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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Ho-Oh

- Ceruledge has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>56082524
Sex with plants
Are we not confident to add Armarouge to the OP?
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Why didn't you update the upcoming list with armarouge and infernape's?
Free mah nigress Tinkaton.
Get ready to learn Ching Chong anons
Player profiles needs to be visible to see in the lobby cause no fucking way I'd let a 45%wr with 0/2 k/a who ignores every teamfight jungle. If they're this much of a hindrance, they shouldn't be allowed in ranked in the first place.
I would have added her, it's pretty much confirmed at this point.
don't play with me anon, my heart can't take it
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We had it good at some point.
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Game was already declining here (there was no part 2 other than the other Mewtwo copy-paste event). Honestly if the 3rd anniversary doesn't at least tease a new ranked map it's fucking over.
i wish they'd show the ping of the people on your team so all the moon runes understand I'm fucking trying to peel for them on a red bar connection. not that'd it change the retard comfey-zoroark duo from running into enemy bush at 2:05 and getting blown up instantly.
>3 Chinese fire types
Ho-oh, Infernape and hisuian Arcanine
beauty unrivaled... my lust... insatiable...
It'd be so lame if Infernape was the third fire type, yet another plain all rounder and one of the worst starters in the series. I wouldn't be surprised though as Wukong must exist in all mobile mobas.
Sadly treating everyone like a retard is the optimal way to play.
Take jungle
Take lane creeps on your first gank
Use your team to bait out enemy unites
I forgot about that, fuck it was funny
>release timeline of second anniversary event
>label it "Part 1"
>it's the only image
This was the exact moment in time that the global version got its budget slashed into tiny pieces.
>Take lane creeps on your first gank
And that's how you lose your jungle buffs, kids.
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Theres a chance it could be a speedster
I bet Timi is kicking themselves over not thinking up EX sooner, if Mew released today it would be some bullshit EX mon with Sylas ult and it's ability swap would cost aeos coins but also have the effects of it's current unite for like two seconds.
Is charging charm useful for anything razor claw doesn't do?
I swear to god every single game I played today was full of niggas who would just throw it. 5v4 on Rayquaza every time. What is the point?
Would (you) spend 50 aeos points to revive randos, anon?
I threw my last three games making bad choices, time to stop for today.
May as well, even the biggest shitter can still dump their attacks and change the battle.
>our machoke's getting 1v3'd up top
>our entire team goes up to help him, kill the enemies, and break the goal so we can get eleki
>machoke pings "thanks!"
I think that's the first time I've seen a genuine "Thanks!" from someone in this game.
It's always used as whiny pissbaby signal.
>Pings check it out
>Now mentally resign from the game because I can pin the blame on losing solely on you
Heh, nothin personnel kid.
>it's another team can't secure ray 4v1 a trev when the enemy spends 40 seconds chasing me as dodrio game
tender... supple... fertile...
Needs to be a fucking law that you can't stack in ranked with a negative wr% unless you're in a 5 stack. So many fucking atrocities in the forms of trios tonight on my teams.
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Bros it's pokemon unite weekend, why so ded?
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i UNITE with my girl every night...
I just play the game now and occasionally chime in on questions. I mostly just lurk these threads for news on leaks.
unite entered the bad timeline the day chenny disappeared...
she left us to get splatfest'd...
>get back to rollnig energy on fashion gacha
>make the weekly cap of coins off a day's worth of rolls
I've had the emblem dex completed for a while now, I should start doing that again
I'd wait on it if you already all the holowear and fashion items. The membership subscription seems to be adding energy rolls. It's possible they are about to change the energy rewards in september
inb4 they remove the coins from it
Be aware that you're slowly killing your limited inventory slots. Can't spend or delete fashion or holowear tickets.
Aight Esti friend. I'm back in masters. On reset I'd be happy to duo with you to see how high we can get before everyone gets on and the rankings balance out.
I'm in the market for a new support. Which dickass piece of shit would you rather have on your team between Hoopa and Comfey
Go hoopa. Comfey is extremely boring, and you have to have at least one other decent player on your team.
Hoopa is complex for a support, a lot of fun, and can even carry some games
Was learning towards Hoopa already so I'll probably go with him, thanks. Being able to port your entire team to heals/safety and gather everyone across the map is frustratingly unique. My only concern is that I'll be more of a burden than not until I really get a feel for when and where to do things. Not to mention learning when it's more appropriate to use its other moves.
Well it helps that shadow ball isn't worth using at all right now. Only have to pick between trick and hole
Comfrey is broken allowing you give another broken mon a further unfair advantage or cause frail pokemon like cinder to walk out of situations that should have killed them 5 times over with full hp. Hoopa is an amazing game winning support you could even make an argument for the best support in the game BUT(and this is a massive but) you have to have a good team that know what they are doing and knows how to take advantage of hoopas abilities so if you are still climbing I wouldn't recommend it. It's hard to reccomend comfey for climbing either because you could get a team that cant properly utilize comfey or a team to incompetent to utilize comfey. The best way to support bad plays is with stuns as the only way to help these people is by turning their foes into a training dummy and the best mons for that are wiggelytuff and Mr.Mime, I would say mime is better but some people prefer tuff.

Machamp, Buzzwole and Umbreon also have support like qualities with buzz and champ just having a lot of cc and decent sustain while umbreon literally has a blissey like heal and can trap foes in a circle
What if it an actual interesting all arounder like Machamp or buzzwole?
>solar beam junglers on both sides, but our team comp is better
I do miss stuff like this happening when early draft was around.
I sit around 1600 usually, not good enough to really push beyond it. Ended up getting hoopa and had a bunch of awful one-sided matches where my team died before they could benefit from me. Think I would have been better with Comfey given how random teams are. There's usually at least one good player worth jerking off.
Yeah hoopa is hard to play outside of a 5 stack, it really is nothing without its team. Its received so many nerds it is essentially just there to give transport. I think it loses the 1v1 against every other pokemon except comfey and little cc or healing so it NEEDS a good TEAM unlike comfey who only needs 1 good player.
Comfey is a fucking blight.
>every game I pick Machamp I get put up against the most cc heavy team imaginable
on one hand, I can't complain about a free win
on the other hand I really just fucking wanna play funny hit and run champ instead of having to pain magnet that eats up all the cc
caressing her creamy curvature...
We should have alcremie in unite. Having Decorate or misty terrain as one its moves would be so fun.
When talking about specific moves I still really want to see Oranguru with instruct in Unite.
Practice escaping into portals, it's fun when it works
Eevees make me REEEEEEEEE.
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>duo/trio don't choose a defender or support
>enemy does, has exp share and excellent last hit
>duo/trio picks attackers
>"Defender needed! Supporter needed!"
ayup, that's a greedent/sableye game
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13 days until anniversary. Pokemon Unite will be saved!
Haven't played this game in over 2 years, what do I do if I'm playing Snorlax? He was fun, is he still the same?
His block isn't as aggressive with its stunning but he's generally the same, use slam/yawn for best results and build up the resonant guard item.
/pug what is your best mic interaction stories?
>Sylveon on our team
>Demands to jungle
>Sylveon keeps feeding the enemy team
>Sylveon turns on their mic screaming in a cringe male voice "why are you not helping me"
>Sylveon doesn't show up for teammates throughout the game
>Fug drops, sylveon goes to scroll a 100 instead of grouping up in the center and then dies
>Sylveon screams again "why are you not helping me"!
> Venusaur turns on his mic after snipping Fug and said "Your teammates and your family doesn't need a trans faggot human who only thinks about themselves.
>Enemy team surrenders and Zard pings, Thanks!
>Everyone hits OK! except Sylveon.
Lol he broke his switch?
i played with a zacian a couple times in a row who had her mic on permanently and i could literally hear her try to stop herself from cussing every sentence. like, she would start to say "fucking" and only catch herself at the last moment only to immediately almost make the same mistake again. she wasn't angry even when the game would go south, just vulgar.
Dodrio jungler is never present at any teamfight, is getting mass pinged.
Annoyed girl voice: "Check what out? I'm a speedster, if I go there I'll die!"
I always make sure to turn voice off
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>dying game
>dying thread
Ah gottem ggs
>level 12 petalsaur right before fug weakens red buff to 1% hp and then walks away instead of taking it to go into the fight at level 13
Almost as fucking retarded as our talonflame who pinged everything but had no idea how to play.
>aegislash goes to rab corner mob instead of fight for the altaria in the middle
>enemy gets level 5 power spike
>we're still waiting for our 5 spike
>aegislash jumps in to fight
>lane snowballs uncontrollably from there
I should have just left it alone and abandoned it entirely instead of trying to defend and feeding more.
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2 days to reveal it's Ho-oh or what?
>team instalocks slowbro eldegoss falinks
>been wanting to play venasaur all day, lock in for bot
>our last pick goes assault vest rocky helm sp. atk specs lane talonflame
i bet she pulsates real nice
I just want the next update so we can see what Armarouge is going to be.
I hate Mimikyu so fucking much, this thing has singlehandedly made this season pretty much unplayable.
I'd rather have the release mewtwos than this braindead mon
A ranged defender Chad, or all rounder
He gets buffed every update, the devs are biased
There's no way to tell it's ho-oh anon, how could you possibly know?
Trick Room buffs... please...
What's that? Buff shadow sneak? Will do
>play Mimikyu on release, it's pretty busted
>will probably get nerfed for the f2p guys haha
>gets a slight nerf to each move except Trick Room
>SC + PR + SS get buffed again
>TR gets a small buff in a minor patch
>SC + PR + SS get buffed AGAIN
>AND AGAIN due to a purple holowear release
Mimikyu's kit is fundamentally pretty busted. It's got one of two unite moves in the game that can interrupt Slowbeam (the other being... Slowbeam), an extremely forgiving projectile with insane range that lets it check bushes from across the lane AND stun people on teleport (the .25s Fear does so much for him), on-demand invuln that allows cooldowns to refresh while in use, and a great sustain move in Shadow Claw if playing reactively isn't your thing.
The only reason I tolerate going up against this thing is because you do actually have to put effort in to make something of its kit. You have to aim, you usually have to predict with the teleport, and knowing cooldown timers of both his and your enemy's moves blows him up into a VERY snowbally mon. Also he can two-shot Eevees. Fuck Eevee players.
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>30 seconds left
>retards don't know we are in the lead and go score
>can't defend against 2
This happens so often, why can't these timi fucks add a "we are in the lead, let's defend" quick chat message?
Something big is spreading around behind the scenes. Something good apparently
my girl spreading behind the scenes... i got something big for her... something good...
Retreat, defend our goal zone? Both can be used without even choosing them as part of your loadout.
After Drain Kiss on Clefable gets a meaningful buff.
We need one that says "were winning don't attack boss, just protect it and run the clock"
I like Machamp cuz he runs in like a madman and suplexes people to death and it's funny.
I started as a submission enthusiast, swore by DP after the range buff, but came back to submission at some point.
>draft match
>on the enemy team
Thank god.
>check match history, they frequently play sludge dance
I ve gone from 1300 to 1250 in a couple of days. We thrown the games in every way possible. This is, I think, my biggest feat in the game. It's hard to lose points at all
I prefer submission because popping it lets you line up your ult without any way for the enemy to interfere.
top kek
Next time I have a teammate lock in Ceruledge I'm fucking turning off the game.
play absol in jungle pursuit/sucker punch and kill them all. early master is ez anon
I played a lot of machamp back in the day but unfortunately it just got power crept. His ult is the most satisfying in the game when it lands
>jungler doesn't go back into jungle after first rotation
>our ralts goes into our jungle and proceeds to get decimated by the enemy jungler stealing everything inside
>ralts goes AFK
The funny part is after this, we stomped the enemy team into oblivion 4v5.
>Get two retards on my team
>Lose in embarrassing fashion
>Decide to play another round
>Two retards on the other team
>We stomp them in convincing fashion
When did you feel like you could win despite the handicap?
I was always worried about losing it at fug since it was 4v5, so only after we wiped them there.
>Cris made his twitch VODs subscriber only
Man, I wanted to watch him bitch at losing really hard that match.
he streams on youtube as well so you can check there
he has a secondary youtube channel where he posts most of his matches crisheroes dlc
On another note, I just remembered the Ralts was a Thanks pinger in my previous match.
I buyed the summer glaceon and Lapras costumes, they're cute. Just need a Lapras buff so I don't feel like I'm handicapping my team
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>Pick Attacker
>Run away from fights
>Pick All-Rounder
>Try to 1v5 the enemy team and never farm
>Pick Speedster
>Spend the entire match farming and trying to score
>Pick Defender
>Stay at the back of the group in fights
>Pick Support
>Stay in the opposite lane to the rest of your team all match
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>come back to /pug/
>threads just still getting bumped every 4 hours to save us from extinction by like 1 person playing this shitty game's solo queue
lmao just let the threads die until the 19th when zard gets his skinbuffs and start a thread with him (it's necessary instead of whatever that is) and maybe, JUST MAYBE, people will actually play this trash game again. Ironic, you wished for defender/support slop meta and now are crawling back to him, I was right all along
my girl and i bumping deep into the night...
Have your most played mons changed much? Gengar's in my most played, but I'm pretty sure I've barely touched him in the last couple seasons, and he's just up there from the sheer amount I played at launch.
I used to be a good little support-tank main but now I instalock dodrio or pikachu, sometimes I'll be nice and switch to slowbro or blastoise if I recognise people on my team but I don't fucking care anymore
Same situation but with Garde.
I played her a -lot- when she first released back when she was shit and evolved at level 6/10.
I still play her occasionally, but now if I wanna play an Attacker I just play shit like Ninetales or Pikachu for stuns, Espeon to be a nigh untouchable cunt, or go tanky MF Sylveon to outlast damn near anyone 1v1.
I just realized I haven't played Unite all day.
That's probably a good thing.
How has Espeon managed to dodge nerfs so long while glaceon gets them every other patch
If I had to guess, it'd be that there were probably more people that complain about Glaceon than Espeon since Glaceon obliterates one target from a mile away so it feels more personal than Espeon hitting most of your team with Stored Power.
>update on 15th
Wonder if there will be a balance patch too, at the very least we'll see the next mon to be released after Ho-oh
Used to be a heavy Greedent player but the game's got powercrept so much and retarded shit like "well we accidentally bugged bullet seed to cancel on any cc so instead of fixing it we just made it do more damage lol" really put me off the little guy
I played Greedent so much that it's still in my top 3 overall but I haven't touched it seriously in ages due to very similar reasoning as >>56162925
Outside of that no, my other most played mons (Azu, Dura, Blastoise) I still use decently frequently
Been about 2 and a half year since I played.
So whats new? Anything I should know about?
I used to main Slowbro but I see they added Umbreon which is one of my favorites so I think I should try playing that.
>come back to game
>do just enough missions to get the returning player free license
Guess I'll just wait for the event to get Ho-oh for free and then fuck off for another while
Slowbro is in a good spot right now. Umbreon is also really good, but don't pick mean look in soloq.
Resonant guard is an op held tem for tanks, get it asap
New map, draft in ranked if everyone in the match has above 1400 MMR
Whats wrong with Meanlook?
Nothing, it's a great move if you have decent follow up. The problem is getting the follow up
So which map do I play in casual?
Remoat Stadium or Theia Sky ruins?
Goss was my main starting out. Lately, I find that I really don't know how to play her anymore. Any advice? I mostly use A9, Trev and Cinder now
pollen puff and cotton guard, shit on your lane and get camped by enemy jungler followed by realising why the FUCK would you play a support in solo queue and going back to A9 "support" or trev
>cotton guard
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Im playing ranked but pretty sure its just all against bots.
exp, muscle, res guard. button or xspeed
pollen puff, cotton spore/cotton guard
auto attack and win lane, use unite to either save people or claim ray
pollen puff+ can lowers incoming damage on teammates you put it on so remember to do that
cotton guard is fine rn
You'll get bots until about ultra or so
My most played mon is Mr. Mime. Probably one of the most changed mons period it's been a wild ride I remember when he could 1v1 every other pokemon in the game and come out on top with guard swap, psychic and it's old auto attacks. Hes still in a good spot today dispite all the changes and power creep AND with some simple reversions could keep up with future power creep.
Cotton Guard is still good despite all the nerfs it has over the years. The only time I run Spore over guard is when the enemy team has both a mimikyu/Ceruledge so you have to stun those fuckers as soon as possibly so they cant just runaway or gank on your team.
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Exactly. Sucks cuz that build was part of what made the game so fun for me. I love Goss.

I have not tried the new items on Goss. Thanks for the advice, bros
>charmander asserts himself into our jungle
>gives up jungle after first rotation
>never shows up for defending objectives
>takes farm from everyone else
>pings at everyone for being low level
Today I found out the intelleon is actually a special attacker. Im so sorry to all the people trying to steal jungle I thought you guys were assholes but instead you were just initiating retard alert protocols, which I respect.
Funnily enough still have a 60+ wr with intelleon despite using all phys attack items.
Mr Mime is like Cram where it usually stays a solid pick unless they fuck something up.
To be fair i kept trying mons im not used to playing, but holy shit i tanked. I'm back up now
I cant wait to get over the Armarouge guy
They should have not gave Mr. Mime auto a meter though. Either with confusion/barrier or psychic/swap both are good. I just wish Mr.mime has more interaction with Psychic/light screen or barrier. That way we have more mons similar to cram who can be good, playing with any set. Depending on the buffs Zard gets in the next patch we can also add him to that list
>switch with someone so they can get comfey
>no exp share
What ideal items does hoopa want to run?
exp share, muscle band, and either guard, focus band, or rf scarf
Why am I always stuck with the negative duos/trios on my team who never fucking group up? 8/10 of my games today, always with shit builds, never show up at an objective until it's gone.
I fucking hate playing on sundays. Every time, every match, it's the smoothest brained children/autistic shits that have no concept of composition or even how to play their characters OR some mentally deranged lunatic that gets upset over the most trivial thing and spends the rest of the match running around spamming Thanks/Check It Out! throwing everything.
>just came back to the game after over a year
>50% of my games are bot games
does this stop happening when I get back to ultra?
Fuck the devs for making x-speed a thing, I hope they choke on rocks.
Do you remember the smoke meta?
People sleep on smoke it's still a very effective item
It's decent, but not even close to how crazy it used to be before the nerfs.
Man, Hoopa chunks the shit out of me in lane. I really need to learn how to use this thing, I'll try one tricking it to Master next season.
>last picks zoroark into clefable
>does one jungle rotation and never goes on again
>nobody on my team goes into our jungle after this
>draft calls bot lane
>game starts, they go top, bot lane now has a fucked comp
Hopefully never.
One awful Gen 9 starter is more than enough.
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Big patch soon bros. Where's the hype?
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Zard melee buffs Finally! Will have to see the numbers on Fire Punch because I really like the speed boost from Flamethrower but Flare Blitz finally got a buff.

Very Glad my cram only got a slap on the beak with its unite.
Sylveon nerfs are due to tournament plays.
All-rounders fags besides Zard/Machamp/Garch/Lucario/Gyar will bitch and cry about Delphox Fire spin/Fire Blast CD buff.
>fire spin
>cooldown reduced
See, already fucking called it. Every damn time.
Found the Delphox player.
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Found the all-rounder faggot. Enjoy those Spins/Spins/Spins
Certain datamined data suggests Armarouge, Palafin and Koraidon are the next gen 9 reps. Maybe after that
And timi can get those mons into Unite on time before the game is killed? I'm not sure since Timi has a shit release schedule for mons.
It looks like Armarouge is next. I'd bet money Koraidon is the next EX pokemon on the 27th of February (next pokemon day). Palafin is a wild card but it's getting a ton of promotion lately. I think it will happen within the next 12 months

The game is not dying as soon as you want, ruinfags
Talon buff! Thank you Ho-oh for giving this buff

No thanks
>sylveon nerfs
>dodrio getting a light smack
>charizard buff
>delphox buff
>random pikachu buff
Oh this is great, my salty picks and my legit picks are getting changed in ways I agree with
>only the stronger flamethrower set on Chandy got buffed
>that pitiful budd on Talon despite it being the worst fire type of the bunch
Odd decisions but hey lots of good stuff like Clef and Zard.
>no sableye buffs
does sableye need a rework if their so afraid of buffing him
>fug starts
>ping instantly tanks from green to red
Okay, now that's some pretty fucking suspicious timing.
Honestly maybe. If so it'd be eerily similar to Mime's own journey (Really good at release, nerfed continuously over the next few months to the point of unviability, a few token buffs that don't do anything near enough to fix it, then complete silence for a while until an out-of-nowhere rework)
Had too long of a win streak. My teammates are starting to get ridiculous.
I just broke 1600 and decided to tap out until the patch. Teammates were getting unbearable and I needed to take a break
>Not losing matches intentionally now that you have the sticker
>Not lowering your MMR so that Master will be easier to climb next season
Heh. Casul.
If Sableye gets a rework it will become a Mr.Mime when his rework launched and then it took multiple nerfs (so many nerfs) just to bring Mr. Mime to a balance state. Mr. Mime wasn't OP as Sableye when both launched, Mime only had confusion/barrier. Now Mime is in a good stage, but for a mon like Sableye can only turn out broken or shit, it has no middle ground.

Maybe give Feint Attack a rework instead of dropping fake energy, let it be a dash or sure shot that lowers a target defense since the move is supposed to never fail hence why its a sure shot and its a sneak attack so giving a defense down after spooking an enemy. If Feint is used after knock off or shadow sneak, those moves get a slight cd buff. But even this sounds strong. If I get hate for this not a shocker, trying to make Sableye balance is pretty damn hard.
Why do people care about rank stickers? They don't make your character look cute/sexy for their profile, unlike the others.
Any way you can tell for sure if the enemy have a duo/trio? Outside of matching names of course.
>still no emblems

Going the way of pizza tickets I see
You can look at UniteAPI and find your matches and it'll show you who's in a duo/trio.
In-game if two enemies almost always stick together they might be a duo, but that's still a maybe.
Otherwise it's just a blind guess.

Zards can finally hit Unstoppable targets with his Unite!!!
Nooo, I love my shitty teemo shrooms.
Fucking finally, also
>Zoroark is no longer invincible when transforming
This is quite nice too, hated having to deal with this, it's a shame they still can't recognize what's bad about Clefable drain kiss though
Is Raichu playable already?
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>Sylveon nerfed
>Queue for ranked
>Pick HV/CM
>Get MVP
>Queue for ranked
>Pick MF/DK
>Get MVP
lol nerfs.
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Now they just need to do that with Tsareena.
The sticker is meaningless. It's just that Master is too easy.
1400-1600 is the point where the player pool is competant enough for the matches to be intense.
Meta-slaves and one-tricks are common in this section, and beating them is incredibly satisfying.
It's because of the climb to 1600 that I played some of my closest games in Unite. It's not worth the time investment though
play it like Cinder, puff/spore and a full aggro build, Goss does a really good job doubling up as an adc while also stunning, slowing and healing
This, every new season isn't fun until I reach at least 1400, matches where someone throws or is just completely retarded are all to common otherwise.
Any Unite that has the animation Zard/Tsareena has should automatically work on unstoppable targets. This buff should have been implemented for those mons long ago.

Cant deny this. I abused the shit out of that mechanic to dodge attacks/unite and with full heal, it made the job easier as well to delete the enemy. It is why Zoroark despite its winrate being in 49%, is the 6th place in the banlist. Zoroark mains who knows how to abuse its invincible, full heal and attack order combo can be a real menace.
>nothing besides that one Armarouge image
I bet the spic is hiding something but what can you do?
>no new items
I expected way more from the anniversary patch.
He is yeah. He's protecting his ass
please look forward to that as well as a new map in part 2 :)
Pretty decent, I was worried they were gonna go overboard with the battlepass buffs.
I hover around the 1700-1800 bracket, if Im placed in the 3rd or God forbid the 4th slot during the character select screen I can guarantee its a duo/trio since there aren't enough people with that high a rank.
>Sableye getting the Zirco Trading outfit it has on the Holowear shop screen
>no buffs
I don't even play it and I find that kinda weird. Maybe we are in for a rework.
>decide to try dk clef again after the buffs
>127k damage
lowered cd is just what it needed to be even more annoying, thank god no one plays this but me
lol tsareena
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>Can now grab Pokémon that are in hindrance resistance or unstoppable status
I think every Clefable I've seen today has been playing Draining Kiss. I mean it is fun even if it's troll.
>5% increase to gale wings
This changes absolutely everything and will totally let the bird compete with other speedsters.
>boot up Unite
>see griefer's name on mon select screen
>close Unite
Maybe some other time
Looks like they lowered the draft requirements because I'm getting drafts at 1300 again
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The amount of players I've had on my team below 200 games is just criminal. I know it's easy to get to Masters, but come on, this is so unfun and unfair when so many tryhard duos/trios are on the ladder.

I peaked at 1601 this season. I'll be joining you in the 1300s soon going by how much I've been losing.
Had the best season yet up to 1600 and the moment I reached it I've tanked down to low-mid 1500s due to the amount of simply unreasonable players I've been matched with
Everyone is instant banning Clef and Ceruledge lol. I'm glad so they can't enjoy the buffs while Zard keeps dominating.
A retarded Venusaur actually thought he could beat Zard with Giga/Petal lol. I bullied that retard the entire match. Stick to Sludge/Beam Saur players. Giga/Petal only works if the enemy team has a falinks since Giga buffs saur for each mon hit from falinks
>charizard buffed
>still get the fabled 7:00 charmeleon
some people are beyond buffs
Okay something is absolutely fucked with Falinks, I don't know if it's beat up/megahorn or potion but it's fucked
You can give Charizard all the buffs in the world, but you can't buff Charizard players.
Also just for people who won't click the vid the thing is randomly healing to full.
Went into practice and it's the fucking little guys returning from beat up
My Garchomp had fucking leftovers on. This game is so fucking doomed its not even funny.
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I kinda wanna play comfey, but i dont want to be useless, at the same time i dont want to do the typical moveset has anyone had good time with a sweet kiss combo without being useless to the team?
Sweet kiss shadow claw Mimikyu, I've also seen sweet kiss discharge Zeraora do insanely well.
The same shit happened when Gato got all those massive buffs and faggots instant locked it before I did. They couldn't play for shit even when they jungle.
No amount of buffs for any mon will fix the mental retardation Unite is plagued with by certain Players. That's why I'm throwing games so next season I won't interact with them as much when everyone rushes to climb Masters.
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Megahorn restores HP, and Beat up essentially let's you use it 5x if you're close enough to hit the target
Auto-spell vamp is also a thing.
Beat up Horn Falinks is pretty much as strong as Azumarill but he's pretty easy to burn down due to the multiple hit-box: Your clip Falinks almost got wiped by a single Petalsaur
It has nothing to do with Megahorn, troopers returning now restores HP even with Iron Head. It's bugged.
Retard you can even see megahorn on cooldown on the second clip
You shouldn't be shocked anon. People claim they know what they are talking about but don't know shit. I'm not shocked Fal is bugged now. This happens every damn patch
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FOUR EX mons. It's over.
oh nooo ranked is mysteriously allowing EX mons when they add a new EX mon for the anniversary who could have seen this coming
Ya got me. This is what too much Pokemon Unite does to the brain
Let's go!
Jk. We already knew this was going to happen. Soon we will have a EX mon event lol, when the 5th EX mon drops
Just made 2 slowbro players quit after using Zards unite to cancel out Slowbros unite! They waited for me to use my Unite but most Zard mains know better. Can't speak for the brain dead ones though
Because people assume you are playing for the team heal set, not to be a pink dps
Should cut the elo of any team who wins with EX pokemon by half just cause they're fucking annoying. Lose/lose for everyone who plays it in ranked.
Can special attackers use the charging charm?
Timi cares about money so they are not going to do this. Either drop the game until next season or enjoy seeing 2+ EX mons on the enemy team for Rank, because next season will allow 4 EX mons on a team unless everyone is 1300+ for a draft mode to start.
I can't even think of a physical attacker that would want it.
>if you hit an enemy in a bush with no vision you now see the damage numbers
Not sure if bug or they really want to dumbify the game as much as possible.
oh my god i didn't even consider using it like that. There's a cram one trick I fucking hate that I'm going to start hunting.
SS Deci, fly Talon, and SB leafeon are probably the only ones with an actual case to use charging charm over other items
Phys mons with one big nuke
I rarely see the ex mons these days, I'm sure Ho-oh is going to terrorize ranked though but I won't know cause fuck playing this while Falinks is bugged.
Feels like that would only be good with SolarBlade though.
Also Zards unite is bugged. Didn't save the clip, but when Zard uses it Unite on a double team clone like Greninja or Meow, the Zards Unite still slams the clone, Zard still gets to remain active in his Unite duration and has a 70%+ charge rate for his next Unite.
silkiness of supreme caliber...
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>saves your game
eww draft.. the only way to avoid this shit is to get 1600 immediately when then season starts ugh
I think it's always been like that, but I could be wrong.
New update just dropped (bringing it to, was this a Falinks hotfix?
Draft starts at 1300 for this season
really? says 1200 right there
I asked for 1200 draft and no EX. At least got half of it...
yes and cram
She should've gotten the same ult treatment Zard just got.
Tsareena mains on suicide watch since Zard and Slowbro can take players out of their Ults.
Is it just me or Falinks feels a lot squishier now? Did they fuck something up again? Feels like the troopers take more damage than they used to
Why don't any of the healers run rescue hood?
Is it really that much worse than glasses/specs?
Puff Pollen at Level 15 heals about 1500. Rescue Hood improves things about 10%, so 150.

PP has 150% SP scaling, so 100 SP ATK would be an equivalent boost at L15. But you aren't going to be 15 for most of the match.

Let's drop to L8 or so. PP heals about 700, so RC boosts 70. Equivalent is about 47 SP.
What's wrong with cramorant? Haven't seen the bug because no one plays the fucking thing
Fucking MMQ can do the same without even needing an ult. And then it ults.
razor leaf top laning jungler lmao
>not one, not two, BUT THREE NIGGAS ping spamming the whole game
>me and Garde defend against Eleki 2v5, we kill 2 and the other 3 have 1HP
>our three ping spammers are backcapping
It's kind of funny how they're all convinced that they weren't the problem that match.
that was a painful game
>incredibly shitty player literally singlehandedly gets the team killed or throws the match at every opportunity
>spams thanks
every time
Sucks to hear, but least it was one player and not an entire sub 48% wr perma top lane/jungle trio I had yesterday.
>charizard grabs me during absol unite
wtf that isn't even unstoppable that's just straight up gone
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Funny as fuck.
The Charizard buffs are so fun but I fear it's going to get nerfed to be worse than before.
Why? It’s good now but it’s not that good, they basically just put it back to where it was before
How does water urshifu still suck this much? It’s insane how much this thing has fallen from relevance
>just won with someone throwing as hard as they can, taking all the farm, avoiding all the fights, even avoiding avoiding scoring at the end because they were afraid we would win
Because without the sustain it used to have it's just a gimped Zoro.
They’ve sort of written themselves into a corner; the way they want this thing to fight they want it jumping into 2 or more enemies like tyranitar or metagross, but it doesn’t do enough damage or get enough sustain

If drown crown were buffed, along with rapid fire scarf it could be reasonable; but it just doesn’t do enough damage, or heal itself enough. And liquidation is a practically useless move. It’s a shame. It’s either OP or gimped
Tsareena buffs when? T^T
my girl is very touchable...
I think liquidation is the biggest problem, single strike can work as throat chop and the ult both work well with with its main attack, liquidation is just such a bad move even with the damage buff.
Zard can spam fire punch at lv 11 a lot faster then it could before. Devs will most likely go after fire punch for its nerf and Zards unite. Flare blitz is viable now, not broken so it will probably stay the way it is now. I still prefer Fire Blast since it can flip objectives more.
I can't tell if punch is genuinely overtuned or if people just aren't used to dealing with Meleezard.
not needed, git gud
After she gets her battle pass, maybe. There's not much rhyme or reason to buffs. Still holding hope for Lapras getting some love, she's basically extinct
Been getting back into the game, just played 3 games in a row where my team had 2+ people going jungle and leaving a lane to get bullied while basically never doing anything..

Did people in this game get even less able to understand the mechanics of the game?
End of the season ranked at low ranks is possibly the absolute worst players in existence.
No, very much so needed. Tsareena tickles enemies and even if you use triple axel for faster basics, it’s nothing compared to gyrados for example
Fire punch is fine. I play fire punch fire blast anyway. Don’t care about blitz.
I think its fine as well but mons that get battle pass buffs always ends up getting a nerf later in the future so I'm betting its going to be fire punch sadly.
Their playstyles are different, and Gyarados suffers from being completely stationary when bounce goes on cooldown and is therefore very easily kited, unlike Tsareena
Doesn't need any buffs, it is a skill issue at this point so virgin Tsareena mains can make their shitty wifu break her legs due to skill issues, while Chad Tsareena mains and still step on enemies to death.
Tsareena got 2 defense stats buffs
Stomp/Axel got a HP recovery buff
Trop/Glide got shield buffs and Trop got a lower CD.
Plus her API winrate has also been in the solid 50% range since she got those buffs.
This. Virgins want Tsareena to be broken again like on release since they refuse to learn how to play Tsareena in a balance state
Been a Tsareena enjoyer since she launched and she's sat comfortbaly at the number 1 spot for ages. The only real change is that Slowbro has taken over 2nd place because I'm forced to pay the defender tax so often, at least Slowbro is pretty fun sometimes, but lately I've been looking at Goodra, Crustle and Lapras...
>>Unite Move: Seismic Slam
>>Can now grab Pokémon that are in hindrance resistance or unstoppable status

What the FUCK, Tsareena bros???
Eesti fren. I'll see you here 8 hours from now at season reset.
I'll be sleeping by then
When I am free is tomorrow evening, probably
>ex licenses were a shit idea we're just gonna balance the mons
>we're gonna do balance patches every month
>we're going back to fast new mon releases after worlds
i-i thought the game was eos bros
Wow, they're doing exactly what I've asked for in the survey — 1200 draft and either banning EX from masters or removing the EX category and balancing them in line with other mons.
I feel seen.
I'm frankly surprised unite DIDN'T die from EX pokemon becoming a thing, that's quite possibly one of the most retarded ideas I've seen introduced to a "completive" online game ever
>we will be making balance adjustments once a month
>While we introduced fewer Pokémon in 2024 than in previous years, we plan to pick up the pace following the 2024 Pokémon World Championships in August
So I guess that they either got a larger team so they can handle the more frequent updates for global and working on the chinese version at the same time, or the beta is getting close to release and it's gonna go global (so they didn't need to expand the team as much).
Now all we need is french maid sylveon
I don't want to defend timi or tencent but I still fully believe that was just a retarded thing set on them by TPCi
Fuck swinub, fuck squirtle and fuck dwebble. Oppressive little shits.
Swinub in particular has skills that flow so smoothly into each other for combos. Then it evolves and gets clunky skills that make me miss the Swinub stage.
get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match get decidueye teammate lose match
So what's the Ho-Oh Build?

Fly and Flamethrower?
Fly for the movement and 3 boosted autos to heal?
Flamethrower for the healing effect?

What about items? Focus Band, Resonant Guard, and EXP Share?
>fag backcaps during fug when enemy adc is alive
>the entire team lights them up with pings
the slightest bit of comfort in trying times
the sylveon in unite is a male
Isn't there holowear which changes some Eevees to female? I heard of it but I don't play Eevees
that was a bug/glitch for checkered style umbreon and i think leafeon checkered style they fixed it so now it shows male eevee tail for them
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>actual good news for pokemon unite
What the fuck? I wasn't expecting the devs to actually do something reasonable for once.
Seems like now that they're basically done with the Chinese version they finally pulled their head out of their ass
I know, it's wonderful. Now all we need is french maid sylveon
I keep getting matched against a Ho-oh faggot and yeah it's just gg if the enemy has one that revive is absurd
how many pokemon does 50 energy rayquaza fight ho-oh ult revive?
I wonder what new pokemon they will release after ceruledge's sister
>like 2 hours until season reset
>hardstuck at 1500 because every team I get just blatantly rips fug in the lead and ignores it when behind
I mean yeah that's how it always is but it's extra fucking aggressive tonight, ggs no funny worthless badge for me
All allies within range. It takes 10 energy per revive for 1 ally within range.
oh that's fucking stupid lol
The guy who posted the Armarouge picture has been saying another fire type will be after her.
huffing my flareon all rounder copium
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>draft mode
>neither side bans ho-oh
>enemy doesn't pick it
>our team instalocks ho-oh falinks
How is Ho-Oh in matches? Seemed pretty strong in practice.
The damage seems about what I'd expect from the other defenders, maybe a bit on the low side but I haven't figured out how to really best use it. I enjoy the slows of the fire. Flamethrower feels super janky to use and you can be bopped out of Sky Attack by basically everything. Tailwind damage is silly. The revive is way too easy to use and too large a range, I expect them to either increase the cost or decrease how much HP alllies are revived with. I really enjoy Fire Spin and Sky Attack at the moment
Of course none of this matters when your draft team has a rfs muscle band razor claw gardevoir
>have to refarm the panic parade powerups
lol no. Not touching this shit again.
I got one that used their unite at the start of the fug fight then ripped fug
in the lead
against a Decidueye
this just in 4 matches with it on my side and they keep their unite even after dying why is no one using it do unite players even read?!?!
why use the unite when it does no damage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!
I think once people understand that you can sneeze on Sky Attack to knock it out of it, and properly set up to instantly rekill whoever is being revived, people will handle Ho-oh a lot better.
Didn't they say it was Koraidon?
>miraidon and ho-oh in one game
>can't see anything on screen
Thank God they're gonna actually try to balance EX

I've been wanting to play Miraidon for a long time but couldn't because it was just too easy
No Koraidon along with Cyclizar and Palafin were just part of the gen 9 Pokémon added to the files first along with the knights and Miraidon when Meow released.
You'll get it next season.
Just don't try to leave your homework until the last second. The matchmaking gets worse if you win too much in a single day
Same. First season I've failed to get it.
Anon why did you curse me, this Gardevoir showed up on my team on the last match before reset.
lmaooooo it's what you get for being Australian/OCE server scum
Oh boy here we go, new season and I'm going to be a fucking idiot and start playing right now
you want to play now to avoid shitters later
first match ho-oh that never used ult, and my team losing 4v2 while I get beat on for 40 seconds by the enemy fed owl, ow the edge, and his pocket blissey
like >>56187301 >>56187060 said if it doesn't kill timmies won't use it
This game would be infinitely better if Decidueye, Cinderace and Greninja were deleted from the game
That was me who said they won't use it because they do no damage lol.
This is a post that would've been made in the first year of the game almost verbatim
Guess they finally managed to comvince TPCi that deliberately making an entire group of Pokémon way stronger than any other character isn't a very good idea.
pokeo205 fucking kill yourself you stupid cunt, instalock jungle cinderace and spend all game ignoring the team going to the opposite side of the map where all you have to do was show up and hold down A while your tank, all rounder, and clefable easily kept you safe but nah you're a fucking retard with less brain function than the acquired brain injury clients who can hardly form a sentence I have on some shifts
382 battles as cinderace and a 45% win rate. Every fucking top pokemon is float stone muscle band choice specs, for absol and cinderace and zeraora. How the fuck do you choose to play a game for so long and refuse to improve in any way?
fuck yeah getting a trio with clan tags who try to rip ray when we're ahead and the enemy meow, machamp, and hoopa are alive with ults, love it
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>captain tsareena holowear finally on sale
>still have to spend $20 to afford it
Fuck this game.
This is the absolute worst start to a season I've ever had. I genuinely cannot believe what I am seeing. 3 hours and I haven't moved rank wise
>not even unite related vore
kukuku shaunberg couldn't avoid me this time. You see, like all kikes, shaunberg's agenda is to pretend the holohoax was real, which is why he'll never be able to admit it never happened. Unfortunately for him, those of us in the know are aware that it was just a ruse to garner sympathy so that no one would bat an eye about (((them))) siezing land that never belonged to Khazar larpers like themselves.

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