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leopard is underrated
Not really, out of all the regional cat mons, she is second only to Meowth/Persian in popularity
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Not for the fur market
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don't call my wife a shitmon
Divecats would like to have a word with you
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I agree
Severely underrated. Not nearly enough good porn.
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Liepard is cute, cute!
It’s faux
At the least this one is partially inspired by doronjo unlike that shitmon cartoon animal that is persian
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And I agree, hope it gets an evo or something.
Yeah at least Liepard has a good design.

Persian is just boring.
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purple kitty wants attention
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imagine the smell
That’s not Delcatty
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kitty needs attention...
>she is the type who gets jealous if her trainer so much as looks at another pokemon
what a brat.
you just know
Luckily her trainers spoil her
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She's brewing a potion that makes you lust after cats
So people lust after Liepard and Delcatty but not Persian. Why is that?
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If we're playing in actual metas maybe. If we get a little funky though...
People do not lust over delcatty. People is a plural word.
Currently the Delcatty thread with a list provoking OP image has more replies than this thread.
Not that I am picking sides, I am just saying, people find her attractive.
Does she..? You know...
no more ip counts, you sure it isn't just one schizo?
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who cares
1 thread =/= lots of people
It's just 1 /pol/ fag + children reposting his drawings to avatarfag
i love kitty. just wish purrloin sat the fuck down
why are all catmons so...
unlucky with their fanbases?
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a cute
I’ve never drawn Liepard so I’m posting Delcatty
A lot of people are talking about me, so I just want to get one thing straight.
I really like Liepard and she is a based Pokémon.
We don’t need catmon wars
Can you draw a Liepard for this thread please
To show peace
stop drawing the prophet, Kafir
Is liepard italian-coded? idk why but that's what it seems most like
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Sex with all catmons
What gives you that idea?
I guess moreso italian american. Maybe like the mob-boss's daughter? She'd mess around with you behind her dad's back and has a coke addiction.
also LOVES lasagna
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Poor Dedenne...
dw ill do the honourable thing and take that critters place and get mauled while it goes free
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Do NOT sniff the cute purple kitty!
>unhide post
>wonder what anon had to say
>le cartoon animal
"cartoon/recolored animal" does need a filter
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>"cartoon/recolored animal" does need a filter
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Alright sure, here it’s not much but it’s something
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Currently on my 1st bw2 run and I agree. However, when that (former?) sage offered me a Zorua... I could not resist and chose to replace my Liepard for Zorua
Appreciate your effort anon. Peace between catmons achieved
I would both of them.
Why are Liepards hind thighs 4 times thicker than her front legs?
It’s like the artist is trying to sexualize Liepard.
what a perfect family
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sometimes i wish big cats were in real irl too
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i got some bad cat news for you, anon, thats what they look like
>I have to save my sister’s Purrloin from Team Plasma!
>immediately starts a family with Liepard once she is rescued
Why did Hugh do this?
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the seductive powers of this cat are not to be underestimated.
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>inhales her particles
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Hugh was a Liepard
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define good
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Five, could be six.
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Thread ruined.
how is she such a thighqueen?
cat ass
Hugh is literally me
need liepard to sit on my face
Mesugaki that grows up to be a loyal woman who's a little bit dangerous. Good shit. Shame about her base stats, though.
Animalistic Pokemon will always be part of the franchise, so cope.
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cat ass
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I thought they were tongue-kissing in the thumbnail
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Full res for you.
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My eyes were on the thighs desu
Her thighs are very delectable too
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when she sees your lil pecker
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he has male and female pokemon, hehe
pussy worth worshipping
It cannot be contained
appreciating gata culo wherever you go
One anon here...I very much prefer og Persian over Delcatty.
Cute! Want so very much to pet.
Very useful in Double Battles. You have no idea what you are talking about.
cat ass worship
>dog dick on Typhlosion
Oh for fuck's sake, why westoid furfags have to be so mentally ill
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Kitty headpats.
>"nuuuu, am badger needs am BADGER DICK< REEEEEEEE"
Because the vast, VAST majority of western furfags aren't as hilariously invested in animal genetalia as you realisticdickanon. You'd think you'd have learned by now, but you just can't help but cry no-one caters to your niche. You know the rules, pick up a pencil and learn or pay somebody who can to draw it for you. But stop expecting porn artists to do it for free. That's why they take commissions after all, to get reimbursed for having to draw wank material for extra-spergy furfags.
that cat has a fat ass
blah blah blah don't care furboi, dog dick is gross
Are you a total freak for cat ass too?
i worship big cats
Zorua is one of the faces of Unova so of course you would do that.
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I was looking for liepard art to contribute, but I could barely find any :/
Would pet all day
But Liepard is a small cat(feline) not a big cat(panther). She meows in her cry.
Most art depicts Liepard quite a bit larger than your typical cat.
The size doesn’t matter, a cheetah is a small cat(feline) too despite how large it is.
cant tell if this is ai slop or just a really bad artist
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Big cats being to tight for human dick is definite proof that God actively hates us.
i hate God so much its unreal.
>it’s another /vp/ pretends their reputable art critics episode
Just say you have a boulder-sized ass fetish and move on anon
It’s because horses are man’s actual best friend.

Cats are there to enjoy being together alone with and occasional cuddling.
also a "totally dogshit anatomy and perspective" fetish too apparently
we need to genetically engineer them so they can handle the BHC
>this will never be official merch to buy
Wow, you described a significant chunk of the blatant fetish shit that gets posted to this board on regular basis. Stop pretending art fundamentals are suddenly important here
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dat ass...
>Grimmsly uses Liepard
>Cheren uses Liepard
>Hugh is strongly associated with Liepard
What is it with young men and Liepard? I thought it was a girly Pokémon.
It's a feminine pokemon. There's a difference.
Yeah you stop disliking girly Pokémon when you hit puberty.
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Let's be real, a good chunk of boys online don't actually start liking girls or girlish pokémon when they hit puberty either.
Thats what they want you to believe. Remember Tauros Burgers and Slowpoke tails.
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Yes, her.
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Liepard is partly responsible for the death of the National Dex Anything Goes ladder. (Note this was made before Smeargle was released into SV and it was found that it can't use Revival Blessing, it was assumed it would work pre DLC)

don't show this to lucariofags
would brush all day just to hear those cute purrs
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Polite bump
Aww! <3
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