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Here is your absol for tonight
I liked this Pokemon from the very second I saw it while playing Sapphire with my bro in the cafeteria in middle school. Route 120 had such dogshit in the way of pokemon, just the usual suspects, and all of a sudden this one shows up and it’s just strikingly different. It left such a strong impression that it’s been my favorite ever since. It’s a shame it was only competitive for like half of gen 4 but that’s more than most get.
Sex. I mean dex. Dex cut!
Maybe it’s for the best that Absol is spared the humiliation of being in such shit games. It seems a lot happier in Unite. Which is also a shit game, but at least it gets to participate in a more meaningful way than “pretty shitmon with no modern niche”
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What am I supposed to do with him?
>posting Cinderace
Opinion instantly discarded. GG
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Yes. She is pretty.
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You wouldn't get it, rabbitfag.
I thought it should have been in Legends Arceus. It, Marill, and Meditite felt conspicuously absent for how common/prominent they are in the original Sinnoh 4 games. I’m aware they aren’t native to the region but Marill and Meditite alone are fucking everywhere.
I would kiss her on the lips
>calls you daddy
What do?
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Make her a mommy.
That sounds very naughty anon
Bumping in hopes my absol fiends find this place
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I love this tastefully asymmetrical creature.
>tastefully asymmetrical creature
That's called a lifeform
Forgot to add, the legs in this image are pure sex
I'm glad we can agree.
I like absol
Sex verboten or erlaubt?
Thank you, I’ve been wanting to get a body pillow
Not only erlaubt but also encouraged dear anon
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Does liking Dark types make me a bad person?
It makes you based
>violet enterprises
What would you do with your absol?
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cindy's hot
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Nice, I like Dark and Bug types because they seem to rely mostly on strategy, as opposed to other types which focus mainly on a strong stat.
Looks like an incel
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How? He gets all the chicks dripping.
I will take it.
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Good, cuz I am incapable of experiencing non-depraved thought around this thing.
Good lord
pls tell me there's more
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In most contexts "incel" means nothing now. Twitter creatures call married men "incels" anymore. Just a generic slur for men.
Is absol good for you?
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Can someone explain what I did wrong?
Jannies are niggers, that’s all.
Jannies these days are so lazy that they rather delete the thread as a whole than ban the guy who shits it up
I made this this thread for you
You couldn't wait at least a day before posting this? Enjoy month ban
look at this stupid dogthing
>Grows wings when it mega-evolves
>Doesn't gain the flying-type
>Mega evo loses the Super Luck ability
>Attack and Speed increase, which is good, but for some reason it's special attack also increases while its defensive stats stay the same, just making it even more of a glass canon
Poor thing got robbed.
Invest in absol coin
>invest in coin for a non-pretty shitmon that gf hates
no thanks
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Perfect creature.
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Sometimes, it's hard to describe just how perfect Absol is. Like, what is it about Absol that's just so great?
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It's just a cool ambiguous animal with several interesting mythological inspirations. It isn't that deep, it's just a good design.
My queen
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You're not done posting absol right?
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Have a bump on me, Absolbros.
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apologies, I get easily distracted
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What does Absol's cry look like written down?
Don't die
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What did he see?
i have to restrain myself from putting absol on all of my teams. such a nice mon.
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So glad I could get this plush, love Absol
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adoptive parent/child, pretty adorable
Pet the polydumb
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Alright it’s late in the thread. It’s time for this debate again- what does Absol pussy look like? I’m still on team cookie but I’m happy to hear your rebuttal.
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I'm not sure that's a good idea
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I think there was supposed to be more at some point, but then something went wrong and all of this drawfag's stuff dissapeared from Twatter just like his old Tumblr blog (which I haven't noticed that it even existed before it got auto-deleted for being focused on lewds) had went under.
Also sorry to dissapoint - or not at all, but most of that content was kinda super-gay

Yes, but I don't deserve to have it anywhere near me.
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I want to be balls deep in this fuckhole disaster animal.
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Take a number and wait for your turn Senpai.
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We can share.
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The rules encourage jannies to be petty, they're not actually structured to encourage good posts
cookie obvs
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Whatever you want it to have honestly, it's not like it matters to anyone but yourself…
Absol fans are all coomers aren't they?
No, but do you truly love your favorite Pokemon if you don’t want to bang its brains out?
But what if my favorite pokemon is magneton how do I bang that?
First of all, based. Second of all, bukkake.
I only said what if. my favorite is actually beedrill
Third of all, based. Fourth of all, mating press.
Ask Jasmine
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This may come as a shock, but there are in fact people who do not want to fuck this creature, and would prefer petting and brushing its soft, fluffy fur.
But she has a stinger
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There's enough of it to do more, as well.
who are they? jews?
Worse. Normies.
Dressing up absol
How is it in the TCG? I think one format's shitmon can be perfectly viable in another. There's also GO but I guess no one plays that anymore.
Sit on it then let the electromagnetic vibrations stimulate your prostate and cock until hands free ejaculation.
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So perfect
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Shiny Mega Absol looks cool as fuck
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No heart?
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it's suppose to be just a few frames of it vibrating very fast (no heart)
On my end some of the frames are being skipped, and I blame 4chan for that. Because when I open the gif in my folder it works fine.
Also they use to be a lot smaller
>page 10
You're not going anywhere, yet.
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That's an ovipositor, it's the beeussy. Bees literally weaponize their pussy. You can put your penis in it.
You don't hate jannies enough.
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I know it’s perspective practice but I choose to believe instead that this is a fleet of Absols.
sex with absol
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>Draw an absol
Did you guys ever draw absol?
I fucking wish I could
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What's stopping you?
she needs help
>he says while posting this.
Well, I want to use a tablet, which I have, but I don't have a pen
Maybe you should fix that
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Virtually impossible for me, I can't even draw a circle or a cube unassisted.
We all have to start somewhere
That ass. Dayum
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Would kiss
Would bury my face in that fluff
Save me...
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she cute
count me in for team cookie
She sings really pretty
>Sings about love with a human
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>Dat needlessly over-defined doomcow booty
What did TPCi meant by this?
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I don't like Pokefuckers and I've never liked Gen 3 that much, but Absolchads are alright
Was there every another set of absol pictures this soulful?
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She is sexy
Alternatively you can just sell your soul to the machine that does it better than you'll ever be able to. . .
But that isn't even half as fun as doing it myself
Also I spot anatomy mistakes instantly
The perfect pokemon dosent exi...
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I personally don't know of really any other sets in general so, I guess by default, sure
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What a good dog!
I'll give it pets
lifeguard absol
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Come on laddie, we've been thru this discourse several times already…
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Okay but you be you if possible, I only keep shilling LORAgolems because I'll never be able to draw this good anyways…
And to be honest I'm slowly loosing my ability to write by hand too.
It's an Absol.
>Okay but you be you if possible
I made some nice progress in the past few weeks. Even posted some art in the /v/ draw thread that pops up any other day and people seem to like
they drop feral porn of my character so I know for a fact some anon loves her
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>my character
I have an OC that autisticly focus on non stop. Sort of try to lern everything with her bit by bit
And yeah I will draw absol again eventually
>hyped it up to be an implied legendary like entei, suicune, and raikou
>lol nope April fools
Gamefreak a shit
She is legendary for me
eh, it's kinda more like arcanine legendary, so, not at all really
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>implying that's totally not RedLeopard who's drawn your pussy's pussy getting eaten-out on GaryC
You're way cooler than you think Felino, I don't feel like being allowed to waste your time on my cringey brand of self-inflicted social retardation anymore, please don't even try to prove me wrong again
I tired looking him up but couldn't find anything
And I think you are fine I seem to be able to handle you heh
You want to see two more I have that I did draw myself?
She seems to get popular with the coomers when ever I post her
That has some early 2000's edge energy
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what's she listening to?
soundtrack from Doom 2016
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Magnetman has been eliminated!
not really…
where's absols ears
Under her hair
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Eternal reminder
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I am immune to jannoids' false sense of morality thougheverbeit.
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At least you aren't immune to absol
Absol is singing Perish Song. You are about to die. D:
Ohh no

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