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Post your favorite locations and music in Unova.
Or just anything you like about Unova
Blueberry Academy was kino
I was grinding my team to level 45 near Undella and my DS shut off before I saved and I don't wanna start all over...
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Alright, my time to shine!
>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>Favorite Unova Legendary
>Favorite Unova Character
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Route 10
>Favorite Unova Town/City
Nacrene City
>Favorite Unova music
Battle theme: N's Final Battle
Encounter theme: Colress
Town theme: Opelucid City (Black version)
Route/Area theme: Route 10
>Favorite Unova Battle
Vs N and Ghetsis in N's Castle
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
Undella Town outside of the summer is peak comfy.
Route 10 theme
No hostility here, friend. Only comfy vibes.
how about you tell the other faggot to stop posting about 3D era garbage in a unova thread? it's off topic

If your console is hacked, install PKSM and edit your team to those levels.
all the same poster doebeit
Imma post Unova art, now.
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This is technically on topic as Blueberry Academy is canonically in Unova.
good post, I can't express what I feel for this gen and their fandom without really risking myself being banned
Remember when people thought that Ghetsis's theme was for Genesect and also thought that the choir was saying "Dennis"? Good times.
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Yeah, I remember. I remember that fake video that showed Ghetsis hiding in the P2 Lab and sending out Genesect to battle the player.
I still remember when you could get banned for saying Unova is good.

These days you can actually have a somewhat honest opinion whether you think it's good or bad.
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Yeah I remember.
My friend thought it was saying "Jesus"

I think TyranitarTube made that video.
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Perhaps he did. I think he also made a video with legendaries being pasted across Unova in BW like Ho-Oh in Celestial Tower and Lugia in the Abyssal Ruins.
He did, and we all fell for it.

Glad his career has gone uphill.
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>Everyone forgetting reversal mountain

Can't blame you but anyway

Did you prefer the lava version or the water version?
I prefer lava version because it's a nice change of pace in scenery and I like the theme.
the Black 2 version is better. Damn I forgot how much I liked that theme

I like the asthetic of the lava version in White2 but the music is kind of.. Off? It feels like they slapped two different songs together
It has a funky feel to it. I like it. It makes me feel like I'm climbing a mountain.
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Also, can't forget the Reversal Mountain road theme. Underrated gem.
...iss all over kikenfart's emacieted skeleton, kekeke
Well, yeah. BW/2 music is the worst in the series, and it's not even close. Almost none of it sounds like Pokemon music. Hell, even the PWT songs are invariably worse than whatever they're remixing.
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It's such a cool dungeon. I genuinely don't understand what's forgettable about it.

I like both versions, maybe the water one a tiny bit more.
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Do you gobble up bananas like the chimp you are, T. Shaun Coon? That certainly explains your regular chimpouts, enough to get registered as a violent offender thanks to the campus security report!
That's a really really unpopular opinion if I've ever heard one.
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Bait used to be believable

Always liked Lemtimas towns theme

Feels like you're really out near the boarder of Unova and near whatever Mexico is in the Pokemon world

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My favorite Unova Mon is the Blue Basculin
I quite like Nimbasa city
My favorite music has to be Castelia City's theme, it's so comfy
Bruh learn how to save real images
Honestly, I like Unova, but I can't tell when these threads are falseflag spam anymore...
It is a real image
I love Unova too.
Shit art, I can draw better than that
water version contrasts excellently with the desert outside. out of the hot sand and into the cold, quiet, damp caves.
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I really like virbank, I like to imagine myself there at the docks in a cold night, looking at the ships going to and from castellia and seeing the skyscrapers on the horizon. Maybe I could even hear Roxie playing in the distance. Just very comfy to me.
I don't get why people can't admit they like a nugen game. Who cares?
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>favorite locations and music
Great Chasm is without a doubt one of the coolest locations in all of Pokemon, just the intensity of this area is great, all 3 instances of it appearing in fact.
>first time you go in BW
>second time where Kyurem and Ghetsis have frozen the terrain
>third time when you go catch it in BW2 and the area is destroyed
Its so fucking good.
As for ost:
>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>Favorite Unova Character
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Great Chasm
>Favorite Unova Town/City
Virbank City
>Favorite Unova Music
as above:
>Anville Town
>Roxie's gym theme (JP)
>Last Pokemon theme
>N's Champion theme
>Iris Champion theme
>Favorite Unova Battle
VS Black/White Kyurem followed by vs Ghetsis in BW2, they did a great attempt at a boss battle here
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
Still Hilda
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What? No trainman content?
>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>Favorite Unova Legendary
>Favorite Unova Character
Hard to go for anyone other than N, he's like the main focus
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Route 6, I love the winding river
>Favorite Unova Town/City
>Favorite Unova music
Battle theme: Colress
Encounter theme: Hugh
Town theme: Virbank
Route/Area theme: White Treehollow
>Favorite Unova Battle
Nothing beats N in his castle
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
>>they report this post because it hurts the sensitivity of their anus
Anon likely shitposted elsewhere, got himself banned and every post he made on this board deleted. I know because it happened to me when I was banned.
>It wasn't us
It's not like this has happened hundreds of times where posts criticizing this Gen have been deleted and fans of this Gen shitting on other Gens remain intact, maybe a newfag would buy that shit but not me.
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Oh, Idk. Maybe, don't purposely come to a cozy thread, full of anons that's just trying to appreciate their favorite region in peace, only to stir up shit and then play victim afterwards next time? It's not hard.
Isn't it because it's mostly one single guy who has got banned for starting shit constantly, typing the exact same way making it really obvious to the mods who he is, and is generally an asshole who derails threads? Like, he's such a psycho that leaving out a game can trigger his schizophrenia to think it's a genwar rather than an opinion. In fact, he'd probably get his posts deleted in a thread about XY just because he's such a psycho.
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stop feeding the troll
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Amazing gen. I really wish they just stuck with progressively more impressive animated sprites until they were truly ready for *good* 3d. As an aside, Hisui was a huge missed opportunity to finally have Samurott be bipedal during combat at least.
Blueberry Academy is part of unova
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>progressively more impressive animated sprites
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Like the sprites are more reactive, in a 2d space. Each attack getting unique animations for each mon, shit like that. Tons of stuff you can expand on.
How you feel about the animated shorts of Unova?
I remember as a kid in BW, saving in front of the treasure guy in the route above Undella and soft resetting to level up Pokémon faster.
>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>Favorite Unova Legendary
>Favorite Unova Character
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Village Bridge (does that count?)
>Favorite Unova Town/City
Lacunosa Town
>Favorite Unova music
Battle theme: Hugh's theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI2WzOONl7w
Encounter theme: Bianca (specifically the B2W2 version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_sKFhAf3E4
Town theme: Lacunosa Town https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk4Xfqvph8U (the Summer in Kagome remix is good as well)
Route/Area theme: Village Bridge (again, does that count?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gju6j3f2xTc
>Favorite Unova Battle
Final battle with N and Ghetsis in BW
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
Caitlin (mainly her Gen 5 redesign, but if that doesn't count, then Rosa)
I think Village Bridge is a Town/Bridge hybrid.
Thanks for reminding me of village Bridge. that was really cool experience when I first played. actually put my ds down and just relaxed and enjoyed the moment.
Caitlin was such an awesome appearance for me too, I didn't know til I got to her room, as someone who played a lot of the Plat BF I was awe struck to see her
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faggot loser kwab
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BW came out around the time I reached "that age" where I felt too old for Pokemon. The screenshots I saw of White made the game look cool enough, so I decided "one more game can't hurt". Everything about these games. the characters, the story, the region, the music, QoL, blew my expectations away. It felt like the franchise was growing up with me and I ended up falling in love with Pokemon all over again.
>Favorite Unova Pokemon
Braviary, specifically its shiny form
>Favorite character
>Favorite route/area
Route 13
>Favorite town
Opelucid (white version)
>favorite music
Battle: PWT finals
Encounter: Team Plasma
Town: Opelucid City (white)
Route/Area: Route 8
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I simply like strolling around the roads.
And, not gonna like, the trainers in this game are cute.
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Alright, who here likes Undella Town song, show yourselves.
Let's be brothers.
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This whole region was so much fun. Damn I really want to restart a playthrough and reread the manga.
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Best ship
>brownskin gets upset when he gets a taste of his own medicine
Kill yourself.
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A mashup of Ghetsis's battle themes that I really like. The drums go hard af.
Black’s version is definitely better, it’s pretty chill
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Unova gave us one of my favorite Pokémon!
>both have birthdays in October (10th month)
>both have names beginning with Tou (10)
Same + favorite sprite in the series
look at he go
You play the Roxie vn?
I like the neat detail of the instruments stopping after each battle.
3 instances?

I can only think of 2
How is it inciting a flamewar?
Why does Ghetsis have those Pokémon in particular?
Yes, village bridge counts.
I especially like the music and how there's all the street performers
I live both versions. The exciting Summer version and the relaxing version.
Oh wait I just read the rest.
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Does Unova, and by extension black and white feel really Yu-Gi-Ohcore to anyone else? Battle city in particular...

It just seems to be the point in the series to me when the setting got really techy and more urban. And Pokemon designs started getting really wacky like reuniclus and Musharna.
>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>Favorite Unova Legendary
>Favorite Unova Character
The Dancing for no reason guys
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Route: Route 18 Area: Chargestone Cave
>Favorite Unova Town/City
Lentimas Town
>Favorite Unova music
Battle theme: Champion Iris
Encounter theme: Colress
Town theme: Lentimas Town (Village Bridge too)
Route/Area theme: Route: Route 10 Area: Celestial Tower/Dragonspiral Tower/Giant Chasm
>Favorite Unova Battle
Vs Heartbreaker Charles
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
Emboar or Landorus
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You're not alone. In addition to picrel, you got
>chosen one destiny plot
>rich, edgy, cooler looking rival
>evil main villain that's related to ancient background(Abyssal Ruins lore)
>blue eyes white dragon and red eyes black dragon
I'm not sure if Cheren is considered a underdog, but he fits the Joey position as the secondary rival and third wheel. When I first played BW and saw the opening cutscene, I thought to myself, "am I playing Yugioh?" But that's what made me hooked on BW and Pokemon as a result.
Oh lmao I didn't even think about blue eyes and red eyes dragon... It's most uncanny than I had thought.
unova gets special treatment and favoritism for years now, it's ridiculous
BW2 is by and large an audio downgrade over every game before it
N - Zekrom
Hilbert - Reshiram
N was raised by Ghetsis, since he was a orphan child, to purse ideals while being purposely denied the truth his whole life. Everything about him hints this. His sheltered backstory, his fascination with mathematical equations, his admiration for Chargestone Cave and even his(and Team Plasma's) battle intro involving blue electricity. It makes since that he would purse Zekrom, the being of ideals, over Reshiram.
Meanwhile, Hilbert spent his whole game seeing things as they are, aka the truth. When he encountered Team Plasma at the Dreamyard, he was immediately shown their true nature, including their spokesman Ghetsis through a dream, and they've been given him glimpses of it ever since. He, unlike N, grew up in a normal environment surrounded by friends and family and thus, knows what people's relationship with pokemon are really like. That's why Reshiram, the being of Truth, fits him more. Plus, Ghetsis wouldn't bothered with getting Reshiram as he probably fear that it'll expose his ambitions to N and ruin his plans.
I like this feature.
>Favorite Unova Pokemon
Excadrill, but I should mention that Eelektross and Sigilyph are also in my Top 10 fav Pokemon
>Favorite Unova Legendary
>Favorite Unova Character
Hilda (Pokemon Masters characterization) or Bianca
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Pinwheel Forest / Victory Road
>Favorite Unova Town/City
>Favorite Unova music
Battle theme: Unova Elite Four
Encounter theme: BW2 Team Plasma
Town theme: Driftveil
Route/Area theme: Route 4 or Victory Road
>Favorite Unova Battle
N and Ghetsis finale is too good
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
Hilda but I'll give honourable mentions to Skyla and Bianca
Pokemon BW remake/remaster announcement will be a very good day. Hopefully it's relatively soon.
>It just seems to be the point in the series to me when the setting got really techy and more urban.
go back and play gen 1
The thing about that part of the game is that it makes for a very interesting "unexpected path twist" when coming from BW1, but it's ultimately a very short part with not much to do that pretty much only serves as a small detour before resuming the story at Undella, so other than being able to get a Heatran, the dungeon feels like it was just included there because they needed something that connected the two towns that also made sense.

Genuinely feels like they didn't have enough time to finish whatever they wanted to do there. I was excited when they tell you you're going to fly to a new town considering how well they delivered with the new locations at the beginning of the game up until Castelia's sewers, but then you're met with a desolate filler town with 3 houses. And the Strange House was obviously put there to give you an alternative way to get Litwick since you can get to Celestial Tower until postgame.

Kinda wish the two versions had been used in both games and the lava part was just like the deeper levels or something.
I always end up seeing the water version because I like playing Black2 better...
What special treatment?

Unova is literally the most criticized region.
Funny joke. Please tell me you're saying this ironically.

Gen 5's music is unironically the best in the series by far.
>since you can get to Celestial Tower until postgame.
you are kind of dumb
Me too. Now if only there were ribbons locked behind it.
Yeah I just realized I mixed up with Dragonspiral Tower (best tower-dungeon ever btw). I still stand by everything else though.
Which would accomplish what? Be specific.
Making yourself depressed after comparing Gen 5 to the shitshow that was Gen 1.
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favorite location is probably Lostlorn Forest.
>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>Favorite Unova Legendary
>Favorite Unova Character
Iris or Bianca
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Both versions of Victory Road
>Favorite Unova Town/City
Icirrus City
>Favorite Unova Music
Battle: Colress
Encounter: Shadow Triad
Town:Humilau City
Route: Route 10
>Favorite Unova Battle
N at the Pokemon League
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
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>Favorite Unova Pokemon
>Favorite Unova Legendary
Tie between Tornadus and Reshiram
>Favorite Unova Mythical
Genesect, with Victini as a close second
>Favorite Unova Character
Player Character: Hilbert
Rival: N
Gym Leader: Elesa
Elite 4: Shauntal
NPC: Charles
>Favorite Unova Route/Area
Village Bridge
>Favorite Unova Town/City
Castelia City
>Favorite Unova music
Battle theme: Champion Battle (B2W2)
Encounter theme: Legendary Pokemon Theme
Town theme: Driftveil City
Route/Area theme: Village Bridge
>Favorite Unova Battle
Vs Ghetsis
>My Unova Waifu/Husbando
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I don't think Black and White properly begins until you reach Castelia.
That's Pinwheel Forest for me. It's the first area with a significant number of new and diverse catches and it gives you access to a variety of really good fighting, grass and bug types. Sure, you can get Drilbur, Munna and Blitzle before that, but they're more of a "this route has one special pokemon you can find" kind of encounter.

Plus I like how the exterior and interior are properly separated into two distinct areas.
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>The formula mastered
>The formula streamlined
Unova's pretty good, and simplifies navigation after Sinnoh plopped a mountain in the middle. Even though it's a hallway sim, each area opens up with optional content, side paths, secrets, and opportunities to customize your team.
It's also paced better than any other region. It keeps dropping new content from front to back, especially BW2.
I mean I get the point you're making, but it's not justified. Undella and Lacunosa weren't in the main Campaign of BW1 anyway, and everything after Plasma's terror attack on opelucid is back to being brand new anyway (frigate, three new routes, new gym city, new victory road, marine tube, etc.). That section of the game is honestly great. They correctly chose to repeat the middle of the game (castelia-mistralton) as opposed to anything else, because making the beginning and end pretty much all new feels like optimal design.
Also, there's also the cresselia quest in the strange house
As for what you said about reversal, I'd have to agree it would have been cooler so. It would ruin the dichotomy between it being either a dormant or active volcano depending on a version (not making sense to be both at once), but fuck it, that'd be pretty cool. They both look great.
>Undella and Lacunosa weren't in the main Campaign of BW1 anyway
>frigate, three new routes, new gym city, new victory road, marine tube, etc
>That section of the game is honestly great
Yeah, and if you reread my post you'll see I didn't say anything at all about those parts of the game.
My point is only regarding what comes just before that section: Lentimas and Reversal Mountain, while nice looking, felt underwhelming because they're too small and there's too little to do on them, let alone anything that's actual consequential or of importance for the rest of the campaign.
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This game came out 15 years ago and /vp/ still can’t stop sucking it off despite their FB boogeyman who hates it being gone
I see more Gen 5 hate posts than appreciation posts desu.
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>grooms you
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