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What could Pokémon learn from other series? Namely other monster series?

>In general
Having world building mons and uncapturable bosses makes for an interesting game. Having sapient mons instead of making human designs with more effort putting into them than the series mainstays
Imagine if we could have fought zapmoltacuno, Lusamine or various rocket mechs as bosses?
Have more heavy duty competitive dudes about and having more branching evolutions so less dexspace is used by useless route one trash is always a plus.

>Legend of Mana
Having an interesting overworld is just as important as having interesting dex. Majority of pokemon's locals are just usual towns

>Arc the lad
Having side missions to flesh out the world made game rather interesting

>Dragon Quest
Having everything be ridable,

What else do you think could be implemented from other series?
>Pokemon could learn how to be like Not-Pokemon
I will never understand this. Explain how Pokemon could be better on its own without referring to other IPs. You have what? An ongoing anime with 26 years of history behind it? A manga series with different characterizations? You have all the different shit in the world from Pokemon itself and you will find what you want to see but instead you look at other IPs which are putting different priorities out. Jesus christ, why are you like this OP?
> like Not-Pokemon
I will never understand this. Explain how Pokemon could be better on its own without referring to other IPs.

You sound zoomish or proto-zoomish, pokemon has been ripping off other ips since the jump

>team rocket
dondoro gang, have mechs, steal things and have disguises, threeman bicycle, calls from the boss and they even blast off at the end of every episode

>catching monsters

>battle system
dragon quest

>Mega evolution
The last boss in dragon quest 4 did so, digimon did so with various modes in world 3

Get out more!
Not an argument.
sure it is, you don't want to face the truth and will continue to play this trite shit till you die.
The humans having better designs than pokemon and the series being mainly about the humans as of late is a serious problem. No one else sees this?
Everything is derivative retard.
you're such a fucking retard
it could learn from SMT by being a good game
What is this from?
I want a subseries where pokemon and humans can talk, not just telepathically, not only special pokemon
Every pokemon should talk
How about games that aren't made for toddlers?
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This should have been a thing from the start, also we got mystery dungeon for that my guy.
The Electric Tale of Pikachu/dengeki pikachu manga the forth manga. Where Sabrina gets her soul stolen by a Haunter. Ash and Brock have to ally with a group of hutners in order to take it down. THIS, is the kinda stories I want in pokemon games, instead of the flat self insertion dogshit games we got.
Eh, they aren't made for toddlers, they are just really low quality
It could also learn from Persona 5 and Pokémon Stadium 2 by button mapping the menu controls and making the animations snappy and worth watching while the turns play out. Also learn from Persona 5 by bringing back guns.
Normies only care about gen 1 designs so the lack of effort is understandable
both sound stupid. Mystery Dungeon was a breath of fresh air compared to the main series
If you refer to the manga then fucking, pokemon adventures, all other are shit.

The games? Pokemon could be better if they stayed 2D. Gamefreak had learned to properly do 2D and when they peak they decide to go full 3D.
"Oh but it needs to evolve" fucking you can still have 2D sprites and make an entire world and mix it up.
however, if you really want 3D, fucking hire others to make the models. Gamefreak can't, look at pokemon coloseum, fucking amazing animations.
You know what ruins pokemon? The pokemon companys greed and nintandos pride. The nippons are so fucking proud they won't even use better shit given to them for free. Other game devs appreciate when stuff like that happens, but not japanese shits.
Moreover, the devs are given a lot less time to work on the pokemon games. Fucking, 6 pokemon games during the time we got BotW and TotK.
They push new pokemon games just to be able to sell merch and get a new pokemon season. It's not about the games anymore. Also, gamefreak has the lowest budget of all AAA titles afaik, despite being the highest grossing franchise in the world.

How to fix pokemon? You need to change nintendo, gamefreak, and the pokemon company. I think I am missing one actor but you get the point. Gamefreak workers are so demoralised as well, since they were pushed too hard to release shit, and it didn't flop, now they all think like, "Doesn't matter what we shit out it will be a success"

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