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Out of all the eeveelutions, why did it end up being vaporeon?
While not out-and-out ugly, Vaporeon is definitely the least attractive Eeveelution. I doubt that you'd have an easy time explaining to a layperson why you're attracted to any cat-dog-fox thing, but I think that it'd be a tiny bit easier with Glaceon - she's got a hime cut and a fat ass. So on the original writer's end, he has to work double shift to justify his attraction to Vaporeon specifically. And he's a sperg so he named game statistics like they were facts.
On the normoid end the underlying joke is that somebody would be so sexually passionate about something like the Pokemon. To them it's like going to the circus and looking at the bearded lady.
Go on, what did Vaporeon end up being?
copypasta spreading to plebbit
more recognizable than the other eevees because it's from gen 1
sex with pokemon
It should have been Flareon.
Vaporeon is bland and lame
You're the one seething through, you always appear whenever somebody brings up wanting to fuck glaceon or vaporeon
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"Officially", it's Glaceon
Please kindly fuck off back to >>>/v/ , tourist
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I dunno, but have some Chappy so I can find this new colony later
You are unwanted, undesired, and you don't belong here, suhhuman /v/irgin
Keep crying about it retard
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She is pretty fucking hot though
Vaporeon is the best design out of the Eevee evolutions. The type theming feels the most natural out of all of them.
Compare it to, for example:
>how do we represent grass as a type visually? idk just put a leaf on its head
High compatibility.
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Pokémon aren't animals and samefagging won't convince anyone, tourist.
dolphin pussy
Dont even have to reply and you seethe
Rent free.
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Vaporeon is hot, but Glaceon is sexier. Sylveon too.
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It's true. Glaceon was the only pokemon that I ever had a crush on as a kid, I remember feeling weird after letting my Eevee evolve into it, not in a sexual way but in a romantic way
Damn she's hot
Purest form of love
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Always remember, bros:

if the eeveelution has no cookie, then you're not fapping to it correctly
But Vaporeon has a dolphin pussy.
>why does a single autist force a meme until underage "sex lmao" autists end up parroting it anywhere?
What's stopping you from spamming a Glaceon copypasta?
>butt raised in the air like a cat in heat
>backwards facing, bedroom eyes
This is outrageous.
Having a copypasta that originated on /vp/ and regurgitated by leddit degens truly is the absolute worst fate for any Pokemon. At least you don't appear like a cumbrain when your favorite Pokemon is weak.
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>POV: my erect penis
couldn't take a hint from your earlier ban today, /v/ tourist?
Your mom is a dog that your whole village rapes daily
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We'll never fuck real dogs because we can tell the difference bewteen fantasy and reality
People like mermaids.
The dolphin tail I like. The head fins and the widow's peak are kinda out there, though. I don't think that it was designed to look explicitly feminine.
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Is she jacking off
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>This whole thread
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Fluffy fish!
Gen Wun + meta + isn't blatantly girl coded so both guys and girls can enjoy using her
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I forgot to say thanks, anon! Didn't have that one
Some redditor lurking here screencap a dead thread of some vaporeonfag with little replies, post it on Reddit, and it proceeded blew up big everywhere else. That's why it became the meme horny pokemon.
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Because you gave it a water stone, probably.
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Wouldnt fluff be an issue for aquatic mons who tend to chill inside of the water?
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Otters, beavers, etc do just fine
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from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWJXG2SS6AA
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Quite literally a forced meme that escaped this shithole’s confines, nothing more. It’s gotten to the point that posting Vaporeon art, discussing Vaporeon stuff (like its TGC cards), or hell, just mentioning Vaporeon anywhere triggers every unfunny child on the internet to post the copypasta.

>captcha: R2D2
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The moisturization.
Gen 1 eeveelotuions are twice as well known as the more recent ones due to it being the lowest common denominator for pokemon fans. If you look at only the first 3, and only the gen 1 art it's more obvious.
Jolteon has a masculine face comparatively, and the ass and hips are covered.
Flareon is less masculine but still not feminine, the ass and hips are small and the angle is weird.
Vaporeon initial art is furry bait though. Feminine eyes. Cat mouth. Big thick ass and hips. The angle makes Vaporeon's back look like the arch in a woman's back. That's the initial reason, but it's been ran into the ground with edgy humor. I'd also argue that Vaporeon is the easiest eeveelution to use in the early games. Always felt tanky.
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It's entirely because of 1 copypasta that spread to normies. Somehow it caused a bunch of them to take it seriously and now most normies think Vaporeon is the most sexualized eeveelution with the most porn, despite Umbreon having thousands more rule 34 pics than Vaporeon in reality, even with the meme boost Vaporeon got.
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I just wanna pet this fish.
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>Big thick ass and hips
fanart headcanon
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Sorry anon, didn't realize you got here quicker than I did! Have some more petting instead, then!
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>Quite literally a forced meme that escaped this shithole’s confines
And one of the least funny and original too. I wish the post sexualizing Mega Metagross went viral instead.
jolteon is pointy
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Why is she presenting herself
That's a male
No it's not
What a fat tail. She needs to lose weight.
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Gotta pet some more so it'll thump around more, then
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Those tails are really pinchable
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It's sexy

btw where did the copy pasta originate?
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I probably have less Vaporeon pics than the other OG Eeveelutions :( Thanks for sharing all those cuddly pics to make up for that
3 words OP
Dolphin pussy jelly
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>Ass in the air
>Those eyes
They knew even back then.
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Why did my post make him so mad?
Thought he would use Kikoho
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Because there's like 6 different dick types you can give this thing with zero aesthetic issues.
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I'm pretty much out of Vaporeon pics, so I'll cheat and post group pics!
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This exact kike who's been shilling for his pozzed nugen goyslop was assigned to this board directly by his kike site, which was created by the most jewish nation in the world, even more jewish than israel. In fact, more than 10% of israel's population is made up of those snowniggers. No member of their race has any value whatsoever. (((They))) only exist to corrupt other nations through gommunist subversion, straight from the exact same playbook as the JIDF. It's why anyone who butchers these enemies of mankind is automatically a hero. It'll even look miraculous how clean the world will get once every last member of their (((diaspora))) is hunted down and massacred.
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I still got lots of Vaporeon pics. Just not enough time to post them :(
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There's one I forgot to repost!
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I just came back from the grocery store buying groceries with money I made working my job /v/ermin, I would pound the vapussy senseless if given the chance, what are you gonna fucking do? Cry? Piss your pants? Maybe shit and cum?
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Didn't realize I had two of these, dunno why
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You died as you lived. Morbidly obese.
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Second part
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>jolteon tries to prevent the water from touching vaporeon
>vaporeon's tail ends up absorbing the water
>vaporeon starts growing significantly fatter, and thus, vaporeon absorbs more water due to them getting larger
>vaporeon gets bigger and bigger to the point where jolteon laying on vaporeon's back does nothing to prevent vaporeon's body from absorbing any water.
>once the rain stops, jolteon is left with a big and cuddly waterbed for himself~
>their bonds grow stronger as jolteon stays there to entertain his friend-shaped vaporeon buddy.
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me too meowth, me too
Calm down you muslim schizo from Croatia
>An actual unironic anthronigger

I don't really fancy biscuits on my Vappy gals, it looks too out of place and non-hydrodynamic.
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Now speak english
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Its a wet cat you fucking retard
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since it hasn't been posted here yet
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These two just had very similar filenames :( Looks like my technique needs work
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This shitpost has been literally everywhere for quite some time.
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How could I forget this one from Mugita?!
New Chappy fish pic coming through!
I posted the right one this time.
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It's so huggable, thanks anon! But the other one was also cute, why not keep it!
Whoops, you did, thanks!
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I was just trying to delete my retardation before anyone noticed it :(
I've already forgotten to post a pic several times in a row just recently! Usually when lacking a lot of sleep
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Well, I am up well past my usual bedtime and maybe had a bit to drink...
Yeah, I'm blaming that instead of my lack of brains!
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Why the fuck not OP?
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because it's from gen 1, that's literally the reason. normies dont know about glaceon, silveon and probably not even espeon
A wet pussy??!?
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Someone made a funny copypasta. That's it, meme magic.
It wasn't one of the popular eevees before that.
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Electric Vaporeon, yea or na? Slower but tougher than how Jolteon is now. Probably wouldn't have the unfair coverage that Water types get, but with Vaporeon's SpecIal Attack, Volt Switch would hit harder than Flip Turn.
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It's the funniest one to picture fucking because it looks the least like a real animal.
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Post the diarrhea version
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>Gen 1 so Normies know of it
Eevee is to cub
Jolteon is to masculine
Flareon is just bigger Eevee with worse colors
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I'm pretty much out of pics, so heil
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I see her anus
sleep tight, vaporeon
Cute sleepy fishe. Thanks for taking good care of Vaporeon and its thread, and for giving us so many new Chappies!

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