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Today is Marine Day, and it's also Manaphy Day!
Let's have a comfy Water-type thread.
cute frogs
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More than twenty years for those two to meet again.
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Playing with fire under the water
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>it's also Manaphy Day!
It is? That's great, as he's my favorite pokemon. I wonder if it's the same in Japan, as I didn't notice a big boost in fanart; cute or fetish related.
What is IGN's favorite region where there is almost no water?
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this is beautiful, do you have moar
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Girlfailure wife with breadwinner drag queen husband
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This whole Pokemon of the Day trend is mostly a Japanese fandom thing. Search up "pokemon_Plan" on Twitter for info on upcoming ones.
Sadly, Manaphy Day never gets much art since it's shared with Mimikyu Day. And a lot of the cute mythical crowd's likely burned out from Tanabata/Jirachi Day being 8 days earlier.
not marine related, retard.
It's a product of numbers and Japanese number puns. A pokemon's "day" will be its dex number days into the year, or made from the date eg 16/7, or because the number sounds like its name when read a certain way.
I’m a fan of Wishi Washi. Kind of wish it’s smaller form got priority on status moves (but loses it when it schools).
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It’s actually Lucario day now sweaty
Bet you feel sorry now!
Cute fishcat!
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Manaphy's is literally just the date the ninth movie released, nothing to do with the dex or a pun.
That looks very dangerous
The flame would go out moments after putting a bag over it (if it doesn't just melt through the bag).
Fire requires oxygen to burn
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Posting a Mana for Manaphy/Marine day!
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i hear people complain about how there are "too many pokemon that are literally just fish".

fuck em. i want MORE fish pokemon. i want there to be as many fish pokemon as there are pokemon in the gen 1 dex
I want a Sea pig Pokemon
Sea sponge when?

Fairy => Fairy/Fighting
Cool unique fish designs yes. Living fetch quests and weak dead-end single stage surf route fodder, no
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way too much water
People love water. People just don't like water levels slowing things down. I did miss the ocean routes while playing gen 7.
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The primal giant is here.
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Reminder that Gen II's playtesters thought Lugia's typing was a bug, believing it was Water type.
I'd shit my pants if i saw this irl
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Beautiful art
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I'd cum
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Hail my favorite mythical Pokémon! The Prince of the Seas!
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I think even sardines have more space than those Magikarp do in that tub...
At least they look happy
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what a comfy cove
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fluffy froggie
cute curious fishie
Wouldn't a giant turtle scare away any water Pokemon, though?
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Weird Fish deserves a much bigger tank. :( Do something for your fellow eeveelution, Espeon!
that fish did unspeakable crimes.
>mudkip with paws
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Even so... this is cruel and unusual punishment!
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Fitting for a cruel and unusual fish
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This looks a lot cooler than Golduck's official design.
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dumb lizard
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Enjoy getting sniped when he evolves
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