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Post boys. Discuss boys.
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I dare you to post something gayer
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It's hard to choose a pic based on gayness.
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Attitude Kieran is the best. I can't help but feel it would still come out from time to time even after he calms down.
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gay sex
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gay sex and gay love
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brat attack
Gladion My Beloved
Why do I get the feeling some kinky shit is about to go down
Because it will…
Me in the middle <3
You will never be as cute as him though
My beloved boywife <3
That's fair, no one could. 2D is too powerful.
Sweaty, barefoot boys!
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Summer is the pokeboy season, after all
They are canon.
Someone mention barefoot boys?
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lick boys
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Imagine if we were as cute as Florian.
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It's impossible they didn't fool around in that dorm with zero adult supervision.
Gou is a girl. You can't change my mind
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There was much kissing to be had, for sure.
Cope. Accept your bisexuality.
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No but i'm glad you did
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The heterosexual guy's choice. Boys are the best girls.
So this is what happened at Kieran's house before the festival.
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Kill yourself trapfag.
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The way that the Ki Trio are depicted here aligns with some of my headcanons... especially Brendan/Yuki being so touchy-feely.
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he beats your local Vaporeon groper then jails him
She's my Vaporeon and it's concentual. She also solos his entire team.
Alright, so Kellyn can handle Pokemon gropers. Cool. That's still not stopping me from groping all the Pokeboys that I come across. Now my hands are going up his huge shorts.
Barefoot bfs just lounging around on the couch together, all comfy and cozy!
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How did Kiawe have such a strong “I’m going to pin Ash down and make him my boy wife” aura around him?
No other Pokeboy captures that bad boy vibe like Ethan does. He's the type of boy that mothers warn their daughters and sons to stay away from, but of course they are drawn to him and can't stay away.
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Grusha is not a "boy" he's a grown man.
Not a fan of the artists estrogenated males. Shame they're pretty much the only active Calem artist around
Agreed, Calem deserves so much better than that shit
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I want to some art where Calem has some body hair, dammit. Hairy legs. Hairy chest. Hairy ass. He's supposed to be like 17 years old, not 10.
That sounds hot... but you better start commissioning it if you want to ever see it.
>I want to some art where Calem has some body hair, dammit. Hairy legs. Hairy chest. Hairy ass. He's supposed to be like 17 years old, not 10.
Well spoken, bruva
I would, but damn life is so expensive these days that I feel fucking guilty spending any money that I have left over after covering the bills, rent, and other shit. I need to just learn about AI art generation and pump out lewds for my own personal satisfaction until I'm sitting on enough cash to start commissioning the really good stuff.
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Pokeboys with body hair are so hot. Even if it's just light little tufts. On their pits, on their stomach... I try to draw the boys on my own, but I'm not confident in my art skills.
Keep drawing, anon. Maybe one day, you'll feel confident enough in your art to show it off... and if not, well, as long as it's something you enjoy doing, that's a good enough reason to keep it up.
And yes, even just little bits of body hair here and there really up the sexiness!
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Based, I thought I was the only one who liked a bit of body hair on the older Pokéboys
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Make sure to share any drawings or AI that you guys come up with, now you got me curious about it. That brief but perfect moment when cute boys realize they're starting to grow tufts of hair all over...
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shotas are comfy and easy to wear!
How do you wear a shota?
penis cover
I absolutely love this. So many little details and Kieran is gorgeous.
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He's got that headstrong seme vibe on him
mmmmmm... bulge.
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Keith from Pokemon Ranger
Tummy rub
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Marriage and domestic life with boys!
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based Almia boy enjoyer
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There was a top tier Hop thread earlier that went into the archives.
why did you let it go there anon
_____ feet
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smelly (girl not boy)
Freshly washed
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All pokeboys are so cute
It feels like our numbers are few. I'm just guessing here, but I think the reason there's so little art of Pokeboys with body hair is because most of the Pokeboy art is drawn by women. And the art done by guys, well... obviously the Pokegirls are going to get most of the focus with the Pokeboys in the background, and the gay artists seem to either focus on bara or furry. Pokeboys, especially gay Pokeboy lewds, can be hard enough to come by as is, and finding something specific, like hairy Pokeboys, is even harder.
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Who allowed this boy? He's just too cute, I need to kiss him.
Time to draw it yourself anon.
I think that's Florian in Kieran's clothing except he looks about 8 instead of 14...
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it should be illegal for him to be this cute
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No, it's because most of the fanart is drawn by Japanese artists. Whether they're women or not doesn't really matter (even if they often are). Japanese people and Asian people in general grow far less body hair than Caucasians, so they don't really care for it. The only Eastern artists who tend to draw it are the really gay bara artists, and those only draw mature men.
This plus the fact that body hair always makes people look less youthful means that you'll basically never see it on Pokeboys, only Pokemen.
I sometimes see western artists draw body hair on male characters, but even then it's usually older ones like Guzma. So yeah, guess it's very niche.
I want to touch his tummy too…
Would you lick his belly button
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I'd lick him anywhere
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Paradox Kieran?
>dino kieran
>robo kieran
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Ditto transformed into Kieran
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Shut up sis, you dummy! Rawr

Aha, so it's even weirder than I thought
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>Shut up sis, you dummy! Rawr
Turning pokemon into pokeboys
Imagine if instead of Ash sharing a bath with Pikachu the Pokemon in the final episode of the Ashime, it was Pikachu the Pokeboy. As if that one particular moment in the tub wasn't already suggestive enough, lmao.
Sounds like a good way to toaster bath
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>OP post Haudion
>Nobody post recent Haudion art
4chan posters are so sloppy
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Thank you for the food :P
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home of sexuals
SV was the gayest game so far
Florian has mad game
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Literal semen demon
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Florian is a menace
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Shamelessly seducing boys left and right...
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Most have an aura about him, he does quite well with the boys considering he mostly gives one word answers or short sentences.

I wish they give him and Jules a touch more personality.. You can tell from their emotes and expressions they make for selfies that they are quite playful and self assured.
Whichever one of you anons is kidnapping Pokeboys needs to chill and stop being so greedy.
No :3 Guess who I've got in the back of my car desu
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Very few dialog options in SV are actually one word. Gen 9 probably has the most expressive and least silent protags of all gens. Hope that trend is staying.
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Post the other one
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The best way to depict Kiki's character growth... thanks anon
Bet he had to switch from tighty whities to boxer briefs because something else grew as well ;)
Pokeboy only wearing underwear is best...
Pubic line makes my tummy tingly
since Ash went black he never came back
adorable dork
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Yoink. Love this!

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