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You know the deal. Post a seal
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I wish I saved more art with all the pinnipeds before /ss/ stopped being a weekly tradition
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You can always check the archives
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Prima, I think you're too old to use the kiddie pool.
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>AI allows to speak to an Primarina or Brionne
Not sure if thats is a good thing or if I am dooming myself
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It's trash unless this is her laugh
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Oh shit, these are back?
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I hope so. All Seal bros/sis gotta participate
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Time to spice it up a little bit.
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kinda wish burgerkiss would take another crack at primarina since their art has improved quite a lot, but it seems all they do is eeveelutions nowadays...
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brionne is very naughty
What are the charges?
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Association with known terrorist group "Channel 4"
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Why is there a Brionne thread?
Bratty girls
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She looks like she's going to grow up to be a rapist
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She is just following her nature
Or fall in love with one, who is also a lizard.
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Would you still love Primarina if she happen to smell like fish?
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Duhh, of course!
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I probably wouldn't like your Primarina that much in that case and would think her poor odour would be a reflection of her trainer's poor knowledge of caring for the species.
My wife and my daughters
Favorite seal?
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This mofo right here.
I see new Primarina art on my twitter timeline daily why do you guys post the same pictures over and over
man, i like every single primarina pic that shows up and my feed still barely shows me anything related. i liked one pic of latios and latias, and now my feed gets more of those two daily.
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You are right.
God bless this artist who delivers amazing Primarina art this often
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Going on vacation with my wife!!
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My daughter
That's a sea lion.
So is she female or male in your perception
Mine is female, everyone else's is male
she's a seal ion
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Chikorita, fennekin, popplio, and scorbunny are unanimously agreed on to be female.
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Tera Raids suggest otherwise.
Because I don't waste my time on twitter and only can save what minties people drop here.
I've also yet to see a pic that captures Prima's fragility and beauty better than >>56167968 so I'll post it every chance I get.
It was male in the anime and manga too. And Sprigatito's unanimously agreed upon by all except seething /vp/ bumgays to be female, which is probably why you're trying to present a reference to a male football manga as female.
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Oh it's stood for seal saturday. Here's the safe one then.
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>saucenao fails me
Gonna need a link to the alt version my man. Cant just say that and not provide context.
I love fish.
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and just like that, anon disappeared into the void
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Deceptive thumbnail.
Man, forgot they added Primarina to café. For god sake, it took so long. Will she get added into Unite?
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>your Primarina looks at you like that
What do you do?
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You wouldn't...
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I would.
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I lied, it's all sfw...I mean you wouldn't want to be looking at my bullshit at work, but it isn't lewd :/
I dunno, you're two for two there. More practice you'll be able to get your head around lewds.
Then you can start linking me them.
So sad that you'll never be have a seal boyfriend to kiss.
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Admittedly, it's not super good. Barely recognizable as a Primarina
there's literally nothing that looks like primarina
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Damn she's cute....fingers,....legs!

Not really feeling this. It’s all wrong.
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For most mons, I don't really mind this sort of thing, so long as it's done well. But it just doesn't work for Primarina. Her being a mermaid is half of the appeal, so taking away the flippers and the tail just makes it kinda... boring. Anthro shouldn't just be an animal head on a painted human body.
The art's well done, but it's disappointing. Hell, the prettiest part of it is her hair, and it doesn't even have the pearls! C'mon!
Well, to be honest, it is canonical that the pearls come off and she could even change her hair style if she wanted to. It even seems that they are not real pearls, but bubbles that she controls

But for the rest it is true, it is like the case of Motaro who was changed to a satyr, really due to the studio's inability to work in an early 3D, regardless of whether they used a lore excuse to patch that, the essence of the character is lose, he's a fucking centaur.
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I bless this thread to have fizz oc
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Kinda spooky, I was just about finished
Nice. Is this Adobe Illustrator?
Thanks, it's Clip Studio Paint
so cute!!!
You carry her on land and she carries you in the water
I know a fanfic that interprets that entry differently
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I think primarina is the only pokemon that looks good with massive tits
because mermaids are commonly depicted with tits
Oh wow it worked?!
Thanks for these beautiful Primarinas!!!
I think other pokemon look good with tits, it's just primarina is the only one that looks good with those big melons
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>Delphox - tits
>Primarina - ass
>Meowscarada - legs
It is known.
The -design- is unambiguously female.
It's "wearing" a low-cut plunge dress (plus the shape of the frill itself makes it look like Primarina has tits at certain angles), has a feminine voice in both the anime and the games, has feminine animations in both the games and the anime, has a girly pre-evo, is very pear-shaped, and is overall based on mermaids and sirens; sirens are 100% female, and mermaids generally are too.
I still refer to all Pokemon as an "it", outside of porn and specific recurring Pokemon.

Also I really gotta give credit to the designers for coming up with a way to have "safe tits" on a Pokemon, complete with "cleavage". You can definitely see it in a lot of the art in this thread, even the ones not meant to be lewd.
Hell, you can see it in the model sheet / concept art right above my post.

No, as much as I like more bnuy wives, there's really no indication they ever intended any femininity at all; even the pre-evo looks like some grumpy teen boy that hates his parents.

>no pearls anywhere in the design except that little half-obscured one on the name badge
>tiny little baby nose
>zero frills other than being a little implied by whatever the fuck her clothes are supposed to be
>little generic black eyelashes
It's the nose that's the worse grievance here, surely there's some way to make a generic sexy woman design that keeps the nose?
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I believe that one of the reasons for this perception is that in North America this sport is better known for its women's branch, while in the rest of the world it is a mainly men's sport.

And let's also admit it Cinderace has a nice ass
Delphox is the only one with a defined chest bump as part of her design that blatantly imitates tits, Meow's petals and Prima's frill imitates it on their art, but their legs and ass are more defined than their chests. Ergo, Tittyphox, Legscarada and Assarina.
Now I understand
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I vote for Delboobs
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And we complete the set with gata patas
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need more Primarina fangs
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What's her diet? Gosh
My favorite Primarina pic ever
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I love Primarina with scales!
Always has reminded me to this
Forgot pic
"I'm Hydrodynamically designed!"
What!? A talking Primarina!
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>/ss/ ist still up
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Oh Primarina of the sea, tell me your Wisdom....
>your mom gay
Duhh obvious, I was raised by a Primarina and her wife Delphox
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the big question Otter sealion or Mermaid sealion?
If the answer's not both, you need to start taking testosterone tabs.
But Primarina is 1000 times better :v
I contemplate the heft
That image needs a sequel, does he do commissions?
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>Shark scales
>has a feminine voice in both the anime
I hate her anime voice. Both English and Japanese have her sound like the proverbial fat lady who sings at the end of a opera. But the game has a sweet feminine almost bell like whistle. I’ll never forgive the anime for the gross mischaracterization of my wife.

Ironic in my headcanon she always sounds like that, even for the most mundane things like arguing with the cashier at a convenience store.
>Watch out for that rapidly approaching shark
Primarina penis?
>Side Spikes or Rudders
They reduce their water resistance and help keep the couple stable during underwater copulation.
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The species' penis is redder and unevenly shaped, but I understand the confusion.


If you want to know more, go to your trusted marine brothel.
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I'm not clicking dolphin porn
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That's not what your wife said the other night
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>Primarina is a torpedo
Whoa that’s more like it! I never got around to the new Snap. She sounds perfect like this
She’s a tor-pedo.
A little C-4 knockin' at your door!
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Looks like an IRL manatee's dong but with a prettier pink & cyan coloration.
You can use Google to find a ResearchGate article showcasing how its flared glans (that ressembles a bent chalice) function with actual jerk-off session photos.
Stop posting seal dicks
with or without navel?
Navel pls
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always with
I'd have to start first though.

Posted the wrong link fuuuuuuck
https://youtube.com/shorts/4SQWMGdd8Xg?si=h0dm11_43ceO_zxe when you starter wants to play so she acts like a wild pokemon
navel with fat tummy
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I think Primarina SUCKS!
Not with that attitude
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She a big fat bully who thinks she can get away with everything because she's a filthy FAIRY.
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Hey Guzmaanon.
Smoking is bad for you Primarina...
>No matter what I do links to Xitter redirect me to the homepage instead.
Elon you jew with a tranny son, what the fuck did you do this time?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vww8DCNtPNg [Embed]

It's fine, her raspy voice gives her personality, ..Just feel the emotions unleashed from that voice
>premium pass only
Shit sucks.
I sure hope so, I'd love to use her in real time gameplay.
You are my brothers.

How about a swim?
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>page 10
Special delivery!
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Navel goddess
I like to imagine carrying her bridal style on land, and then she does the same with me in the water
I'd kiss that belly
I want her singing this
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>page 10
Don't think so
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My wife is the best as her job
Where is his bellybutton???
this is the voice you want for Asirene?
Sweet, melodical, and haunting.
She is perfect
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They lay eggs.
They have no need for an umbilical cord.
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Why is he giving that look?
She has Kanto boyfriend
Why did she do it?
Single mother eyes, basically she's telling you if you love me you have to accept me with all this, get out of there, it's not worth it.

Sooner or later she will return with Samurott, father of her Popplio, and you were only a source of fish, the sea is full of mermaids, it is not worth landing in that port.
>t.Doesn't play the games

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