pretty much
most of the images you posted are literal hallways like the old fairy gym leader's town, the wild area, the crown tundra and the isle of armor look like ass.
Not defending paldea because there's no thinking about the overworld, they just made the most generic routes and biomes possible to handle the open world
the anime style is subjective, the "realistic" designs probably the npcs from the base game your referring are due to lazyness, Sonia, Nessa and Bea have bad 3d models but you're not complaining about them
Stretched out areas with the same copy and pasted ruin assets tucked away in a corner doesn’t count, bud

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