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>lose to opponent in battle
>he fucks your pokemon
Listen, it's cheaper than paying him. I don't even like training lopunny but it's saved me literal thousands.
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this but my kirlia instead
Wouldn't happen for 2 reasons. 1. I never lose. 2. I never lose.
>Pedo coomer thread
Clean it up jannies
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>pokémon ntr

new low
When I beat you I’m going to need one of three things; you to pay me, your cute pokemon to pay me, or that ass will pay me.
I'm not going to fuck your Haunter, Acerola.
Yeah I want Drifloon to tie me up
You suck, come back when you don't suck.
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>Anon why are you undressing? Help me get untied!
Whoa! What's happening
Its a cuckold thread actually
Please tell me there's more.
You want someone to fuck your beloved Kirlia?
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I mean... if I lost against someone in a battle and was forced to pay them by letting them rawdog my virgin Kirlia id just have to do it..
STILL waiting for someone to leak one of the few doujins that that artist participated in and drew full lewd Kirlia. They never draw her anymore otherwise...
I'd rape you instead desu
I like your posts Kirliacuck. I hope you stick around. In the hotwife thread
Why is this literal pedo thread not deleted yet? Wtf are you doing jannies? Jesus fucking christ, even fucking Chris Chan wasn't that lazy
This is a thread about literally having your animals fucked in front of you and your problem is something you made up
such a cutie, I want to pet her and hug her
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I will
Oh you beat us and that's all you want..? oh ok thank you then haha
of course? why would I want to harm her? she looks precious and kinda tired, so the least I can do is give her a hug and maybe something else to energize her, but only if she wants to
The urge I have to want to slip off Acerola's sandals and kiss her cute toes
I hate Gamefreak for pushing this.
If those were the rules, then I would only have a team of male pokemon and I would only fight against female trainers who had female pokemon
Then why the cropped Acerola porn? Can't you fags not make a thread without some cropped porn of the underaged characters?
OP have necrophilia AND bestiality. Can't be me. I can't even imagine that
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>OP image is not cropped
>other image likely cropped but has clothes
Yeah, I really wonder why this is still up, huh
OP image is literally the SFW edit of a NSFW pic
Other one is either futa faggotry, piss fetish garbage or panties removing aids
>OP image is literally the SFW edit of a NSFW pic
Poppy thread stayed for about a week
>the SFW edit
So where's the real version?
This is a cuckold thread. You're supposed to degrade them so they get off.
what evidence do we have of its existence?
Does Trace ever come in handy when your Kirlia gets into no cash situations?
Also where is the hot Pokemon thread located?
Why would it hurt?
Half the posts in this thread including OP are whinefag giving himself something to whine about
Do you mean these two? They aren't 100% nsfw tho
I meant why it would hurt you.
It's one person.
It needs to be Auto-saged
>Pedo thread still isn't deleted while there is literally a pedo roleplaying as a loli rapist now
Just nuke this board already. Even the mods stopped caring about it
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>Everyone who tells me to stop being a horny faggot on a blue board is the same person
Literal discord mentality right there, go back and stay there permanently
>Implying it's roleplay and not a schizophrenic confession
Doesn't matter, still a pedophile
Your cute Kirlia needs sleep, just look at the bags under her eyes.
This board is being raided daily already
Why didn't you just ask her for consent? Give her some candy or something.
>Forgot the obligatory PLAP PLAP PLAP
Anon, I expected better from you.
>Forgetting the cringey Reddit copypasta is bad
Go back
Show me something then, that's the closest this artist came to nsfw afaik
Is this a common trope in pokeporn? Sounds new to me.
Sex being the cost of a lost battle has been around since Pokemon started, zoomzoom.
>hornyposting is reddit
You're obsessed.
Plap Plap Plap posting is Reddit though retard. It's literally a stale unfunny copypasta
Motherfucker the meme originates HERE. It was popularized on Twitter, then spread elsewhere from there. Reddit, as always, is a second- or third-order recycling of stuff that originates elsewhere. If PLAP PLAP GET PREGNANT is reddit, then fucking Pedobear is reddit too.

https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/plap-plap-get-pregnant if you don't fucking believe me
Is this actual dialogue?
I haven't played Gen6 and beyond, but wasn't the gimmick behind this loli that she's actually dead?
No, her gimmick is that she's the last descendant of Alola's royal family because her relatives are all dead but she doesn't seem to care about it. She also lives in an orphanage and acts like a nee-chan with everyone.
>lose to acerola
>she sticks her fragrant pale toes in your mouth
What would they smell like?
Actually yeah. I didn't see these replies before and I went to check again on exhentai and found some of them were finally leaked.

These are ones still missing

Also, these are the colored but cropped previews from those two pages
>SFW edit
Other than cropping/covering to get past censors, is there any reason anyone would ever SFW edit something?
Holy fuck
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The cursed split of 'doesn't draw Kirlia anymore' / 'now draws lewd Kirlia, but only as single page guest art for obscure anthrodoujin anthologies'. Damned derby girls...
There has to be a way.
Well, there is always money
Always on their phones, back in my day you had to walk to a friend's house if you wanted to be entertained.
She's a princess.
>Pedocuck thread still not deleted.
Jannies i...
I mean I would go for Acerola.
I'll keep an eye but the already leaked "nfsw" ones aren't that spicy for me at least, they have a censor but I doubt the artist even drew anything behind it, maybe my expectations got high after waiting so much. I imagine the remaining images will be similar but I hope we can find them anyway.
At least the one leaked one has white goo in the colored version
Do you have the full colored versions? If yes, could you give tips on where I can find them?
Sadly, no. They came from their Twitter when they were promoting buying the anthologies from Booth when they were coming out. Its likely never been posted in full yet
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I see, thanks anyway anon, hoping tellu gets back at drawing kirlia. He probably would accept nsfw commissions based on this: https://x.com/tellu0120/status/1259483295428907009
too bad I'm a poorfag.
Mind you I would try to convince her not force her. She's too cute to force.
In the library scene at Malie when she says her dad wrote the book on Alola's myths Lillie mentions that the book is ancient. Not that the story is ancient, that the book itself is. Acerola doesn't deny it.
I need my baby batter growing inside of Acerola
It will have to compete with mine! I was there first!
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>Pedophile thread still not deleted.
Acerola would never want to have anything to do with any of you faggots even if she was real and you know it
I'm in the running as well.
You can't resist.
Board culture since before /vp/ even existed, squatter.
There's uncensored hentai in tate and liza thread and it's still not deleted
>Jannies not doing their job is board culture
No wonder this board is considered to be one of, if not the worst board on the site
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Where's her underwear?
She cant afford any, that rag dress she wears is her only article of clothing.
Isn't she royalty?
She not need that
>Fag calls someone else a fag
lol lmao even
I would do this to Irida's Glaceon
Post hands jeet
Your first, Chang
And what would that action be?
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Anon...Lillie is the only Alola girl that wears those
No, you can NOT touch my Aurorus.
Alola's not a monarchy any more, the royal family has no power or wealth. Hence, why she's in an orphanage.

All it would is take is her loose, threadbare, rag dress to get a few more tears for it to be completely unfixable, then she'll truly have nothing left, not even her dignity.
Let's be realistic, a girl in her position would almost certainly end up selling her body as soon as she was old enough to attract clients. It's not like she has many other financial or vocational opportunities, and there's no way the Alola Elite Four pays very well... if at all.
I wanna battle~! I wanna see if I can win~! >w<
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>B-but it's drawing so i doesn't count
So? If you want to have sex with a children whether it is a drawing, a hieroglyph on a pyramid or a constellation in the sky it makes you a pedophile whether you like it or not. Either learn to accept it and/or kill yourself
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I need to pop Acerola’s cherry…
Well too bad, she doesn't want anything to do with you. Also the closest thing to a parental figure that she have is a literal cop. So try and go with "i'll just rape her" excuse and see what happens
You’re too late. All ghost type female trainers are my wives!
I want to do it nonconsensually.
What a slut
It's literally every thread and I just want to talk about Gen 2 nostalgia
it's a blue board bro
And it's a SFW picture
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You're on a board that engages in fiction where people consent to dogfighting and your bitch ass is still here moralfagging about drawings.
Anyway, I recommend meds.
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>Ghost dragging a loli across the floor and spreading her legs is SFW
Literally porn addiction induced brain rot right there, just because she is clothed doesn't mean it isn't NSFW. Of course you cannot see the problem with that image since your dopamine receptors are fried by porn.
Just a reminder for everyone here that she is still just a child.
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>this wasn't the first reply nor posted already
/vp/... I am disappoint.
>nine days later
Guess the mods have spoken. Time for you to go back.
And that’s a good thing.
Pick one, faggot
So you're telling me she's probably still a virgin.
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tfw no close friend to constantly battle and win against so I can mating press his hot pokemon in front of him whenever I get turned on
Huh, Acerola with an umbrella might work. Too bad her overall outfit just won't match.
Why did Gengar rape her?
Why not just raise your own hot pokemon instead of using your friend's?
That's so much work... I wanna just borrow someone else's instead and immediately get what I want~!
But what if anon is already in a monogamous relationship with his pokemon and she still has her virginity?
It doesn't matter, she still would never want to have anything to do with you.
That's what rape is for.
Do you guys believe Acerola would make a good mother?
I don't see why not. She's an accomplished trainer.
Then I guess I'm gonna ruin that for him <3
That's not very nice.
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I hope so, it would be a shame to see her cute little womb go to waste.
He'd fuck a Furret, a Regice, a Galvantula, a Sharpedo, a Frosslass (okay maybe that) and a Magneton?
I wonder if she can even be a mother yet.
I hope she lets everyone use it.
Please be gentle with her.
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I'll be extra gentle when we do all sorts of fun stuff together~
Were you interested in introducing her to me~?
Whoever is doing the "you lose I fuck your mons" deal.
I think ill win just not sure they want to win since the teeth are sharp and one of them is made from magnet.
Doesn't seem like a good idea.
He's just being friendly.
>Accerola thread
>nobody posted the nude Chandelure fusion pic yet
Hello summer!
>pedo coomer
that's just you
would never happen
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Of course, she is a very kind and generous big sister.
That thousand cock stare.
She isn't a virgin.
Destroy them.
Destroy who?
Acerola's cunny.
Stop necrobumping this shitty pedocoomer thread if you don't plan on holding an actual conversation you brain damaged faggots
Destroy how?
Hey that's public property. Don't break it before others can use it.
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Make me.
Ghost trainers are the best trainers.
My daughter is so cute.
is she too young to become a mother?
Nothing wrong with a little bit of pregaming.
Maybe try training stronger pokemon instead of base 400 BST normal types and you won't lose so much
Good rola pics are scarce
Need art of Phoebe teaching Acerola the ways of pleasing a partner
Shame she doesn't have more but I guess the others in Alola are too popular.
I won't betray my principles.
Should have showed her cute erotic tummy.
One way to find out
You think she has a dirty diaper on?
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Babymaking sex on the beach with Acerola
I want everyone to see me with my daughterwife making love.
>“wow anon you’re really good at this”
>everyone claps and cheers
>fireworks start going off
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Livin da dream
>Keeps posting about how he wants to fuck Acerola
>"N-no i'm not the pedo, you are"
Okay whatever pedophile. Stay away from your local pre-school
The closest thing to a father figure she got is a literal cop, go ahead and try to rape her retard. Reminder that pedophiles and rapists always get killed in prison
>Doing the island challenge in Alola
>Been having terrible nightmares for several nights straight
>Weird ominous voices mumbling things from a distance, like they're trying to give you some important message
>No idea what they're trying to say, but they get more demanding over time
>One night they finally come through loud and clear, giving you a concise and unambiguous command
>Wake up in a cold sweat with a massive boner and only a vague idea of what they could have meant
>Try to get back to the challenge and ignore the weird dreams
>The route through Ula'ula island takes you by the Aether House, which someone suggested you should check out
>Sure why not, may as well take a break before setting off to that haunted abandoned supermarket
>The headmaster is an Oranguru which is weird
>An Aether Foundation mentions something off-hand about a princess
>The dream you had suddenly rises back into your mind, and you ask him what he's talking about
>He tells you that Acerola, the ghost-type trial captain, is also the last living member of the royal family
>Just as he's explaining this, a purple-haired girl wearing a tattered dress strolls in through the front door
>The employee greets her and refers to her by name; Acerola
>Oh fuck she's so cute, she looks like a little doll or something
>She greets you warmly with a sunny smile and a :3 face
>Something in your heart melts; you'd do anything for that smile
>The commanding voice from your dream echoes in your memory
>Ask Acerola if she's the trial captain you're looking for, which you know she is but this is just small talk
>"I sure am!"
>She gives you another :3 face and your heart skips another beat
>You ask her where you need to go to do the trial, which you also know but this is still just chat
>"My trial takes place at the abandoned site where the supermarket used to be!"
>You hesitate a moment before asking her if she can show you where it is
>"Sure thing! I was actually on my way there anyway! We can go together, if you're doing the trial."
>Swallow nervously and accept her offer
>Acerola borrows a ride pager from the Aether employee and calls a Stoutland to ride
>She climbs aboard the pokemon, her legs wriggling cutely as she struggles to get on
>You offer to help her up and she says no thanks, but she asks if you want to hop on behind her
>You could call your own ride but you can't bring yourself to turn down her offer
>Climb aboard the pokemon and end up with Acerola practically sitting in your lap
>"Let's go, Stoutland!"
>He sets off at a gallop and you end up grabbing ahold of Acerola to avoid falling off
>She's so soft and delicate, and you feel like touching her is some kind of blasphemy, so you just gently hold onto her shoulders
>She doesn't seem to mind; if anything she sort of snuggles up to you
>She's pressed so close to her, you can smell some kind of sweet scene that seems to be coming from her hair
>Between the touch and the smell and the galloping, it's no wonder you get a boner
>If she's noticed it, she's not saying anything
>Again you remember what you were ordered to do
>Make it to the front of the abandoned Thrifty Megamart just as the sun is setting
>The shadow of the mountains leave the place dark, and the black sands of the beach nearby make the area look borderline hellish
>Acerola's carefree :3 face detracts somewhat from the spooky vibe of the place
>Stoutland comes to a stop and Acerola slides off
>It has to be your imagination but you could swear she was wiggling her butt into your crotch as she did it
>Awkwardly get off of Stoutland and adjust your pants as you do it, to try and disguise your boner
>"Well, this is it. And it's the perfect time of day, too. Twilight is just when the spirits like to come out."
>You ask her what she means by spirits
>"You know... ghost pokemon. But more than that. They say the spirits of the Alolan bloodlines are also watching over us, as well as the guardian deities."
>Not really sure what she means by that, but it sounds serious
>Acerola explains the trial to you but you're finding it hard to pay attention; you're just sort of staring at her perfect and cute little form
>"...I'll tell you what, let's go into the front doors together. THEN you can start the trial."
>Once again it's hard to say no to her, so you accept
>She leads you to the front of the building but just you're reaching the front door, she trips over something
>Acerola sprawls forward onto the ground, landing on her hands and knees and causing her dress to flip up
>For a brief moment you could clearly see her panties and now she's just kneeling on the ground in a doggy-style position
>Your hard-on hasn't gone away this entire time and it certainly isn't going to now
>Acerola gets off, blushing a little with embarrassment but still making the :3 face
>"Woops... a pice of brick or something fell onto the path. It is an abandoned building, after all."
>You try to play it cool and help her up, and touching her soft skin is electric
>Acerola finally leads you into the front door, revealing a dark, sprawling, wrecked supermarket
>"So like I was saying... you've got to find the totem pokemon of this site and snap a shot of it with a Poke Finder!"
>You nod like you know what she's talking about
>An unnatural breeze blows through the building, coming from ahead of you without any apparent source
>As the wind whips past your ears, you swear you can hear a faint echo of words
>Acerola pouts, a defiant frown on her lips as she puts her hands on her hips like she's scolding a child
>"I still don't know what that means! Stop saying that!"
>You realize Acerola heard the same thing you heard
>You ask her who and/or what it is
>"It's just some pushy, uppity spirits telling me nonsensical things! I don't even know what they want."
>You tell her you heard the same thing and that you think you might know what they're asking
>"Technically they aren't asking, they're ordering. It's a command directly from the Tapu, and if we don't do as we're told, at some point they're going to get mad."
>You ask Acerola if she wants some help with appeasing them
>"Um... sure? I don't know what they want, though. The royal bloodline means me, I think, but..."
>You ask her flat-out if she wants to have sex, blurting the question out like ripping off a bandage
>"What?! No! Eww!"
>Acerola recoils with a mix of shock and confusion, her eyes wide but the :3 not going away
>But the wind picks up again, and this time the voice is even more demanding
>You look up into the darkness of the building, asking the wind if they're serious
>Acerola looks up into the same darkness with a distraught expression
>"With this guy? Really? And why NOW?"
>You aren't about to argue with the spirits of Alola, so while Acerola is distracted arguing with them, you grab her by the shoulders
>"Hey! What are you-?!"
>You pull her in for a forceful kiss, throwing her off-guard
>She tastes like cherries, and she makes the cutest muffled moaning noise
>Not giving her time to think, your hands drop to the sleeves of her dress and you start yanking it down
>You quickly expose her flat chest, with its smooth unblemished skin practically shining in the dim light
>Acerola pulls back, moving to cover her chest with her arms, but that just lets you yank it further down so it falls the rest of the way off
>"Wait, stop!"
>You throw her to the ground and climb on top of her, pinning her beneath you
>Her thin arms flail at you uselessly as you undo your waistband with one free hand
>Once your raging erection is free, you grab the hem of her panties and tear them off of her with one pull
>She gasps, but you can't help but notice her face still looks like :3 even when she's afraid and outraged
>Pin her shoulders with both hands and spread her legs with one knee, lining yourself up with crotch
>Your manhood touches her tight, virginal slit and to your surprise she's quite wet; must be divine intervention or something
>You pause for a moment, realizing Acerola is shaking a little, presumably with fear
>The commanding voice is louder than ever, and you find it hard to resist the order
>Press your hips into Acerola and tear through her hymen
>Even with her eyes screwed shut she's still making the :3 face as she lets out a long little whine
>Acerola's tight pussy grips you like a vise, but she reflexively spreads her legs apart as you force yourself into her
>You pause for a moment, instinct telling you to give her time to adjust
>The commanding voice touches some primal instinct inside of you and you decide not to wait
>Start thrusting into Acerola as hard and as savagely as your body wants
>She moans and squeals beneath you and you can't tell if it's from pain or pleasure, but she's not trying to fight back
>You hump her like an animal in heat, your thrusts stretching her pussy to take the shape of your cock
>Her royal pussy is tighter and hotter than you ever could have imagined, and it isn't long before the inevitable approaches
>You momentarily consider pulling out but then Acerola wraps her little arms and legs around you, clinging to you
>"Continue the royal bloodline! Breed me, give me your seed so I can make babies!"
>You weren't expecting her to beg like this but you can't stop at this point
>One final thrust pushes the head of your cock right to the back of her cunt, and you explode inside her like a volcano
>A torrent of hot, virile cum squirts out into her belly, her waiting body accepting it greedily
>You both grunt and moan like deranged animals, and all the while the :3 doesn't leave her face
>Her watery eyes are looking right into yours, and a moment of base animalistic connection tells both of you for sure that your seed will take
>She milks you dry, wringing our your cock until it has nothing more to give, ensuring her womb will have more than enough to work with
>After a while you come down for your high, pulling out of the princess's defiled hole reluctantly
>She squeezes her legs together like she's trying to keep anything from leaking out, but she's probably also kind of sore
>"Well... maybe we'll hold off on doing the trial today..."
>She sits up and rubs the back of her head, and it occurs to you that doing it on the bare ground was definitely not comfortable for her
>"I'll have to check with the Kahuna... I don't know if the Royal Consort is technically allowed to do the island challenge."
>You ask her what she means and she responds with a cute :3 grin and a twinkle in her eyes
>"You just put a baby into the princess, but that doesn't make you a king or a prince. The correct term is royal consort."
>You guess there are worse titles to have
>"To make it all official, we'll have to get married before our newly conceived royal heir is born. I hope you have money for a big dowry..."
>Oh fuck what have you gotten yourself into


I'm going to hell and/or prison.
>thread up for 15 days
Not for long

Based. Even got consecutive and trips posts.
11 to 19 actually. Schrodinger's loli.
Wouldn't be 11 to 17? When she hits 18 is free game.

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