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Oh to live in Olivine City.
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Useless PUTA! I hate climbing that shit i hate having to find some cure for that dumb pokémon useless shy cunt can't do anything alone
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Nice to see my edit still being used.
gotta make more of these with other pokegirls
What mon would each girl get?
that's a good question. I'll let u anons decide. I feel like doing Iris, so let me know which Pepemon I should give her.
>I feel like doing Iris
Based. I feel like it should be a Gen V mon. It should obviously be something that beats Dragon for thematic purposes. Fairy, Ice, another Dragon... if it's a Dragon-type pokemon the implication may be that it's "her" pokemon or maybe even that she's into it? So if that's the vibe you wanna go with... Hydreigon?
kek a pepe Hydreigon would be fun to do. I'll do it as soon as I get the chance. any other suggestions for pokemon or pokegirls are welcome!
Maybe some of this will spark your imagination
>Maylene with an absurdly massively buff humanoid pokemon standing behind her- maybe Machamp with a visible bulge
>Acerola with the darkest and edgiest spooky pokemon imaginable - Darkrai, Necrozma, Dusknoir, Giratina
>Roxie with Muk looking like he's about to vore her
>Leaf with Tangela's tetacles reaching for her waist line and/or up her skirt
>Iono getting swarmed by Rotoms
>Penny with either Miraidon or Koraidon
>Elesa with Zebstrika
In the anime she hates Ice types, but gen 5 Ice types suck
>Iono getting swarmed by Rotoms
Have them double as possessing her streaming setup and streaming it to all her followers but that's something better for a comic than a meme picture
Vanillite makes the most sense
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Not as elegant as the Jasmin/Houndoom one, but it's still funny.
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Nah, Leaf with her husband Red.
Vanillite is cute but I don't really find the idea of Iris getting fucked by it hot. Out of specifically Gen 5 Ice types, Beartic is the least bad but really Weavile would be the hottest to see someone get fucked by. Kyurem could be fine if considering legendaries since it also doubles as a Dragon
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Based Steel Queen
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Iris's breedable hips!
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Dude it's perfect
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GSC and HGSS are literally perfect. what went so horribly wrong???
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Do you think they've ever experimented with each other?
That quest is just so she can see if you are compassionate and actually care for pokemon
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Jasmine has tried to brooch the topic once or twice but every time she gets within eyesight of Maylene's honkin' milkers, she gets overcome with inadequacy and loses what little nerve she has. In truth if she worked up the courage to propose something, Maylene would probably be down for it since she thinks Jasmine is so cute and sweet, but of course Maylene is too ditzy to put it together.
Fuck me I forgot Whitney's name
breast envy Yuri goes hard so I hope so
I want to kiss Jasmine!
Jasmine is Erika's girlfriend.
Jasmine's cute toes!
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I wish I was that Magnemite
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And Amphy is Jasmine's boyfriend
Amphy is so lucky getting to date Jasmine.
how often do you think Jasmine "rewards" Amphy?
I think she "rewards" Amphy every day as Jasmine visits the lighthouse everyday to be with Amphy. Jasmine gets very handsy and close with Amphy...
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She can polish whatever she wants, as long as she uses her ass.
What would you want Jasmine to polish? I bet Jasmine's ass must be super tight.
The lighthouse is powered by them having electrostimulation sex
Can Jasmine handle all that electricity surging from Amphy's cock?
She's a masochist, it'll be fine. Amphy is fully capable of powering the lighthouse normally. This way is just more fun for them
That's pretty hot. How rough does Jasmine want it? Maybe with all the electricity amping up, the other people might be able to see silhouettes ramming into each other at the lighthouse.
a girl as innocent looking as her, she's secretly a huge deviant. Though with their forms getting picked up by the lighthouse, all the sailors know about it. They'll casually drop hints about new positions they've seen while talking about it at the bar
I can see Jasmine as being a deviant. A massive degenerate, even. No wonder she visits Amphy everyday at the lighthouse. They act cutesy but deep down at night, Jasmine goes down on him, sucking him off before letting him enjoy her pussy.
>They'll casually drop hints about new positions they've seen while talking about it at the bar
And that'll push Jasmine's curiosity to ask Amphy about these new positions?
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I wouldn't mind where, If she wants to polish my D, I'm more than happy the oblige. I'd let her polish my entire alphabet.
>And that'll push Jasmine's curiosity to ask Amphy about these new positions?
I meant more they see the reflections of Jasmine and Amphy on the light and discuss what type of shit they were doing
Oh right, my bad for misunderstanding. That's still pretty hot. Especially if Jasmine were to overhear about the sailors and other civilians talking about these strange silhouettes on the lighthouse blaring. Amphy would be proud and Jasmine would be flushed on the outside, but horny on the inside, legs shaking.
She pretends she doesn't hear anything and no one ever brings it up to her directly, but everyone knows what's going on up there. Some people even watch out to see at night to watch the light
Jasmine will polish your D until it's all clean. And after that, what will you do with her next?
Bend her over the bed/couch/table/whatever, pull her pigtails, and do her from behind. I'd go rough but slow, plap her til she squeals, and breed her. After I'm done, I'll let Amphy come over and have a turn, because he's also my bro and Jasmine loves both of us, but damn I am not having his sloppy seconds.
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How about gardenia with cacnea
Would you want to fuck Jasmine with your bro Amphy would just be content letting him have a go? Amphy might be rougher to Jasmine given he's a Pokemon so he might shock her all over as he enjoys sloppy seconds.
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No, Jasmine. I'll accept them as payment but the League won't accept these.
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This could be me and you, anon
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No need, I have another form of payment in mind...
involving her feet
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the urge...
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cute feet
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the smell of her sandals
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nice and warm, smelling a little like wet rubber and lavender.
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I want to suck on each of her toes.
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got around to coloring that BDSP redesign i did.
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Good redesign, you finally gave her sandals.
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>Oh to live in Olivine City.
So I can see this heavenly body figure and never be tired of it.
What's the original image?
Wish I knew. The searches just take me back to vp.
Maybe it was from a drawthread but I doubt it
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I'm 99% sure that there's an anime like this
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That canon outline~
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If this post hits 200 I will post Jasmine porn
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