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A pokegirl thread died for this
Mogged by the Blueberry champion and Kitakami's finest soldier
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Cute and vulnerable vs angry and overbearing.

Hmm I wonder why sis, you dummy!
Maybe if you post more pictures of Carmine being mad.
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Get a pecharunt bitch
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Then I will post the Poochyena and Sentret
Ypur brother's bussy was too much. Sorry Carmine.
you're both DLC FOTMs kek
You're pretty but also a bipolar cunt
That just means you have entertainment guaranteed every day!
That's it Carmine, you WILL be corrected.
>get the DLC because of the hot girl rival
>she acts like a violent bitch
>end up hating her and rooting for her brother instead
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She's only cold at first because she doesnt like outsiders.
She warms up to you pretty fast and becomes very loving towards you.
She openly admits to punching her brother.
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He was begging for it.
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inverted tomato is cute too

It's weird, all I wanted to do was partner with her but they forced the mentally unstable trap on me.
She even tries to tell me she likes me before I leave but that stupid phone call from that bitch ruined everything.
It's time to explore blueberry academy now.
Maybe people would like you if you treated your brother better.
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Carmine feet!
Relax, I'll marry you AND your brother!
I was trying to keep the old Carmine thread up but I lost power and then the thread died :(
what does Kieran have that Carmine doesnt
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>first thing Carmine does is being a bitch to you
>has a huge ego, constantly boasts about being "pretty"
>never shows her true feelings, covers up her insecurities with snarkiness, never apologises for her rudeness
>has anger issues
>belittles and controls Kieran constantly to make herself feel better
>even after the whole story, she's still snarky and full of herself while also being obviously insecure on the inside, she just dropped her cringe xenophobia act towards you
>Kieran is immediately interested in you, thinks you're really cool
>despite his crippling shyness, he tries to reach out to you and defends you from Carmine's bitchiness
>shows you his rawest feelings, spanning from happiness of making a friend, utter despair of feeling helpness, his inner rage he built up after years of feeling inadequate and then finally making up with you and apologizing for everything from the bottom of his heart
>has self-confidence issues that he is actively working on
>is genuinely sorry for being mean to everyone after the events of TM, tries to make up for it
>after the story is finished, Kieran has fundamentally grown and became a better person who wants to be genuine and make friends with people

Gee fuckin' whiz Carmine, I wonder why people prefer Kieran to your bitch ass.
>>first thing Carmine does is being a bitch to you
>>has a huge ego, constantly boasts about being "pretty"
>>never shows her true feelings, covers up her insecurities with snarkiness, never apologises for her rudeness
>>has anger issues
>>belittles and controls Kieran constantly to make herself feel better
>>even after the whole story, she's still snarky and full of herself while also being obviously insecure on the inside, she just dropped her cringe xenophobia act towards you
she is literally fucking me but im male #fuckYEAH
Carmine threads consistently reach 150+posts though
tiny pp
>apologizes even though he did nothing wrong and the fault lies with carmine and the protagonist
why is he such a sweet little angel?
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Sorry Carmen but theres someone better
>defends you from Carmine's bitchiness
This is especially important because he does this even though he draws her anger on himself by doing so. Kieran is a real bro who risks getting beat up in your place.
Based Kiki bros
Kiki did nothing wrong
fine, i'll do it myself
i like both
Great write up, he really is bestboy
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I love you too Carmine.
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she seethe
The spoiled nepo baby? Fuck her.
>Fuck her
Every day
Carmine bullying your friend Lacy! Carmine pulling on her sweater to unravel it! Carmine stealing her clothes after gym! Carmine tickling her so hard she pees in public! Carmine suplexing Lacy into a grimer during gym!
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Dont be sad carmine, I take a photo Alola raichu with you.
Cuddling a grumpy Carmine without talking to her, just watching whatever she wants on TV together!
Crispin girlfriend
She's such a schizo, it's unreal
No, she's just a teenage girl riddled with angst and sexual frustration.
Carmine just needs love, from either a boy or a girl, but needs loving from someone who understands her and knows how to handle her quirks.
Stop being attracted to women with bpd
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But they are the only girls that pay me attention.
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But people like that are abusive so it's not worth it
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People with BPD simply feel more love (and anger) than your average person, it's a good trait to have

toxicity and abuse is love
I hope you don't genuinely believe this
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I do, normalfag
Then I pray that you never fall victim to a batshit crazy woman who WILL completely fucking ruin your life. If you think abuse is love then you could get seriously fucked up, it's literally the worst mindset you could have
You have been warned, I wish you the best anon.
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You think he's going to find a real woman?
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Something clicked for me when I realized she’s just the Asa of pokemon.

I just caught terapagos and came back to BB. Where are Kiki and Carmine? It’s weird that I can go to her room and she’s never there. Is it the Pecharunt stuff?
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Isn’t the dragon kid also one? I don’t think it was ever outright said, but come on. He’s related to dragon beard
anyone who unironically believes this has no experience on the subject outside of porn or childhood abuse. Let them be delusional.
It's stated by Hassel in the league club. Drayton is Drayden's grandson.
i haven't played the DLC yet, what am i in for?
A xenophobic tsundere gf and an edgy emo mortal rival.
Bump because she is one of the few pokegirls that I like.
Yes, you have to clear the epilogue
What are the others?
Where is the epilogue? The “secret boss” of BB?
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Anon... It's the Pecharunt stuff.

Not with those bangs.you aren't!
Wow, rude
I didn't even realize the store had a "Totally not a dormant Pecharunt" I had to interact with. I kept visiting the grandparents and wondered why they had nothing to say.

Like they couldn't have POSSIBLY had Carmine interact with you at all when you got back to BB, or something.
Guess you weren't here when people speculated about Pecharunt when TM released.
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Love both of them.
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Its cute how much taller she is than (You),
Cute and intimidating.
Yeah, you're pretty dumb
In order of gens?
Nemona & Carmine
Those two are tied for me as they both have a personality traits that I like. It's the brock song for me.
Can you show us your underwear?
Based anon looking out for another anon.
It always breaks my heart when people overdose on copium and think abuse is a sign of love. I've seen it happen to both men and women IRL and it's very painful to witness it happening to people you care about. You just wanna shake them and scream at them to tell them how much the other person is hurting them, but they never listen. Something in their mind just has been corrupted.
Carmine definitely wears a thong, right?
>Reptilian face
>Anorexic looking
Maybe that's why
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I think Carmine SUCKS.
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It's a shame how she gets shoved to the sidelines in indigo disk and gets all of like two lines at the very end of the epilogue
you're both shit characters. the only reason kiki has a thread is because of all the pathetic pedos who like the fap to underage anime characters.
She should've swapped roles with Kieran in the epilogue
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Shit, they could have at least given her a battle while possessed.
Guess she's a pacifist after all
>Something in their mind just has been corrupted
No, they just don't have an alternative or know the difference, and the people who say shit like this aren't volunteering either.

In a hierarchy-obsessed hyper-capitalist society, the only transgression looked down on more than having nothing, is making do with an alternative- this form of "care" is about policing the status quo and making sure have-nots stay have-nots.
Same honestly I like tsundere's so I understand where he is coming from but if the person doesn't respect you then it's just a lost cause. The whole appeal to Carmine is that she is supposed to soften up to you after a while and become Dere (while preferably still keeping a bit of bite) but if she can't control herself then you are just asking for trouble.
Which of these are bad?
Carmine is underage too retard.
This is your brain on porn. She looks like a model
>She looks like a model
So anorexic?
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I love my hick reptilian wife
I was thinking she’d wear a standard pair of panties with a really embarrassing pattern, like hearts or strawberries. She’d be so angry and embarrassed if people saw them…
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Carmine just wants you to think she's cool, not cute, that makes her feel embarassed.
shut the fuck up nigger I would lynch you if it was to see kieran smile one more time
Lmao gay
I do like the serpent like eyes.
holy based
okay, i'm actually playing through the DLC now and uh... carmine is actually kind of a bitch, so i'm trying to process this
Based. Protect his smile.
She is genuinely a bad person, yes. What did you expect?
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Unfathomably based
No, she's super sweet.
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> the Asa of pokemon
Why does she looks like she is a regular poster on /x/?
So is ethylene glycol but it's still poison.
I want to eat her out while kieran watches
Why would he watch
First off. Don't reply to me again.
Third. It is a well known fact Carmine would have elevated the epilogue with her FUN, proactive, headstrong, and infinitely more interesting personality. Instead we were stuck babysitting Kieran as he mews and whines for an hour straight like the LITTLE BITCH he is. Getting HUMILIATION RITUAL'D is all he's worth for.
Now, dare not sully this thread further with your presence. CRAWL back to your general like the WORTHLESS SLIME you are, or expect retribution.
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It's for (You)
Kieranbros... we've been had.
Cause he's a supportive bro like that
Kieran doesn't whine a single time in the epilogue. Because, unlike his bitch sister, he had character growth and became more confident.
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Holy BASED, Carminechads and staceys literally CAN'T stop winning.
>Blueberry Ex-Champion
Pantsing Carmine in public!
Kikisissies? I'm too scared to respond...
I prefer Carmine as well, but your post is cringe. You can't stop someone from replying to you by telling them twice and you wouldn't be able to do anything if they did. Retribution my ass.
Carmine taking you to the hills near the festival do you can make out alone and consumate your summer love!
She vomited syrupy apple on my penis
Imagine telling the others at Blueberry Academy about it and how much she'd seethe from embarrassment
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Carmine would want you to be nice to her brother
Really? Now I have to play through the DLC as well. I was going to do it anyway but I just didn't have the time.
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Get out of the thread Drayton
Delegmte yourself
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Cute summer love couple!
Carmine genuinely loves you, you just have to learn the tricks of dealing with an angsty teen girl.
Going back to Blueberry means summer is over and she loves you even more there. It's serious, Anon.
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Reminder this lady stopped Carmine from professing her love for you
She was still a shithead to her poor brother. I'm not gonna learn "tricks", she needs to change.
He deserved it though.
you are the darkest nigger I have ever seen
In the end Kieran will thank her, the whole experience made him go from autistic beta to a man.
He did not. He was just a shy kid. She belittled him to feels better about herself. She liked having power over him.
She had nothing to do with that. It was the experience with Ogerpon and the MC that made Kieran man up.
And he wouldnt have gone through that if Carmine had just told him about it. The whole thing with Ogerpon was a kick in the ass he needed to man up, like when the bullied kid in school finally snaps and beats the shit out of his bully.
He would've still gotten "rejected" by Ogerpon which was what made him snap.
I fapped to your farting pics of you brapping if it makes you feel better Carmine
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Delete this
I just want to thank you all for remaining sane in a sea of Carmine simps and/or people who actually believe Kieran is some sort of psycho. Poor kid is bullied and the shit writers think it's funny. Ohmori deserves to be lynched.
I think all the shitflinging in this thread is the reason why…
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She loves you btw
Bullying people is always morally correct.
Behold, the objectively best DLC girl.
Murderer and a thief.
Peachranut is that you?
Mochi... I mean no
[citation needed]
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My girlfriend is similar to Carmine in looks but not personality, I don't know how to tell her I wouldn't mind if she was a little more haughty and demanding.
Don't, you'll just offend her. People are how they are.
No one can make others change.
Kieran is just poor man's Volo. Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't
It honestly sounds like you don't understand either character, the two have nothing in common besides being antagonists.
I wanna have sex with both so maybe you're onto something
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Carmine in the Carmine thread!
This is a reference to this

it fits
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I will cut her crossed bangs so they become one normal bang while she sleeps!
NEVER post in Carmine threads again
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Its Car-meen.
I like this picture.
carmine beating everyone up after kendo practice is lit
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Come back when you have a butt, Carmine. It’s time for some squats
Don’t listen to him, Carmine. Your butt is perfect as is!
What is she making?
She's such a hard worker, I bet it tastes great!
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She's in!
What a cute smile.
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I wonder if she would be a Miku fan.
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she looks like she has a strong smell, either a good one or a bad one im not sure.
Very pretty.
this is a Carmine thread and you are tainting it by posting pics with her ugly fuck brother amd his awful hairdo, and the boring ugly fuck pink hussie with terrible fashion sense
Anon if you want to love Carmine, you need to get along with her little brother. She's not gonna tolerate you bullying him. Because that's her job.
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I will eat your entrails
This is exactly why fanboys are the worst. You can make a writeup glorifying any character. If you have to shit on another to make your favourite look better, then you just show you have no ground to stand on.
All me baby
>Comes into a thread about another charactes just to shit on her
>Nooooooo why are you retaliating?!
Ironic how you call others "simps"
>Carmine is for (you)
>Nemona is for (you)
>Rika is for (you)
wtf is this the most based pokemon game ever
If you disagree you didn't play the game
She's so pretty...
Are there showers in Kitakami even?
Probably a good one. I imagine she would care very much about her hygiene.

She still doesn’t shave her pussy, though.
And that's a good thing.
You think it's streaked in red too?

>sukeban carmine
Probably not.
ugly tranny with dumb hair
Probably in some of the more modern buildings, like the one where the MC stays, but not in the average person's house.
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Cute. Cute!
They all bathe comunally in Crystal Pool, why do you think it's considered sacred grounds?
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Shika noko noko noko
Mmmm, Carmine bathwater...
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I like this one as well.
Carmine fan game like what dawn has when?
What's this pose trying to imply?
I can't imagine her smelling that great.
I want to pull her panties to the side and expose her most sensitive areas…
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Based Darkstalkers
Has anyone got the art of Carmine taking fat Paldean cock while screaming for Keiran?
Hi anon, I regret to inform you that I do not have said image that you have requested. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Is there more of this?
'fraid not, but the artist only drew these today so maybe he does more
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This is wrong.
Is it really? Someone like Carmine wouldn't stand for second guessing and beating around the bush. It's totally reasonable to instead employ uninhibiting desire-unlocking mochi if (You) are too much of a beta loser to ask her out normally. And the peach seems perfectly content to third wheel along, such a helpful considerate lad.
What could go wrong?
What’s a delegmete
Would both
My cute delinquent wife.
Is Carmine a virgin?
Maybe, she's young and apparently intimidates everyone in Kitakami.
I thought the rape fics were just exaggeration but Carminefags truly are like that
no, they bathe in a river or creek nearby
link so i can verify the rapethenticity
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Anyone kwows the cosplayer?

Man she's so adorable
The rape fics are written by fujos seething because Carmine was rude to Kieran.
Fujos unironically love stories about rape though?
>Because Carmine was mean to Kieran

Were they only children or something? Kieran and Carmine seemed like typical siblings to me.
Carmine is definitely part of the reason why Kieran had such low self-confidence. But yeah they're both just teenagers, they have emotional reactions and do dumb shit.
Pecking Carmine on her cheek just before leaving Kitakami!
Having her seethe in embarrasment and stew her feelings for [REDACTED AMOUNT OF TIME] before reuniting with her at blueberry!
Getting dragged over to her room while all the other students watch!
I will never get tired of this.
Smacking Carmine’s bony ass!
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Yuri is cancer. Japan needs to be nuked.
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Yuri is based
Fuck off my thread
Behold Carmine and her flatness!
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>The discord is going to shit up this chill thread
Her butt is so small that when she bends over while nude, you can get a good look at her cute brown butthole.
I'm not red however though.
The majority of Japanese yuri artists and readers is female (real).
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Carmine is the taller one, so she'll be the big spoon and I will fall asleep hearing her breath right over my head.
wait, whos' being raped? carmine?
Yeah, there's even fics where she's tortured.
Why would fujos write about women lol
Because they made them seethe.
You don't understand what a fujo is
>fujos never ever mention girls
They don't write rapefics about them
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Nobody hates Japanese men more than Japanese women. But seriously, wtf is wrong with that country?
What the fuck are you talking about? Liking yuri has nothing to do with hating men, wtf.
They do when they hate them.
Kiki is getting cucked 24/7. You don't want that Carmine.
Enjoying my time at the beach with Carmine!
Untying Carmine’s bikini bottom and watching her get really angry and embarrassed!
I have one fujo friend and she likes Carmine cause her seething is funny. She also really likes Klara. Not every fujo is a twitter zoomer.
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She needs company!
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Carmine letting you feel her breasts after the festival in her room!
They're slightly sweaty but feel amazing!
>buy scarlet in August against better judgement
>despite glitches and poor quality, having fun
>dlc1 releases
>genuinely enjoying the game a LOT more
>Carmine my beloved
>September 22nd
>wake up to find all my save data on Scarlet AND Home is completely wiped
>without so much as an error or corruption notice
>refused a refund by a Nintendo

Is it even worth making a new game for DLC2? Even Gen 8 was more fucking stable
Geez i'm sorry anon. That's a massive pain in the ass..

But yeah i'd recommend you play through again. Indigo Disk is fun and has tonnes of end-game content. Really breathed new life into the game for me. Plus there's another chapter afterward Indigo Disk you'd be missing out on as well.

I've actually been wanting to start a new game and do the Teal Mask again a bit earlier as I was a little over-leveled last time. The only thing that's gonna suck for you is having to grind through the base game story again.
Badgeless Teal Mask is kino from beginning to end, probably the most fun I've had in a nu Pokemon game
Yeah it would've been, I really should've built a weaker team for it. I can Imagine Kieran could be a pain though, he was even causing my overlev'd mons grief towards the end.

>Say she is pretty
>Nooo, I'm not talking about me, this is about Pokemon

Yeah, fuck you, can't take a fucking compliment
I don't care about your fucking turtle, is rotting in Home anyway
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I went with a mono Bug team and my MVPs were Ariados with Infestation, Leavanny, and a disobeying Tera Psychic Yanmega. Took out Kieran's own Yanmega then set up with Leavanny's Trailblaze+Fell Stinger on Shiftry and it was smooth sailing from there. Biggest filter was Fezandipiti, swear the fucker had 100% chance Toxic Chain also wiped out to Carmine 1
hating anyone who doesn't enjoy gay porn
qrd? i haven't done the dlc yet
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Good night Carminebros, and thanks for the thread since we're probably hitting limit overnight.
Honestly, the way this thread has almost been bumped out of page 10 doesn't leave me all too confident that will happen
Carmine probably likes gay porn though
She's probably openly a little homophobic and would never admit it but sometimes she enjoys reading yaoi
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This happens
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if you want the truth I haven't even played the DLC as of yet and while I do like tsunderes I don't know enough about her to make a good judgement about her.but I'm sure I'll love her though.
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Good morning Carminebros
I know they've teased relationship stuff in the past, but this time it was pretty heavy-handed whilst also just barely not letting us have what we want, they are testing the waters for sure
The real question is, will they finally commit at some point?
People have been asking for a more mature interpretation of pokemon for a while now, if they cave on that at any point, surely they will have no excuse to just give us simple relationship stuff
Hell im sure they are fully aware of why fire emblem sells
You are officially a homosexual. Congrats?
Do you think Carmine would be insecure about her height compared to you?
You will still princess carry her during the wedding right?
She'll princess carry me instead.
You are literally defending an incel.
How is Kieran an incel? You Reddit tard
She's drinking her Pokemon
Carminechads and Carminestacies, it's been an honor finally getting a thread to bump limit, thank you
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Same, cya in the next one!
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Based, hopefully we hit image limit on the next
tag: male:bisex, mixed:shimaidon, feminization.

More of this thank you.
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I love her so much.
Same bro, she was one of the best parts of gen 9.
Kill yourself
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Do not trust the siblings, they are reptilians.
These are NOT human eyes.
>Do not trust the siblings, they are reptilians.
>These are NOT human eyes.
The eyes are one of the most attractive parts of the body it's part of the reason I like her so much.
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They are the eyes of a predator, Anon
That only makes it hotter.
Carmine my beloved....
I'll get the DLC soon I promise.
What did carmine do to get you guys so mad?
>you guys
Its one dude replying to himself.
I believe it honestly. It also explains why he started to spam vore before going back to this. Now the next question is what did /vp/ do to gain this guy?
Dont bother searching for a reason, its probable there might not be any. This site has been a magnet for genuine schizophrenics for the past 6 years.
Your right anon, it's just sad to see sometimes.
t. 2018 newfag

2013 is when they became a huge problem due to moot not making [s4s] a honeypot, making them feel validated. Heck, you could argue it started with /co/ allowing Autism Time, Tumblr Universe and Homestuck, Korra and other shit to go out of control a few years prior instead of giving them the MLP treatment (which itself was the first time unhinged idiots felt validated, GR15 was the beginning of the end).
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And worst part is there's nowhere to go because it seems every other site is even worse, like the schizos spread out everywhere.
2010 actually.
I didnt notice much until the advent of social media gossipers that tiktok brought.
Blame this faggot.
Retard, all I mentioned started happening in 2010 (like the unofficial 4chan facebook page).
I am bisexual actually.

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