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All Drasnas welcome. Post Drasnas. Even if a cloud looks slightly like Drasna, post it.
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>here her dub voices in the anime and Masters
>no sultry Greek accent
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xhe's from sinnoh doe
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2000s era 4kids would do the greek accent while everyone else from sinnoh sounds american
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Behold my rare Drasnas
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Made in /vp/?
> You will never be charged cordially by Drasna for goods.
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It's been so long I genuinely forgot but I can check the archives later if no one else does
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(Don't open at work)
I'm genning Drasnas so if anyone has Drasna related requests then I'll try to get to them later. The AI thread doesn't seem to like hags
requesting POV lovemaking with Drasna, please
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Since I was a kid I have always had a thing for older women.
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The downside to another Legends game is that she won't make an appearance. Oh well, maybe she'll get an ancestor.
Drasna showing off her nice hag booty
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>Even if a cloud looks slightly like Drasna
Okay, I'm going to go for a walk, hope I get lucky
Anon, TPCi's been dubbing Pokemon longer than 4Kids.

You need to let them go.
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What is the stereotype called where a character keeps their eyes closed?
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There are pictures here that aren't on the boorus
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Why did Drasna never marry?
Too busy hopping from one boytoy to the next. She has an insatiable appetite for inexperienced trainers that can't be satisfied
Man, imagine how many virginities she's claimed.
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Time to upload, then.
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Because she is for (you)
Looks like they were from /v/ from an age ago
Based react pic
>The AI thread doesn't seem to like hags
Where'd you get this idea from? If mature women aren't posted, mature women aren't seen. Simple as that. Start posting them and you start redressing the balance. Anyway, requesting a POV of Drasna, arms outstretched as she's about to give you a hug and kiss.
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RIP anon never found that cloud :(
How old is she?
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Old enough to be your mother
Young enough to give you children
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Kek based
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>still no translation yet
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I want to cuddle
thank you
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Rustic, home-grown Drasnas...
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Goomy line fits Drasna so much better than Diantha.
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>Open eyes
Oh, now is on.
because you are a nigger
you're not even the original Shaun, fake pisscord troll
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Lovely. Cheers anon.
Saint Drasna <3
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Dragon mommy. Ice mommy.
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Nice mommy
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More wisdom from JP
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The translation of her base outfit to bikini is cool
what is happening there?
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What's sex with Drasna like?
Which obscure character that nobody remembers will you obssess over next week coomerkun?
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like warm flapple pie
Eternally fertile mommies
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That's a lot of dragon.
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Thoughts on Drasna's theme in Master Sex?
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Cool and also fitting. The instrumentation gives it a strong identity. Definitely sounds like a "dragon lady" theme.
>t. never played EX
Wikstrom's is strong too but Drasna's is a less familiar type of sound to me so it stands out a bit more.
This fat hag is pure sex and needs mating press correction until octuplets, repeatedly
God I love pokehags
>The instrumentation gives it a strong identity
I don't play gacha games either, but Drasna's theme is easily one of the best songs in the franchise for me. I've listened to it for hours at this point and I keep coming back for more.
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>tags: bare_shoulders
How is this hag still so fertile?
Same, I saw Drasna as a kid and had fantasies of us falling in love.
All of us deserve a fertile hagwife like Drasna
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Sinnoh genes
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The pregnant Drasna AI bot made me cum buckets
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Regular Drasna or shiny Drasna?
Mating press
into multiples
whilst kissing
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It's pretty good anon, do you have other song recs?

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