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i like ivysaur
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you're not funny
you're extremely funny
she can choke on my cum, amirite fellas?
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Will mods do anything about the spammers who make it impossible to discuss this particular pokemon on the pokemon board?
no one wants to discuss trannysaur with you ivycuck
Blame Ivysaurfag for ruining the Pokemon on here in the first place.
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today i will remind them
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just don't talk about this particular pokemon, it's easy.
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I like ivysaur normally.
>/vp/ - Pokemon
>just don't talk about this particular pokemon
how about you go fuck a cactus, you flamer
venusaur is a better and cooler anurophyte
Woah easy there ivycuck
Even in his own fantasy ivytroon can’t fathom fucking ivysaur haha
>will mods
These Spammers ARE the mods.
They ip wiped Ivyfag when started posting screenshots from discord about the trolls hating Ivysaur, arranging raids and the identity of Cynthia vore spammer (which is why it's stopped).
I fucking hate mid evolutions
no one believes you ivyschizo
These underage spic trolls can seethe forever
>ivycuck talking to himself again
Yes, goyim
/vp/ is for pedophilia, zoophilia, and genwars only
Join the agenda or leave
Ivysimp you are literally a turd worlder
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I like Unova
Poor Ivysaur has no place here
Zoomers hate everything about Gen 1 except Eevee.
Furries hate it because it's a quadruped monster.
Trannies hate it because it is gender-neutral looking, not feminine-looking with 87.5% Male rate.
I fap to ivysaur porn, I hate the underaged schizo troll not ivysaur.
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last time Gamefreak actually tried to make a fun game and not shovelware to sell furshit plushies
but you said he is 40+ years old boomer?
stick to one fanfic please, cordy
it can be multiple people, as the "group" is not just one person.
qrd on the ivysaur guy and why hes hated? I'm a /x/ tourist
He’s a schizoid autist who loves watching cuck porn and jerking off fat ugly toads
Ivytrans stop posting your insane fanfiction
this thread won't live for too long after D word has been posted several times.
just like the last 4 Ivysaur threads
I love watching furfags fighting each other
t. lolikon
call me scalie
I hate furshit and furries
Ivytrans deleting xhis own posts per usual
did he also give himself the ip wipe last week?
>I am not a furry, I am just a scaly. What do you mean reptiles are also animals? shut up
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Kaijus are not animals
nobody calls godzilla a dinosaur.
stop coping retard
godzilla porn is furshit, and so is "scalies". not a single anti furfag retard will "like you".
unlike you, i don't come here to farm (You)s with your recycled coom trash by reposting Xwitter art and talking about cartoon animals genders, furfag attention whore
kys then, schizo
another attention whore schizo is what you are.
If I wanted attention, I would have made coom threads with porn posts, argued like a retard about genders, or kept hating on Gen2/5
but i'm not a subhuman basement dweller like you lol
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ur just mad cause you got spiked, aren't you?
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I miss early Smash Ultimate.
seeing everyone going mad at Ivysaur's broken moves was glorious
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Rising above all the hate
I love how just like pichu it reversed the viability of a few characters. Ivysaur was pretty shit in brawl.
Sakurai wanted to kill the competitive scene with Brawl.
all the Ivysaur's flaws (fire weakness, stamina) are absent in the Single player modes and Ivysaur is pretty good in there but not in PVP.
This is why Melee fans hated the fuck out of Brawl
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>Ivysaur lid
>Ivysaur event in Unite
>That official Pokemon music video shilling Ivysaur
This is how civilized people treat Ivysaur
Actually in subspace almost every single enemy resisted Ivysaur's grass and cutting attacks.
Based Sakurai. Have you seen the competitive smash scene? I’d attempt to kill it too if I were him,
I know the thing that will kill competitive smash!
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Is it? I really don't remember having much trouble but it's been a decade maybe my memory isn't that good
This is why I don't care about these pedos' opinions when they make 30 minutes videos talking about how Brawl Ivysaur was bad
kek I used to post pic rel in Smash threads in /v/ but the jannies started to delete them after a while
Smash players can’t take a shower because they need a motion input to turn the shower on.
they actually do shower, but don't use bodywash or shampoo cause they're items
The whole “motion input” thing is also the same reason why they can’t go outside.
Unironically yes
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Today, I will remind them.
Me too buddy.
The only actual proof this has is that you’re a discordfag ivycuck lmao
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>Boomerfag yelling at clouds
>join discord
>ruins raids and expose trolls
Is that the fag who spams Glaceon threads?
what an annoying cunt
Anybody else misses TeamSpeak?
Ivycuck is the fag who spams glaceon threads yes
>be ivysimp
>ruin nothing and expose no one
many such cases
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>There's a spy creepin' round 'ere
ivytrans stop acting like you’re james bond when you get off to cuck porn LMAO
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That’s not what you said here
God you’re pathetic ivycuck
Are any of these people even real?
Just ivysimp
All ivycuck knows is how say “no u” like he’s a parrot
considering it was deleted many times and there was a massive IP wipe out because of it, they are real and they are here
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Wait, the same/f/agging /f/riday thread is already dead before reaching next Friday?
not even reached 100 replies?

lmao no wonder you are angry today

Also I see you posted Flopxen being for human males memes again you hypocrite cuck kekekekekek
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>ivycuck is so desperate he has to make pathetic posts saying “wins” to think he won something

Fucking wow, new lows for ivyack are reached every day
>ivytrans calling anyone else a cuck
meds now
>Meds now
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Ever since I realized Braixenfag is a troll I stopped posting in his threads
go back to watching other people fuck trannysaur we know it’s your favorite
Whatever you say ivycuck lmao
>ivycuck thinks that because he’s jerking of to toad penis rather than human penis it’s not gay
>only knows how to say "ivycuck" to anyone who argues
>calls other people parrots
You can't make this up
he's mind broken and hypocrite. he can't think properly when he's angry lol
>everyone who hates me is the same person!!!!!!!
lol, lmao even ivycuck
>everyone I talk to is my enemy Ivychad
lol, lmao even, Spicuck
>ivycuck can’t stand being reminded that everyone knows he’s a cuck
he parrots again while trying to act like he isn’t a parrot, wow

you turd worlders really aren’t bright are you
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/vp/ is truly amazing these days. Just post a picture of a certain pokemon and everything instantly turns into a dumpster fire. No wonder umbilical discords and the sharty (allegedly the same thing) are always having a field day with you mindbroken faggots.
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here's your official waifumon, bro
Isnt it great? I love ruining trannysaur threads
lmao fucking theymab trannymon confirmed
the fact that an entire server and moderation team fear 1 single person is more amazing.
he truly mind broke them
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>last time the official Pokemon page mentioned Flopxen was in 2013 in an X/Y announcement
oooof what went wrong, fox sisters?
Yes ivyack we’re in your walls too
The fox represents fire
The grapes represent dead ivysaur
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>that means the fox never succeeded to get Ivysaur and Ivysaur stayed alive and fox fucked off coping about not being able to get Ivysaur
holy kek at this illiterate thought he's clever hahaha
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Better pokemon than trannysaur desu
Samurott threads are the same.
/vp/ goes full metldown when you post a quadruped pokemon
No it means the ivysaur hangs over the fire it’s really simple if you aren’t retarded
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[Causes a schizophrenic delusional episode]
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>Story is about coping
>the troll is coping hard
Based grass cat

Ivyack will freak out once xhe sees your post
Ivycuck doesn’t understand simple similes, I’m not surprised he’s just a stupid ESL
>ivyack can’t cope with the fact the board doesn’t like him
>makes up cope about discord servers
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Damn. This whole thing really do be one lonely fatass nigga making himself out to be his own boogeyman.

Holy fuck, that's hilarious. Here I thought there was an actual problem, but turns out its just some manic retard off his meds.
No it means the fox is fire and the ivysaur is dead and hanging over it so it’s not coming back to life. Try reading next time retard
Ivyack is truly /vp/s greatest treasure
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Not quite, not even close.

You see, back when I thought this was an actual issue of Discord group shenanigans, I would've placed it in low mid tier, along with the other garbage such as Shaun and PL (when operated by them) PL however became mid high tier when it was revealed it was a double cross shenanigan of shenaniganing the shenanigers.

However, since this is literally, just one guy baiting and responding to himself to make a bigger issue than actually exists, his treasure status drops to absolute shit tier, which will drop to "literal who?" tier in a few years.
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>Reddit spacing
>new fanfic
your brain cells status = destroyed
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silence brown
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black-coded Pokemon
>lazy Lucario clone shovelware-tier designs
oh no no no hahahahahaha
Man everything was so peaceful on this board when ivycuck was banned. Please mods just make it perma next time
Man this thread was so peaceful before the trolls started to spam and samefag just to derail it
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>Gen5 keeps getting more lids
>Flopxen still has nothing
ahahahahaha holy kek this is embarassing imagine being a fox cuck right now
>tights-coded Pokemon
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ivycuck we have hard evidence of your cuck behavior, sit down and stop projecting
black queens
This. They should be the starters for an African-region Pokemon game
I have never seen so much mental illness in a single thread.
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I agree. here's another
I love how she’s drawn in these (I’m assuming it’s female because of the eyelashes). It’s easy to see why Ivysaur’s the most popular middle stage starter (I think).
there's a 3rd one but it's porn
use tags "ivysaur camychan" if you want
Oh. I had a feeling there was something up with it. Still very cute and nicely drawn regardless!
I like the idea of the vines being sentient
It's an interesting take on Ivysaur's design. I prefer the vines just being appendages, but more creative interpretations are always welcome.
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>but more creative interpretations are always welcome.
which is why I wish they would make regional variants for it
He is ban-evading because he can't go more than a few days before shitting up the board again with his gay drama
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Reminder that ivyfag is also a shartyfag
Regional variants of starters are such a cool idea. Imagine finding a new variant of Bulbasaur or Charmander in the wild as if they were any other Pokémon.
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Kill all ivysaurs
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it would be fantastic to do but Gamefreak hates good ideas
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Cute variants! I liked that nice little trend from a couple years back when they’d crossbreed a Pokémon with other Pokémon to create cool variants. That brought back memories.
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Misgender all trannysaurs
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Look at this variant
Everytime I do it makes me ACK
I only came here to see dead ivysaur and I'm not disappointed :>
Is that you, observer and guardian of /vp/?
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love how the mods keep claiming that Ivychad is the "troll" here yet they keep spamming and trolling to ruin the thread without getting their posts deleted.
black-coded behaviour
quit talking to yourself, nasty faggot
So let me get this straight. The guy who’s spamming all of the dead Ivysaurs and the guy they’re trolling by spamming them are the same person? Jeez, that’s pathetic.
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I forgot this one
Did anyone else notice how peaceful /vp/ was for a moment when ivymong got banned and IP-wiped? Almost like he is the one and only shitting up this board and mods allow him for whatever reason :/
Damn, that looks vicious. Definitely a stark contrast compared to all the other ones. Still very cool, though.
are you retarded by any chance?
Yep, as soon as he disappeared, all the drama died with it. Should just keep him permanently banned for the greater good of /vp/
black people are hot tbqh
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My older thread stayed peaceful because the trolls didn't look at the image kek

so easy to debunk your fanfics

yeah, it's a different artist but it looks like a fun starter to be with
post nose troon
>ivycuck is admitting to ban-evading
inb4 he only got a le "warning" even after an IP wipe lmao
sharty thread btw
It’s pasty pointy and upturned
We all always knew ivycuck was a ban evader
Why don't you tourists leave the threads if you don't like it?
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Why is OP allowed to ban-evade, mods? Do you enjoy the shitshow he creates every single day or is he one of your guys?
Shut the FUCK up ivycel
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the retarded Modkeys are upset again
they can't stick to one fanfic lmao
but ivycuck I thought you loved schizo fanfics
I don't get it
so Ivychad is a mod but he gets banned, gets his threads 404 and gets an ip wipe, while the spammed ivysaur suicide/guro/death threads stay up even though the Braixen death images like this >>56182433
get deleted?

can someone explain to me how this works?
stop ban-evading, low-iq turd-worlder
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modkeys can't stick to 1 fanfic
please understand
using the brain is too hard for furpigs
Shut the FUCK up ivycel
And yet here he is continuing to troll and shit up the board like nothing happened. Because he never gets banned ever or he is ban-evading which is a bannable offense worthy of a month ban, yet he is not getting banned as we can see.
you know it was a 1-3 days ban since you can check IPs, modkey
Otherwise you would have already banned him by now and you are so desperate to ban him again
You were not supposed to use logic!
>mention Flopxen
>4 angry replies
Ivycuck always ban evades so it doesn’t even matter desu
You were not supposed to use noticing!
Ivycuck you talk about the fox way more than any fox poster I’ve ever seen. Maybe you’re the fox poster?
>not a single post of braixen
>"flopxen" mentioned 4 times ITT
Talk about rent-free and mindbroken
since ivytroll is allowed to troll maybe we are in due for another hanging ivysaur thread?
Ivysimp quit talking to yourself
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Parrot lmao
Oh god now he’s fatposting again. What is it with you and the disgusting fetishes ivysimp? Gay fat toad cuck, that’s a real winning combo.

you literally fap to farts and shit on food lolololol
I love killing trannysaurs
wtf eww
I’m not into foxes try again ivycuck
>ivysimp doesn’t like facesitting
wow you really are gay
what does braixen have to do with this thread? Obsessed perhaps?
>it's not me I swear
what's with the fart fetishists all hating Ivysaur? :)
He enjoys trans ivysaur penis tho
it's the only sane way!
>everyone who hates me is the same person!
you’re the only one discussing foxes here ivycuck
look he is going after meowscarada posters now. Even though he tried to simp for them a while back.
Truly ivyack is the most sane of us all
why was this bragging about rule breaking in an Ivysaur thread and why this reply mentioning it got removed?
>braixen out of nowhere again
>stop noticing again
Ivyack where are the red lines I don’t understandu
>ivychad humiliating and exposing an entire server and mod team alone
no wonder they hate you so much lol
all I notice is that ivycel is a real serious schizo
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Nice try, BlackRock Agent but I'm onto you and your braixen cabal HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
to be fair it worked
braixen threads don't get much traffic recently thanks to him
ivycuck you expose nothing except your micropenis on the playground
you fucking idiot
now this post won't be removed after you do the subtle ip wipe again!!!
you will further expose us in front of everyone!
>ivycuck thread goes unnoticed
>dies immediately with few replies
many such cases!
They never did actually. Ivycel is impotent
because there was another team thread that I didn't see, retard
we all saw it and we all saw how much you were samefagging in multiple threads
holy fucking cope. all threads you make die without your fake self-made drama spam larping as your own boogeymen
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>last Flopxen thread: 70 replies in 6 days
>Ivysaur thread: 226 replies in 14 hours
foxfags care about Ivysaur more than their fox
Ivycel confirmed as a mass samefagger
>he thinks getting shat on his head is a good thing again
Ivycuck you’re the only one even mentioning braixen in this thread. Talk about rent free.
>go to same/f/agging /f/riday thread, see the Flopxen image on table with the Ivysaur meme photoshopped on it
>go to a delcatty thread, see a Flopxen avatarfag mentioning ivysaur
lol you are beyond mind broken
like in a whole new level of mental illness
>nobody except ivychud mentioned braixen
>so mindbroken he can't stop thinking about it
If your 4th world country has a psychiatry clinic, you should pay them a visit
>he’s still talking about braixen in his own trannysaur thread
>>go to a delcatty thread, see a Flopxen avatarfag mentioning ivysaur
>i'm not obsessed y-y-y-ou are
see >>56183635

he starts his shit threads with Ivysaur hate.
2nd and 3rd links are him talking to himself and bringing Ivysaur in a Delcatty thread just to derail the thread
So he didn't mention ivysaur but someone else who hates delcatty poster did? nice proof bro
>Braixen posting in all links
excellent proof bro
I dunno ivytrans these posts are pretty tame, not like how you constantly mention braixen in every thread
probably ivycuck himself trying to force himself into the conversation whenever he sees braixen avatarfag
aand he started to write a new fanfic
lol you are a coward like a cockroach
you are delusional and mentally ill
But you’re famous ivycuck why can’t we talk about our boardwide superstar?
All Flopxenfag knows is how say “no u” like he’s a parrot
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Before removing the thread, I'd recommend doing another IP wipe, just to see how much the thread shrinks.

Please entertain this request moderator sama.
Braixen giving you a fright. Braixen in your walls at night. Braixen with an ass so tight. Living in your head that’s right!
>wholesome braixen just chilling in a café
>braixenGOD talking about how cool he thinks Delcattyanon is
>someone random(ivycuck) bringing up ivyturd and has to force drama with braixenGOD
Wow this proves... nothing but your obsession with BraixenULTRAMIGHTYGOD
You saying that is literally parroting, are you fucking retarded?
I live inside your walls, Ivyhomo
>linking a random shitpost
You’ve got nothing left ivycel
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>this desperation after getting assblasted
>embarassingly deletes his own post
many such cases, sad
Damn ivycel deleted his own posts like he always does
>deleting his own posts
have you no shame ivycuck?
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Can't a sissy little trans toad-rapist have some peace and quiet in xer own thread?
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>if I post the same reply 2 times someone will believe me for sure
I'm sorry, ivytrans. You are hecking valid!
>everyone who hates me is the same person!
meds ivycel
3 times*
Chillet fucker! :D
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*blows a load*
Catussy, a delicacy
Way hotter than an ugly fat trans gay toad
Holy sexo
Now this is better than cordies shitting up the thread
Liepard ass brought peace
Post butts
>disgusting trannysaur
thread ruined again
nice job ruining the thread ivyfaggot
Thank God TPC doesn't listen to South Americans and give us kino like this on TV
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Holy cringe
kys brown freak
>ivycuck has to start shit again
so predictable. Mods encourage this too
what a shit thread
ugly fat trans gay toad
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Would you rather eat Bulbasaur meat or Ivysaur meat?
bulbaflesh is young and tender
Hi ivytrans!
I want to eat Ivysaur's pussy and licking her tummy
SRSussy is not real pussy ivytrans
stop raping toads, turd-worlder
No Alvero is OPs alt. They are tge same person.
Shitty trannysaur thread
Delete this
Who the hell is Alvero? I can never keep track of all these characters.
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None of your business
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Ordering all BlackRock Agents to leave this thread and return to HQ, Detective Ivycuck has exposed us again
Because mods don't actually care about taking a side on the Ivyfag thing beyond keeping it contained. Trannitors have given up on this board and want to do the least work possible which means occasionally cleaning up either ivyfag or his troll(s) posts so they can secure their pay.
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>posting butt is trolling
>spamming and drailing with Ivy hate is not
modkey-coded mentality
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Agent Alvero is a traitor, I repeat Agent Alvero is the traitor.
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But sir, I got eyes on the target!
Say nigger more and I will take your side.
Permission granted, do what you must do Agent Requiem
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That was an order, BlackRock Agent Rekiuum!
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BlackRock Agent Nunu? I thought you died in Afghan
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The rumors of my death were greatly exagerated
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See? It's the evil blackrock agents harassing me, I'm not insane at all!
Go back to grooming schizos in your discord asylum Sabor
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mad cause you got EXPOSED!?
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Why do you guys hate Ivysaur so much? She's so cute and quirky
>check archive for Ribby posts
>they didn't get caught with the ip wipe
noooooo make a new fanfic quick, sisters!
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> She thinks "Ribby" is Ivyfag
kek, lmao even
Not even ivyfag would call xhemselves "ribby"
>social retard doesn't understand jokes
I'll add more red lines next time
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>near bump limit
if only Flopxen could get such care and attention from people
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>I was only pretending to be retarded
No need to post jokes here, (You) are already one blud
>I got more turds than you got cupcakes
classic ivycuck cope
Based. May Ivysaur continue get this kind of love and care.
>Smash got Greninja and Ivysaur
>2 frog pokemon
frogs are based
foxes lose all the time
You are not pretending tho, retard
Cringe frogposter
I'm Trans and I'm also ivyack
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Amen to that, bro
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
Yo sick burn, brotha
This is why you were sent to the jail channel
jokes are supposed to be funny
not desperate to push a narrative, cordy
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>There 's a spy around 'ere
Watch out the discord sisters are real hardass, lol.
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We're sorry about that. I'll ask my mods to confine him in the #bambi-sleep-sissy-hypno channel.
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ribby sisters... our response!?
>Bump limit reached
Good now get the fuck out of my catalog
>no tripcodes so multiple users can use the same name
nice samefagging, troon
This explains everything! The red lines of truth strike again
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>*mind breaks you without even existing*
most powerful fictional creature of all time?
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Always has been
I made these posts. Still don't know who Ribby is to be honest.
stop talking to yourself, subhuman toad-rapist
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Nice edit sweetie bun
nice html edit, troll
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>Discord sister outed xherself as europoor
God he is so pathetic
>"I won"
>the discord raider are european
makes sense, this explain why nuShaun was posting at weird times.
You mean White ubermensch
unedited, unlike this one >>56184012
Real one and unedited
Fake one and edited
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>nobody believed his fanfics
>but everyone believed the discord screenshots that killed his Shaun posting and Flopxen threads
>so much that he actually went for an IP wipe to hide his stinky self
yep, Ivysaur is winning so hard here
there it is again, the mention of flopxen
how mind broken is this fat turd-world cuck?
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>Paris time zone
>completely retarded
...the cuckold contest.
it makes you angry all the time which is enough proof that you a Flopxen fag hating on Ivysaur
>flopxen out of nowhere again
braixen literally won by existing permanently inside ivycucks head
>Ivychad out of nowhere in several threads
Ivysaur literally won by existing permanently inside cordy's head
>editor discorder, completely misread the situation and who's who
We have a real sherlock holmes creepin' round 'ere
He is so mind broken that he wakes up in the middle of the night from panic attacks thinking braixen is starring at him in next to his bed
litterally rent free, it's so funny as an outsider to see them seethe, kek
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He's so mind broken that he drones /vp/ 24/7 looking for Ivychad's posts to derail, troll and delete them when things get out of control against him and if all things fail he presses the shiny IP wipe button out of pure fear and desperation
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This screenshot that exposed them all for being BlackRock agents working for mafia boss Ribby
Why do you keep calling me Cordy? My name is Jacques.
>he truly believes it's ONE person
I was asleep for most of this thread and saw it already at 120+ replies when I woke up
You sure mean disgusting obese ringleader Sabor, right?
Wanna make out?
THE FRENCH!!!!!!>>56184086
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>if I pretend we are not a group of trolls then we will win
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There must be a secret Ribby/Ivysaur discord hidden somewhere
Skin all fat "people" alive
You both mentioned obesity within the same timeframe. Sussy!
Ribby hasn't posted ITT until the last 30 mins
Embrasse-moi grande fou!
Sure, I might be trans, but at least I'm not a transphobic ivysaur haters like you trolls
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Catch all fat pokemon and train them well
pick one
*smooches you*
Based, trans right matters. Also I suck cocks not sure if it matters
Love wins!! #Trump2024
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Can I watch while you people kiss? Is it okay if I imagine trans ivysaur penis while touching myself?
dammit, ivycuck...
The French want to EAT Ivyfat.
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Is it true that frenchies are the gayest Europeans?
for fucks sake ivytrans
> Frogeaters
You might be unto something Anon...
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>cord troons humor is talking to themselves about trannies
Look at the cordies posts and take a guess
fat "people" as scum of the earth
their language sounds sissy and gay too
Look at this cuckold mumbling to himself in the corner while Jacques talks to his alts.
Redpill me on Jacques, is he the new boogeyman?
All moi btw
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>Mascot of Pokemon Green and Blue are fat monsters.
>Ivysaur got into Smash
>Flopxen got nothing and its merchs sales aren't in top 100
Zere is no "Bouguimanne", monsieur.
are all ivycuck's posts the same?
3-4 greentext lines
and then one line of white text in the end
Completely organic posts.
The cordies are at it again
deleted btw
>smash fan
>into obesity
Hon hon hon.
nobody cares btw
yikes modkey couldn't handle the truth and hit the delete button with his fat fist like an insecure child
deleted btw
no one is giving ivycuck attention in his own thread so he is talking to himself while obsessively mentioning flopxen
absolute state of braixenigger
you are the only brown one here, ivycuck
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409 replies in 17 hours
Flopxen thread couldn't hit 80 in 6 days
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>I was bullied for 17 hours that means I win!
wow, so ivycuck was really a mod huh
This thread can’t go to page 10 faster
Somebody do undermining catalog posts
Visitors will see an Ivysaur thread with 400+ reply and say "damn, everyone loves Ivysaur" and move on
meanwhile, Flopxen cries in the archives
Kek life imitates art >>56183386
post the last replies of these threads.
most of them got deleted after the discord screenshots were posted ;)
Visitors will see a thread filled with dead ivysaur and 400+ posts shitting on ivysaur and say "damn, everyone hates ivysaur and OP is a cuck" and then move on
I love Ivycucks threads. Ze makes CHARIZARDINO and Blastoise fans look mentally sane.
ivymod exposed
damn, nice thinking de su
Checked and based trips
digits don't lie
fucking kek I thought the same. ivymong is coping hard
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most popular thread right now!
Ivysaur confirmed getting the most caring and attention from /vp/!
>look mom, everyone is bullying me, that's a good thing!
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The Nintendo marketing pajeets will see this on the catalog and tell TPCi that everyone loves Ivysaur
People would rather have a peaceful thread with positive posts about their pokemon than a thread hitting bump-limit but all the posts are taking a fat dump on OP's face and transmon
Sure doesn't seem so on /vp/
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mods deleted the IP counter to samefag, troll and use bots btw
This is all possible because of my secret Blackrock Discord based in France and I'm the bad guy? :/
shhhh let lolcowsaur cope in peace. After all, it's a good thing that he has a turd on his head!
remember when /vp/ kept hating on Stantler for years and Gamefreak made a new Stantler form for PLA lol
/vp/ is full of losers
Yup, he got IP-wiped and then we saw that he was mostly talking to himself and faking drama.
kek another ivyshart thread dabbed on
Now to send it to page 11 :P
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losers auto-saged the thread
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We got him? Well done, Agent Rekiuum. No more toads will be molested by that stinky turd-world cuckold
Bye bye loser!
Still standing, Mallow! Fuck off, whore!!

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