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Do you think gamefreak ever regretted designing machoke?
Where is THAT edit?
the couldn't possibly predict how degenerate everyone would be in 30 years
Machoke built like me frfr.......
In 3 years
The only things Gamefreak regrets designing are Raichu and gender differences.
>people want the fuck the pokemons and are giving GF money for it
why would they regret anything?
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No? They probably don't regret even a single one of their designs, even the shittier ones. It's not like it makes a difference. Autists seethe about "human-looking" pokemon when they forget that the hominid genus exists and there used a lot of other types of human in in it along with with us, before we made them all outdated. These mons exist since Gen I and you kept buying the games anyway.
they probably regretted not giving him nipples
>she thinks Game Freak regrets anything from KANTOOOOOOOOOOOO
Fucking idiot
And this donut steel OC
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You know... USUM is still a piece of shit scam of a game and GamFuck fuckers are absolute scumbags for pulling that shit off
However, this was one of the best features they've ever done
I have a schizo theory: I can imagine most players who picked Machop / Machoke in their very first playthrough had no fucking idea about trade evolution, hence they ended up with a level 65 Machoke. So, some have already established an emotion connection to this fucker
File deleted.
Yeah but gengar, golem and alakazam are infinitely more popular than their prevos
On a side note, did anyone else notice Maldu's art getting worse over the years? Does he have dementia or something
Machamp's lips kind of ruin him
gen3 kinda started it
machoke movers, sailor types all having machoke
for some reason a ton of sailors have machop/machoke, hikers too but they can actually have machamp
Yeah, but it's the reason more are attracted to Machoke than Machamp.
The only Pokémon I feel Gamefreak legitimately regrets creating is Raichu.
Like they know they’re just stuck with it now.
this, also Machoke is easier to draw
It should've just been a form exclusive to the anime.
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Nah he looks like a cuddler.
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>Drunk as fuck
>Still happy and relatively aware to keep going
Bro is built completely different.
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Can we talk about the epidemic of women training Machoke? This is becoming a problem...
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I can't help but imagine something dirty
Cute pige
Correct, Emboar is cute
I know exactly what you're thinking
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choke on my dick
The cutest!
No, simply because they've featured machoke in tons of games since then and even lampshaded the fact that having a buff male humanoid around would be a little weird at times. Pokemon is silly.
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Workout buds
sex buds...
Workout sex buds
who tops?
Seviper, small top on big bottom is the best pairing
seviper because he has 2....
Bear Stocks through the roof this week
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What did I miss? All I know is the new Unite Urshifu skin and the greatly appreciated uptick in Ben Bigger art
Mostly the Ben art, I'm loving every piece he and his belly gets
bearmons dressed as Ben when
Soon. Gimme Ben Pangoro
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No because they still make baramons
for me it's Urshifu or Ursaring
the only pokemon they regretitng iz jynx
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I hope Z-A doesn't disappoint
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What's your starter wishlist for Z-A?
Hoping for Baracat, Feraligatr and a toss up between Rillaboom and Chesnaught
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Smart pig
You posted them
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Helpful Pig!
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maybe but dick thanks them for designing machoke and baracat
God I wish that was me.
>new baracat pics from Voviat

hes doing an entire week of baracat, we're about to eat good
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Hopefully other artists get on the train soon, 7/27 is almost here
cute belly!
baracat has two birthdays
Was my favorite as a kid
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me on the right!
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me on the left
Machine is a rip-off of DKC’s Krusha.
Machoke - no good autocorrect.
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me on the center
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I don’t get it
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Snuggling with Slaking!
Snuggling with both
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These make me feel unsafe.
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>Arcanine and Incineroar
>Hisuian Arcanine as well
even more based
But they just want to love you
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>no pig snout
No thanks
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Understandable, he looks adorable with it. And in general
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I think Baramons suck.
How do I achieve this body type.
Also I want to be a bottom for Machoke.
Sounds like jealousy since women are canonically the strongest trainers and the preferred protag choice.
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no you
that's a female garchomp
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Tyrantrum looks sad
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Bara is deformity of the male physique, thus bad, corrupting and fetishizing. It is no longer appreciation of the male body but merely a way to satiate depraved sexual urges.
He went off to find his own baracat
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Pretty sure they regret Hypno way more.
They should, Drowzee is cuter
I agree actually. Even in porn.
He's got a better body, love a stocky build. Plus his snout is adorable
Yeah Hypno is too humanlike, both body and face. Plus I don't like that it has a pendulum. It's not very imaginative.
Drowzee looking like an actual tapir like a baku is just cooler.
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based bear trainer
>females join
yes, problem
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these faggy threads are the only reason I come to this board
chad bunny
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No one can resist his charms and thick arms
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It's almost Incineroar day
not enough female machoke porn even worse for machamp
Machamp has too many cursed pics, he doesn't need more than that.
part of the reason why i like machoke more is that the straightoids always gravitate towards machamp, clogging up his tag with little girls
Ancient Japan + muscle = perfection
buff hisuian pokemon in fundoshis...
Imagine bathing in a hot onsen with them.
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Thank you Voviat for getting other artists into the baracat spirit
needs a big cock for corsola and luvdisc to stare at
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yo is it the thread?
dang was gonna post this!
also you guys seen incineroar week?
Doodled this
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What's your obscure strongmon crush

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