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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56162427

PMD Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/vidwu7q8wz
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

>Would you prefer to lose all your human memories or be constantly reminded of it so you will never forget it?
>Which items you just ignore/not use and why?
>If you became a Pokemon in the PMD world, would you prefer to wear clothes like a human, or go au naturel like the Pokemon? Are Delphoxes, Sawk for example are actually clothes or just considered fur by the way!?
>In a 1v1 combat, which character of the games that isn't the protagonist and partner is the strongest?

Recap of the previous thread:
>Sceptile-anon released a new page of their comic: (https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56162427/#56184131)
>There is a moderate amount of discussion about PMD games.
>A lot of art and shitposts have been drawn.
>Drawingboard #41 is still ongoing, but it's close to being done.

There's a new clover collab event, the Summer Festival, and this is the Prompt: (https://rentry.org/SummerFestivalPrompt), and the Rules and Prompt for the event: (https://rentry.org/SF_Rules)
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It is ok to have romantic feelings toward your partner!
can i have romantic feelings toward your partner tho
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Oh yeah, I forgot I did this. Probably kind of bad.
>When there's an eclipse over the guild
Any Piplups in the Clover Guild?
I’m finally replaying explorers of sky after god knows how many years since I played it as a kid and I’m having a good time :)
Surprisingly not. I don't even think there's been one as a side character
Holy shit we need more composers in the thread
We have a Grass Piplup
gay lole
Straight relationship with your partner is good, but gay relationship is better
Kaiji was right.
What’s your team?
Skitty and Riolu, team flesh pit!
The dude had a point. No matter which way you slice it, this whole situation is gonna be a total mess.
>Would you prefer to lose all your human memories or be constantly reminded of it so you will never forget it?
I'd rather remember, sure. I may become squirrel, but... I don't want to forget. what we remember is what we are, and I fear that if I forget who I was I'll stop being me.
>Which items you just ignore/not use and why?
I ain't really a fan of the idea of Wands. seeds make some intuitive sense to me, but wands feel too... unnatural? if that makes senses.
>If you became a Pokemon in the PMD world, would you prefer to wear clothes like a human, or go au naturel like the Pokemon? Are Delphoxes, Sawk for example are actually clothes or just considered fur by the way!?
hand me a scarf, maybe some aviation specs, and I will be happy. I don't like exposed skin, fur is not skin.
>In a 1v1 combat, which character of the games that isn't the protagonist and partner is the strongest?
Rayquay, next question.
>Would you prefer to lose all your human memories or be constantly reminded of it so you will never forget it?
I'd prefer to not forget as forgetting may damage my personality.
>Which items you just ignore/not use and why?
I find a use for every category even if it's not every type in the category. I'll use wands but probably not every wand.
>If you became a Pokemon in the PMD world, would you prefer to wear clothes like a human, or go au naturel like the Pokemon? Are Delphoxes, Sawk for example are actually clothes or just considered fur by the way!?
Fur isn't clothes no matter how elaborately clotheslike it looks. Clothing would be uncomfortable on most Pokémon bodies and interfer with combat mobility. I could get into the autistic details but it'd unavoidably get lewd adjacent.
>In a 1v1 combat, which character of the games that isn't the protagonist and partner is the strongest?
Prolly Rayquaza on virtue of how unironically strong he is.
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Okay, so buizel anon here. I got the first chapter finished, I think:


I've read and reread this thing and I don't think I'll ever be completely satisfied. Feedback is appreciated. I spent a stupid amount of time editing and I'll try to be a bit more efficient with the later ones. I already have a lot written, so hopefully they'll be out faster

Also drew another character from it. I'm trying to get more comfortable with that so I can eventually make real art with them
>There's a Serene Village
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Congratulations on completing the 41th Drawingboard!!!!

This one is awesome because it has lots of illustrations. Good job everyone, it looks great.

Next drawingboard is blank again, (maybe the next one after that we do a background or something special? Feel free to post ideas)

Join in!! https://magma.com/d/ve_xouylx5

Welcome Buizel anon! Super hyped to have you =)
do y'all think any mystery dungeon game would make for a good movie?
>>Would you prefer to lose all your human memories or be constantly reminded of it so you will never forget it?
just remind me. i can live life even with bad memories
>>Which items you just ignore/not use and why?
I don't like using held items that just raise one stat as i never feel prepared enough with those. in the past, i used to avoid escape orbs cause i was a stubborn child
>>If you became a Pokemon in the PMD world, would you prefer to wear clothes like a human, or go au naturel like the Pokemon? Are Delphoxes, Sawk for example are actually clothes or just considered fur by the way!?
I consider them fur, it's fantasy, just roll with it. As for whether you'd clothe yourself, well, it depends. probably not if everybody else isn't
>>In a 1v1 combat, which character of the games that isn't the protagonist and partner is the strongest?
this reads like arknights writing
Fuck, changed to Chyra for distinction
I don't know what that is, what would you suggest changing about it?
hmmmm no
>Would you prefer to lose all your human memories or be constantly reminded of it so you will never forget it?
I'd rather be sad than experience total ego death.
>Which items you just ignore/not use and why?
I'm terrible at remembering to use orbs.
>If you became a Pokemon in the PMD world, would you prefer to wear clothes like a human, or go au naturel like the Pokemon? Are Delphoxes, Sawk for example are actually clothes or just considered fur by the way!?
Accessories? Sure, but I'm not gonna be the only guy on the planet wearing pants. And it depends on the mon, but I think usually I think of the clothes as clothes, not parts of them.
>In a 1v1 combat, which character of the games that isn't the protagonist and partner is the strongest?
You're all sleeping on Sunflora.
Linkara ahh reaction
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where did you die?
nvm, got it
>Would you prefer to lose all your human memories or be constantly reminded of it so you will never forget it?
Would anyone really want this? Losing all your memories sounds like it'd be horrible
To some, people wanted to forget old memories and wanted to start anew or something like that
>Would you prefer to lose all your human memories or be constantly reminded of it so you will never forget it?
Knowing my thought process, I would honestly be too bothered by the fact that I don't know who I am or how I got there for me to just enjoy where I'm at. There is no partner, even the most wholesome creature in existence, who could possibly ease my endless panic and curiosity. I would have to find out who I was before I could even sleep for a night

Of course I'd be forced to remember my old life constantly, but I'm wondering how that would actually function. Like, if it's a thing where I just think about my life when I've got nothing else to think about, I think I could keep myself busy enough to keep it off my mind. Besides, I don't really have a great life so being reminded of how mediocre things were wouldn't really bring me down.

I can totally see how someone could thing this is good in a hypothetical but you gotta factor in your own thought process before you really commit to a choice like that. If you're the kind of "live and let live" thinker you could probably move on from your old life quicker than most. If you worry a lot though, you're not gonna be able to just start anew. It'd be hell
>Would you prefer to lose all your human memories or be constantly reminded of it so you will never forget it?
If I lost my memories, the "me" who wanted to go to the pokemon world would be dead and I wouldn't enjoy it.
>Which items you just ignore/not use and why?
I never use orbs for some reason. I just forget I have them.
>If you became a Pokemon in the PMD world, would you prefer to wear clothes like a human, or go au naturel like the Pokemon? Are Delphoxes, Sawk for example are actually clothes or just considered fur by the way!?
That's all fur. I dunno, if nobody uses clothes I'd be fine not using them either.
>In a 1v1 combat, which character of the games that isn't the protagonist and partner is the strongest?
Fug, I'd imagine.
I finished reading your story. I like the way you write about the environment. It makes everything feel lively and bustling. I also enjoy seeing a story that isn't set in Capim Town. Of course it's not a bad setting, but this town (I'm assuming it's in the sand continent?) is really cool to see.

I was a little confused at first as to who Krokorok was at first as there was no mention to his species until around halfway in. Only hint to that was that they mentioned he has scales. Still, Dylus is a cool character. Also I find smoking a water pipe to be a really funny idea for a ground type pokemon.

Overall I really like your writing. It was a lot of fun to read
Losing all your memories would mean losing your personality too, you would essentially be a completely different person, so different that you may as well be a newborn native pokemon at that point. Memories are our soul.
t. kaiba
>>In a 1v1 combat, which character of the games that isn't the protagonist and partner is the strongest?
>You're all sleeping on Sunflora.
Sunflora is a chadette, an inspiration for all Grass type explorers.
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Who has the IQ to read and understand a story written from Bean's POV?
holy fuck
me when i eat half a dozen x-eye seeds and chase it with several dozen gummi drinks
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Idea for a PMD character
Whatever force gave this human amnesia overdid it and now he has short-term memory loss alongside normal amnesia
just finished reading this, it was fine. The descriptive writing is good as it makes the environments the characters go through more lively but sometimes it feels like it's too much. It was difficult to follow what was going on during the beginning and I don't know what the purpose of the first few paragraphs were. There's parts where it feels overtly verbose to the point where you barely even know what's going on, mostly during the parts where the characters talk as the formatting is pretty weird. There's parts that feel unnecessarily purple prosey to the point that it reads like a thesaurus page while nothing actually happens. Lastly, despite the descriptive purple prose, I didn't get why the characters get together in the first place, I guessed that it's because one of them is part of a rescue team and the other is a water type on, supposedly, the sand continent. Their motivations are really ambiguous and feel almost non-existent, the krokorok just picking the buizel along out of nowhere felt too sudden.
Great intro stort for your characters, anon! I liked the town decriptions and the merchant part. Do you plan on tying them to the clover guild?
Hey, the guy had to get use out of that Frost Fang TM somehow
I'll definitely rethink how I try to introduce settings from now on, but as for the dialogue formatting, could you explain why it seems weird?

>I didn't get why the characters get together in the first place, I guessed that it's because one of them is part of a rescue team and the other is a water type on, supposedly, the sand continent. Their motivations are really ambiguous and feel almost non-existent
I'm trying to leave Dylus' motivations ambiguous until later, but was trying to communicate Elias as sort of clueless and willing to go along with anyone trying to help him, did that get across?

I do
>dialogue formatting
the seeming refusal to use any descriptor other than a pronoun makes it difficult to follow and understand who's talking with who. That combined with the dialogue just being outright weird and expository makes for a weird dialogue.
>Elias as sort of clueless and willing to go with anyone trying to help him
It kinda got across, but his participation reads like it's mostly to ask important questions to prompt some exposition from Dylus and otherwise be unreactive and absent rather than clueless.
I cut out a lot of "descriptors" (ex. he said forcefully) because I thought they were too tell-y and not show-y enough. Are there any stories you'd recommend reading that do them well?

>exposition heavy dialogue
Yeah, I got that too but didn't know quite how to get out of it. Given it's the first chapter, I had to do a lot of establishing
how do the explorers move so quickly from treasure town to mt bristle in less than a day
that's what palkia meant by slightly distorting space. no other explorer can do that. you're special.
Game logic.
There are a few scenes where distance is portrayed more accurately, like Treasure Town > Craggy Coast > Mt. Horn > Foggy Forest taking your group a full day, though Chatot mentions you were slow and Brine Cave > Hidden Land taking Lapras over a night of swimming.
They ran.
I prefer the Craggy Coast method of handling to and fro dungeons though it gatekeeps dungoneering a little bit more. Not everyone can just Travel.
what did he mean by this?
I start medical school tmrw gang, wish me luck. I’d still 100% rather live in the PMD universe and have adventures as a pokemon over this bullshit but life ain’t fair
Good luck man. All we can do is cope.
Good luck.
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Started a new save file on EoS with the so-called "worst starter combination" (Hero Phanpy & Partner Eevee"). Main story was really nothing to worry about, even with a few scary situations here and there; outside boss battles, Eevee's Run Away rarely has the chance to activate because Phanpy puts up with most of the damage and it's pretty bulky (also, Eevee can back you up with Quick Attack once it learns it). I can't fucking believe I found out only recently that you can get a decent Ground-type move with Phanpy thanks to Natural Gift.

Of course, with the post-game story, I'm guessing the real challenge starts now.
>I can't fucking believe I found out only recently that you can get a decent Ground-type move with Phanpy thanks to Natural Gift.
While it makes Phanpy less bad, it's still really shitty to give up Xray Specs or another helpful item just to hold a reviver/reviser seed for it.
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Great blog xister! I will make sure to subscribe so I don't miss the next one!!!
Ground types are weak to ice type moves is all I'm gonna say
And you're telling us why?
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>it's still really shitty to give up Xray Specs or another helpful item just to hold a reviver/reviser seed for it.
It is pretty tough having to choose between a good stab move or a useful item without being able to do both at the same time, but I'd say this is what makes Phanpy an interesting starter in this game. Forces you to be a bit more strategic with your movesets and items.
Postgame is significantly easier for half of it since you can leaderswap and don't have to worry about losing if either die. I still recommend keeping them in your party for EXP, since there are postgame dungeons in the plot that require the use of them. In any case, most of the plot dungeons aren't too bad/even if Phanpy and Eevee are shit in comparison to some of the absolute cheese that are starters like Skitty/Vulpix/Treecko/Pikachu/Riolu (specifically for boss cheese in Riolu's case), they're more than usable enough since the AI enemies never get too crazy.
The game's balancing also breaks anyway if you ever factor in Spinda's Cafe. Just dope up protag and you'll never lose
Love the game, the main story is just not particularly hard and very easy to cheese if you know what you're doing. For replays I tend to limit myself to make it a little more challenging. (no move linking, don't use ultra-cheese moves like Imprison, limited reviver seeds etc.)
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Maybe next time they should... not play with misterious books that they find on creepy forests
I want a proper ruleset for a "PMD Hardmode" that isn't just a shitty version of nuzlocke so I can make a poorly narrated YouTube video of my let's play and get 200k views from a bunch of twitter users
>twitter users
If you wish to impress your own kind that much, I'm sure you can figure something out yourself
save clara!
/PMDG/ is probably more homosexual than the gay furry porn threads on /trash/
Do we know why they made Kecleon the designated merchant mon? Was it a random choice or was there some deeper meaning?
Kecleon's color scheme is very similar to the merchant's colors from Shiren. Can't find a pic right now but i know one of them from the most recent games bears a striking resemblance to Kec
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4chan when someone mention gays on /pmdg/:
Hey i'm just telling the truth i know /vp/ is a pretty already faggy board but /pmdg/ really take it to fagtown with /lgbt/ and romaboos
I'll suck your dick.
I'm sure you can think about one while eating your chicken tendies sweetie
I don't think anyone here would deny that honestly
How nice of Clara to lend her body to Smoke!
What pokemon is charmander looking at?
Riolu obviously
the one (you) turned into
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Kecleon basically has this dude's motif down
Pikachu. Every charmander is partnered with Pikachu and I do not have a problem with that
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Objectively false. The best Charmander pair is right here.
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I just started playing blue rescue team for the first time in years. Skarmory a bitch.
Wake up!
Bulbakek cuadruplebs... it's over...
someone explain
Shitty forced meme, quadruped mons in the PMDverse have the same functional utility as a biped. At that point be mad every Pokemon isn't literally a man
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I have no idea why anyone argues about the quadrupedal vs bipedal when Explorers of Sky has this as menu art.
The colors in this really are magnificent
Controversial take but I really think Phanpy is cute
Phanpy is really cute!
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>Charmander with Pikachu
>Hundreds of other pokemons
Go getters really shat all over bulbasaur lmao how did we let this happen
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>got replaced by fucking chikorita
oh no no no no bulbakeks
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Phanpy is completely unremarkable
Nothing is more basic white bitch than an Eevee and Pikachu pairing.
If you were in charge of the world building for PMD, what would it be like? Would there be more technology? Or less? Would there be a more structured form of government? Can Pokemon eat meat?
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So quiet nowadays
Nothing much to talk about
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i'm trying to think of ideas for my next story
I'm waiting for the inspiration to come back while playing vidya
I’m just lazy
i will post something great one day. you will see
total piplup death
total piplup hater death
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I've been having a rough month getting anything done.
cry harder
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You're just mad because you don't have his style
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>Houndour says this to you
How do you respond without sounding mad?
"Present it."
If you know, then you know . .
Who's the artist?
hakkentai pkdn i believe
Actually it comes from the rubber trees, because the fake leather is asually made out from recycled (ground-up and melted) used/discarded tyres.
You circumcise the leather tree.
>reverse image search
>first result is from e6
Yeah I'm okay with not knowing
>pairing the only remotely interesting Exp*dition S*ciety member with a jobber bitch
Super had such a dogshit cast
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God fucking dammit this was too good
i didn't get the joke
Good job, I hate you
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Is there ice cream in pmd? If not, how do they avoid dying of heat stroke?
Why wouldn't there be ice cream?
I think someone wrote a story involving ice cream before.
In the first part of Chespin and the Chillers, Chespin gets ice cream from a shop run by an ice type
Ribombee-anon made a story about sorbet too
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hi fren, liked your story :D
look forward to more of these 2!!
>Fire type getting one shot by Articuno Icy wind in OG rescue
Right, so what level was I suppose to be before doing this? I haven't played in a long time and forgot how bad this part can get
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Yes but it might not be edible
Every non-metal Pokemon is edible if you prepare it right.
I think you just have to get lucky during that fight, it's a notorious difficulty spike. If Articuno wants to 1-shot you, it will 1-shot you.
The only time my level was a real issue during my last playthrough was during the Rayquaza fight, when I got stuck doing 1 damage with all my attacks and had to spam stat boosts to survive. (this was after starting Sky Tower at level 21/23)
Otherwise I was doing fine going through the story stuff ASAP.
The strategy in Rescue Team is to use Attract and low-IQ Frustration (if you have no multihit) TMs since the bosses have inflated HP and stats that are too high.
Attract in Rescue Team is nuclear-grade cheese, great if you want to skip ahead to the postgame but not particularly fun if you want to actually play the game.
I did that for a playthrough once before long ago. I feel like it would be better for everyone if I didn't go back to doing that again.
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was this your team?
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I don't have the skills to contribute anything here, as long as AIslop isn't allowed ITT.
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everyone starts somewhere anon. Pick up a metaphorical pen and try your best to draw and write. This is a 4chan fan group, not a barnes and noble. It's ok if your work isn't super great or amazing from the get go, improving is a journey and we'd love to see more people contribute :) All we ask is no AI and we'll be happy
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do you think a mystery dungeon movie would turn out good?
which game would it be based on?
what kinda art style would it have?
who would be the characters?
No anon it wouldn't be, vidya based movies are never good and would be even worse since PMD has been dead for years. It's the 4th time you've asked this.
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it is only the second time I have asked this.
idk if some other anon is like-minded.
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Yes.....in Rescue Team DX
But for real yes
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>I’ll have a female Eevee hero.
How original.
>With a uhh…. male Pikachu partner.
Daring today, aren’t we?
Not that anon, but it is, actually. Faggots like you are precisely the reason why.
if it were possible unaltered, i would have loved to have done an eevee + meowth team
>I’m unoriginal…. and PROUD of it!
Not the flex you think it is KEK
nooooo shut up I have to use the same team with the same strats through all my runs
It surprisingly works pretty well if you use an AR code to do this, you even get some unused portraits and animations like gif related.
Only flaw is that the partner's in-dungeon talk dialogue is a placeholder.
incorrect, but go off anyways
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>female Pikachu with female Eevee
Oh gee that’s just great what is this some kinda magic act-
>*rule 34 furry yiff pmd porn*
That's really good! Which makes me feel bad because I don't deserve it

But good job though, saved!
also incorrect, but go ahead, keep crying, someone will give you some real attention one day
>male eevee with female pikachu
You’re gay.
Geez, you're still wrong, it's like you're completely new or something. Eevee can't be male is rescue team, obviously.
Still gay.
Just because other people have done a thing, that doesn’t automatically make it bad if more people do it
>Being gay in PMD
>at all a negative
You know, I'll give you that for once, technically all mons are genderless in Rescue Team.
Not that the partners ever have sex to begin with, so you'd always be wrong anyways
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Almost every PMD fanfiction or fancomic where the author chooses a pokemon as a hero or a partner:
I mean they use Pikachu, Eevee, Riolu and Shinx too much, isn't it?
>Not that the partners ever have sex to begin with, so you'd always be wrong anyways
That's definitely what a work ethic violator would say
abridgestery dungeon used based mudkips
at least on clover there's a bunch of rarely used mons in this kind of stories
>most of the cool humon concepts are abandoned
I’m waiting until clover dies off so I can steal all the characters whose concepts never got done justice and make them better.
just write them and say you're the original anon desu
What kind of ideas do you have so far?
Meant to reply to >>56212631
Quite interesting. I'm curious to see where this goes.
Realistically there's nothing stopping you from doing this if the original writer's abandoned the thread
You definitely shouldn’t impersonate people, but you can use abandoned characters in a story if you want. Probably best to avoid making any huge developments or changes to their characters though, in case the anon does come back someday. There have already been a few times when anons came back after abandoning the thread for a while.
Amazes me how 99% of PMDfags fell for the most artificial shilling possible
Game Freak did kind of advertise a lot of Pokemon for Gen 4 , tons of early reveals. Then it really died down after that
who has the meme about how good it is to be the mc in all 4 games the one with "its free real estate" and "hmm today i will drop out of preschool"
Lucario was a mistake and I will forever seethe at how much game freak shilled it back in the day, it should have never existed, useless shitmon
Lucario, Weavile, Mime Jr. and Bonsly were just statues, Munchlax actually showed up and ended up becoming a starter before Riolu did.
I remember seeing more Munchlax promotion in general, not sure why.
>forgetting LUCARIO rank and how you're almost as good as the greatest explorer ever LUCARIO
They still do that. As in, show off new generation Pokemon early.
They're just far more blatant and corporate about it now.
I'm not sure what it is about PMD ocs but they are generally very huggable and make me happy. Pic related is a good example
Shows up in Crystal Cave in Time only, that's about it
Playable character

Combined with the Rescue Team appearances it seems to me that Chunsoft cared more about Munchlax, don't see you guys seething and fuming about that however.
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>an innocuous whatever Pokemon (one that ended up getting sidelined and can't be hero in Sky, which you conveniently gloss over) vs. THE COOLEST MOST EPIC HERO EXPLORER EVER MAX RANK MAN
It's like saying Marill is bad because he was promoted in Gentoo
>t. lucario shill
Where does Clover fit into this?
>a single building housing >100 members
>hated by the entirety of capim
>more than half of them are jobbers that will forever do low difficulty missions
>have to tolerate all the other retards living in there
>the guild is somehow rich because of kfc or whatever
>will probably never run low on money despite having to feed so many people every day
>free housing and food as long as you do something, it doesn't even have to be dungeoneering
>the guild will always provide you with everything you need
>at the cost of living in a shitty crammed room for the rest of your life
applies to every member except Linoone because he has his own house and handles the entire postal system of capim town with his gf and gf's gf
To be fair Shinx is peak partnermon material
Yes, it's a cutie
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This is true.
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I honestly much preferred RT's offbeat male starter choices to Sky's babby's gateway furry choices (and Phanpy).
It fits the underdog tone more that the series has.
>those portraits
God damn, they suck balls compared to the ones in the DS games. What happened?
Cubone is a loss, but Psyduck and Machop I'm ambivalent towards. Meowth is still there as a partner-only choice which isn't much of a hit.

The portraits in OG RT and Explorers were drawn by hand, anything since GtI clearly is not.
The RTDX portraits are PNGs converted from the 3D models. The OG portraits are drawn manually.
>Psyduck I'm ambivalent towards
Psyduck offers the most unique ability passives out of the entire starter cast, losing him was definitely a huge blow. Having a "dopey" looking hero/partner also feels pretty fitting too, especially with how much sidekick energy the Explorers one had.
Nothing's worse than Super having the entire Gen 6 dex and only doing the same tired basic starters+Pika and Riolu though. Everyone plays almost exactly the same
It is kind of silly how this guild has only one building to fit a whole army, and the group somehow never runs out of money even though many members don't really do much
Agreed. You can say the building is just really fucking big but at some point it's gonna hit an upper limit. Maybe we'll see more proxy guilds like the Mama Lax Inn in the future
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You're probably right. Unfortunately all the extra starters weren't available as the partner in the original game, I would probably have more love for these guys. (Time/Darkness did the same thing, only in Sky did they finally rectify this)

It really hurts how little effort they put in now. For RTDX they very rarely they went back and made a new portrait to replace a crappy one from Super (see Blastoise) but most of the time it's just Super imports (see Charizard) or low-effort new portraits. (see Alakazam)
RTDX allowed me to play a male eevee with a cubone partner. That's all I really wanted from a PMD game
Shit I just remembered I had a Cubone human idea that I somehow forgot about that would’ve worked for Clover
fuck I refuse to abandon focus on my one character though
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is the gravelrock strategy really that effective? i don't remember making much use of them.
Lucario is so cool, bros...
yeah they deal a lot of damage early game
He isn’t special, anyone can use Aura Sphere these days.
They're great, literally a free ranged options that can go over walls with the only real downside being rare misses, a fixed 20 damage too. There's also throwing sticks that deal more reasonable damage but only go in straight lines.
Quick note, a reason they're great in OG Rescue team is the ability to have a quick throw, L+R. In fucking RT DX, if you do that, your WHOLE DAMN PARTY can use them and they will fucking spam the shit out of them until they're gone.
Doesn't matter, he's still cool
Another downside is you don't get as much EXP if you KO Pokemon exclusively with the rocks. Pokemon that haven't been hit by at least one of your, or your teammates', moves only give half EXP.
Not cooler than a fucking turtle using Aura Sphere.
>Togekiss, Blastoise, Blaziken, Decidueye, Mienfoo can all learn Aura Sphere
They really handed the move out like candy, huh!
More than just Linoone and Debby live outside the guild
>Beau Dav & Mako built a house in the country
>Kiyo Cassie & Bean rent a room at the Blue Claw
>Archie has her own house separate from the Guild
>Jung, Sara, and his other characters reside at Mama Lax's Inn
Side note, but I'd love to see more people integrate Mama Lax's Inn as a satellite/base for Clover Guild in the future.
Side side note, although I know some members are afraid of the guild ever running into any money problems it's a shame narratively to let the characters rot without at least trying to find meaning. I'm not saying they need to be slumming it and eating scraps but a little motivation/conflict goes a long way.
>Money problems == meaning???
I'm not sure I see your thought process.

I do disagree with the idea that the guild is hated by the entire town, and continues to be unequivocally. Thought of as weird, sure, but if everyone hated the Clover Guild, it simply wouldn't exist.
Personally I always hated the "need to get money" plots in any kind of media. Most of the time it just amounts to the only payoff being "the bill is paid off" which isn't good enough for me.
Imagine thinking Clover has consistent lore and world building that'd survive any real scrutiny and isn't riddled with narrative biases and signs of a lack of cooperation or just plain negligence.
Sounds like the Clover anons are capable Game Freak writers to me.
I'm sure it depends on the metal mons in question. Artificial-looking ones like the Magnemite family are most likely inedible, but I like to think the metal parts on Pokemon like the Aron family are just like shells protecting soft, organic bodies.
Of course, there's a difference between Pokemon made of metal and Pokemon encased in metal.
Clover lore isn't in-depth or high quality admittedly. I don't think authors contradict each other in regards to lore outside of occasional newbies who fuck things up
just build more floors lole
Yes there’s no dos and don’ts master lore doc, the lore page they have is clearly outdated and their entire system relies on the one autist who has the passcode not having a sperg out and locking everyone else out of the editing room. On top of this the anons don’t collaborate nearly enough because there’s several characters who need to actually. Pair off with people to have their character arcs develop, because like it or not PMD is about relationships and going solo isn’t exactly something that’s lasting in this type of setting,
>like it or not PMD is about relationships and going solo isn’t exactly something that’s lasting in this type of setting
Someone's never played Level 1 or Rescue Team
I know the password too, and there may be others who know it. And I copy down our main pages every so often, just in case something bad happens.
I assume he means not enough characters have a main goal that drives them, and trying to earn money would be a decent goal for them.
Also yeah, I don’t support the notion that everyone actually hates the guild, especially because not everyone in the guild is incompetent. In fact, I’m pretty sure most stories where guildmons do missions actually end in success.

What kind of improvements and character collaborations would you suggest?
>Money problems == meaning???
Characters need motivation to grow and change, and a reason to encounter conflict. The way I see it, having the guild characters live rent free and obligation free forces them to either find potentially contrived justifications for doing inconvenient things or to do things "because I want to" which can be incredibly boring. That's just my opinion though, I'm not saying I want to change clover lore.
Not to be that guy but I think for many authors the journey is more important than the destination. Even then, the payoff to a story doesn't need to be literal, like 'we have more money'. It can be something like 'x character learned something valuable' or 'a person close to the characters is grateful and promises to return the favor somehow'.
>Level 1
Don’t know what that is
The second you went solo in RT the game was practically over, everyone agrees that Rescue Team tanked the second you ditch the partner. That reinforced my point.
I, a Clover ENJOYER, require more cameos and I require actual active anon mons to team up for a story to be satisfied.
>he only played the tutorial of PMD
God why is blue rescue team so soulful, its attention to detail, character personalities and stuff is only second to explorers. It truly was a prototype for the greatest game of all time. I love how they gave gengar a redemption in the second half, I love how gardevoir is a gentle carer even though she probably doesn't have much home having been burned by humans before. Ninetails the untrusting creature, I wonder how many have tried to climb to ninetails but she stopped them on the way up. Alakazam admitting he was a fool for chasing you out of the town even though he was the smartest. It all is so continuously real and alive. People have faults, people make mistakes. But all in all in the end all that matters is these people are worth protecting and you as the hero decide you life is worth sacrificing for these people. Your partner above all else chooses to follow in your footsteps due to the unwavering faith they have in you. Truly peak gaming.
It's odd, in the postgame the partner shows up and has things to say during the Latios/Latias scenes, but not during Gengar's quest/Murky Cave. Too bad, as that's otherwise one of the peak story parts of the game.
Yeah that’s why many people rightfully make Rescue Team comics to correct whatever the fuck the writers were smoking. Even Explorers knew to utilize the partner, although Explorers more or less beat you over the head with them.
>although Explorers more or less beat you over the head with them.
You don't understand, they are IN LOVE
It's because they wanted the player to be free to use other Pokémon, so they didn't write dialogue for them.
Explorers suffers from this as well to a lesser extent, during all the dungeons between Mystifying Forest to Mt. Travail. At least here they forced you to use the hero/partner for those last story dungeons.
>Explorers partner
I don't get people's love for this guy. All the other partners have believable goals (Gates, Super) and bonds formed with the protagonist (RT, Super) but the Explorers one more or less just uses you as an emotional crutch the entire game, not helped by the fact that protag himself is a relatively dry character so there's little chemistry to work with beyond hammering home Waterfall Cave for the nth time. There's meant to be an arc of him maturing and growing braver, but it's all completely squandered by his actions
>dude Dusknoir tried to kill us but I NEED to talk to him
>dude Cresselia told us to kill ourselves so we should
For context, I quite liked RT and Gates's partners. While RT partner didn't have a very good reason for why he was so ride or die with the protag, the back and forth between the two really sold the friendship they had. Gates partner had his own motivations and charisma, and sharing the spotlight with a full friendgroup also made him shine more as a character.

I wish there was some sort of middleground to that. Explorers has some of the best free-form teambuilding in the series once you unlock leaderswapping, but I didn't like how I was still forced to use Pokemon that weren't my favorites in the overworld. I know Gates had the helper mode at least, I wish there was a choice between using player/partner and your own squad as a toggle.
He does legitimately save the partner at least twice in both Amp Plains and Crystal Crossing, while Grovyle was about to kill him in the latter. The way he acts in the future really isn't that strange.
>fake Cresselia
It probably has something to do with the hero's sacrifice and wanting to follow the hero's example. I thought the dialogue made it pretty clear that he's really conflicted about it.

Best middleground I can think of would be to let you pick your overworld mon after Manaphy returns, otherwise it just means losing a bunch of overworld dialogue like Rescue Team.
>At least here they forced you to use the hero/partner for those last story dungeons.
To me this just made an already bad part of the game worse. I had team freedom only to have it ripped away for arguably the worst bit of ""plot"" in the entire series.
I'll take it over preschool in Super, thanks.
>He didn’t like DarKINO
The man outright told you to kill yourself and weaponized your attachment to the partner against you, he’s based. Best thing out of Explorers because he knew how to fuck over the type of worthless NEETs that would be turned into humans.
Preschool in Super >>>> le Swirlix le food
yeah Gus wouldn’t last a second against him KEK
>too much of a bitch to actually come and fight
>um please kill yourself because um uhhh distortion
>partner goes full retard and considers it despite never giving up for any reason even before this point
>broke the partner’s spirit with a single line
CHADrai is a bit too much for you pussies, I imagine.
>tie up every potential loose end and mystery with "I did it. I caused everything bad because I am evil"
>only leads to more questions because resolving things with "because Darkrai did it" creates situations like "why did Darkrai want to cause the planet's paralysis", "why didn't future Darkrai, who won, try to stop the heroes" "if Darkrai caused the paralysis then where do the Time Gears play a part if it was all artifically done by him" etc.
It's a shitty cop out ending
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>go to delete gates file to start over
>protag's icon starts crying
you can't do this to me.
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>why did Darkrai want to cause the planet's paralysis
His wish is to cover the world in darkness. Not hard to imagine why, I assume he'd like the environment.
>why didn't future Darkrai, who won, try to stop the heroes
We don't know if future Darkrai even survived. Present Darkrai did try to stop the hero and Grovyle by attacking them during time travel, and failed because he thought the effect would've been enough.
>if Darkrai caused the paralysis then where do the Time Gears play a part if it was all artifically done by him
They're a failsafe to repair the tower and perhaps act as an amplifier. Maybe they'll go back to their original locations eventually.
I consider darkrai noncanon due to how little sense it makes and how awful the writing is. The only way any of it works is if you assume that everything to do with him is simply a bad dream caused by him.
okay can y’all fr draw mons that aren’t wooper or chespin they get enough art there’s a million other mons to draw
There's a Zangoose right there, anon.
>stop drawing what I don't like
Sopping wet cat
I personally choose to believe he was a clout chaser who tried to claim responsibility for the time crisis because he got bullied in Mythical Pokemon High School
this gives me a stupid idea for a meme edit, i like it
I liked the backstory they gave him in Explorers of Spirit because it was all Cresselia and Xatu's fault.
play it on emulator
god so if cider and gus do partner up that’s even more contrast between those two bed material loving faggots because now they’re both in a grass and water duo, but the one whose a native and the one who is a human is now swapped, was any of the parallels and contrasts intentional?
We're putting Gus in this love triangle now?
Hence why I never deleted my Gates save file
call me Darkrai because i’m draw gus and cider doing some premarital hand holding.
Okay then, you'll get some Booker artwork instead. Or better, Gus. Or maybe some Kiyo is more to your liking? How about Linoone?
If you want artwork of other characters, why not draw it yourself you lazy faggots
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>if you want art to be drawn, then draw the art yourself
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>why do artists draw their own characters more than others
>if you want art to be drawn, have your characters be notable enough to be drawn.
>noooooo why don't you do what I want!!!!!
>Never touched a pencil in his life
>Never launched MS paint
>Never looked closely at any piece of art
>Never had the patience to watch a five minute video explaining how to draw
Guys... I don't know why but I just can't draw. I'm not able to
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>Still draws 15 artwork in the last month
You are literally the most productive artist lmao And you are extremely based for that, I love your art iva anon

On Linoone's qna, I added a link with some stories talking about eating ice cream in capim town! https://curiouscat.live/Linoone_mailmon/post/1336609042

Extremely kino artwork for the story, you got the desert vibes perfectly right, and the character's expressions are fit the story well. Super cute!

I don't get the reference, but based art!

>the guild is somehow rich because of kfc or whatever
actually it's because of Lliam's side-gig as a mafia boss

>gf's gf
WTF did anon mean by that?!? Delilah the Drifblim is a common gf shared by all employes of Delibird Deliveries

>I do disagree with the idea that the guild is hated by the entire town, and continues to be unequivocally.
Same. I would think the guild has a very controversial reputation, but "hated" is too strong to describe it.

>actually it's because of Lliam's side-gig as a mafia boss
I thought his gf was the mafia boss?
Essentially yeah. Lliam lore goes deep and has also never been elaborated upon because the author doesn't wanna write any stories I guess
>won't write any story
>but leaves random long comments with snippets of convoluted contradictory lore in random artworks featuring Lliam
what branch of autism is this?
Probably trying to set it up as a weird mystery background thing. He must think that his actual writing sucks or something. The guild's entirely composed of amateur authors though, so I don't know why he'd care
Are you trying to kill the thread with an art dump? There are still 20 posts left
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Not so fast, Eeveefag.
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this isn't even pmd themed
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Hey, I'm cool with an end-of-thread art dump
>and riolu of course
reminder that if you didn't get riolu on your first playthrough, everything you did was non-canon
The canon pair is Piplup and Chimchar.
/pmdg/ i'm bored should i do a completionist run of sky (as in like try and do everything postgame), replay super (haven't played it in years), play RTDX for the first time, or do something like a sky randomizer
play a good game
Would love to see somebody posting about their randomizer run of Sky. Do it for my enjoyment, not yours
What WAS Darkrai's fucking problem in Explorers anyway? IIRC he isn't usually portrayed as a really evil pokemon but in Explorers he's just a cunt.
no one will ever know
They wanted a BBEG at the end of the game or something. Honestly I believe chunsoft just kinda looked at him and said "Yeah... He's fucking evil" without ever reading his gen 4 lore entries. Granted, he was also a new pokemon so not a whole lot was established about him
all dark types are evil in PMD with very few exceptions like Absol
New thread
It probably also has to do with Darkrai being part of a duo with Cresselia, the nightmare theme etc.
But yes, Chunsoft had a tendency to use the "looks evil=evil" method for villains. It kinda works anyway, because in this universe the way Dusknoir looks for example wasn't a reason for anyone to be wary of him.
Last for cute kiyo snuggles
>ywn snuggle kiyo
why live
Bro you can't just post a full comic in moonrunes with no translation.
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how would you translate this comic into Hebrew
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