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Its Over Edition

>What is PokéRogue?
A Pokémon-themed dungeon crawler filled with gacha-brained mechanics.

>How do I play?
It's a browser game, if you're too retarded to download the client just play on the website.

^Fake offline client, play using this. You can eventually export your save to other custom servers. You will reduce server stress by having the assets downloaded. Make sure to actually run the .bat so the assets aren't streamed.


Pokedex and move database, requires download

>Endless Rushing for dummies

>DNA Splicers for dummies
https://i.imgur.com/qkgiFwj.png (embed)

Previous: >>56140032
so they really chased the main dev away, added a bunch of satanic recolors and then stopped updating the game huh
That's troons for you, never let troons into your discord server no matter what
What happened this time?
Deoxys sucks ass. What are some other high (6+) base cost pokemon that need to be carried instead of doing the carrying themselves?
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Now that's variety
Did I just win the game?
>pride flag on face
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Finally, I am free
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also what is this?
> Dungeon Crawler.
> Without Dungeons.

I hate trannoid zoomeroids not understanding terms their use. You all deserve to die.
Damn, that is some great luck you got there. Let's hope you get some equally good Pokemon as well.
Mini Blackhole is an item you will never ever get. In all seriousness, it's an item that you can roll that lets you 100% steal items from enemies like Thief, Grip Claw, etc.
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>Let's hope you get some equally good Pokemon as well.
Hmm, what do you mean?
Ah, I didn't realise you were same poster in both of the posts. My apologies.
master tier item that steals an opponent's item every turn. doesn't require you to attack like other theft options, just that the mon holding it be in the battle. rarest item in master tier, iirc. I've only ever gotten it once outside of endless.
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ah no, Im the one mistaken quotes. I got a palkia, tapu koko, and pic related
That's amazing. You're definitely set for the next runs you'll have. Also, I've heard Spectrier is really good on his own even without having his special item to fuse with that massive forehead Pokemon who I can never seem to remember the name of.
Wait, you can start with Spectrier and have it transform into Calyrex-S?
>even without having his special item to fuse
I don't think you transform calyrex by fusing with one of the horses in pokerogue like in the mainline game, it's just a rogue tier evo item and doesn't depend on having a horse in your party. At least from what I've read, I've never run it.
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wiki only has calyrex + item. horses not in list of pokemon that can change form
The beta branch on git is getting updated, no idea why they stopped updating the server version tho
I love this chonky boi
How do necrozma and forms work? Do you need to splice it with solgaleo/lunala or zekrom/reshiram or is there just a key item that automatically gives you a fused one?
Or are the proper fused forms just not coded?
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Just started this game an hour or so ago. I got this from the gacha. Is it guaranteed to be Zygarde? Or is it like a 50/50?
It's about 50/50, though it gets more complicated due to hidden pity mechanics.
A roguelike does not need to have a dungeon.
He just started, I doubt he managed to roll 400 eggs to trigger pity
>Custom servers
There's custom servers for this game?
>2 epics left
>Both egg only
Release me
>therastelized g-max pikachu
Hello there, Red
dead game?
Doesn't help that the option to baton pass is under switch out
NTA but you can say at best that PokeRogue stripped the Pokemon formula to something akin to street fighter or mortal combat, just a bunch of consecutive battles with randomized opponents that have some roguelike... -like aspects
The OP literally called it a dungeon crawler you faggot. Which is not correct - it's neither dungeon crawler nor roguelike.
I just copy pasted previous thread OP..
How would you characterize the game yourself?
just gacha isnt enough. Try again
>just gacha isnt enough. Try again
forgot your pic? a lot of games can have gachas while being different genres. What is the type of gameplay here? if you cant give a proper substitute then just stop complaining
RIP I have been having a hard time with Legendaries as of late. I've been doing some Classic runs to avoid Endless fatigue as of late.
As far as I'm aware, not really. Nobody has mentioned a custom online fork from the posts I've browsed. It is something that could happen at some point though.
gachas don't have gameplay retard
aaaannnd avoiding the subject once more. Here's your last (You), retard
>has never seen necrozma before
Are you being for real right now?
Please say you're just retarded.
Finally comitted to an endless run (made it past 1000) and yeah you guys were right, should've been doing this for shinies and HAs from the start. What do I need to scrape together/change before things turn into metal burst hell?

Current setup:
>mega rayquaza + blue crobat fusion
Needed to fuse it with a shiny to free up space and figured inner focus could be good to have. Running dragon energy, flamethrower, soak, toxic. Flamethrower's nice because I keep finding charcoal and I'm spamming lures so sometimes I need a move that targets 1 mon. The burn chance via multi lenses is cool too, lets me bypass endure tokens sometimes.
>red giga garbodor + red whimsicott
Just a 6 luck lump, accidentally fused em together. Prankster leech seed has come in handy here and there but definitely the weakest link. Will I eventually stop needing luck?
>blue furret + garganacl
Sturdy salt cure bot that's also a pickup bot. Running ruination, salt cure, leech seed, protect.
>blue scrafty + shedinja
The real star, makes every eternatus completely free via dark/ghost wonder guard. Salt cure, super fang, soak, toxic.

I know I need a ghost type with run away and something with sturdy metal burst. Currently it's very smooth sailing aside from a double klefki encounter that ate a few reviver seeds. But I know the wheels will fall off eventually.
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Should I be rolling on the legendary rate up banner or the shiny rate up banner if I'm new? I got this but no shinies or any other legendaries.
If there are any legendaries you want, it's better to save and go for the legendary banner when the legendary you want is in there (https://wiki.pokerogue.net/gameplay:eggs#legendary_up has a list on what can appear on the legendary rate up banner, just your box legendaries). Otherwise it's better to go for the shiny up banner to maybe luck out a shiny and get some extra starters depending on how new you are. If you do/have completed classic mode you unlock Endless which is how the devs want you to get everything in the game but it is cancer.
That's not completely true, paradox pokemon cannot be caught in endless
Eternatus can only be caught after 100% the list of starting pokemon so don't get your hopes up for that one
I don't understand how to strategize in this game effectively. A lot of my wipes just seem to be from "oops trainer on a random level that isn't a 5 or 0, and I had the wrong mon out, so they got a swords dance off and then swept my entire team lol"

It also seems stupid that the general strategy I've seen for the game is
>get legendary gacha egg
>proceed to win
they should've had a fight in the newer games where he has 3 mega starters and gmax pikachu, snorlax, and lapras
As someone just starting out should I be spam catching things or just killing things? I feel like since you don't start with exp all only my lead levels up in the early game and I want to replace my entire team.
No-no-no, anon, you don't get it, you don't just need to get legendary gacha egg, you need the "OP" legendary gacha egg
The RNG in this game feels like such skewed bullshit compared to the normal games. The amount of times I've eaten a 1/1000 chance thing happening is really starting to piss me off. It's almost like I'm dealing with gen 1 glitchy shit like para/flinch/wrap infinites.
Necrozoma can transform to Lunar/Solar form through the use of an item. Ultra Necrozma, however, is not implemented and unobtainable. The same goes for Kyurem with its Blaze and Volt forms. The item is in Rouge-tier since you are allowed to switch forms at any time even during mid-battle.
As a beginner, the best way to get past Floor 25 is to focus levelling + items on a single Pokemon. It's a good idea to heal your entire party at Floor 24 if you run into unexpected trouble. Spam catching Pokemon until Floor 100 is a good idea. That way you'll have a nice variety of Pokemon without having to worry about ruining your run.
Catching Pokemon in general is a good idea as long as you have a decent amount of money for heals. If you start getting low, prioritize completing the floor over catching mons. The more you catch, the higher the IVs, better natures, free candies, and even hidden natures. The reason catching Floor 100+ mons may be risky is because they are fully levelled, there are more trainers, and it can lead to wipes with fast Pokemon like Excadrill.
Yep, just lost another run to
>miss 95% accurate move
>into 10% paralyze chance from enemy mon
>onto fully paralyzed next turn
>onto fully paralyzed again
>next pokemon comes out
>loses the speed tie twice
Yeah, fuck this shit. The odds of all that happening in a row are astronomically low.
I know I've stopped having restraint on refreshing/retrying fights after 95% accuracy missed twice in a row too many times. The game's rng is seeded so if you do repeat actions between refreshing you'll get the same results, it also greatly helps with evolution items as you can save enough to reroll twice, and after every battle reroll twice before quitting back out if unlucky. This is tedious as hell to do though.
>every single time you can get paralyzed/burned/slept/poisoned/frozen it happens
>every time you can survive, but only if you dodge a crit? you get critted
>need to just get through 1 attack without being full para'd and you win? you get para'd
This feels nauseating with how little effects you can hit the AI with, but I'm getting static para'd on my very first fucking attack of the run sometimes (pawmi)
so, what was it?
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Now what?
Go home to your family and have a drink with the lads at the pub to celebrate.
I got >>56189957
ah. A bit unlucky since that's the weakest obtainable form (dunno about abilities and attacks, 1% cell form is not in the game)
>been doing lab for a while in classic and still have no mewtwo even appear
>got on lab in endless spliced
>it's wave 236
>4 consecutive reuniclus as the main fusion
Yup... gacha it is.
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First time making it past wave 190. Do I have any hope against Ivy?
Grab any x sp Atk/def, speed, rev seed if you find one and pray
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>pull first red shiny in ages
>it's a dupe
>passive and egg moves already unlocked
I'm not mad, just disappointed.
That'll be me one of these days. Congratulations! You should celebrate IRL by buying yourself a treat. You deserve it!
> Dungeonoid Crawleroid
> Withoutoid Dungeonoids

Ioid hateoid trannoidoid zoomeroidoids notoid understandingoid termsoid theiroid useoid. Youoid alloid deserveoid tooid dieoid.
no one asked you to share your immense autism with the class
>no one asked
It says "Post a Reply" right on the webpage. Not a request, but an imperative.
>Max shiny with everything unlocked
>These IVs
They really need to implement some non-egg way of raising these, maybe rare item?
I forgot how strong Mega Lucario is with adaptability boost. Especially with Swords Dance.
Those are just the IVs of the one that hatched. The one in my box has almost max IVs, needs 1 more in def and sdef.
I agree that a way to spend a resource to improve IVs would be a good feature, though. And no reason to cap them at 31.
Honestly yeah, that is troons for you.
A handful are absolutely cracked coders (autism is a blessing and a curse), but most are just tranny LARPers.
They have sub-zero social skills. In fact, they're actively anti-social by nature, so any project with too many of them will inevitably break down. Even if you did have the handful of solid trannies, they will be chased out by other autistic trannies before they can get anything done.

Trannies habitually infest and hostile-takeover online projects, enforce their dogma, and then leave them to rot. They've done this in every online space that has a large number of autistic people (and thus an inherent tendency towards trannies).
Also if you bring this up the trannies will accuse you of being obsessed and make gross jokes about you having sex with shemales.
Has there been any speedruns of classic mode fresh account?
There's not many speedruns and the ones that do exist are mainly all with everything necessary already unlocked. So I'm guessing the answer is most likely no.
so when are these threads going to throw their weight behind a fork instead that excludes the trannies and their evil?
yeah the one behind emerald rogue is one of those hyperautistic hypercompetent ones
that game can actually run on a real GBA it's fucking black magic
the ones on pokerogue are completely retarded though
>wonder why shield dust is [P]
>learn it means partially implemented
>find the page where it lists the reasons why abilities/moves are either [P] or [N] (not implemented)
>shield dust has no reason
Well what the fuck?
>Max out IVs
>Unlock super IVs, now you can raise the starter up to 64 IVs
Add something that also adds upgraded natures with more benefits/less drawbacks and more extreme challenge runs and it will finally have some reason to actually grind up mons
probably means shield dust doesn't block all moves with secondary effects yet but the wiki people dont know which moves still need to be blocked
>just build up 1 or 2 mons in the early game!
Yeah that's great, until you lose 5 runs in a row to paralyze before turn 20 on those 2 pokemon you've been leveling and now you're stuck against one of those ridiculous OP pikachus with 2 paralyzed mon never seeing a single fucking full heal or berry and then 3 level 5-6 mons that have barely had a chance to get xp. HAHAHA FUCK YOU
Yeah, Nuzzle Pokemon are the worst until Floor 40+. I don't know who's stupid idea it was to remove the Full Heal from the store in the early floors. It used to appear normally when the game first launched. It adds nothing to the game and needlessly handicaps you when you have no alternate way to recover.
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>watch my mon get paralyzed 4 times in a row while the opponent just finished dodging 3 flinch/paras and 2 confusion/paras
I feel like the gacha machines don't even work correctly. I've pulled like 400 eggs from the shiny one and have only got a single shiny. I heard the odds are like 1/100 for common eggs and like 1/4 for epic or something. Yet I get jack shit all.
KEK that pic is good and relatable.
Same. My shiny luck seems to be particularly bad since I've only gotten Yellow Star shinies with shitmon like Relicanth or Ledyba. I wish you the best of luck on your future pulls!
Flamigo has been my go to carry early game, but falls off hard as hell around 130+, what should I replace it with?
The odds are 1/64 but there's no pity system in place.

If it's wild pokemon, Gyarados is an absolute chad. Intimidate + DDance with water/dark/ice and a mega evolution. For starters, similar reason I found Paldeo Taurus a great workhorse, fire/fighting and water/fighting depending on your needs.
>just started playing classic mode yesterday
>already a few runs in the 140+ ranges
>opened a bunch of shiny eggs since i know shinies increase luck
>all i have is a shiny weedle
This is awful
It's a bit silly that the best way to get shinies is endless runs, but that's how it is.
I wish I could nickname my Pokémon. I’ve got a lot of cool names for them.
So are the eggs really the best way of raising IVs? Yeah they don't make that much of difference but there isn't even a IV based gacha to help with it
Anything you catch/hatch enough times will end up with maxed IVs anyway, there isn't really much of a need to add something to help max them.
Casual brainlet shitter here, at what point should I start catching new mons early-game? My mainline game instincts of "get a full team as soon as you encounter enough unique Pokemon" doesn't seem to work too well; having 6 Pokemon against a rival isn't nearly as useful when half of them are low HP from being freshly caught.
You get xp either way, so there isn't really a reason not to catch pokemon.
>Something without pokeball icon or shiny
You catch it even if it kills your run unless you know you have pre-evo of it caught or are doing endless
>Something with dark pokeball icon
Try to catch it, it's probably just female form or something
>It's something good that covers something missing in your team
Catch it and add it to your team
catch a zigzagoon with pickup early. It will be a beast
Man, Honey Gather is great, it really allows you to reroll way more
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Nice, finally got something worth using this thing on
Catch as often as you can, even if you're just releasing. Especially in early biomes, they're really easy to catch and often don't even need to be weakened first. Each one you catch for the first time will unlock it's base form (and/or baby form) as a starter, and gain you candies for for the one you catch that act as a metacurrency for improving the pokemon with an extra ability (passive) or reduced starting cost.
Especially try to catch zigzagoons and meowths, they can both have pickup and are all over the place early on. Pickup wins runs and you should always try to have at least one mon on your team with it.
meowths lose pickup if they evolve though
You can pause their evolution indefinitely. If you aren't carrying with them it doesn't matter, and if you are carrying with them you should run technician over pickup anyway.
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Man, am I lucky or what
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only 3 left
necrozma, celesteela, and gouging fire
Kek same thing happened to me
lol that's worse than getting a Mega Bracelet at the beginning, then not a Mega Stone the entire run.
Is legendary gacha good now? because I've spent all the tickets I've earned on all the runs up to my first win on it a while ago and I got no legendary eggs, the only ones I got were from shiny gacha
Check round number
IIRC every gacha has the same odds for each egg rarity, the legendary up gacha only gives you an extra chance at the featured legendary from any legendary eggs you pull at normal odds.
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same thing happened to me when i used a manectric. no mega bracelet until 198. pain...
It actually replaces one common egg with egg of the banner pokemon
Is it even possible to beat classic mode on a fresh account, without getting insane item luck? Like a fullproof method of beating it as long as you get some choice encounters and know how to play pokemon well with some average luck?
Simply pick up blastoise, learn shell smash and go to town with water pulse and flash cannon. If you get ice beam or aura sphere as a tm that would help too. 90% of this game is preparing for eternatus and rayquaza so your goal it to find a fairy type , steel type or an ice type that can do a ton of damage
>The Gourgeist's Well-Baked Body
Man, what the hell is this? Am I supposed to expect random immunity abilities on bosses?
Considering that Talonflame gets magic guard, yes.
>yellow shiny weedle and makuhita
>blue shiny bidoof
Is it worth using these absolute shitmons just for luck? I think my mind has been poisoned by Radical Red and Inclement Emerald because I forget that in the real games most Pokemon are absolute dogshit. And when the game starts getting to the levels where every trainer has 550-600+ BST mons, with multiple health bars, tera, and passive abilities I just can't keep up with half my team I feel.
unfortunately rogue's meta is just filling your team with cheap shiny shitmons for luck and using one single broken pokemon.
as always, luck is a shitty game mechanic and people literally cant argue against this.
there is NO better strategy than running SSS luck from the start.
Guess ill move onto emerald rogue then, though i like pokerogues format better and being able to play on my pc and phone with the same playthrough is nice
Gave it my best shot; I can sweep the rest of the team but Mega Rayquaza outspeeds and OHKOs anything I throw against it.
>hoopa's very first act is to steal leftovers
why is this permanent jesus fuck
>meanwhile I stole the leftovers from Glacia's Jinx
Classic can be cheesed very easily. There are only 4 hard parts; 145 rival, villain final fight, 195 rival, eternatus.
>get hazards like stealth rock for the villain and rival and force switches, if your team isn’t complete shit you’ll be fine
>use a good setup sweeper like blastoise or skeledirge for those and everything else
>eternatus can be cheesed like 50 different ways; curse, leech seed, salt cure, debuffing its accuracy, soak + toxic (don’t let it get lum berries), topsy turvy, clear smog, haze, tinkaton, klefki, letting it steal a flame/toxic (with soak) orb, etc.
Bidoof is extremely good with simple and a few egg moves. Many shitmons in the main series are carries here. Hoothoot comes to mind.
There's also Excadrill with sand force, thousand arrows and ice spinner, having high attack and speed IV's only make it better, thousand arrows can OHKO nearly anything as long as you keep it at level cap and E-max shits itself if you bring Beheeyem with high def and sp. def IV's then you begin to spam cosmic power
>healing charm, map, exp all, a quick claw, and a thunderbolt TM all before first Ivy fight
This is gonna be a good one.
Most pokemon can be good with some egg moves and/or their passive. Megabeedrill does really well even without. Bidoof gets power trip as an egg move, and has moody as HA, it's an absolutely broken combo and can carry you to 200 on its own. Haven't tried makuhita yet.
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>Doing a new run
>Take Miraidon to just grind candies for it
>along the way catch a Samurott
>not really thinking much about it
>eventually get to Eternatus
>"Oh shit how did I even get this far to begin with, I'm gonna just get cooked here"
>Realize my dumb ass didn't overwrite Samurott knowing Soak
>Soak phase two
>OHKO with Electro Drift
I don't know how I even managed to set this up unintentionally but we take those
>wow reviver seed this early in the game? dont mind if i do
>zigzagoon used covet!
thanks i guess
As other anons have said, if you unlock egg moves and have good natures on shiny shitmon, they can actually be quite powerful in their own right. Bidoof with Power Trip and Simple/Moody can demolish bosses especially since it learns Swords Dance naturally. Mega Beedrill is amazing if only for the high attack combined with stuff like Technician Fell Stinger + Twinneedle. Makuhita may need some work since it is very slow but its high HP and good coverage means it can at least get a good hit off before dying.
Picking a shitter like beedrill for the 1/10000 chance you get both the bracelet and stone seems retarded as hell. At least the other mega mons usually have a reason to bring them besides the mega form.
Nothing fucking works in this game man. Got return on my mon and it does absolutely shit damage even though I never let the mon die, I've been feeding him berries and potions like candy, and I've been using him in almost every battle. Fuck this dogshit game. I'm tired of learning all the little strategies that only work in this game because of how stupidly buggy and shit it is.
It upsets me knowing I could make the game infinitely easier by turning on switch mode, but my autism will not allow me to do that. All games should have 1 difficulty so the game is a shared experience for everyone who plays it.
Only now realized I can get a ton of vitamins in endless by catching random boss encounters, and then using them as splice and unsplice fodder
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Collect for me my goons
Honestly switch/set should be set on start of a run and give some bonus
Gargoone is my favourite goon out of all of them.
And you haven't reached the
>find the legendary you want on the 25% biome
>the game hasn't given you a single pokeball since the very beginning even though you have been save-scumming on every battle
Ugh, fighting those Team Aqua faggots has made my runs so fucking tedious and boring.
My enjoyment of this has rapidly dried up.
>game crashed after i got psychic TM
>rolled back to before the TM even though I was already in the next battle
>scrafty gets protean as passive
I'm conflicted on this, fighting dark is a pretty strong typing and I'm tempted to disable his passive when I run him. Thoughts?
Isn't it pre-nerf protean?
Is it? I've never fought a kecleon that survived more than one round so I didn't know. That changes things.
It's pre-nerf Protean/Libero and going pure fighting could bait in psychic while pure dark baits a bug move you get a resist in by going pure fighting. And DDance could bait steel (you crumple with fighting) or fairy (you fucking cry unless bullet punch egg move).
I've got sucker punch, bullet punch and ddance, only missing his rare egg move. Don't know what it is but I'll probably run drain punch in that slot anyway. Might bring a hazard setter to exploit the AI's tardswitching too. Sounds like a good game plan.
>sever could somewhat withstand 50k when the e-whores started to play the game
>server is now chocking with barely 20k players
It's all jobber and there's still no /vp/ server
Based and Linoone pilled
>What is PokéRogue?
Another cool fan project completely ruined by faggots and troons.
havent touched this game in months did they add anything worth coming back for
is the rng weighted towards making mons have the absolute worst fucking natures they could possibly have?
You can always fix natures with mints so I won't care that much about a bad nature
It really does feel that way sometimes. It's especially noticeable when you get Legendaries only to end up with a subpar nature 80% of the time. Thankfully, most mons are easy enough to catch that it isn't too much of an issue.
You can buy eggs for specific mons you use a lot(in combat) and challenges got added
Also bunch of other minor stuff that's stuck in beta branch of git instead of getting pushed to the server instantly like it used to be, the game didn't actually update for over two weeks so yo don't get fun changes like this until devs decide to update the main branch
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Why is there still no "quit this run" button? I know a wipe is coming, I don't want to sit there and slowly lose.
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Giratina doesn't trigger the Reshiram/major legend theme? Or is it just a bug because two legendaries spawned?
As a side note, I do find it a bit silly that only the regis(as far as I know, anyway) get their own theme.
That's entirely based on the music preference option in the game's settings. The Regis have one on the Consistent setting because they happened to get one in Gen 5, which is where the consistent music comes from.
Relatable. Nemona's Terra'd Koaidon has fucked me up more times than I can count. The same goes for Archie's Primal Kyogre. I hate that thing so damn much.
I really don't know why that option hasn't been implemented earlier especially considering how runs can get screwed over easily with status effects or wasting too much money early on.
So that's what it does? I never tried switching that. I thought it would use remixes instead of game music or something.
so nothing of value then
i was hoping for content not more grindslop
thanks for the info though
desu you can just quit, start a new game, and then overwrite the save
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>Pokeball, Lure, Potion
>Potion, Pokeball, Lure
>Lure, Pokeball, Leppa Berry
Wait, can I not catch Eternatus in endless mode if I have all the mons? I'm seeing that it doesn't seem to let me catch paradox mons even though I have them in as a starter.
working on beating all the monogen challenges here r my thoughts
gyarados + magneton as its the only steel u can use (don't evolve it to zone or you'll lose), they don't need any egg moves to work good either
other then that you'll want some bulky poison
catch random mons
but i had egg move recover on suicune (cm is level up) which let me pretty much solo everything, its worth noting johto mon encounters are very rare in general
hoothoot is broken if you have boomburst/oblivion wing
pineco also a good pick
metagross + swampert, swamp early til your beldum levels up, mawile bad since you can't mega
manectric still the best elec u can get even without mega
bronzong and garchomp
add combee for honey gather, let it vibe in the back and don't evo it til the end-ish
pick up a magnemite and hope it turns into magnezone along the way if you got the space (you will)
ferrothorn + volcarona + krookodile
havent tried yet
ribombee is combee except it actually can attack (use honey gather) + magearna who is broken even without egg moves
you'll likely get a free mareanie on a water route at some point which helps
corviknight solo if roost egg move, everything else is a flex
tinka + naclstack + anything
should be fine

on eternatus fight:
abuse -accuracy moves + paralysis, bonus points for leech seed, -accuracy should be prioritzed over any other method, move any items beforehand you may have onto your least neccssary mon
there is no possible way to currently get eternatus (or anything that costs 10 points, of which that's only eternatus atm but still)

you can't get it in gacha or endless or story or anything
you can only catch eternatus at the end of a classic run if you've registered everything else as caught. fortunately, it always has perfect ivs, so you don't have to worry about that.
>Classic only
I wanted to just endless spam my last epic egg only mon and master ball him, but you're telling me I need to actually luckshit into a master ball on classic? That's gonna be a pain in the ass.
by that point you should have enough shinies to manipulate the chance decently
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I win, dead game forever, later losers
>retarded troons in charge
Yeah, peaked onto the Discord and noticed one of them was on hiatus for surgery....probably for a fake penis as its likely a pooner. Also the OCs he/she designed are shit and have preferred pronouns as that's very important.
I hate this fucking game.
Stupid luck-based bullshit roguelikes are the worst type of game. Plus the innate randomness of the pokemon battle mechanics makes this just a glorified dice rolling simulator. i can sit in the game corner on pokemon red and get the same experience.
>wrong nature
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"Catching a boss that has an active passive does not enable you to use that passive, or unlock it for your starter."
Biggest disappointment yet. Fuck that.

Played the game for 15-20 hours now and I hate how the game makes catching pokemon so unrewarding. At least give me extra candies for evolutions.
Stuck on Cobalion for 40 minutes now trying to get that dumb fucking catch system to allow me to catch it.
You can use megas in these challenges, I did.
I get why it's like this, but I wish there were better ways to get candies other than using a pokemon as an endless carry/side carry or hoping to luckshit a rare/epic shiny. I thought I could catch a few Blastoises to finally unlock sturdy during my current endless run, but 1700 floors in I only encountered one once, maybe twice. I ran into some legendaries more often than that.
>raising alolan meowth from 5 to 8 raised it's happiness to max and evolved it
>but when i have a pokemon with return it's damage is shit for like 30 floors
Hello trannycord???? Fix your fucking game
it's not broken in that regard at least, because they lowered the happiness requirements for evolutions drastically. so it's not that "friendship is maxed out and return is still shit", it's that the pokemon evolved really early and still has low friendship overall.
My only shinies
what mon would make the best use of these for switches and shit? I haven't been able to find a suitable lead at all. I can go up to 4 candy slots, 5 if I ditch weedle.
>Epic shiny unown
>has pickup as passive
Gen 9 learnsets have to be the most dogshit they've ever been aside from Gen 1 and 2. Why the fuck do half the pokemon in this game max out at like 60 or 70bp attacks by level 30 and not get anything higher outside of TM or non-stab non-main stat moves (like an adamant sweeping ghost mon getting air slash for example)?
>pokemon with best IV's
>double battle
>turn 2 self-destruct
...Quite the frustrating situation
azumarill stays winning
fully evolved with dual 90bp stabs by level 25
You talk like getting mints is hard
Getting free passive would make a good incentive for catching bosses, and no, getting an extra candy isn't worth fucking anything
>finally get the candies for tandemaus passive
>it's scrappy
Am I crazy or was it not parental bond?
I have this shitter in blue shiny and I was holding out running it in classic until I got its passive. Now I don't give a fuck.
and then when you are fighting nothing but 600+ bst mon your 420mon will be suffering
Does this man not know about huge power??
It definitely was parental bond at some point, I guess they changed it. I don't think PB works for inherently multi-hitting moves though and I can at least partially understand their thought process that people probably really wanted to unlock the passive to do some sort of clowncar 20 hit pop bomb and then get immediately disappointed when that doesn't work
>splice sentret with cascoon
>it's called sentreon
Hard to answer without knowing your starters' egg moves. A total shitmon can be a sweeper with the right unlocks.
For 4 points you can take something that's classically strong like larvitar or gible or applin that gives you some type coverage. Klefki and tink are 4 cost whose typing can be really good for late classic but I've never carried with either, and tink's passive got nerfed.
When in doubt, magikarp and fuecoco are both really good carries without any work, and you'll have an extra point left for a bug or something.
Still getting nothing but egg vouchers. Yeah I think it has anti cheat or it's at least has it weighted if you have over a certain amount of vouchers.
Can you even see the dex anyway? As in, outside of the unlocked starters. I got Cosmog from an egg but I assume you need to get it to Solgaleo/Lunala first for it to count.
>Can you even see the dex anyway?
lol no
And the pokeball icon cares about the pokedex rather than the starters you have unlocked
>choose a carrier
>rival, enemy team and e4 counters it
Cool... cool...
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did they ever fix any of the abilities after they changed them?
>team boss gets pokemons with parental bond
I wonder for how long will /vp/ look the other way before abandoning the game entirely
I hate that bitch Cynthia. I hate her so fucking much.
This run is awful. Floor ,189 and this is my team. All my runs lately have been absolutely shit with zero Mega Stones, asshole enemies, and horrid crits
I'm still new and haven't beaten classic mode and I'm literally sacrificing 4 slots and limiting my starter to get B+ luck and I still have not seen a single mega stone or max item with rerolling a bunch and getting multiple runs to the 180s. Shit is whack as fuck. My team just cant survive the elite 4 gauntlet with limited healing because they are all shitmon that are only there because they are shiny.
Its a bunch of dead weight.
Exactly how I feel about my team.
eventually you have to offload your shinies for better mons
i use shinies in the beginning to hit the ground running (hopefully) and then later on get rid of them once im more established
im new to this game and have beaten classic mode twice already with crobat/togekiss/azumarill/gigalith/excadrill/aegislash/araquanid/palossand/skeledirge/tinkaton
i usually start with a combination of shinies, pokerus mon, and whatever cool mon i want to hopefully keep to the end
i havent seen a single mega stone or max item. i seen one tera poison shard but couldnt use it because no one on my team would benefit from it.
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is miraidon in daily rotations yet?
Luck is handy but it's firmly inferior to just having good mons on the team
>having a good carrier and a secondary mon
>find a legendary that hasn't been caught yet and that could be useful
>hardly any pokeball because of luck D
wtf is this game?
Is it like mystery dungeon?
>He doesn't stack default pokeballs to 99
It's just a battle rush with gacha mechanics
>game start
>have all 27 starters
>you have 10 points you can use to pick pokemon to start the game with
>all the starters cost 3 points each, so your first run will be 3 starters
>you spawn into a battle against a level 2
>kill it
>6 items pop up on screen, 3 are potion, ether, and revive and will you cost you money (you start with 1000 poke) the other 3 are random and based off your luck chance (luck chance goes up with the amount of shiny pokemon in your party)
>you pick your item and then go right into another battle
>the goal is to get to the 200th battle and win (and then you unlock endless mode)
>every 10 battles is a boss pokemon or boss trainer, beating it fully heals your team
>there are trainers sometimes littered throughout the floors that aren't multiples of 10 and boss battles at specific floor levels (first rival fight is floor 8 for example)
>when you beat a boss you get a voucher for 5 gacha eggs, if you beat the same boss you only get 1 voucher every other time
>catching pokemon and eggs gives you more starters to work with and more natures, abilities, egg moves, etc you will unlock
>catching a pokemon during your run essentially counts as killing it and clearing the floor and still gives you XP
Honestly it's pretty simple and you get the hang of it within a few minutes. It's also browser based and tied to an account you make, so you have cross progression between your desktop and your phone if you want to play on that.
Oh and you can stack your pokemon with held items like insane, so Pickup and Unnerve are actually good abilities (because boss pokemon will have multiple berries too). Any move or ability with a [P] in the name means the move is only partially working and you can usually find the reason why on their wiki. Any move/ability with an [N] is not implemented at all so don't use it.
But seriously, with how common basic vouchers are they really should upgrade the gym leaders battles to always have 5-vouchers and 10-vouchers for first time
This would sure give more of an incentive to replay classic. Even with ribbon vouchers, the sheer amount of stuff you get from just taking a good endless carry for 3000 floors(or more if you have good DoT/Metal Burst users for the later floors) just can't be matched right now.
Only a handful of starters still locked.
>eternatus of course
>somehow the entire creation trio of dialga, palkia, and giratina
Dialga and Palkia were just on the legendary gacha, why didn't you roll for them then?
Fucking whore Cynthia. Surviving by a sliver of her skin with her gay ass Togekiss.
Im so done with this shit, and commissioning Cynthia guro art tonight.
So yeah, I get the point of different gachas
But like, wouldn't it be better if they all behaved like candy ones with everything boosted and instead you got a choice of playing gacha for specific egg groups with legendary banners that have bunch of legends boosted like normal gacha?
cannot bear to roll for legendary starters instead of shinies or egg movies, been workin out pretty well aside from those 5
I roll for the shinies 90% of the time but the few times I tried for a specific legendary it surprisingly paid off.
Yeah, I got way better than the 50/50 odds, and usually pretty quickly too. Not sure if I was just stupidly lucky, or is it pity mechanics at play since I already had almost all the starters
Is it open source? I’m open to making a mod for a gym leader sim but good
Hang in there
You literally have git link in OP

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