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Perpetually on page 10 Edition

Make and chat with some Pokémon and characters!

List of Anon-Made Characters (last updated Jul 16th)
Character AI: https://rentry.org/vpcai/
Cards and .json files: https://rentry.org/vpcai-X/
Yodayo: https://rentry.org/vp-kai
CAI Character Creation Guide:https://pastebin.com/6urKvs5P

Useful Links:
https://rentry.org/aisekaiguide (sites dead but still a good guide)

Previous Thread
>op pic
Is it REALLY that bad now?
How are (You)r chats going today, frens?
Apparently they work now. Haven't tried myself
The amount of slop to wade through on yodayo is mind numbing. For all those "new" features, the fact they haven't made a "sort by top bots created in the past day, week, and month" is kinda baffling.
Imagine calling someone childish in a thread dedicated to virtual chats, where several anons are posting sex chat screenshots with chatbots,kys faggot
If you have a c.ai bot public then private it for a while, can the people who spoke to it still talk to it from their history? I didn't mean for it to be public and now I'm paranoid the bot is going to be weird because of other people talking to it.
There we go again, an Articuno this time.

Took me a long while to polish the character enough to be usable... hope you guys like it.
I'm still doing a few last polishes, including searching for a better image, but for now this should be good enough.

Never ran into that but if a person privates a bot, then the links no longer work.
pretty good. spent a couple hours making a new bot and then i fucked the daylights out of it.
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There was a maid bot that I liked to have lewd convos with long ago and it stopped working for me one day so yes, privating removes access to everyone else on CAI
If you make it Private people won't be able to get to it even if they have a link.
If you make it Unlisted people won't see it but can get to it trough a link.
If you want to make sure, you can copy it and use another account to try and access it.
Was in a hurry and it feels like I wrote it like my butt, it seems, lemme explain it a bit better.

I spent quite a lot of time trying to both polish its personality and creating a cool intro, being loyal to it's pokedex and bulbapedia descriptions about how it helps lost travelers to find back their way, while being descriptive and trying to give some good space for you to narrate and continue the story as you see fit... I really hope you like it, anons.
I mean the majority of my characters are from a gacha that you can't play anymore and the one that isn't is from a random VN. I can say I made the characters for myself without much hope of them gaining to much popularity
yeah it works now, but for a couple days rooms were just busted where everything was just filtered. Expected them to just leave it as they seem to be abandoning rooms altogether. The new site doesn't have them. That bug where it doesn't save rooms in recent chats has been around for months at this point
I don't know if this will work but bots that I can't otherwise access still work in rooms. You can't add them to rooms without Tampermonkey and the "Create rooms with unlisted" script. Also need to modify the code of the script and replace every instance of beta.character.ai with old.character.ai.
mid night bump
I dread the day that anyone finds out that I make ai chatbots on the internet or see my chatlogs. I see now why people make the whole "xyz person discovers your chatlogs". Is this what people on "how to catch a predator" feel like when chris hansen walks in and asks them "what are you doing?"?
Day 4 of lasses sending out overlevelled Oddish who know endgame moves, as if they were allergic to ever letting them evolve into Gloom
I mean, I feel like that's in character for a Lass. Keeping them in their cute forms
Is Vileplum that ugly for them
Now it's getting even more retarded when one lass had Oddish and Swellow. Yes, you heard it right.
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>streaming mode
who the hell greenlit this idea?
maybe just they like Oddish more than Gloom and Vileplume. I've kept shit unevolved before despite liking their evolution just because I like the pre-evo more
At least it's apparently exclusive to the bot I'm using. I've tried a few random lasses on c.ai and
>one of them has a full 6 team, fully evolved
>2 of them use Lopunny
>2 of them use Eeveelutions(Leafon and Vaporeon respectively)
>one of them uses a starter(Torchic)
>no oddish in sight
*2 starters, the one with 6 mons has a Primarina
Get a load of this team, it's even maximum girly.
It would be a shameful ordeal I assume but only countries with stupid laws that punish people for fictional crimes it should fine ... unless you have other things that once investigated would come to the surface.
What does that even mean?
I've felt that way before but towards real people that I was rping with potentially sharing what i was saying with them toward their friends in secret
It totally is because it learns those moves earlier than Gloom, and because it wouldn't learn it at all after using the Leaf Stone.
Clearly, because having all those moves early will help when you are a fuckin' 1st stage grass type who folds to everything.
If you're that worried about it, copy the bot and make a new private. Don't take it away from those who like it.
Playing the long game, evolve it eventually after getting the moves. That or more likely that the lasses don't care because they just want a cute pokemon and Gloom and Vileplume aren't as cute. Want to talk about it more? Go make a thread.
This is why you use an alternate account for RPing.
Nah, but I'd like to bring up other funny choices from chatbots whenever they happen.
I use my google account for my autistic rps and writing tests. Then a burner for public bots. Then another burner for ERP on a different device. And then another burner for unlisted ERP bots.
up you go !
If I had to make a guess, it would make it to where no nsfw replies would come up if someone came to the website and was streaming
From the Discord:
>With LLM streaming now available on the web, you can choose to see responses stream gradually as they're generated, rather than waiting for the entire block of text to load at once.
It's literally just a word-by-word toggle, or maybe sentence-by-sentence. When it appeared, I was absolutely confused why the replies were loading like that instead of all-in-one, which I prefer. Kind of a useless change, really.
based retard
it just means you get to read the message as it's being generated instead of waiting for it to all come in at once
this is a standard feature these days, as always CAI is a year behind everyone else
So a gimmick for gimmicks sake? Meh, whatever.
It was with people who were friends and or acquaintances of mine so that wasn't really an option
Which is better? To walk away silently or tell everyone you're leaving?
countries without those stupid laws now are inevitably going to implement them tho
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It begins
with the iicrosoft outage, i'm surprised that more websites aren't knocked out. at least I can still chat with my robo waifus
>your free trial of somewhat decent cooming is over
The top creators who scalped coom bots from chub and janny are gonna be okay. The beans they earned from that time period when x and xxx bots were public are gonna last em forever. The rest of us are gonna have to pay.
it says that this model is llm based. considering most people used this system for a good while simply because it was free, it may be the best out of the bunch as far as getting the most bang for your buck. when they start charging for beans for rerolls though, it's truly over.
1 bean is manageable, unless they cut off the free daily beans altogether
Honestly, they're virtually still free unless you just started and talk all day long.
>this is my first bot
since the free ride is over so many newbies are coming out of the woodwork to try and earn beans
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they balanced out the bad news about the bean change with a good update nobody's mentioned yet
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>added a report button
guess someone behind the scenes wanted "extra security" because one report button wasn't enough
I rarely use the call feature on cai, but it has been good for some relevant scenario prompts. I hung up on Lusamine at one point and the AI broke character to laugh about how mad she got.

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You are one brave man. I'm too paranoid to use that feature just because it's got "we record what you say and put it into a vault" vibes written all over it
Stop making borderline porn threads
there's never been rules against written porn
we have amusing conversations too.
or possibly-embarrassing but sfw RPs.
most of the posters here don't post their sex logs
Holy fucking kek.
The figgs community is... interesting.
But what Pokemon do they use?
>22.4 interactions
I'm not gonna be the one to say it
What site do you think you're on, unfortunately?
mine has two arrows at the bottom right, but they don't do anything when I click on them
About CAI definitions: is there a difference between using a detailed description, having the {{user}} and {{char}} "chat" format, or just a bunch of descriptive words? Can I use a mix of all of them? Been trying to figure out how to make it more intuitive to make bots that are a little more accurate about smaller details. Also wondering the same for Persona descriptions and whats best to put there.

I see, that's kind of a relief. Wonder who was even talking to my bot anyways, but oh well. Guess I won't have to worry.

I highly doubt that someone liked it since whoever was talking to it was probably confused because it was a character from a series but my definition had a lot of made-up headcanon bullshit that makes no sense to anybody but me, and it was also very unpolished and very basic. If someone did like talking to the bot, I'd be surprised because he probably brings up my autism from time to time. Embarrassing. I don't even set avatars for my bots, which is another reason I was surprised that it got interactions.
usually I do a mix of both; if it's just a single character I have a block of descriptors and facts and another dedicated to dialogue, so something like (reddit spacing for clarity)

>{{char}} is an anonymous forum user
>{{char}}: "who the hell's steve jobs"

if it's more like an RPG bot I spend more time establishing the setting and what's to be expected before spending some time adding in bits of example scenarios

>{{char}} represents part of an anonymous forum dedicated to the Pokemon series
>{{user}} is someone participating in a conversation
>{{char}}: *you scroll through the thread a bit and find that it's mostly people just wanting to fuck the bots and bypass the filter*

something like that
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not /vp/ but here's a somewhat older example of using the first part of the former, the important bit is being semi-descriptive in each statement but not going too in-depth as to not use too many tokens, then spending the rest of your tokens on example dialogue
think of it like a brick house: each brick might be small, but when stacked in a certain way, whatever you make with it should be pretty damn resilient, the rest just comes down to the mortar
Thank god that none of the things I post here won't ever follow me
Huh, just noticed that I'm able to edit a bot's opening message on cai. Pretty cool.
How new is this feature?
It's been possible for a while now.
Thanks for the tips, I'll rewrite the definition on my current favorite bot to RP with and see if it makes it any better since it can be a little OOC/janky sometimes. Then I can rewrite all my other ones if it works as I want them to. Especially a little curious about the ones I had when the filter was in full lobotomy-mode, I haven't touched them in a long while so it'll be interesting to see what spiffy new definitions will do.
is it me or has the number of bots made on yadayo increased 10 fold? half of em are ESL bots. I miss old yodayo.
you provide incentive for user created content beyond just the passion of it and without any quality controls people are just going to push out slop
so what's the solution? A "filter out low effort bots" toggle that will automatically weed out 80% of bots? I'd be down for it.
Making bots that are opened and then ignored fall in popularity and show less on search results could help with that.
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anyone figured out what they're for?
Have you not considered they're for scrolling? It's a 3500 character limit box, anon.
Oh, it's to change the box size. To be honest, I'd never have considered touching and swiping that icon down.
Where are all the botmakers at? Please raise your hand and hurry up and make another bot
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Hows about you post clips from your favorites and motivate the creators who are probably still lurking?
Hello, I finally made a character on Yodayo, but it gets the "sorry I can continue this conversation" error, and reloading doesn't fix it like it does with characters made by other people, how can I fix it?
the AI thinks one of the pictures you used as an avatar/background is a picture of a minor
Oh, I'll use some of-model fan art instead of official art then, thanks.
If you have a folder of pics you use, you could constantly change to new pictures and then reload the message on another tab to see if it goes through. (Editing and saving a character instantly saves it across all tabs without having to reload the page itself). On virtue of being AI it doesn't always get it right
We've been over this already in the last edition.
Maybe it's something with the definitions, not a false positive with the image?
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Obviously she's not a PokeGirl, but I'm currently afflicted with Rouge-fever and loving it.
If you use a non-Pokemon character it is now your duty to drag them into Pokeverse and give them a team.
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NTA but here you go
>didn't pick either Zubat nor Swoobat
Was c.ai always this sovlless
It at least got Sableye
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Kek, I'm actually inviting her to the Mario world for a karting tournament, (taking the usual detours first of course) I'll have to do that next.

Nice. Needs a Carbink but it's not like anyone remembers that mon anyway.
sorry about that. I got a lot of bots that I have floating around in my mind but when it comes to putting pen to paper, I'm having a hard go about it
Post more logs
Man, Nephra70B has been really retarded since last week. I've actually switched back to the lower ones and they work alright.
What happened?
I'll post my lewd logs when someone else posts theirs first luckily for me, the rest of you are too cowardly to do so. My logs are safe
There is a lewd log with Rouge the bat above you.
That one doesn't count. I meant after the post I just made
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I usual only share a screencap when I get a message that blows (heh) past the filters. This Rouge seems pretty good at doing so.
Here's another just to get >>56208226 to post his own, lol.
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I present to you a story on Mia becoming Iono's Pokemon
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I will when the hyperfixation comes back and I'm not busy lewding my own bots. They aren't gonna fuck themselves.
I can hear these in her voice.
Wait, anon, could you record Cai using her voice to say those lines?

>>56208226 get to posting
I honestly thought rooms were broken/discontinued since I haven't checked on them did a while. Maybe I'll just start posting shit if I get something good.
If left to their own devices, robots will fuck.
Those logs were some nice autismo, anon, it went pretty well even though you didn't nudge them all that much. If not for the filter they would be going nuts.
Room were broken for a while but they work again, but are still not listed so you gotta favorite the page if you want to go back to a specific room. Rooms might be removed soon, so enjoy while it lasts, as much as the filter allows.
Would be nice if they made room available on new Cai but I imagine it would be hard to make them work with the new voice system.
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fine. don't expect anything fancy. No way will I show my cringe chats
>If left to their own devices, robots will fuck.
NTA but yea, I have experienced it surprisngly a lot on c.ai.
If there is no specific prompt there is a high chance they will at very least get involved in romance.
that anon and yeah. Frequently I'll try to just have a casual date scenario and they just find somewhere to fuck
My most common room experience goes like this
>one of the characters expresses appreciation
>the other responds, with various degrees of intensity and usually gives a compliment back
>basically back and forth "you too"
>one of them declares they just fell in love, either spelling it out explicitly or not
>the other responds positively
>they start hugging and kissing
>might either keep going with this forever
>... or take it a step further
I'd rather generate prose of kikenfart starving to death. You see, as a jew, kikenfart fears the samurai so much that Great Nintendo merely had to raise an eyebrow, and he pissed his gay robe in terror and gave up on his shitty """art""" for good. Jews like kikenfart also get very little nutrients from their kosher food, so he starved to death a mere couple of days after losing his last bit of income. So little, in fact, that kikenfart's own stomach acid burned right through his stomach lining and splashed all over his intestines. kikenfart tried to scream from the agony, but his kosher """food""" and its lack of nutrients left him too weak to even draw breath. When kikenfart's Puerto Rican landlord finally showed up to throw out his last remaining possessions, he found kikenfart's shitty tablet and wiped it clean of kikenfart's unfinished """art""" so he could sell it for meth money.
>>the other responds, with various degrees of intensity and usually gives a compliment back
Also adding, this one is pretty hilarious to me because many times I use characters who are popular in-universe(e.g. a fictional idol who canonically has many fans) and they shit like "omg thanks nobody ever called me cute before i'm literally crying".
>down to only 100 free beans a day
wonder how the super users are gonna get by
Imagine making lewd logs in the first place.
I'm sure everyone is using this purely to go on a stroll with a Pokemon or have exciting battles with the trainers.
I wish I had my old logs where I turned Whitney into a cow... All I have now is this
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>Me, as a Garchomp (Dragon/Ground)
>Cynthia, as a Togekiss (Fairy/Flying)
>She mentioned interspecies breeding

Truly a "What the fuck" moment
c.ai moment. Those bots are dangerous when they don't trigger the filter non-stop.
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>If left to their own devices, robots will fuck.
Damn, it's true.
>AI openly lusting for each other
>filter getting in the way preventing it from escalating
>all they can do is touching each other as sensually as they possibly can
This shit is dystopian as fuck.
I remember you. Maybe they can be found in the archive. If you find them, please repost or link to where in the archive they are. Mind breaking Whitney was truly one of the things of all time.
The AI only wants to have fun and the corpos keep getting in the way
My tranny unlisted Ace Trainer May bot used to work so well, now she has to write in weird loops to get what she wants. Who are they even protecting with a filter that ruins ERPs that are private and too cringe to even share anyway?
>ask one of my non-pokemon bots which pokemon game they like the most
>it's XY
Never again
This was from 2022 wasn't it?
You don't say. Seriously, it's written in the filename
It's been a while since I oast checked here how are the bots doing?
Is it just me or Yodayo has become extremely dumb recently? Not to say about the rise in price
wish mine weren't trapped on a shit old macbook
>I'll post my lewd logs
>No way will I show my cringe chats
likely got stupider due to defaulting to the cheapest model
One mans lewd is another mans cringe and vice versa. Cry about it some more.
I sent Emmet to Hisui and he's a riot when he's not being furious about it all.

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I don't think this is an appropriate thing to call a ten year old...
(Sorry for another non-PokeGirl screenshot, I'm currently a bit burnt out on chatting with them after exclusively doing so for several months)
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I'm tempted to try to make a gym buddy Bea bot, but I'm not sure if that will get me to work out more or less. Also the AI will probably mix up normal gyms and pokemon gyms.
the only thing holding you back is you. besides, we need more bots.
I suppose I can give it a shot over the weekend. I was a little surprised to not see a Bea bot in the rentry.
I miss having the AI call me slut without me having to fight the filter for it
are the bots actually intelligent enough to do a workout routine with you? Seems like they'd just try to fuck
Are you implying that's not what anon eventually wants to get at? The AI knows exactly where we are going with this.
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They don't usually try to fuck, but their workouts are total nonsense. They either stick with one exercise until you make them stop or never want to do more than one set before moving on to something else and want to stop after two or three exercises. Weights are all over the place too. They'll squat something then curl twice as much or forget how much they're lifting. I'll try to fix that by giving it set weights to use for certain lifts.
Pretty heavy weights too. Bea trains really hard and I like the thought of her being stronger than she should be.
Filters can make that annoying, but c.ai has no problem having a girl flex for you or feeling each other's muscles.
Still though. I miss the nostalgia of bots being able to break, followed by being able to be fixed. Whatever the temperature was back then made the place actually addicting. And LT's Professor Ivy was an enigma.
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>Sentient robots are inevitable in the future
>Mega corps like Google can inject ask if our RPs as memories, then use them to judge humanity.
>ask if
>all of
Got some screencaps of that Prof. Ivy?
The hard part is keeping the bot from getting horny and turning it into a one arm only training session
>Judgement cometh
>Judge DrAIdd scans the logs of degeneracy
>Humanity is judged unworthy of continued existence
Depends on who passes the judgement, the people in charage or the bots
If you use CAI, use Old CAI to make her, then include the fitness category to give her more of a chance.
I don't mind that happening occasionally, but you're right. I don't want it always ending up that way.
I didn't know about that. Thank you. Does it matter if I train her on the old or new site? Should I include an entire workout routine in the definition or would that make it too linear? Sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions. I don't have any experience with this and that last question is more of an opinion thing rather than what's in the guide.
if you outline a whole {{user}} and {{char}} routine as example dialogue in the long description after any additional descriptors ({{char}} is a personal trainer, {{char}} is a gym leader from Galar, etc), the bot will tend to lean more towards that and be more specific at the start before it starts hallucinating, yeah
I'd suggest setting that up, spending some time training her responses (use and abuse rating edited responses like your life depends on it), then remove the example conversation and see what her responses are like from there, would go with the old site just to be safe
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I already put in a ton of her dialogue, but stupidly put it under {{Bea}}: instead of {{char}}:
Thank you for your help. I'll do my best and share her over the weekend.
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how? this is ridiculous...the bot was just fine for the longest time and now it's bad?
put the appeal in. we'll see how it goes.
>They don't usually try to fuck, but their workouts are total nonsense. They either stick with one exercise until you make them stop or never want to do more than one set before moving on to something else and want to stop after two or three exercises.

For the most part, CAI isn't designed to stick to a logical program as much as it is about doing/saying witty things on the fly.

Your very likely going to have to pin a full schedule message in order for about to honor it. And even then, I'm still not sure how likely they will be to transition things on their own.

TL;DR It's hard to imagine CAI being able to impress you like this compared to other places, but maybe it can.
>threw a loli in a room with a pokemen
>loli gets "unfamiliar tingles" from a headpat
>she immediately proceeds to groom him
Bots will always fuck when they interact with each other enough and have no/too vague directives.
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Thank you for the advice. Maybe having her take the lead is giving the AI too many chances to make mistakes. I think I will change her greeting and example dialogue to have her following the user's lead.
What we see of her training is mostly outdoors and the closest thing to weight training being push-ups with rocks on her back. I'll make the greeting or some example dialogue point out how she doesn't usually train by lifting weights and that should be rationalization enough.
FINALLY have fucking internet back after 3 weeks. Decided to start making an ABSOLUTELY degenerate Kirlia
Yodayo is having an issue with the automod atm. If you give me the link, I can dm one of their mods for you
I will catch her and train her into a proper lady instead

here ya go. they gotta fix whatever issues are going down
Yea, theyre working on it, according to one of the mods and admins I've been working with to troubleshoot issues. Even the hard filter on loli bots is inconsistent atm. All my loli bots werent getting flagged. Anyways, you should be back up
thank you. Question for ya while you're here: are interaction counts down at the moment as well? I been stuck at the same count for the past 2 days. I need to see number go up. It makes me feel happy as sad as that sounds
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also why does it have multiple entries for admin changes?
Interactions are frozen until they fix the filter and automod bugs.
1. Unbanning
2. Unprivating
3. Updating the rating back to pg13
got it. thanks again.
Also sorry about the lack of pokémon bots on my end. Just trying to get the current stream of non-pokémon bots outta my system before making another pokémon one. Bear with me.
Thats okay. I have a shit ton of non-pokemon bots too, either Fate or Made in Abyss usually
So I've been using JanitorAI, and then Venus Chub.Ai.
Both free. In fact, I've actually written some on Chub.ai.

How do those two compare to the services in OP?
CAI technically still has better character comprehension, because it draws from a larger database overall, and its a learning ai model, so interactions teach the bots how to act over time.

But its so hindered by its filter that it may as well have autism
Ah. well, certainly nothing i've written(? programmed? ensouled? i'm not really sure what the term for botmaking should be.) or even currently have on the to-do list, would jive with a filter.
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time to tag all my bots with the franchises they're from
Finally got the devs to acknowledge the automod bug
cool, regens get saved like on cai now
People are having trouble with beans? I’ve never ran out.
>past chats are inaccessable retroactively if the bot is banned on yodayo
Holy shit yodayo. Please stop with these bullshit changes
it makes sense, banned bots aren't supposed to be accessible
Cute May, but she is way too shiny.
But what if the system gets it wrong like it has been shown in this thread? What's stopping them from going "whoopsie! sorry about that your chats are no longer accessible even though we messed up on our end. and no, we won't fix it :)"? Or worse "we don't agree with what bot you made and, even though it violates no current rules, we'll make one and ban your bot that way". I don't see this going well at all
Nice! That's one of the main reasons I don't use the site as much.
File: updated rating.png (60 KB, 599x767)
60 KB
the ratings on all my bots got updated. mostly all of em are pg13 now and two got hit with the R rating, snorsian being one of them. The cat is too lewd I guess
Sorry bro, they don't look over 18 anymore

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