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Post what you have
that fanart is very ugly
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Great Marsh in DPPT
I still don't understand what's the significance of Scorched Slab. It looks like a place with a stpry to tell but then ORAS came out and it turns out nothing. Scorched Slab is the Kalos Power Plant of Hoenn. It's there for no fucking reason than for a place to pick up a single rare item.
don't you get heatran there in oras?
it was originally probably just a scrapped part of the regi puzzles or something that just got forgotten and left in
No but you can get Sunny Day TM there
heatran is there in oras, yes. they expanded it with like 3 or 4 floors.

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I drew Flower Paradise once
Is that Stark Mountain?
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I love this Sugimori style btw
Kalos is beautiful, regardless of if the game was good or not.
It's actually related to a nipponese legend, but eh.
Yeah I heard about that theory too. A semi-hidden cave in the middle of nowhere that holds the only Sunny Day TM you will ever get in the game. Definitely alluding the legend of Amaterasu.
i presume this is Petalburg Woods
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sad, no one is posting
The most striking part of this place is that it's a rainbow garden of diverse flowers, why would you get rid of that aspect? I would never in a million years guess that it was flower paradise, cause it's missing the one thing flower paradise is notable for aside from Shaymin.
There shouldn't be pine trees on Route 120. It's a subtropical rainforest.
Love this one.
Give it some time. Usually this type of threads are pretty slow.
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The location also match in Not!Kyushu.
Many locations are inspired by real ones in kyushu like the space center, the volcano, and so on.
i remember when pokemon was about adventure.
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>galarian corsola
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Very nice anon
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Nice bump
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Wtf, where is this from?
"here goes our budget, did you rike it?"
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This is a genre of pokeart without nearly enough entries.
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Why is it no longer possible to recreate such an atmosphere of exploration?
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Celadon Dept. Store
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These are by @Simonemaendl
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Route 4 (Before Mt. Moon)
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Pallet Town (Let's Go)
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Can you get a jetski in newer pokemon games? Haven't played any entries in years. I like the concept.
Imagine all that potential and the games will always look like shit
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I posted a whole thread of them under a "slice of life" sequel thread. Glad to see some of them itt, but gladder to see new ones!

I appreciate her art, have a few saved myself. But a lot of it seems too random or abstract and you would only know what it's supposed to be by the title or filename.
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I probably got most of mine from those SoL/comfy/whatever threads, the ones that are more obviously a known location rather than ambiguous city/forest/etc are really nice.
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Not one, but two shiny pidgeys are just sitting there and no one's reacting.
Always liked this route, it's like a relief after having to deal with Lavender Town's spoopy stuff.
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we were robbed
That Charmander is a fire hazard
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At least post vore relevant to the topic, man. There's some good Flannery art set in the Lavaridge hot springs, or Misty in in her gym.
I have nothing to post but a bump. Cool thread
anyone got the art of the inside of a pokemon center at night? It was very comfy
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Nice, that last one is on route 104, now you only need to find one that won't get you deleted. Keep improving!
bumping, keep them coming
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Post more Anistar if you find any, genuinely one of the best cities in the franchise
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That looks depressing as fuck
its called an aquarium
That's not an aquarium, it's the underwater tunnel of BW2
Looks like Minecraft
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i love this picture, been looking for it for ages, thanks
New favourite picture, thank you. All the pokecenter indoor pictures are busy and usually crammed because the artist is excited
So they went out of their way to make a real life model and the wild area is still bland AF
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I'll send another Route 113 pic this afternoon, bump

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