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"It's been a bit" edition.

A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading. Watcha readin'? Whatcha writin'? What've you been workin' on?

New BoC
>something something more of Lee's lame ruminations something something one of the Dragon Tribe people was actually a Latias and wants to join Brendan's team now
Also FF.net is kill.
Was reading through some old stories on FF.net (mostly just OC Journey stuff) and then the website died, which made me wish I had backed up some things like how I’ve been told to.
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I wrote some fluffy vanilla smut with these two French dorks

Is FF.net dead dead or is this temporary?
Always preferred it over A03.
Seemed like it was temporary, based on the server host deciding to arbitrarily pull the entire site based on reports of certain types of fanfiction. There’s still a chance that it might be over unless FF.net decides to get another host.
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>Always preferred it over A03
Same, though I really dislike that they randomly changed the icon last year. The one they're using now is so fucking soulless, I hate it.
The is is back up already.
You should still download everything you can and want though.
And not just here but everywhere else.
Crazy how people still haven't learned after Sadpanda dying twice so far.
To the lurker who posted that cultivation paste. It expired. Upload it somewhere else, pretty please.
It "dies" every year. It's only over if they decide to actually moderate the site.
I've concluded there is not good Pokémon fanfic. Even the porn is mediocre at best.
But Pokémon as a whole sucks when it come to stories, that's why it's so easy to write them
Yeah I also miss the old icon, change for the sake of change always sucks ass.
I've been reading that fic on royalroad where the MC has an actual cheat, and I just realized, there aren't a whole lot of stories where the MC has a literal cheat, or they only last a few chapters.

I think this might be free real-estate for ficchads.
How many literal cheat fics have you seen? Usually it's 'muh aura or friendship' right? People have been too reserved.
>Usually it's 'muh aura or friendship
The biggest cheat is common sense in a world where everyone is an idiot
Sure, but that's just "writing", I'm talking about actual cheats that warp reality and not just reality warping itself to the MC. Writing everyone being dumb and MC winning because everyone is an idiot is simple, but giving the MC a cheat that doesn't instantly spiral into a 15 chapter story end is honestly much harder. And I hate litrpg. I think the last time I saw a fic use something like this was some custom region where the guy could edit items and pokemon to change their potential or effects based on how much 'aura points' he had, but the story ended at like badge 1.
>And I hate litrpg
It's low quality stuff, yes, I remember people praising SL just to read the novel but that's probably the closest thing to a cheat you could use in Pokémon

Unless you want some legendary living inside their body or being part Pokémon
My cheat is using guns
One time I was reading some sort of XY fan comic which had Ash meeting all of his friends again, showing off his skills at the world tournament, and then at one point Hunter J took out a gun and shot Pikachu. It was so out of place in the story that it completely took me out.
Lol, sounds hilarous
>People saw her and told security
>They ignored them because who cares about some kanto kid
>But still gotta act, after the shot of course
>Now everyone's saying how incompetent is the SS and that they wanted him to do
worst horror/creepypasta fic you've ever read?
Are there any contest fics? I recently caught up with a recommended Platinum journeyfic about a girl with a Glaceon that touches on how being creative and being good at contests are related and the contest parts were my favorite.
>take three months to make a new chapter
>the first part of the chapter is recycled from a previous post
amazing how getting a patreon completely killed all momentum the story had
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Aura slop gets boring after a while, give me something different damn it the Pokémon setting is a fantasy scifi

My Agent K story dies pretty damn fast in my mind when thinking about a possible crossover too
As a guy who comes from /exeg/ (game creepypasta general), there are two shittypastas that are really terrible: I Will Always Be With You and Sabrination. What are they about?

>I Will Always Be With You
>some Waifufag tells the readers that he lusts after Pokégirls, but not as much as with Gardevoir
>he talks about how he caught a Gardevoir he loved so much
>then he moves to Gen 4 and transfers her to them
>the Gardevoir throws a fit and demands the narrator to demonstrate his love to her
>then the Gardevoir makes the narrator's character have sex with her
>gen 5 comes and the narrator transfers his Gardevoir to it
>Gardevoir once again throws a fit with "how dare you abandon me!", kills all of the narrator's waifus, and puts parts of their bodies in her own
>Gardevoir attempts to kill the player, but he turns off the game and never touches it again
>some time later, it turns out that the Gardevoir somehow broke out of the game and now loves the narrator again
>then they lived happily ever after

In terms of being a bad creepypasta with zero creepy qualities but an entertainingly baffling read, my vote would be for Wrath of the Titan, the story on an evil shiny flying snorlax.
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>some guy buys a used SoulSilver cartridge
>turns out to be a romhack
>the plot is some "years later" story where you play as two new guys instead of the regular MCs, he chooses the male one
>Professor Juniper is also there
>as he progresses, Juniper starts simping after the MC and Sabrina stalks him
>and once he gets to the Kanto portion of the game, Sabrina starts killing people so they don't get in her to the MC
>the MC has depression, Juniper and the female MC try to help by promising they'll kill Sabrina
>the two fail at it and die, so the MC's only real chance is to team up with Red and beat Sabrina
>Red dies, the narrator has to fight Sabrina's team and wins, but then Sabrina decides to fight him with a spoopy and somewhat horny design (the author for some reason shortened her crop top and enlarged her belly button)
>Sabrina kills the MC and his Pokémon, then renders the narrator's DS useless
>the narrator looks up online for any traces of the hack and eventually runs into a blog
>in said blog, a psycho woman talks about how she self-inserts into Sabrina and how much she loves this one guy
>she loves the guy so much she doesn't let him speak to other women until she kills the competition
>turns out she made the hack and gave the cart to him, but then he grossed out and she killed him for it
>then she swears she will kill whoever has the cart
>after reading that, a crowd of nerds show up in the narrator's house to buy the game and he gives it to the highest bidder
>and the story ends with the narrator finding out that the guy who bought it was killed

As someone who's been stuck mid-chapter for a few months with little progress I can understand delays, but with that amount of money coming in for writing a few thousand words a month? I'd be trying to get an extra chapter or two ready for backlog to keep that interest high. BoC feels like it's been stuck, plot-wise, for a few chapters already however.
Pinnacle Platinum
>Alolan Exeggutor is heavier than fucking Steelix
Japan and their measurements are always funny.
What do you do with pokemon weights? Because most of these are just downright ridiculous.
>Irl african bull elephants are around 10ft tall and weigh 10000-13000lbs
>Copperajah are on average 9'10 tall and weigh 1433lbs despite being made out of fucking metal
I never knew it was this bad lmao
Reminder that if your MC has sex he will never be in that 000.0001% of trainers, there's a reason why all modern Champions are single along with most of their E4
Red and Cynthia both have sex with their teams though
Red is a fraud tho, MasterSex wank isn't canon
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And with each other. He's the only one who's good enough for her, and she's the only one who's good enough for him. Also, she totally groomed him. He squealed like a little girl during their first time, and came almost immediately.
>red making noise
Immersion ruined.
IRL T. Rex mogs Tyrantrum too.
Are there some general recommendations for fics of any genre? Wondering if I missed some decent reads.
If merely "decent" is the bar to clear, I check myself and then I rec myself.
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>Titan used Thunder. It was a Critical Super Effective. My eyes widened at the next text box.

>“Saber died!”

>Died?....DIED!? Pokemon don’t die when they lose a fight! I was getting scared now. Titan was going to shred my entire prized team!
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>Next was CHAOS. CHAOS went first, using Aura Sphere. The attack animations started, the energy gathering around the Mewtwo, and focusing into a ball, but before he could unleash the attack, another text box popped up:

>“Titan: Not this time!”

>Titan's sprite moved as if the Quick Claw let him go first, and CHAOS's attack stopped.

>“Titan used Crunch!"

>"Critical Hit!"

>"It’s Super Effective!"

>"CHAOS died!”

>NO! Not my Mewtwo! He was the strongest one I had! Titan had just killed off my entire team!

>.....But something was wrong...the battle didn't end. Able’s sprite scrolled back to the screen. The game picked the “Fight” option. There was one move that hadn’t been use yet….Guillotine.

>“Titan used Guillotine!”

>After the attack connected, the head on Able’s sprite was gone. Some red pixels covered his neck, and he fell off the screen.

>“Able died!”

>It then cut back to the overworld. It showed Able’s dead body laying there. Titan then turned and looked at Crimson.

I love how every character and Pokémon has exactly the kind of stupid name I'd have given it when I was 11. Nobody batting an eye at their copies of the game suddenly having weird creepypasta plots and instead fixating on insignificant details is what really gets me, though.
>Yeah man, all of the sudden one of my Pokémon got its own cutscene and started acting all angsty and then battled me and oneshot my entire team and broke the fourth wall and talked about my IRL friend...
>but that's not really out of the ordinary, the WEIRD part was that he was in my PC but there's no PC in New Bark Town! Am I to believe he walked all the way over here himself from the closest PC? So crazy!
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Finished reading this, thanks for the rec. It was laughably poorly-written at times, but it reminds me of a time I wish we could return to. Also kek at the kids in the comments believing it's real even though I believed a couple of stories like these as a kid too
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This thing still creeps me out, like what the hell is inside an Onix?
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I'll probably upload it somewhere else in a couple days or so. Only about 3k words of mantra have been added since my cultivation's last appraisal, not including the earlier mantras that were optimized and bolstered.
Hopefully with this new stable foundation I will have a clear path to the heavens, rather than get lost forever in a bottleneck like some unfortunate cultivators do.
>So are the low level zones in Pokemon games like the 3rd world were everyone is a poorfag/retarded? Why the fuck would a grown man think it's a good idea to challenge kids to a battle while only having a few lvl 20 dogshit Pokemon?

Government paid incentive. They get to go to places they like and get paid for it, and all they have to do is occasionally have a pokémon battle with a snot nosed brat and toss them a few bucks if they win to support their journey to the gyms and league. Pokemon is the heart of the economy so the government will do it's best to prop up this system. Paying a goons to hang out along the road to the league would only costa trivial amount compared to what they rake in.
Don't forget the Dao, and remember to not fall for bugfag's lies since they're the weakest Daobto follow
You are now remembering the cringe fanfics you wrote as a tween/teenager. Tell us about them!
I wrote the intro of one normie fic, then I quit for a decade. I think I still have the file to it, though.
>you will never be a Hiker with 4 Geodudes being payed to be a literal jobber so that little kids who picked Squirtle and Bulbasaur can gain confidence as they go on their badge collecting journey
You after finished only or are in progress acceptable?

A finished one that I liked was The End: Rekindled: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13620940/1/The-End-Rekindled

A bit different from my usual diet of questionable isekai and edgefics, but I found it enjoyable to read.

I wrote <spoiler>some MLP stuff</spoiler> back in the day. Horrid grammar mistakes at the start and I hadn't actually watched the show itself (I've now seen two episodes total of the entire thing), it was all from internet osmosis. Was apparently still good enough for both multiple plagiarism incidents and some chinese dude trying to sell copies of them online.
Damn, fucked up the spoiler tags again.

This is pretty good.
>what a fantastic chapter. forum comments are so good i kept on forgetting i was reading a fanfic and not on reddit

This comment on BoC is just so good I can't not repost it. Gotta love those internet forum snippets in fics.
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words aren't enough to convey my laughter, i need a reaction image
That is clearly Onix's cloacca.
I want to make a fanfic bingo card for fun, what do you think would fit in it?
nothing because modern fanfic is basically a dying art, time travel 10 years into the past
>exotic name like Dominic Xiao Long
>Clair bullying
>Lance bashing
>Cynthia is always holding back and she's the strongest ever, with only the MC being a rival to her "true team"
>gym leaders true team can fight legendaries and are champion level, each one of them
>league is the goverment
>Leon is a fraud
>Steven bashing
>evil Oak
>Sabrina wants to fuck your MC
>denying being a pedo while the entire chapter talks about how all the gurls have a crush
>Giovanni is the good guy
What did I miss?
you forgot
>evil Oak
Reminds me of the evil dumbledore trope. There are a lot of crossover cliches between Pokémon and the bad Naruto/HP fics.
Is that real, I can't find the post.
You forgot about edgy OCs and self inserts who have “meta” knowledge but nowadays those two just overlap. Another one would be that the story itself is unfinished.
>Sabrina wants to fuck your MC
Is this here only because of Hard Enough?
I feel like I always saw Sabrina in the tags back in the BETRAYAL fic era
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Pic related. Was left on chap 43, but was the most recent review.
Really? For me it was Anabel
Off the top of my head I can think of two other recent fics that waifu Sabrina: The All Mighty Earth, and The Hyper Fang. I think Pokemon Trainer Vicky also went down that route.
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1945: The Battle of Iwo Jima, Marines conduct a naval landing against hardened imperial Japanese troops.
1968: The Battle of Hue, Marines participate in some of the worst urban fighting in the vietnam war.
2004: Second Battle of Fallujah, deadliest weeks of fighting in the Gulf war for the US Marines against entrenched fanatics in CQB urban warfare.
2024: Conflict of Fanficiton.net, lone marine logistic POG takes on hordes of named and guest account commenters over criticism, challenges Commander 'Anon' to personal keyboard-to-keyboard combat for commenting as a never-served.
>Clair bullying
I'm not nearly well read enough on pokemon fanfiction to have seen this, what does this mean?
People fucking hate her because she didn't suck (your) dick, she's either an incompetent retard or a retarded piece of meat whose existence revolves around getting dicked, no inbetween, and weirdly enough most prefer the former.
Nothing wrong with bullying her for corrective purposes.
>Sabrina wants to fuck your MC
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But honestly why wouldn't you want your SI to have arguably the most OP human psychic and probably people as his(your) gf? After all Pokemon is already one of the most wish-fullfillment settings.

Though ngl, Mewtwo buddy\gf would be even more dope.
Are there fics with the TR Sabrina? I'm just tired of the anime one.
Would be based but I haven't seen that yet.
Worm and its consequences have been a disaster for fanfiction as a whole.
Sabrina had a few older fics too, but most of those older ones were harems with a "Sabrina is a crazy psychic yandere that needs sex" angle.
It's just a touch more blatant right now because a few modern fics are going full waifufag on her.
God, I wish she was my gf.
>intermission chapter(s) that's just a series of fictional blog/forum posts
>intermission chapter(s) that features unrelated characters getting caught up in the events of the plot
>intermission chapter(s) following the antagonist being cartoonishly evil
You know what just put "intermission chapters" in general on it
Is it weird to think gore and death is tonally jarring in a Pokémon fic? Like Pokémon do die in the games and in Pokédex entries but if I read about a colorful cartoon animal dying I just feel taken out of the fic, it feels out of place and needlessly edgy even if it's something as simple as a predator eating a prey.
Yeah, I agree. A fic can be as serious as it wants to be but the minute you say something like "this guy was brutally murdered, also pikachu was there" it'll never work unless it's specifically a creepypasta and even then those have major quality drops.
I used to like 'i will touch the skies', even after all the alphabet nonsense, but the nonsense about trying to cripple everyone was just too much, especially when the scenarios made no sense. "pokemon need us there to tell them to use attacks!" except that's not true even in universe...
Are intermission chapters that bad?
I think it depends on if you ever read the pokemon manga. I did so gore/death never seemed too unusual for me.
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It tried so hard that it was laughable at best to be honest
Intermissions tend to be one of
>Let's pause the story to tell another smaller story for a while
>Let's show the audience how other people feel about the events of the story so they know what they're supposed to be feeling
>Let's focus on a different character than the ostensible protagonist because the author can't keep their mind on one protagonist
All of which are pretty bad signs, yeah.
I think people dislike intermissions because of the web serial medium where they're basically a bait and switch where the expected updated is replaced with something tenuously connected or that doesn't move the story. And in general people seem to react negatively to losing the protagonist's pov, especially if there's a wait period between chapters.
>levels and other game mechanics
>humiliating a gym leader
>cocky game knowledgeable protag
>working for Team Rocket

Not my cup of tea, anon. What caught your attention?
This has gotta be the most infamous panel in Spe to the point no one knows that the Arbok regenerates in the next arc and there’s arguably far worse things that have happened in later arcs. It’s kind of the greatest filter.
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It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it. SEMPER FI, OOH RAH

what fic is this?
I like intermission chapters so long they contribute to the plot of the story. Getting the behind the scenes of how the evil organization works or even how some of their admin think can be interesting while at the same time moving the plot forward.

Now, a chapter dedicated to a glorified NPC dealing with the aftermath of the protagonist and Evil Team clash is less interesting and can feel world building for the sake of world building. It stretches the plot and has little consequence to the overall narrative.

Forum chapters are either self indulgent or pandering, sometimes both, and should be dragged out in the streets and publicly beheaded in the main square.
Well that depends. If the audience you're writing for is 4chan then avoid it. If you're trying to appeal to anyone then it's not a bad idea as they're more popular than unpopular.
If you're just writing for you then do what you want.
What if there was an entire fic dedicated to nothing but forum posting? I'm trying to imagine it and it feels like it would be nothing but insufferable back and forth arguments with a hint of offscreen OC wanking. There probably is some fic out there that is nothing but that. Ew.
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Doesn't stop it from looking funny instead of serious as they wanted tho, once you get past that "filter" you'll realize that it really isn't good and no amount of cope will change that

Muh Dexholders shit was the real filter
Eh, I feel like the dexholder problem only got egregious by the FRLG arc. Like, it was okay in the first arc because you could chalk it up to Oak being an eccentric weirdo who just pawned off the pokedex to his grandson and a random kid because that's how it goes in the game, but then the longer Spe goes the more the story gets held back by the fact that every pokedex holder has to have some kind of talent and the fact that in universe Oak never bothered actually expanding the Pokedex outside of a set amount. Pretty funny how it's the total opposite in the games where now any random can just download an app on their phone and the one time Spe had other people have a pokedex that wasn't for dexholders it was for "evil" purposes.
I like the intermission chapters that are just the characters hanging out and chilling.
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>Pretty funny how it's the total opposite in the games where now any random can just download an app on their phone
Not much I can say to that. I haven't actually read pokespe past BW2 because I couldn't stand the new MCs or how long it was taking for chapters to release. I didn't know this was still an issue, but I guess that's the one thing Spe will continue to have outside of eclipsing every other pokemon manga in recognition. (Personally, I liked Diamond and Pearl Adventure more because it never pretended to take itself seriously for a second.)
>the cringe fanfics you wrote as a tween/teenager
Never happened, I repressed myself too much during my youth and now all the cringe is about to overflow.
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Not the Pokespe one, the one by Shigekatsu Ihara that fits more in mind of what I'd want out of a pokemon story, just an adventure that is kind of dumb fun.
I held myself back from actually writing out any of the stories outside of ideas and now I'm planning to unleash them onto the world.
I once wrote a Naruto fanfic where Choji accidentally shot the whole team (with a gun, yes) and traveled back in time to prevent this.
I saw one SI as Ash on FF.net the other day. IIRC, the MC's real name is Austin and he captured an Eevee from the manga, the one that can switch between other Kanto eeveelutions.
You forgot
Go post it on your tumblr blog or deviantart, then kill yourself.
Faggotry over Eevees and eeveelutions.
If the MC is an SI, then he somehow knows every Gym Leader's dark secret.
Latias over Latios, every day of the week.
Don't forget about Zoroark. Every Gary Stu loves to have a Z on his team.
Hoenn (with aqua/magma plotline) is even more overdone than Sinnoh
Huh. That's weird, guess I just so happened to stumble upon fanfiction when it was already over. Nowadays it's just Kanto or Sinnoh, at least it seems to me so.
I wish i could travel back in time and kill worm creator just like how kikes want to kill baby hitler
How did we forget betrayal. That outright spiked and latched onto another character when PLA had that plot point pop up. It's still mostly Ash exclusive though.
I never ran into any worm content until I started lurking SB/SV and its spinoffs. I think it's just the userbase of thoae sites having terminal shit taste.
I don't get Worm. It's meant to be "what if superheroes were realistic and brutal?" but three of the main characters are regular girls and only one of them is wearing armor. Why doesn't literally anyone just knock Taylor, Lisa or Rachel out?

Also I love Jasmine. My SI breeds her every day.
They said the same shit about Harry Potter, you know.
Seriously, who gets aroused by teenage girls getting bullied into godhood?
Another HP fic trope. Do not forget about Draco in leather pants.
It's unkillable. We must endure until the next hyped-up shit.
Worm, MHA, Naruto, Harry Potter, F/SN, and some other popular franchise I'm probably forgetting are like, the horsemen of the AU fanfic wankery SI/OC midpocalypse.
You forgot about Steven Universe.
Kancolle was one too, for a time. Thanks planefag, every overworked Admiral Goto in a dozen different fics was your fucking fault.
Looking at this and as soon as I posted it I realized I completely forgot about Star Wars and RWBY. This list could really go on forever because these types of authors tend to hop fandoms to write these types of story which clear the lowest bar possible.
Good thing we have Jojo fanfics, especially crossovers, right? There's just something about the setting of each part which works really well with any other franchise, yet attracts only the best writers.
>arceus worship
>as a stand-in for christianity
>reddit-tier atheism
>religious characters discriminate against protagonist
>Psychic Pokemon uses Psychic to toss objects at Dark types
That's cheating
Do not do that
I don't care if it makes sense, that's "aim for the horn" level bullshit. Grab a Focus Blast TM like a normal person.
>jojo crossover
Sorry anon, it's slop. Unless you're sitting on a good JoJo Pokemon fic to prove me wrong
I think the worst part of this one is that it also pops up in fangames where characters will be denying that legendaries exist and then walk into the next scene and a legendary shows up or the evil villain will have one. It's so stupid.
the cringe fangame discussion is two threads down
There's no way I'm going in there, I only touched one game and decided I was not putting up with any of that. My point still stands that it's a stupid trope.
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Can't believe they're still alive, fucking VIZ

Though yeah, SI wankery is cancer just as character wank, Hachiman being some Red tier prodigy because muh common sense is retarded
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Why would Kaede do this?
I honestly did think they were gonna put RWBY out of it's misery once WB was like "we don't want that." Honestly kind of impressive.
I think the only thing I hope never spreads out of containment is the salt fic, which was something I saw while browsing co which is like the unholy combination of character bashing, betrayal, complete overemphasized karmic retribution, and generally is greatly OOC. Thankfully it seems to be only contained to the original franchise.
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There's that RWBY crossover in SB where the author gets mad with any power level mention because RWBY has to be the top dog despite their gods being a fraud nowadays, I'd rather read a Gundam/Pokémon crossover than RWBY
You just reminded me with the RWBY mention that Persona didn't get on my hitlist (I remembered BBTAG existed). Power level scaling is one of the activities I don't think I could ever do because once you start considering stats and feats and things actually shown it just turns into "okay, my character wins because I said so." Trying to apply it to pokemon would be even worse because there's so many sources you can use to just invalidate whatever anyone's saying like how in mystery dungeon starter pokemon are defeating legendaries without evolving.
Kek, the most common argument is them being universe busters just to have SMTfags argue that no way fag, Personas are dreams compared to our demons.
>tfw no psychic bond gardevoir wife
Not every story needs to be an indomitable SI or otherwise your bro/hero. Sometimes I want a total fuckup for a main character like Disco Elysium. Sometimes I want to feel like a complete fucking loser that gets bullied by everyone like in Voices of the Void.
It's not often, but sometimes I want the opposite of a power fantasy. Of course, the biggest thing keeping me from writing such a thing for pokemon is because deep down I'm afraid that I WILL get isekai'd but it will be into the fuckup story.
Really? The only thing I know about this fandom is the oceans of yaoi, I never heard of non yaoi MHA stories.
You are already isekai'd into the fuckup story. You cannot yet escape samsara.
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>That spoiler
I too am afraid of writing some aura slop and end up getting isekai'd there
The yaoi is a constant in the stories, there's no getting away from that part. I'm talking about things like smart midoriya, villian midoriya (they usually go hand in hand), fucking things like "midoriya jumps and ends up in a crossover or with a power" and the list could go on.
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He must be talking about OCs stories with the Gamer system, that shit is pretty common in DC/Marvel stuff, though I don't believe you never found an All Might bashing story or Izuku Kryptonian/gamer
I got just the thing for you.
>a wandering absol
>she is shipped with a mightyena
Two strikez
>MC defeats all the trainers in the gym and solves all the puzzles
>MC walks past the gym leader without a word and takes the shortcut back to the entrance to heal
Realistically, how would the average gym leader respond to this?
"Better luck next time, challenger."
You have to complete the gym gauntlet and defeat the gym leader in one go. It's a mini version of facing the elite four before the champion.
>Don't forget about Zoroark. Every Gary Stu loves to have a Z on his team.
I just think the fluff would be nice...

How about using Telekinesis (the Move specifically made for moving things) and it does little because it's a Kingambit (Physically-slanted wall) and they simply do not have anything hard and heavy enough to hurt it that way?

Given the games actually DO differentiate here, it's entirely understandable that the Gyms are in fact checklists as experienced in play rather than gauntlets like the later E4 into Champion run.
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>Sometimes I want to feel like a complete fucking loser that gets bullied by everyone
Thanks, but I have irl already. But seriously that shit in 95% is either some edgy drama, pity party or even better humilation fetish. It is "two sides of horseshoe" situation, it is no coincidence that in most of the powerwanks MC has some bullied loser backstory. So my choice would be either the unending horror of loneliness or a person against indifferent insurmountable circumstances.

Btw most intreasting thing in all that OP hero fics is consideration of personal relationships between characters, how such abilities will change thinking, how the author will present the interaction of such an almost inhuman mind and its mental processes. How it would be to be friend or lover of a creature, capable of stripping your conscience down to base instincts and what is a free will in such situation.
I choose to believe that Arceus is inherentely behevolent and will not allow this to happen
What about Miracle Eye? Doesn't that negate dark type weaknesses like odor sleuth and foresight do for ghosts?
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OP here. Just hide the thread.
Miracle Eye is a strange move. In-game, Miracle Eye takes up one of your very limited 4 move slots so you're better of with something else, which justifies the move being so easy to obtain.

But in-universe, if we're removing the presence of a 4 move limit, it's busted overpowered and just seems like a whole lot lore-wise. The whole point of Miracle Eye is overcoming a Psychic's one major weakness and shortcoming. It should either be an end-game move that only the most skilled of psychics can learn, or it should be heavily toned down.
Otherwise you're saying that it's piss-easy to overcome the greatest hurdle possible for a pyschic, and at that point you're just a few inches away from saying a common Kadabra could destroy Arceus because it's psychic which makes it a bigger god than God. May as well add telepathic conversations that move faster than even a supercomputer can process and complete time control.
>Also I love Jasmine. My SI breeds her every day.
Tell us more.
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You two must not be familiar with the iseakai escape hatch. It's something I first saw on /tg/. I include it in all my campaign settings just for funsies.
Kill yourself, faggot
>tfw no childhood friend to rivals to lovers story arc
Moves are a weird concept that's one of those things where you either need to acknowledge the limitations of the games being an RPG or just go throwing shit at the wall like the anime did with the guy on Orange Islands who had a Dragonite packing 10 moves. Stick to the limit and end up stuck with people questioning why they couldn't just write a way a pokemon could know 5 moves or break the limit and justify it in universe by saying that 4 moves for a pokemon is the legal limit for battles or something.
But if I killed myself there will be no one who can finish my VN. I have to stay alive at least until it's done.
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Has any SI ever used muh pokédex holder shit? They use aura to death and Psychic powers but dex basically makes you a superheroe
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Current progress in designing my cast. Ignore the half-assed sprites in bottom left, they're obviously unfinished.
*bottom right.
I'm stupid.
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Can't think of anything, most SIs tend to stick to gameverse and animeverse. Plus that would require people to actually read Pokespe, which doesn't really seem to be a thing many anons here are interested in.
Perhaps they're not the greatest, but no slop either. Here, a few examples.

Stone is Unbreakable. Part 4 but with Jolyne.

Fate: True Bizarre. Literally the only Fate fic that isn't slop and it's a crossover with JJBA. Seriously, they made Shinji learn Hamon in the sequel!

Gems are Unbreakable and JoJo and the Crystal Gems. Pretty funny SU crossovers.

A Devil's Diamond. Yes, that's a DxD crossover, and Jojo's the very thing that makes it readable.

Quiet Life With Monster Girls. Kira Yoshikage does his shtick, nuff said.


... now that I think about that, almost all of those fics are crossovers. Perhaps it's just that Jojo is perfect for such things.
TFW you know about Pokespe from fanfics and /vp/ threads.
>Psychics being able to dmg Dark types neutrally means they can take down Arceus
Did you come fresh off a gen 1 playthrough or something anon? Psychics really aren't that oppressive.
You got my respect bro, doing your own art instead of AI slop or a comission.

so at the end, what style are you using?

A bit of everything. If you're asking for what martial arts Ash will use and whatnot, he's mostly gonna be a half-Bajiquan/half-Karate guy, pretty much a hybrid between Akira Yuki and Ryu, Misty might be Mizongquan, and for Sabrina I don't know yet, she's a psychic but I don't want to make her a Psylocke clone.

As for for other characters, there will be some who use Eskrima, some that will go for Vale Tudo, implementing stuff from different disciplines. Most likely I will have at least one Muay Thai fighter. And the monsters are monsters, so they can afford to have crazy attacks all around.
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No Gun Kata? Nina is a good inspiration for Interpol Anabel, Steven is for fencing in my opinion
>I'm stupid
It happens to the best of us.
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Pokespe is one of those things where once you read it you either think it's okay or hate it based on whatever idea Kusaka decides to throw in like an idea dart board. Like the same arc where I watched an Aipom use Gold's pool cue to help blow a super flamethrower is the same arc where the main character's big sad moment is that people made fun of him because he's short. There could be salvagable ideas here but it's buried under mid. I also hate how it gets called the manga when there are many, many more.
>you either think it's okay or hate it
I don't know bro, you're forgetting the part that thinks its the best shit ever and the true canon, as retarded as that sounds, iirc they went after their pedo translator the moment he showed interest in another Pokémon manga
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Gun Kata is something I admittedly didn't think about, primarily because it's based on firearms, but I could think of something. Eskrima (or Arnis if the name doesn't ring a bell) is much better for weapon combat.

And it's funny you mention Anabel. I actually saw her with Morrigan's moves because her younger self is pretty reminiscent of Lilith, but yeah, Nina's moves would fit her quite well.

Not sure what can be done for Steven, maybe Jeet Kune Do for shits and giggles (or whatever karate type the Mishima style takes from, since he's physically similar to Lee Chaolan).
I was trying my best to not bring up the hyperdefensive fanbase that's convinced that it's peak pokemon because otherwise I'd just have unreadable word vomit.
I watched Arrow so yeah, I do know about it...

>Morrigan's moves
I actually think that fits Sabrina more, as for Steven how about Savate or Sambo?
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Very cool
Savate. I think that one does the trick.
So, who's getting baritsu? Looker?
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I really wanna start writing and i was planning to start with a pokefic but besides me being self conscious about it being shite (it certainly will be) a few things stop me from fundamentally attempting to try, i would like help from anyone more experienced to explain how they overcame stuff like this
>Having the story take place in a region but giving the characters mons from anywhere feels wrong or like a cop out
>Not having enough knowledge of younger gens, i haven't played gens 5-9 and it's hard to implement lore from those regions when i know jackshit about them besides lore videos and reading the wiki, should i watch full playthroughs to get to know it better?
>Constantly having no idea what certain rules work like in the pokemon world, a lot of things are poorly explained in canon and it feels wrong to me to constantly make shit up, like how do you even make something like a police force or how to enforce rules of society on the average trainer
The more i write about this the more i realize this is probably just me overthinking it and the point is to make stuff up about the universe because that's part of the fun, but i don't want to deviate so hard from canon that the story ends up using the pokemon world just as a fancy setting
I would also appreciate some recs on pokefics which you consider to have good worldbuilding
>Having the story take place in a region but giving the characters mons from anywhere feels wrong or like a cop out
It depends on the pokemon and the execution. A lot of pokemon can be justified existing in many other regions, especially if they're a species that would be inclined to migration like birds. But if it's something that's already incredibly rare in its home region and isn't inclined to migration or reasonably existing elsewhere? Yeah, kinda cringe.
For example, Golurk. Very clearly made by an ancient civilization, and seems to be based in the hazy Kalos/Galar/Unova section of the globe, with implied ties to their dynasties. Doesn't make too much sense to just find them in somewhere like Kanto. However, at the same time, it has been several thousand years since they were first created. It could be reasoned that foreign powers could have gotten a hold of a few, and so now you have justification for Golurk existing in some ancient Kantonian fortress.
I'd still cringe if your MC chanced upon them in viridian forest at night though.
>Not having enough knowledge
As long as you get the major strokes right it's fine. Honestly, just reading the wikis is putting you in a good spot. The game's don't exactly deliver the lore very well unless you go talking to out-of-the-way NPCs or mashing A on every bookcase.
Besides, plenty of people write fics about shit they know barely anything about. You can always use the same excuse they do, "it's an AU!"
>Constantly having no idea what certain rules work like in the pokemon world
Nobody else knows either. Not even the animators or developers, especially the animators who constantly contradict themselves and break their own rules.
Just try to make it make sense. The anime's a good reference for how much shit you can get away with. They made up aim-fo-the-horn after all.

Yeah, you are overthinking it. People don't care if the lore or mechanics are a bit different. Just be careful which characters you assassinate.
You are both overthinking it and overestimating everyone's standards. Don't use 4chan as the measurement the people here hate anything that more than 10 people has read.
Basic grammar? Check
Spellcheck? Check
That's all you need to get started, try stuff out and you will get better.
Multiverse is canon bro, you can do whatever the fuck you want.

Hypno is SVU mon? Multiverse
Latias is a rapist? Multiverse
Red is actually a fraud? Multiverse and LGPE
You’re overthinking it. The thing about Pokémon is that you can write anything you want and there will be some way to justify it in universe because of how loose the lore actually is, there’s no kind of guidebook on fic writing for this franchise. As long as it’s grammatically correct and readable it’ll be read.
You're too concerned with canon
>Region specific pokemon
Regions are human defined boundaries. Pokedexes are human curated lists. Forget them. Pokemon live in environments where it makes sense for them to live. Or where humans have brought them for whatever reason you come up with.
>missed games
The conflicts are shallow, uninteresting, and region specific like always, and if you don't know them then your story doesn't need them.
If the rules aren't defined then you can define them however you want. And if the rules are defined in an inconvenient way then you can redefine them. Changing the rules of a setting causes cascading changes that create interesting worldbuilding and conflict for free as you try to untangle it. All that matters is that your story is internally consistent.
I'd recommend starting out with a short story (maybe a prequel or something about one of the characters you want to include) just to get some feedback on things. Nothing like writing out 5-10 chapters, posting the first one and get a problem that's all over those chapters and you have to overhaul. Remember, it's supposed to be fun and a story you want to tell. That's truly all that matters, and if you get readers, great! Good luck, and hope to read your stuff soon, anon.
>Having the story take place in a region but giving the characters mons from anywhere feels wrong or like a cop out
Depends how they got/get them. Aside from what other anon already said, maybe your character picks them up on a vacation to another region, or the pokemon was released by a previous trainer from another area, or maybe even just the good ol' 'exchange money for pokemon' method.

>Not having enough knowledge
Last pokemon game I played was emerald, and no-one reading the fic yet has called me out. Pokemon lore is simple and easy to mould to your story needs, and there always a wiki entry to read if you need.

>The rules
You are the author, and you are the rule-maker of your world. Shrinking doesn't exist? No move limits? Kanto requires thirty years of experience and multiple licences to fly on your bird? Go for it, as long as you can explain why it works that way if pressed. If this is all too difficult at the end of the day, then just gloss over it unless its explicitly needed to be mentioned. Your reader isn't going to care about how the economy works down to the variations of coinage accepted in the Kanto-Johto region, unless your characters need to directly interact with it for more than a passing interaction.
I had the exact same problems you did when starting out, and it all comes down to writing the damn fic. Pokemon's canon is absolutely fucked to begin with, so you can get away with almost anything as long as it's not pants-on-head retarded. You might need to go through a couple drafts before you end up with something you're confident enough to post, but that's just writing.

The secret is to have fun, and not worry too much about it.
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interesting, post the fic link chad
nope. No one overdoes magma/aqua. It's sinnoh because sinnoh is the first 'destroy the world' bad guy plot and kanto is just generic thugs. Aqua/magma have specific beginnings and endings which dont play well
if they didnt stuff him with a legendary and make reburst crystals 'permanent' it could have been based as fuck. But there are way too many nonsense bullshit garbage with them
Why the fuck would you give him Zekrom from the very beginning?
The only possible way to make “having a Zekrom” work imo would be you have the MC have a regular Dragon Pokémon from the start, and maybe halfway or 3/4 through the story, that Dragon Pokémon the MC is really close with bonds with the Black Orb and takes on the form of Zekrom. Still retardedly autistic, but probably the only way to make having a fully powered legendary be a member of the MC’s team.
Giovonni IS the good guy
>Cynthia is always holding back and she's the strongest ever, with only the MC being a rival to her "true team"
I've seen lots of fics where they use Cynthia as a measuring stick/prop to wank the MC but at the same time they don't have her as the super duper canonically strongest ever and it's mostly using her as that through "meta knowledge" if that makes any sense.
Happens a lot when the story is set early and so it is a younger Cynthia.
Cynthia's on a weird position.
>>Leon is a fraud
That's always been a super popular fan theory but I rarely if ever truly seen it on a fanfic.
Pretty much all fics where I've seen the dude play him completely straight and to this day I have yet to see a single Journeys/M8 rewrite where they make him lose early or have Lance or Cynthia as Ash's final opponent instead.
>Steven bashing
Isn't that just Hard Enough?
>Lance bashing
This one happens?
>Clair bullying
Now this one I fucking absolutely abhor and makes me butthurt each and one time I see now just because of how trite and low hanging fruit it has become.
I think the tides may be changing, however, since the shitting on Clair has gotten so comically over the top people have actually started feeling bad for her. All it needs is one big fic to actually feature Clair getting a positive portrayal for things to shift.

>All it needs is one big fic to actually feature Clair getting a positive portrayal for things to shift.
I wanted to write a thing where Clair mentors a shota dragon trainer who gradually defrosts her heart, but then I realized I had no interest in writing anything that long.
Steal a Trainer's pokemon, they retire and return to civilian life.
Another child saved from an early grave.
What sort of Pokémon would TR steal and how would they use them in a way that's benefitial to the organization?
What do they do with the Pokémon that are not indifferent to their old trainers and liable to attack?
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Use Absol to predict impending disasters and take out generous insurance policies on properties in the area

Use Rotom to sabotage equipment at factories and businesses if the owners don't pay their protection money

Or just... underground cockfighting rings. Less rules and rougher fights than sanctioned matches, and people bet on them.
IMHO, they mostly steal regular Pokemon like Pidgey, Rattata and whatever to resell them to rich folks for their kids. Something rare stays in for the organization's benefits.

I once even heard an idea that they use the cover of "Pokemon rights organization" to make it seem legal, like PETA but with a Sicilian mafioso at the top.
The more troublesome ones are either ransomed back or resold to be someone elses problem. Alternatively they are given to the science team.
>self conscious about it being shite (it certainly will be)
First story's first draft doesn't matter. What it becomes after you take critique and revise it is your metric for if you have a knack for this stuff.

>but giving the characters mons from anywhere feels wrong or like a cop out
Pokemon trainers trade pokemon. Use this a way to communicate to your readers which trainers wheel and deal, and then which ones are importing to keep versus actively trading.

>Constantly having no idea what certain rules work like in the pokemon world…like how do you even make something like a police force or how to enforce rules of society on the average trainer
These things are very sloppy and vague in the canon, and mostly it's video game logic. Get familiar with the cliches and then decide what works best for your story.

I'm really only aware of gens 1 through 5 except for meme/popular new pokemon, and what little I know of new gens mostly put me in the "those don't count" camp of denial that OG Star Wars fans went through till another wave of retcons made it a generic heap of shows sharing a theme and trademark package. Ultimately, you're not writing Pokemon, you're USING Pokemon as a medium to tell a story. If the story is good and is something unique enough that it NEEDS the Pokemon context to shine, it doesn't matter if it's based out of older gens or newer gens or a mix and match.

Just be sure that you are actually using the Pokemon context because if you don't really need it tell the story, you probably should tell it as an original IP, both for practical reasons (like marketability if you so somewhere with it) and writing-philosophy reasons (if it's a generic story, there's no reason to Pokemon it when you could do something new and creative with it).

Now get to drafting.
Give me prompts for smut to write

No pokephilia, no M/M, no feet; other kinks okay/welcome
It's a late night patrol for Officer Jenny near Mt. Moon when she dips into the vacant Pokecenter leading to intense lesbian handholding since they have the whole place to themselves. Difficulty: Both are in wheelchairs becuase they have no feet.
Sabrina using psychic powers to stealthily tease Brock in public, featuring edging and orgasm denial play. Then, raunchy (but quiet) sex in the nearest semi-private place when Brock finally loses control.
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Well? Is your character honorable enough?
Probably not, my trainer is one who begins the journey as a coward.
Completely weird question to ask, but do you just keep a folder of these specific manga panels to post? I swear I've seen these all before in different threads.
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Kusaka gave a Pokédex to Lack-Two, an inhuman piece of shit that has no qualms about lying, manipulating, and even using others as meat shields at all.

Most characters in fanfics look like saints when compared to that thing.
Lack Two and Interpol are completely fucked in pokespe, why in the world were they experimenting on him as a child from the get go, he outright confessed that he had zero sense of morality outside of doing what he was told to do by the director of Interpol and then when they fired him it turned out to be a test of his character where they then re-hired him. Baffling.
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They steal from young trainers to get access to pokemon that have barely bonded and to 'break in' new recruits.
Rare pokemon are used for breeding/selling them to collectors and other such people.
Most rocket money making is from exploiting pokemon/established systems, corruption with daycare centres -eggs go missing-, more schemes like Slowpoke tails.
Stealing trained/experienced pokemon is not worth the time invested. They will resist and unless you go grimdark with pillory breeding stalls then they're not going to breed. Selling them is an option but there's not many buyers who would pay enough to make it worth the trouble as a sustained business instead of an occasional thing.

Team Rocket is like a budget mafia
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I do have some saved, yes. Once in a blue moon they serve to trigger some PokeSpefag which is personally funny
Does it include Poke-on-Poke, no humans?
Well, that explains why they look familiar. You ever read any pokemon manga outside of Spe? Outside of a few like Reburst and ETOP the rest make Spe stick out like a sore thumb especially with later arcs.
Sure, EToP was Kino and that ending mogged a lot of things. Two rivals turned bros going on an adventure? Who doesn't love that shit?
You’d think that any of these factoids would actually make Yellow important or a Mary Sue but outside of the single arc where she’s the main character she’s a jobber who falls asleep when the characters could use her power the most.
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Interesting. I only really brought up those two because they seem to be the ones people recognize the most outside of Spe. I'm not really much of an Ash fan myself but I liked ETOP's take on the world and stuff, like how getting a pokedex required taking a test and how it became your license versus how in Spe it's some kind of weird destiny fate privilege sort of thing. Most other manga just make up their own things for their story instead of trying to go for the game stories which makes them feel better than Spe when it tries to adapt a game story and it falls completely flat.
I'm writing about a talking Sylveon who:
- is an SI, a former iron-pumping macho who is (secretly) easily spooked;
- almost died the first day from drinking unsanitized water;
- made Cynthia his personal TP supplier (for a few chapters);
- evolved after being eaten alive by a Hydreigon and scared the everliving shit out of everyone by coming back, covered in gore and shit;
- saved Cynthia from a Seviper (yes, that fag gave me the idea);
- drifted in sea on a makeshift raft only to land in Alto Mare;
- broke half of AC units in the city;
- threatened to make a soup out of Latios, taught him and Latias self-defense instead;
- finally got employed by Oak, BSODed a PC on the first day;
- accidentally released THAT Pikachu, had to escort Ash until he finds himself a starter in the wild;
- ends up as his starter because Delia threatened him with a pair of pliers, and he wanted;
- got flinged into a trash bin by Onix;
- ran away from a "skibidi toilet" event, courtesy of a lovestruck female Vaporeon;
- got poked in the asshole by a Cleffa;
- threatened to 'auschwitz' Sabrina with a flamethrower if she doesn't bring his trainer back;
- won the Soul Badge by, ahem, diarrhea (bc a Fairy-type in a Poison-type gym is such a good idea);
- got disqualified from the tournament for swearing (it was a PG-13 event, shouting "Suplex city, bitch!" was a big no-no);
- got his ass whooped by Suicune because his biological father ate Mew alive and scared Mewtwo shitless;
- went with Gary because Ash is still recovering from getting his ass whooped by Mewtwo, almost kills the witch girl after her potion turns Oak-junior into a Sneasel.
- a year later Suicune pays a second visit and brings friends, they almost destroy Alto Mare, if it wasn't for Mewtwo;
- Latios and Latias decide to go with the MC, Mewtwo stays instead (and is quite delighted that local kids hail him as a superhero);
- wins a contest in Hoenn by reciting The Bible
Does this sound as a honorable MC?
As a young lad who greatly enjoyed Mystery Dungeon, I always envisioned a sequel game to explorers of Sky that took place in the mainline series.

>MC wakes up on the beach as a human with amnesia
>Can only remember that they used to be a pokemon in a world that didn't have very many humans in it, if any at all
>Realize that they can still speak to pokemon despite no longer being one
>Decides to go on the typical pokemon adventure for whatever reason.
>Along the journey, meet a duo of goofy characters claiming to be an exploration team from another world, they're looking for a criminal that tried to plunge the world into darkness or something, weird.
>Space and time start collapsing as the story goes on, only way to fix it is for the MC who can talk to pokemon to go find Palkia and try fixing what's wrong
>Meet with Palkia in the endgame, get attacked on sight
>Almost defeated by Palkia, the exploration team rescues the MC at the last moment, fighting at their side because of all the good they did in this world.
>After the battle it's revealed that MC was actually Darkrai the entire time, getting hit by Spacial Rend when time traveling at the end of Explorers of Sky caused the transformation and memory loss, like the protagonist from EOS but backwards.
Anyways, I think Pokespe was better when the only thing to compare it to were the GB games where everyone who wrote a story during that time period just did whatever they wanted, but it probably could’ve ended after GSC and not much would’ve been lost. Festival of Champions runs circles around it.
>Festival of Champions
How long has that tournament arc run by now?
That's a pretty kino fanfic idea, you should write it.
>reincarnated as a pokemon
100% chance the author is a furry
I might do it when I find time, first thing is a title. I was thinking something along the lines of
"Pokemon Mystery: Explorer Rewind"
What if my harem is all human women?
The only reason to reincarnate as a human is if you have a foot fetish. Pokemon do not have feet, they have stumps, and neither do they have genitalia, thus they are pure.
>made Cynthia his personal TP supplier
>ran away from a "skibidi toilet"
>threatened to 'auschwitz' Sabrina
>wins a contest in Hoenn by reciting The Bible

Madre de Dios...
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>be reborn as a Pokémon
>Think your hot shit and mess around
>Some kid guided by Fate (because that's fucking canon after the DLC) caught me
>NP bro, I'm stronger so I'll be the one in charge
>His starter is overleveled and Even has legendaries
>Fuck, I'm weak
>Loses my first fight
>Get stuck on a PC forever
i'm not a furry i'm just too lazy to want to deal with all of the social consequences of being a pokemon trainer
instead i will be the housecat that your mom has before you leave on your journey
or maybe i'll be a street pichu and get into misadventures
Colress is pretty autistic and ambitionless. I don't think his thoughts are complex even compared to pokemon. He just does whatever titillates his tism and doesn't seem to comprehend the issue with being arrested for war crimes.
Someone else needs to be the figurehead for the humans > pokemon movement. Colress seems like he was planted by Arceus to make humans look bad
Couldn't you just be reborn as one of those NPCs that just stands around in a town and does nothing? There's plenty of people who aren't trainers.
>Reborn as a mob character but with my meta and nutrition knowledge I am the strongest?!
What if there was just a story about a person who’s reborn and doesn’t want to be a trainer. It would be infuriating especially if they had meta knowledge, but it would also be really funny to piss off readers.
>Reborn as a mob character in the Pokémon world but I just want to chill, so why are all the heroines (female PCs) coming my way!?
>SI is a fisherman with 6 Magikarp and the player is constantly rematching him for speed EVs
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The other guy brought up the fisherman thing but I would actually read that if they were really autistic about being a pro-angler and spent their time chasing after myths of river monsters.
Imagine going crab fishing when the Kinglers can retaliate with hydro pump. Imagine being the guy who makes a living "fishing" for Gyarados. With all the wild water-types out there an extreme fishing-style fic might actually be a good concept. Just isekai a whole alaskan crab fishing crew, boat and all.
>Try to fish up a Gyarados
>It hyper beams your boat in half
I dunno anon.
I don’t have anything to add, I just want to say that art is adorable
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Martial arts bros, one day we Will take the spotlight from Aura and Psychic fags
>Just isekai a whole alaskan crab fishing crew, boat and all.
This is such a kino idea, holy shit
>The captain is an old, scruffy guy who doesn't seem that bothered by the whole isekai thing, he just keeps the boat steaming along no matter what
>The deck hands are a bunch of ruffians who continue to catch Pokemon with cages and their bare hands because it never occurs to them that they could get other Pokemon to do it for them
>There's a Deadliest Catch cameraman who keeps the camera rolling because this is going to be the story of the century if they ever get back home
>Story is told from the perspective of the navigator who has Pokemon metaknowledge but tries to keep it a secret from the rest of the crew, it's up to him to catch Pokemon to protect the ship
Sounds like you need a DBZ crossover
>story is told as a series of vignettes focusing on a group of characters (ex. fishing gang, captain and bridge crew, cameramen)
>each group is joined by a pokemon or two for a small adventure
>a wingull leads the boat to a school of fish but steals some of the catch
>a pod of wailmer surf the boat's wake
>the captain is forcibly adopted by a mischievous chatot
>a gang of tentacool are stealing from the gang's krabby traps
>a machop signs up to join the crew while they're in port
>a museum charters them to catch a relicanth
i unironically want to read this now
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Would a survival type story of some faller kid without meta knowledge even work? Because I'm pretty damn sure even the weakest move can still kill or at least gravely injure a normal human.
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Not only would it work, it would be kino as hell. Hatchet, but replace the hatchet with a pokemon. A survival + boy & dog story.
It would have to focus on both wilderness survivalism and pokemon handling. It could work, but it's only as good as the worldbuilding.
What do you think the source of the distortion would be, and how would darkrai-human be needed to help solve it?
Don't need to say it here if you don't want to spoil or commit early, just something to think about.

Post it here if you ever write it.
The Natural could've been that type of fic had the author not made it an isekai or write the story so the kid left the forest. I kinda wished he stayed longer.
There's really not much to do in a forest to be fair, PLA is the perfect example of that
It took Giovanni about five-ten minutes to convince him to join up with Team Rocket, so no probably not. Kind of hard to turn down a job offer when you're naked though I suppose.
What is Giovanni's endgame? What's his overarching goal? Is it even something attainable where he'll be finished at some point? Does he even know himself?
>He's just a crime boss making money
Okay but Team Rocket also dabbles in crazy super-science. Making Mewtwo, taking over Silph Co for a ghost detecting machine, dicking around with parallel universes... Why are they doing any of that if they're just trying to make money?
Power. It all comes down to becoming the most powerful person, and making the money is just one of the steps in that path.
He's researching cloning and soul transfer. He wants what every rich powerful man wants, immortality to keep being rich and powerful. He wants infinite clones of himself in his prime to transfer himself into whenever he gets too old.

Discovering Mew DNA and making Mewtwo was just a coincidence along the way that he figured he could make into a useful weapon.
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He wants to frolick on the beach with giblerino, trust the process.
I think postRBY Giovanni is a broken man. He's made zero effort to do anything over three years and just squats in a cave while his son fends for himself.

I want to read about a content Giovanni that retired and becomes an active father in Silver's life.
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>Creating one of a kind pokemon to either use or sell
>Gaining a reliable way to detect and therefor catch ghosts
>Doubling the amount of pokemon you can exploit with each parallel universe you breach

Dunno anon, seems like viable ways to make money to me. Power is also a pretty attractive thing to pursue as well like other anon mentioned, but that doesn't have to mean 'take over the entire world' (and then some more). Gio might be more than happy to just maintain a firm grip on Kanto from both the shadows and legitimate means, be rich as fuck, and have the whole supervillain aesthetic going on.

Rich and powerful people just tend to gravitate towards evil (and looking evil). It's how you know that they're successful.
Who here takes writing commissions. I want romantic fluff and maybe smut.
For mine it's she's a freak of nature by being a human with Infinity Energy-- much like how actual Psychics likely do to a small degree or how it makes Fighters like Bea and Maylene more durable and powerful or Hex types being able to connect with Ghosts. There are abnormal people who have traces of Infinity Energy but they are oblivious to it since Infinity Energy isn't widespread information, it manifested in mild ways that simply made them think they were merely exceptional human beings and/or their quantity is too small to result in anything remarkable enough for them to realize and in turn have no idea how to properly channel it. But she's a total freak even among them due to sheer quantity of Infinity Energy and actually learning how to properly use it to the point she can outright fight alongside her Pokemon in even the direst of conflicts.
What's your pitch?
What's the difference between that and aura then? It sounds like 24/7 Senjutsu
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What's a Senjutsu?
>what's the difference from Aura?
You tell me, I assume it's just the type of shit Lucario can do, which honestly ain't even much from what I know.
Fuck bro, you trying to use that kind of cheat without knowing one of the most basic Shounen shit terms?
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I looked it up and it's a Narutard term, I don't fuck with Narutard shit. This really old gem is my reminder I made the right choice along with my own anecdotes from seeing the Naruto fandom at work over the years along with just how cringe Naruto in itself is. Like it never grew out of being a poorly written early 2000s anime and chose to double down on it.
Mine wouldn't care about the Pokedex at all.
>What's a Senjutsu?
That's from Naruto. You essentially absorb energy from the environment and mix it with your own.
Not quite then. Cause Infinity Energy is something Pokemon outright generate on their own. And in this scenario so do said gifted people and the outright freak of nature-- even among these gifted people-- do too. Absorbing natural energy from the environment is more along the lines of how Primal Reversion works in Kyogre and Groudon.
>you will never cultivate your aura at the feet of a wise and ancient lucario master
Soft bean Lucario toe beans...
>tfw your Lucario master will never BETRAY you and refine your soul into a mega stone
senjutsu isn't just a naruto thing
that's like saying dbz is the only media that uses energy attacks
Never seen other things call it Senjutsu. Like Primal Reversion is basically Senjutsu but nobody calls it that faggy Naruto sounding shit and nobody will ever coin that term for such a process cause of how Naruto it sounds at all.
Isn't that a good thing.
>technique that involves natural energy and nature and is used in multiple forms of media, often outright called senjutsu in multiple anime/manga
>muh naruto
There are fucking tv tropes pages about this, I'm not getting into an argument with someone that can't do basic research for their story.
This is a Latinx board. Use "Spirit Bomb" like a normal person.
Isn’t that just something like Ki from dragon ball where it’s life force energy? How’s that any different from aura?
NTA. Same source, different expression.
Plenty of settings use mana but the way that mana is used varies. Pokémon Aura is a lot less defined.
>Pokémon Aura is a lot less defined.
Pretty sure its literally spelled as life force, even the japanese name
>Aura (Japanese: 波導 wave-guiding) is a form of spiritual energy described as the essence of every living thing
>In paranormal theory, an aura is a field of light said to surround living beings, the color of which is determined by the particular person's disposition. It is often used in artwork to cause objects or people of high importance to stand out. Aura could also be based on the Chinese concept of qi, which often refers to the life-force existing in all living things.
>an energy field that permeates and binds all living things
Wait a minute, this is just The Force.
R8, h8, appreci8
>Favs: 13, Follows: 3, Published: May 19, 2016

From what I heard Kusaka really fucked up their relationship
>often outright called senjutsu in multiple anime/manga
Name 3 that are not Naruto
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>This girl
>All the Fairy Girl npcs

What the fuck is going on in Kalos? Is this what happens you when overdose on Fairy Aura?
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Tekken Chimni

Fist of the North Star

Yu Yu Hakusho

Heck, even Street Fighter

Samurai Champloo(Yeah, even Champloo)

All of Muxia and Xianxia novels/shows/manhuas

All of the Manhwa series

Jojo's Bizarre Adventures

Even if the name differs the concept is the same, per Kishimoto's words chakra is ki
highschool dxd had unironic senjutsu
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street fighter
>Even if the name differs
Gotta stop you right there anon. The concept is the same yes but you're explicitly arguing that everyone knows it as Senjutsu.
Cosplay and theming is very serious business in the Pokémon world.
>All these anime exclusive locations listed on Bulbapedia for each Region
Well this is a massive help, also really fleshes out the regions into being massive countries.
>go into pokemon battle in casual clothes
>you are arrested for indicent exposure
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You know something? Ninjas are really underrated, everyone wants to be a not-jedi or whatever the fuck aurafags are supposed to be nowadays.

The frog really fucked things up which is a shame because ninja used to be cool, not faggy Naruto ninjas tho

>Koga, Janine
Lmao even
They got it better than Clair, sure, but that's mostly because nobody cares about them
>Kanto/Jhoto both have ninja schools in the anime, Kanto obviously has Koga's whole thing
>Ninjas exist in Hoenn
>Ninjas in Unova
I don't remember if they appear in other regions.
One thing that i notice lacking in at least the fics i read is a focus on stall teams, while in competive pokemon it can be seen as an annoying strategy in-universe it would be basically torture for everyone involved, constantly switching out your pokemon as the opponent's mon slowly die to poison is an interesting concept which you can do a lot with
I guess depending on the rules you follow it might be completely immoral in-universe to even try to do it
It's called life force at times, but at the same time it's come from things that aren't actually alive like the moon. And then there are things like Yveltal, who thrive off the 'aura of death'. That makes sense if we interpret it as Yveltal literally sucking the life force out of others, but not Xerneas, who promotes life even though that should realistically weaken it significantly. And then there are their abilities, "Fairy Aura" and "Dark Aura" which explicitly empower those two type moves, plus Zygarde with his ability "Aura Break" that only weakens fairy or dark type moves rather than literally everything.

Aura's kinda fucked. We're medieval doctors up in this shit. Shit, we may as well go full absorption power fantasy and start eating each other since aura is strongly contained in life.
most anime tournaments had substitution rules.
I have maps some dude did for Hoenn and Sinnoh with the anime locations. Do you want me to post it?
nta, and I know which maps you're referring to, but there are also some for other regions. I know this other guy made ones for Kanto and Kalos, at least.
Eating the aura or type energy-containing organs risks poisoning or prion disease. Pokemon, as virtuous beasts, are able to metabolize aura/TE through the digestive tract. Humans, unique among all creatures, cannot.
Yes please
>prion disease
Just don't eat the brain dummy
There’s that one guy in PLA, so there’s Hisui/Sinnoh.
That's a hazy one. That guy in PLA is part of Galactic, which are a colonization group from Johto.
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This is the one that appeared with that link
>you will never watch the autumn sun set behind mount coronet
Unfortunately Naruto ruined ninjas so bad that now every time you use them someone will start comparing them to Naruto ninjas
"Ninja" was already a media meme distanced from historical account. Naruto merely added another layer of distortion and distance.
Honestly Naruto is literally the only franchise I know that does "magical handsign spell slinging ninjas" over kunai and nun-chuck ninjas.

Magic ninjas are cool and I want to see more of them.
Yes, this one. Same dude did one for Hoenn, if memory serves me.
I suppose that's better than Taimanin
Damn that Gengar.
If you are to believe old leaks, she and other NPCs were meant to be aliens, but they got turned into just odd human freaks of nature.
Wait what? Aren't you mixing her with Lillie's family?
It was a piece of XY’s old plot in some leaks that apparently fairy type pokemon and trainers were supposed to be aliens, with Diantha being their leader, and Team Flare was supposed to be like some kind of men in black equivalent. There was more but the rest of the details are hazy right now in my memory.
Was "lost" a typo for "most?" Depends on what counts as fan fiction. That old "Ash Ketchum is actually in a coma" thing has far-reaching influence among various fandoms, but it's probably not what you'd traditionally consider fan fiction.

If lost wasn't a typo, then I have no idea, it's lost.
He'll at least marry Meowstic, right? He has to take responsibility
You wrote crime sometimes pays?
>Being responsible
Haha, no.

Yes. I'm currently writing the next chapter after a busy couple of months and, Allah willing, should have it updated sometime next week.
I actually think Pixiv Red was the most influential for years, even more than betrayal

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