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Why does money become useless in the post game? what are some money sinks the game could implement for those with max money?
Drugs, catnip, prostitutes, charity, drugs
bring back gambling
>It appears you've turned over a Voltorb Mr Bond. Perhaps your famous intuition was not as well tuned as you thought.
Such a good girl making sure our baby is well fed :)
furniture for your villa
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New thread? Sweet
Anon. . .
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Pokemon is designed to give you as an easy a time as possible. Of course you're going to have tons of money by the end
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>have gorillions of pokebux
>blow it all on food
I don't understand
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Anyone who’s into some literature, finally got the “Feeder Pecharunt” story out of greentext form.
Nothing else to spent it on?
wdym she owns two villas one in sinnoh and one in unova
thaf being said this champ loves her ice cream
Take your blob fetish thread back to >>>/d/ faggot. /vp/ is not your personal masturbatorium
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I like it, I like it
BBW is just the female counterpart to Bara.
I can't argue or disagree with that.
Melony after two sets of quints
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Your pic reminded me of the absolute state of Jeetdoh nowadays. What a sad state of affairs.
The fact that a thread about postgame monetary concerns turned into a fat thread is freakin' funny. Only on 4chan.
Depressing, but what can you do? I hope he's happy at least

>turned into
Man's literally making his own Transformers canon and even producing a fan series with the help of others, and all on the side of doing more legit animation work, iirc.
He's living his best life (and at least making cute fatbots)
Aw thanks. I expect no less from you crazy anons.
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Jeet? Is that you?
Nah, just a fellow anon causing chaos. Derka derka.
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I take some solace his heart is still in it on occasion.
Dawn is cute even when shes drawn by fatfags.....
Fatfags deserve to be ran over by steamrollers
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Cope and seethe fags, cope and seethe
And by steamrollers I mean fat girls
Fatposting aside I did like how they turned all the battle point shit into actual cash purchases so max money isn't a problem if you're a comp fag.
Overpriced clothing is just annoying and in SV's case its fucking dogshit
I'd bring back gambling personally, we need Voltorb Flip 2
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Ty anons. Next one I'm going to Sinoh. There aren't enough Dawn fat stories out there.
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Based. Be sure to remember Candice while you're there
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She'll be around quite a bit. I try to include at last one obscure character, and Dahlia fits the bill rather well. Probably won't be much more than a cameo or two, but I'm trying to fit the thing into two chapters.
Could I get a source on this?
Gold/Diamond pokeballs for you to transfer mons to and is only available after you beat the champion.

They offer NO gameplay effect and cost 1 million pokedollars a piece, but your mon now comes out of a gold/diamond pokeball with an extra sound/graphic effect of gold coins added when they are called out.
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Looking forward to it my guy
Having some fun. Assuming both women have fattened up while teaching at an academy where all of the female teachers are noticeably enormous, who would be fatter: Candice or Maylene?

Working title is "Sinoh's Growing Academic Heft"
They never wanted to talk about postgame money in the first place. It's a low effort "stealth" thread.
Maylene would be hotter just by the contrast of it.
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Jesus Christ, this thread
Eh, I've seen worse.
It could be a scat or furry thread, so this isn't bad.
This could also summon that one Cynthia hating faggot and try to do a vore thread.
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I don't think there's any stealth going on here at all.
Which one, /vp/?
i found that in the post game i was spending all my money on the customization options. those jackets are so cool but they're SO expensive omg
dawn or lyra
those thighs look nice and squishable
also i like a gal in overalls

i guess so its neat to unlock everything
for completions sake, it might be just me but i dont think its as cool as getting stuff for your hideout in gen 3 or buying furniture for your villa in gen 4 i just buy what i need for customization
Rosa or Zinnia
You should able to buy battle facilities items with money desu
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Pretty much

May or Bianca
>I'd bring back gambling personally, we need Voltorb Flip 2
That's never happening. Thanks, Europe!
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May cannot be defeated with how big she is all over. For this pic, Crys looks to be top 3 (with Zinnia being #2).
Here it is. Didn't spend as much time proofreading, but really wanted to get this in while the thread was still alive. Incorporated some elements from my past works into this.
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Very nice. Thanks man
We like to have fun here
>Last new pokeball was Generation 7
god please
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>this guy draws vore
>check his g4
>lana being vored by an eelektross
>i just buy what i need for customization
same but the fact that everything comes in multiple colors helps with that since you can have the same outfit in different colors even if you want to stick with just one
new pokeballs would be really nice. i feel like there aren't any good options for brown pokemon like bouffalant or tauros. ultra ball, nest ball, or fast ball are my usual picks but they don't really scratch my itch well enough.
Oh, bro, I've been there
Such a pain in the ass how much these kinks tend to overlap with each other when it comes to artists.
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Make Cheren big as well, you cowards.
I'd written off this thread, but it's still going? Alright, I'm game
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This place is funny like that
What is it with Poketards and accusing you of being homosexual if you are not into their degenerate fetishes? Jesus fucking christ, not even Chris Chan or Kingcobrasjfs are that autistic
i don't think they meant fags literally
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I'm okay with that, keeps things interesting
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>Fat Dahlia
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Some folks collect rare pokemon
I collect rare pokegirls
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A man with simple and respectable goals
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Truth be told I've been slacking, got my priorities skewed. I should dig and see if anything's out there I've missed.
Well you have my support
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Props to whatever anon took my request in one of these threads for this Furisode Girl.
Klara burping loudly in my face and in general being the nastiest slob possible.
Could definitely see a "Where are they now" style documentary focused on Klara a few years after Sword/Shield and she's a fat wannabe idol working at a pizza place, eating whole pizzas and downing pitchers of beer after her shift. Maybe have Gloria try to help her make a comeback... and Gloria begins falling into the same trap.

My horny ass will probably make a greentext about it once I'm done with "Sinoh's Growing Academic heft."
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Klara failing at her idol career and being pushed into online fat modelling is one of my favorite scenarios. Also I have a few pics I've comm'd of Klara
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>Also I have a few pics I've comm'd of Klara
Please post them
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and here's some other characters.
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The world needs more fat Jasmine
I wanted it to go with that story of Jasmine eating at the diner
Speaking of Klara, look what I just found
...I should do another stuffing fic, that was fun
Built for belly rubs and kisses
Do it. I don't want to be the only writefag in this thread

Also just want to mention /vp/ fat threads are the best fat threads on 4chan. Low bar, I know..
Klara would absolutely be an alcoholic if Pokémon had alcohol references
Would have a titanic beer belly
Pretty sure there were alcohol references back in the Kanto/G1 days, which of course would've been edited out for the western release
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Fat pokemilfs my beloved
>there's a barely disguised porn thread from any pokegirl/boy/mon active at any point of the day, everyday, usually 2 or more
>/vp/ is not your personal masturbatorium
still would, holy shit
Fat fetishism is worse than foot fetishism.
So anyways, I've been kinda in the mood to play through a pokemon game, though my 3ds is mostly borked, so my options are slightly limited now. I could play through one of the switch games again... But which one...
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There's always emulation, sans that as far Switch goes I'm always going to suggest Legends Arceus
Yeah, there is always that. I'm just pretty bad at trying to emulate, so I tend to not do that, but I'll probably get to doing that eventually.
Mmm... Maybe I'll do Arceus again. That's maybe a toss up.
Based. Do more.
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The greatest thing this world has given us
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Still blows my mind how little of Caitlin there is, but it just makes it all the more special whenever there is something new of her I suppose.
I certainly know that feeling, but with Oichi from Conquest. Damn, i want her to get some more art.
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Now there’s a good one too. Both for art AND character. Oichi is very cute, but god I’ve NEVER seen art of her.
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Caitlin is super underrated
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Piggy-backing on these >>56180283
>>56174098 posts, I realized I may be the most autistic fag around here. My past works set up some tools for in-universe weight gain, and I have a few stories that were didn't have to (but could) share a universe of fattened up pokegirls, and I think I'm going to do that. Gives me an excuse to have an epilogue where all of the pokegirls have gotten stupid big.

Also, found this today https://x.com/Better_w_salt/status/1814087759717667089
>Also, found this today https://x.com/Better_w_salt/status/1814087759717667089
Fat Arezu is best, but fat Mai is nearly as good.
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Cyllene trumps them both
And fat Iridia is the best of them all
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Very true. She definitely appeals to me more.
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Everyone always forgets Palina
And Zisu. And the Miss Fortune Sisters
A sad truth is some pokegirls get overlooked for no reason sometimes
I replayed ORAS recently and god I'd KILL for an Obese Lisia+May show
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>vp fat thread
>Don't have the time to do request
I gotta get faster a drawing
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Yes please, fuck I need it.
Hell yeah.
I remember being so in love for Lisia back then... She's just so cute...
Ok. I just entered in an Amerimutt thread... but I cannot see the BLACKED posters. This is so weird.
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We like chacolate here
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Chapter 2 is up. https://archiveofourown.org/works/57461539/chapters/146390926
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>Brown = Black
American education
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More clothing, accessory and shoe choices.
Buying vitamins and shit to bring up new Pokemon more quickly when you can afford it.
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Hot off the presses
Join Avenue can get pretty expensive even with the discounts.
I bet she stinks real good.
I would be more than willing to find out.
Hoo, sweet goodness. Cynthia reminds me of why I fell in love with her in the first place.
I have a primal need for a big fat slobby Hilda to sit on me and rip ass.
>Reason she's missing in B2W2 is she became too heavy to fly home
It's basically canon.
Amazingly based
Penny and Klara as the most foul food stained slobs possible.
Well, yeah, but you have to say it like that
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Fat pokegirls were made for SEX, change my mind.
I shouldn't be surprised that this thread is no longer about the late game economy.
>have story idea for request
>it's related to big
>it's not related to fat
So I heard here's a writer?
I can't and won't because you're right
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Please go away and stay go away
Does anybody have those charts made in tier list maker regarding weight gain? Stuff like how big they'd get, or how they'd feel about it? I lost them between hard drives at some point and can't find them anywhere anymore.

If they get REALLY fat, they can't have regular sex anymore.
>vacation island for all trainers to relax
>she enters by pokemon flight and stays a few months or so
>when she tries to leave shes too heavy for her surfing or flying pokemon to carry her
>she gets one more buffet in before leaving by boat a few hours later
>when she leaves by boat its a few day trip on a cruse ship with buffets included
>she returns home a complete lardass
i can see it
>If they get REALLY fat, they can't have regular sex anymore.
Just means you gotta roll them before knocking them up
She slurped up Seviper like a noodle. Funniest shit ever.
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That sounds pretty hot actually
If someone else doesn't post them I'll do it tomorrow. I need to see if we've got a tiermaker that's more comprehensive now
Inflation then? Or something else?
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Found this one but It's not what you asked for
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Writefag here. I got a lot of projects going on, but shoot your shot. If it tickles my fancy enough I might give it a treatment (god that sounds so fucking pretentious).
I'll accept any of them, really. I just love seeing charts or tiers of stuff like this. I only mentioned those as examples since I wanted to check them out again one day and realized I don't have them anymore. Though funny enough, I did find one chart that I salvaged and it's the same thing as what you posted, just made by somebody else.
I swear there was a version of this with the SwSh girls
if not we need a new one including them and the SV girls too
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Damn, I thought I had made an updated version but I guess not. Welp, time to go looking for a tiermaker that is ACTUALLY comprehensive and doesn't leave out random women from its selection.
I'll be back soon.
One of the gen 10 starters will be bbw bait.
I firmly beleive Klara would be in the "barely able to waddle or can't get up anymore" Tier if she knew there was a market for fat women and it would make her popular
I'd fully believe it. She's the kind who would hate to gain weight and fight tooth and nail to diet, but then if she realized what money and clout she'd make stuffing her face, she absolutely would.
>Next starter waifumon has thick fat HA
If by "laughable" you mean hot, I agree
Sheesh okay, I've managed to update the tier list. Found one that was very comprehensive, almost too much. Tried to keep it to games and just named characters, though I probably missed a few since I haven't played all of these (and am going off of basic information I can get on them/their looks)
Open to suggestions to edit this, would be fun to keep building on it over time. I know >>56202223 suggested Klara would be much bigger but that's all assuming she changes her attitude.
Chapter 3 and final chapter of "Sinnoh's Growing Academic Heft" is up. Features a feeding/sex scene.

Very nice. Glad to have you writebro.
I haven't fully read through all of this story, but I've been loving what I have read of it! You did a wonderful job with it all. I hope you make more like it in the future!
Ty anons. Not sure when my next one will be. Got a big (non-fat) project going on. But next story will be in Hoenn. Zinnia and some other pokegirls need to quadruple in weight too.
Requesting Hilda who, passing by a gas station, can't shake that one intrusive thought. One day she stops instead and goes up to a tire inflator, futilely arguing with herself, loses (to herself) and inserts the hose up her big butt. Filling herself with air grows on her (pun intended) after the initial discomfort, and she has to argue with herself to stop before the pleasure takes over her quickly distening midsection, orgasming solely from air pumped into her belly.
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>Requesting Hilda who, passing by a gas station, can't shake that one intrusive thought. One day she stops instead and goes up to a tire inflator, futilely arguing with herself, loses (to herself) and inserts the hose up her big butt. Filling herself with air grows on her (pun intended) after the initial discomfort, and she has to argue with herself to stop before the pleasure takes over her quickly distening midsection, orgasming solely from air pumped into her belly.
Not him but hot
fat romhack/essentials game when
It's coming, give it time
Oh? What's the non-fat project about?
And I hope we will get to see the Hoenn one come to fruition someday, your writing is definitely fun!
Damn, they even remembered Pokémon Duel. Amazing.
Funny thing, I dropped into this thread to ask if anyone played Pokemon Lard fangame and if it's good.
Don't really have a mood for what fatties I'm feeling for today, so I'm just gonna be more casual and lowkey. Hope everyone else is doing well today. Got any new pokemon? Shiny stories to tell or something?
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Thanks anon, I write to bring enjoyment (whether it's me or someone else) and if someone besides me enjoys it that really brightens my day. My big (non-fat) project is on my Ao3 account (under my pseud "Oceanside Lowlife"), it's called "The Wonders of Alola." Basically an Everyman protag with a really erotic, harem, poke-girl story that pretends to have a plot. Numerous women from across the pokemon franchise are in Alola and their boobs start growing significantly and their sex drives are amped up to eleven because "plot related reasons." I keep my fat fetish content on my "TheLodgeBeaver" name and my lewd, non-fat stuff on "Oceanside Lowlife" name. Really been hitting my stride with that "story" of late, so I'm getting back on the horse for that. I will occasionally drop some fat pokegirl stuff when I can.

I only bring up the specifics of "Wonders" because that story is the second draft of a story called "Alola Girls," where instead of hyperactive sex drives and breast expansion, the pokegirls get incredibly fat instead. That one was my first story and has a lot of problems (including incorrect dialogue punctuation through the entirety of the story). If you're inclined to read that piece of crap I wrote during the pandemic, look up "Alola Girls" and "justpasteit." Maybe one day I'll go and fix the punctuation errors (there are too many problems for it to be worth bringing it up to where I'm at now as a writer).

Obligatory "there is never enough fat Arezu."
Great stuff. I’d love to see you write one about May one day.
Thank you anon. May will be a major character in the next fic (Zinnia being the MC, with Shelly, Courtney, and a surprise girl as well). No idea when I start the next fix, will probably be a multi-chapter affair. Ideas keep growing as big as my pokegirls characters.
That's not Lampton dumbass
Hey, that's nice to hear, and you're welcome, anon! Glad to help brighten your day! Ooh, well I'll give that "The Wonders of Alola" a read sometime then, probably tonight based on that description you gave it! Definitely seems like a story I'd enjoy. And that's definitely fair that you do keep fat-fetish stuff and the non fat-fetish stuff separated. Also, I didn't realized you were the one who also did "Pecha Mochi Madness", I probably should have realized it sooner but it's okay. I definitely enjoyed that story a lot as well! I'll be sure to see that older story you did too, for the fun of it!

>Obligatory "there is never enough fat Arezu."
I'd say this is a problem most RPGs have with money, personally.
Aight some more lesser seen gals postan again
Name one (1) RPG where this isnt the case
I can roll with that.
Surprised to see this still up.
I both am and am not. Just happy we get these from time to time.
I know I bumped it a few times, but I know I can't keep doing it forever. But it is nice to be here, even if it isn't that active. It's just really chill compared to other threads.
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Oh same, I've done my share of bumping. Not every thread needs to be crazy active, all depends on the time and who's around. Just nice to take these at our leisure sometimes.
These and the inflation threads are always great for my creativity, time permitting. It'll be nice when I can join in with oc again
Anyways something fresh from Anastimafilia
Yeah, that's fair. I'm certainly taking my sweet leisurely time, just enjoying the thread, pokemon girls, and fats.
I don't think I ever ran into the inflation threads, so I hope to see one someday.
>Anyways something fresh from Anastimafilia
Oh wow, what a nice drawing. Didn't think they'd still be around, but either way... Nice.
Fat artists should draw more double bellies, they're way softer than round ones
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Maybe I'm biased and its wishful thinking but I could see Rika in beyond immobile and wating to grow even bigger.
She has that confidence in her.
Is their more?
Yeah its the 3rd part of a 4 part sequence, I just posted my favorite part of it. I was super happy to see Carmine getting something good, since she's sadly a rare pick
I should have the rest of the anime characters in the list by the end of the weekend.
massively good thread
More hex!!
Actually a question now that the thought is on me. Should I also add the Poke-themed Vocaloids?
You remembered girls from Pokken, Duel, and the TCG GB games, Miku wouldn't be a big leap at all.

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