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Tynamo Community Day Edition

>July Info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

>Server Status


>Silph Road Info

>PvP IV Checkers & Battle Simulators

>Estimated Shiny Rates

>Submit Your Friend Code Here

>Find Friends Here

>Spoofing Tools

Previous Thread: >>56177939
Pls no pvp faggotry in this particular thread
good great league teams?
your top 3 favorite mons
fap fap fap
Ok got it thanks
>3 Chanseys
Ok got it thanks
noctowl umbreon purified sableye
I WILL get a hundo tynamo
I WILL get a hundo tynamo
I WILL get a hundo tynamo
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How to ACTUALLY fix the game:

1. Fix pvp bullshit system
2. Infinite remote raids, and 1 per day thats free
3. make the game playable for areas that aren't major cities
4.add breeding but keep ivs random
5. stop trading iv re-rolls
6. allow people to chat in the game
7. let us trash eggs obviously
8. add actual story quests and battles, give us something involved to do instead of just the checklists
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Rate em
>add breeding
I call Tinkaton, gonna get me some of that fupa
>add breeding
Finally my female only collection of Pokemon will have their chance to shine
>5. stop trading iv re-rolls
this should just be optional so you can trade hundos, but still try to get hundos trough trading
So is Klingklang good for anything or is it just dex filler?
>8. add actual story quests and battles, give us something involved to do instead of just the checklists

Still reeling from the aftermath of the Sinnoh Tour. "Boy, getting caught in a Space-Time Distortion sure was crazy! Bye!" and Professor Willow never mentions it again, Ultra Beasts becoming his new obsession for the next six months.
Nah it’s outclassed by many other steel types. It’s something uncommon to drop in gyms, that’s about it.

One of my regular gyms is a scrap statue outside a transmission repair shop so I always put him there
>Pikachu (cake hat)
>Pikachu (sun hat)
>Pikachu (moon hat)
it's master league time
>3. make the game playable for areas that aren't major cities
I didn't used to understand this complaint.
I live in a rural area and have been playing P:GO for about 6 months now and have been enjoying doing my own thing walking around country lanes and whatnot.
But the other day I went to a city for the first time since I started playing P:GO and I was absolutely fucking floored.
There is SO MUCH SHIT going on in cities WHAT THE FUCK.
Only then did I realise just how skewed in favour of urban areas the game is. I had no idea, it was like suddenly waking up to the Matrix.
In a way, I kind of miss not knowing. I liked the sparse Pokemon and Stops I'd encounter out in the country, it felt like I had to work for everything.
In the town I always had 4 Stops near me at any given time, and more Pokemon in a single place than I'd ever seen in my 6 months of playing.

tl;dr, City-slickers are privileged and the country-boy revolution is nigh
cityfag do have the disadvantage of risking getting their phone stolen at any moment tho
Isn't that why Americans carry guns?
anyone else experiencing disgusting lag on pvp? every charge, every swipe challenge, every shield or switch prompt can fuck the whole match up
9. revamp the pokestop submission system.
10. Fix gym battles

if you submission gets rejected, it has to explain exactly why. Also out of place pokestops can be realistically be moved to their actual location.

make it so you don't have to battle a pokemon three times to knock it out. Also, no remote instant heals (if you're in person you can toss a berry, no instant heals). also you can recall your pokemon when you want.
Yes but the black dark N words always attack from behind or in groups.
Yes, it's fucking everywhere and it's horrible.
5. would just make having a spoofing alt that much more broken, you'd be able to trade a sniped shundo with no effort and no risk to your main account.
I noticed that instead of the usual 3 candy (6 with pineapple) after catching a Pokémon, I'm getting 6 candy (12 with pineapple). Is this a special event thing? Is it permanent?
>Is this a special event thing?

>Is it permanent?
>also you can recall your pokemon when you want.
For the love of God, please.
My Porygon has been stuck in the gym down the road for 60d 10h 13m.
make a second account and go knock it out
I think my record is 26 days or there about
Are you living in the middle of nowhere?
>60 days
I lost a sceptile for just short of 2 years. It was shit but I was sure it wasn't coming back
>For the love of God, please.
>My Porygon has been stuck in the gym down the road for 60d 10h 13m.
I'd say that after 8h 20m your pokemon should automatically come home but that would just make it harder to get your gym leader platinum.

you know what? fuck it, pokemon should come home after 8h 20m in the gym.
isn't there a max number of pokemon you can have in gyms at the same time too? Like 6?

I know you can't enter more than 3 pokestop events (which is fucking stupid)
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How come we can't battle against Professor Willow, Rhi, or even the fat fuck Mateo? That would at least be a little bit cool
He's busy
He's gay /j
He doesn't exist
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kek I was hiking last month on one of the mountain trails and theres a gym on one of paths and literally somebody had a shiny umbreon there for 660 days, another two had eevultions at 400days and 300days or some shit
I couldnt free them because they were same team
>Willow battle gives an encounter with a random starter mon from any region
>Rhi gives an amount of Candy/XL Candy for Ultra Beasts
>Mateo gives a White Stripe Basculin encounter
hire me, Niantic
>I couldnt free them because they were same team
Mystic, amirite?
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no instinct, I wish I screenied it. But I did screenie this one
only fags and browns are blue team
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>Bonus Challenge: Capture Entei!
>immediately drop 17 of my 19 premier balls on the floor one after the other
>throw the next one at the smallest circle I can comfortably manage
>stays in the ball like a cp10 shitmon
Post his coords and team
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Out of all 7 trillion Pokémon invented the one I have to get perfect is a fucking Shuckle
you have to max it out now, anon.
them's the rules
I've had 9 Pokemon at gyms. I'm not sure what limit is.
Is there a way to get rid of the lame sparkles around a purified Pokémon?
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I have 11 4* and none are maxed. Which should be my top priority? Or are none of them that good for battling and they’re more prestige/ornamental just to have them?
I have no idea. I just play. But fairy eevee and gengar will probably be useful in some raids. Staraptor has also helped me a couple of times

I also have a lokix I'm maxing atm. Don't do it. It's shit
skill issue
>Samurott raid
>Assume i can just pinap him like I do with megas
>Jumps out of 3 straight excellents followed by 5 greats
>Switch to golden razz
>Proceeds to jump out of 5 straight excellents and two greats
>Try it again next day
>Mistime throw
>get him with a non boosted throw on first try
Extremely gay
What is the event? How long does it last?
The gym limit is 20
20 is the limit for gyms
It’s the post Go Fest event. It has 2 more days. We usually don’t eat good like this so don’t get used to it
Redpill me anons, is Eelectross actually worth going out in the blazing heat for, or is it just a worse Ampheros?
>only fags and browns are blue team
Blue team is easy mode and therefore lame.
very much a worse ampharos, only go if you like the shiny otherwise just stay home and evolve one of the many Tynamo you probably already have.
Nah it’s pretty bad. Wouldn’t even be good raid team filler
How to ACTUALLY fix the game:
>we made pikachu have a slightly different hat again!
>it cant evolve tho
- niantic
pokemon GO already has breeding the trainers can get big tiddy goth GFs and breed with them
Send it Home
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>lame sparkles
i used to actively COOMLECT all shadow\purified shitmon
im glad the mental illness has left my body
it looks really cool
yaeh its swag af
So you're not collecting best buddy shiny hundo female shadow XXLs with special backgrounds? You need to complete your dex of that category!
Then wait until they add some shitty marks nobody cares about or something
What ruins my experience is the spotlights. There's not enough available, and the ones that are cater to spoofers. I'm rural and the one next to me is already filled up with an XL Eelektross even though the CD starts tomorrow.

>Shadow Raids still suck to do for most of the world
>Animations still take forever
>Event mons are oversaturated
>400 energy mons
>1000 lunar/solar
>"walk 20km"
>"do 10 raids"
>remote is still overpriced
And I would forgive all of that if they would just give us the option to discard eggs, but even hatching has to be niggatry.
Which one of you is this?
That would be me.
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i seent that nibba in LA go fest raid lobbies
he a spoof
based and tankpilled
>opponent gets back to back night slash buffs after I've been 20 night slashes dry
very cool and competitive game
Tynamo sob sob sob TToTT
>Community Days are always tightly timed events
>I work on every one of them
Fuck you. Why aren’t they 24 hours at least?
They were made longer during Covid, but Niantic realized, once people actually started going outside again, no one wanted to do Community Day with other people now that the window was bigger. Since Niantic created the event to encourage playing the game together, they made the window smaller again (back to pre-Pandemic 3 hours) so that people would start playing together again.

Supposedly, they eventually reached the numbers they were looking for, I assume after people gave up protesting them reverting the time window widening. That's probably why most of their half-way decent events have heavily-strict time windows, so that it makes interacting with other people that play the game as likely as possible. Whether or not people get a fair shake at collecting resources during the events doesn't seem to be too important to them though.
Tonight is the full moon is ther any way to get teddiursa to spawn?
go back in time to the last time it was in the spawn pool and catch enough to get the candy to evolve through to ursaluna and hold one teddi in your pokemon inventory to waste that slot until the full moon hits again
>the last time it was in the spawn pool
Last week
I like Eelektross but its gimmick of being a decently bulky mon with no weaknesses and a servable attack stat doesn't translate well to go.

I know its ment for pvp but all the pvp bros are saying its gonna be pretty mid in great and ultra where gligar, swampert and stunfisk rule.
luckily its ability makes it immune to ground, right?
Lol. Its funny how thats not even a very strong gimmick as Eelektross has done very well in the main games either even with its really good coverage.

It's got starter stats so have proven to be enough provided the pokemon brings lot to the table
>Grassy terrain + grassy glide
>Intimidate + Fakeout + Dark typing

In go the starters with megas are all very good for raids and every other starters is just okay as long as they have their elite move outside of raids though its pretty much only swampert that does good in pvp and skeledirge can hold gyms okay and might be good in pvp once it gets blast burn but that's it really.

So the big question is why? also did they recently do a bellsprout one too? That's weird I can't imagine it ever outperforming venusaur in any corner of the game or anyone ever asking for it.

Are they justing fucking with us? Why not give us an arcanine one or something.
I actually have a ursaring ready to go but I also have a purified teddiursa with better stats that I would prefer to evolve and I don't think I can conjure up 120 candies in a month just by walking with how finicky the system is.

Its shame because I really wanted to get one this month
It's better for double battles since you can earthquake without hitting it.
>smogon ratings
actual lol
I would agree it's better for doubles but it's always had some pretty steep competition.
Bellsprout was nothing more than a 420/69 joke
>until the full moon hits again
anon it happens every month
there's an unfortunate number of players where one (1) slot held up by a shitmon will make or break their inventory for a whole month
kanto ninetales
alolan ninetales
release all shadows
release all purified
release all "event"
problem solved
>skeledirge can hold gyms okay and might be good in pvp once it gets blast burn but that's it really.
Dirge is amazing in pvp right now the fuck are you talking about? Blast burn won't even help it because it will have to give up shadow ball since you need disarming voice for speed and coverage.

Venusaur is also really good in pvp as well, frenzy plant hits hard even into resists. Feraligatr is literally the strongest pokemon in GL and UL right now, almost nothing can switch into our reliably. Typhlosion got a huge boost with tpunch, getting an electric coverage move every 10 turns is huge. Even greninja sees some play since you get 9 turn Hydeo Cannons.

There's more starters than swampert that are good in pvp than your dumbass realizes.
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They did a Bellsprout CD because they're a coastal american company and they thought DUDE WEED LMAO is an acceptable thing to do for a game marketed at children because there was no one in their DEI squad to tell them no lest it be considered harassment
Honestly working at Niantic sounds great - you get pay well above average when you can just do whatever the fuck you want all day and there is no penalty for doing things wrong, missing deadlines or ignoring instructions.
Literally the only time you hear of upper management is so they can walk in, say I HAFF A VISION while gesturing at an AI-generated picture of 100 pokemon trainers battling a Mewtwo in NYC and then leaving again
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People weren't taking part in CDs together because no one was grinding fucking Sandshrews for six hours when it didn't even get what made it PvP relevant for over a year following.
Then we realised this was so they could sell people the time back - one raid pass for every half an hour, right in time for Deino CD where Hydreigon became actually relevant with Brutal Swing.
Even if people did make a fuss about it, Niantic wouldn’t have done anything about it anyways. They actually expected people to play a mobileslop game for 6 hours straight instead of people picking their own timeframes from their own lives
Reminder that Niantic will never ever budge on anything nowadays such as the remote raid debacle and only ever mention it in a random interview with a brainwashed biased jewtuber and they will only lift the limit when they need the money for a big event
Reminder that the last time Niantic actually listened to their playerbase and did something that actually benefitted everyone was when they were trying to dial back the stop interaction radius but then decided to permanently make the radius longer and more accessable to everyone permanently back in 20 fucking 21
Vote with your wallet...which is exactly what the braindead paypigs do who will give Niantic countless thousands every month no matter what.
Nice game pogokeks
Its tynamo fleshlight day ToT
I sleep
>He could only make one and he chose dawn wings
Is that relevant?
Would they really release three mons and a gimmick in a non-drip-feedy time frame?
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I can throw Pidgeys at NYC raids and win so it's okay. Calyrex ain't gonna be in the game for years anyway. Besides, if it's like Necrozma fusions, you'll have to choose between ghost and ice horse.
can't believe that dawn wings necrozma will be outclassed in 5 years
Calyrex could be the star of the next go fest depending on how things go but your probably right, they almost certainly won't do it till after they've done all the galar stuff. The star of the next go fest is more likely to be the kyreum fusions or whatever legendary gets a mega in Z-A or paradox stuff. It all depends but it looks like were going through paldea first.
Galar has been a flop so far, there's just very little there for people to care about as anything past a collector standpoint.
Sex at GoFest.
Yeah its pretty gen 2 teir but worse because everything is so ugly. Lots of incredibly weak pokemon side by side with a few ridiculously powerful pokemon.

The paldea dex is much more marketable.
>Which should be my top priority?
Gengar. It's a great ghost type mega. still a paper cannon.

But seriously though. You have to max out Shuckle. For the lolz.
Going to fill her Lunala with my Alolan Exeggcutor and leave her dripping Tynamos
It's a shame that for a lot of them they're going to be completely irrelevant on release because so many better options exist.
Dragapult, Cursola, Frosmoth and Hatterene have no chance of success now.
>once people actually started going outside again, no one wanted to do Community Day with other people now that the window was bigger.
Actually I heard that Niantic said that only like 2% of players were playing the full six hours so that's why they returned it to three.

They're so fucking oblivious that they think if they make a six hour event, that means we should play for the entire six hours.

You know, instead of, making it so that everyone can play. aka making the event 12 or 24 hours and make it an actual community DAY
My nigga Runerigus needs to be freed from SwSh
>Sex at GoFest.
I have never seen an attractive woman playing PoGo. Ever.
The receptionist at my doctors office plays and she's cute as fuck.
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Heavens no! If they introduce Cursola, that would allow players to complete their Johto dex easily with Galarian Corsola! NO SHORTCUTS TO YOUR GOALS, FUCK YOUR SHINY CELEBI!
Dragapult is fun in Unite though
>The receptionist at my doctors office plays and she's cute as fuck.
Have you ever seen her out and about playing during CD?

...didn't think so.
considering I barely go out and play during CD days, it'd be kinda weird to see her in my house since I haven't asked her out yet.
If she doesn't even trespass on people's property for shinies, she's not a real gamer.
>If she doesn't even trespass on people's property for shinies
That makes me think...

...what would happen if someone spoofed onto Area 51 to catch a shiny or a hundo? Would the feds black bag that person?
>toss an excelent curveball
>fucking fish keeps going to the sides
Yeah, I'm staying home
skill issue
Volt Switch is worse than Spark, right? So don’t evolve any of them until later?
My sister plays. She is single and an alcohol
Certain areas of the world are blocked off from any spawns. There is a couple mile radius around Area 51 where nothing spawns.
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<3 skipping 8-9 CDs a year now because everything only exists for limited GBL brackets that are playable for one week a season at best and doesn't even have viability in open brackets
volt switch is significantly better but it's still eelektross, it's hardly charjabug
well that's it. 3 hours out in the blazing heat, hitting every single pokestop possible in my area (~120) and IV checking every singly wild tynamo spawn.out of all those stop spins maybe only ~20% or less were actual pokemon rewards which sucked ass. I encountered maybe 2 dozen 4* potential wild mons but none of them had any good stats at all. caught ~20 shiny versions and the highest IV I found was 4 off.

quite disappointed
I caught a nundo
how did you get 20 shinies? i only got one
>knows a cute girl who plays Go
Man up, you've literally been handed a date on a silver plate, ask her if she wants to tag along on a future community day.
bros.... tynamo is too small and i keep fucking up my curve ball great throws
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>w-w-we b-both play...p-poke... POKEYMON!!!!!!!!
seeing a pogo player or any woman who shares a similar interest doesn't mean you beg her for a date kek
do not take dating advice from \vp\
make a comment next time you see her playing
ask her if you can add her in game, dont sperg.
i have but there are a decent amount of women in my area
"real girl gaymers" are quite rare & not usually worth the extra effort though - date an outdoorsy type instead
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After GoFest in the hot sun for two days and now a Community day in the fucking sun again I can’t take this shit no more
I wouldn't mind it as much if my phone wasn't melting into my skin.
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>two phones, in bed, catch 3-4 shiny in 80 minutes
Dayum feels like I’m about to fire off one turn solar beams with how sunny it is. No weatherboost Tynamo sadge
>seeing a pogo player or any woman who shares a similar interest doesn't mean you beg her for a date kek
Then name a more suitable opportunity to ask a woman to do something with you than a shared interest
just because someone shares an interest doesn't mean they are interested in you whatsoever; you can use it to strike up a conversation MAYBE. M A Y B E
>seeing a pogo player or any woman who shares a similar interest doesn't mean you beg her for a date kek
this is why you are doomposting in /vp/ 24/7 while i have sex with hot girls
Glad we're in agreement about that, gotta ask to find out. If she's not, oh well, can't do more than that.
Come to me.
>game freezes when fighting grunt
>close app, balloon is gone
cool game
>reopen app
>balloon reappears
>use shield this time instead (WASTING IT)
game still freezes, close app, balloon gone for good now

cool game
>balloon reappears trolling me for a THIRD TIME
>change team so the grunt doesn't get a single charged attack off
>defeat the grunt
game freezes
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3 phones
lucky egg
3 hour incense
starpiece active
100+ catches ZERO SHINY
cool game
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What the fuck do I do with all of these
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>Subtle shiny shitmon community day in july weather
Kekw sorry for your loss
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I said ‘Babe, do you fuck with Tynamo?’
She said ‘You levitate me.’
I said ‘Take me to Chargestone Cave and let me be your Elektross.’
Haha ye, uh.
login to pgshart on alt account
>click first tynamo its shiny
>click to walk 100 yards, two more shiny
Anon, just because she shares similar interests to me and is insanely friendly every time I go, doesn't mean she wants to date. For starters I'm an old(ish) man and asking out young girls is generally frowned upon, especially when it's during their work environment.

I will however ask her about her roleplaying group and if there's room for one more or if she knows anyone who's looking for another player or a DM. I moved to this tiny ass town a year ago and I still haven't explored shit due to work.
This goes hard
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Extremely tempting.
Was so happy when the community day was revealed. Love this little dude.
Too bad the feeling is not mutual.
Caught 400 and not a one was 4*. 4 shiny with the highest being 1*.
Very sad.
iktf bro, caught enough to fertilize a granny and still no hundo
Based solar beam poster. I'm now gonna evolve my second cosmog into another solgaleo instead of lunala.
>19k 4 star raid.
Wtf lol does it still give 4 star rewards?
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Good day today. Made a friend, she was very nice and kind, we did a few routes together and partied up. Plenty of shinies. Got a lucky as well.
its been an hour and a half
atleast 4x over odds
no shiny
pls gib
should i switch back to a male avatar? girls might think im creepy if they see me using a big tiddy brown girl.....
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+a lucky 3* I’m gonna start force feeding my 1100+ candy
I want to hug her
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still nothing
shouldn't it be physically impossible to FAIL???
i feel blackballed as fuck
>sign in on alt
>spawns everywhere
>main account open\close friends list every 3-4 minutes hoping for an incense spawn
fucking rigged

dont forget to do you half-off dust trades today bros ;_;
How do you know that one isn’t male
he thinks males can be female
she showed me her pussy
NYC pokeradar
Meant for
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shiny finally appears. throw ultraball, catch, close app.

You're so mentally ill it's unreal.
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22 tynami in just over 2 hours and 30 minutes. Love this little fish.
case in point, you're a schizo
I love this fish eel thing more the merrier! I only got 2 shinnies
i like eelektrik better
prove it
PGO isn’t good for meeting pretty girls, but it’s fantastic for meeting fat chicks.
You can stop replying to yourself. No one thinks you're "based" for being a mentally ill shitposter.
hotgirls is a nice name for your hand though
The real schizo moment
we can see where you edited this image you absolute mongoloid
Why do you think easily faked screen shots will ever fool anyone? You're the only person who does this.
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>Decided to stay home instead of going out into the July heat like with GO Fest
>Checked phone roughly every hour
>Got a rank 17 GL and rank 19 UL (y'know, in case those are ever useful)
>Got 5 shinies
>6pm Rocket balloon gave me a 3-star Rhyhorn
>Eventually went out at 7pm to play Pikmin Bloom at dusk and to drop off Tynamo to all the showcases in my neighborhood
>Enjoy the cool evening breeze with little to no mosquitos bothering me
>Win every showcase with the 2 XXLs and 1 XL I got from the Tynamo spotlight hour in January 2023
Seems like I faired a lot better than most of you guys.
Trade them to go friends (if any) for XL candy
Transfer some to Home to collect if you don’t already have a Necrozma in the main games
Transfer some to Home and have it be a good GTS fodder for something you might want
Transfer it to Home or the main series games and wonder trade it away to someone else
i played for nearly the full event
got 400 candy but only ONE SHINY
as soon as i caught it i forced closed the app
I got 3 in 1 hour. No perfects.
Did crack a lucky egg and was getting 9k exp per excellent + doing routes
Tynamo exp machine
Did you have sex on the route?
No. Waited until I got home and showed my gf all the tynamos I got.
She was dripping after that
absolutely based
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Face the facts solar beam poster is turning into solar beam bros
No, you are just begging people to think you're more than one person.
ban evading
You are ban evading. Stop ban evading and get the fuck out of this general. No one wants you here
Alright this is getting weird I just thought the way the guy was complaining about solar beam was funny
wtf my pokemon says it got knocked out of a gym and was returned to me and i revived it but it's still in the fucking gym with my name on it
>I like how you not only ignored that you're ban evading
you literally just did this
Please stop disrupting the thread with discussion of off-topic characters.
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>You can only hold 3 remote raid passes
>But you can over stock by buying 3 when you have 2
>PLEASE give me safe space from solar posting!
Klink community day is next month btw
Gear Grind would have to be stupidly broken to make Klinklang not a total shitmon
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I want Popplio

Go find a discord to moderate.
So are the hisuian starters going away come the 25?
>You are the only person
they've overstayed their welcome.
nice 10 year old content again very nice
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>Subtle shiny unlock event
>Ultra buddy or higher showcase
Well shit I’m going to have to best buddy my XXL wailord the next time this shit pops up
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Cute fish wife
Why are spoofers and cheaters like this?
maybe this poster akemi isn’t here
>Why are spoofers and cheaters like this?
no one has checked their actions so they think they can do anything they want.
Someone should check their mental health too.
>Someone should check their mental health too.
could do that for everyone working at niantic.
wouldn't a maxed out hundo purified shuckle be able to sit at a gym forever
>your (!Akemi) assertion is incorrectly.
nice broken english
Yes? That’s literally what the infographic implies? The hisuian starters are the three star raids for this event. I’m pretty sure they’ll be gone at the end of the day too. When that event starts, the three star raid slots will go to those steel types instead of the hisuian starters. Also

>Aggron and Mega Aggron raids at the same time
Fucking lmao
Yeah it's weird especialy when they could give us something new like Bisharp or Propobass.
Thought it was just me
Klinklang is my favorite steel type so I've been glad to see it be in the spawn pool but I knew it would translate well to go because its whole gimmick is being mid but it has shift gear(+1 attack +2 speed) to buff it

Would a 3 bar 90 power move that increases attack and def be enough? Kinda translates the effects of shift gear into go, alternatively they could make shift gear a fast move that buffs you while charging energy as other pokemon get it unlike gear grind
>14-15-14 shadow pidgey
>still no rocket event
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Please don't associate us spoofers with that troubled boy
We can help you out, give you regionals and rare postcards, invite you to raids at in-person events which I was doing
That person never helped anyone in anything and only ever brought negative value to the thread, to the board and other boards too.
You are right, i apologise for my hasty actions. Some of you are OK.
Do spoofers have sex since they never leave the house?
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The only spoofers I have a problem with are the ones that do it exclusively for shiny hunting. Not only is it the most degenerate form of shiny hunting since the rates are disgustingly high for anyone not limited by the real world, but they also tend to be the ones constantly holding a lock on gyms close to their house so that they can get their full 8 hours of coins while spending as few potions as possible and completely destroying any showcases in the area. It's gotten to the point where I just don't play the game downtown anymore because there's always tons of people fighting for gyms and showcases, yet no one is ever interested in doing raids with besides the 1-5 people that show up during elite raid days.

It's not like they even use the resources they get from gyms and showcases to help out the people they live around either. They just spoof to one of the many big cities and do all the raids they farmed gym coins for out there. The last time I remember spoofers doing raids in my local neighborhood was Shadow Mewtwo weekend back in 2023.
Once again, it'll be the second week of August.
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That's all fair. I only speak for myself here, but I only spoof location, but I don't care about gyms, shundos, botting movement to hatch eggs and all that shit. I mostly just log in to do a raid and call it a day. It's better to make another account for an easy daily raid pass than to care about earning coins, which is cancerous in spoofer cities anyway.
You could say I behave.
In my town I hated a carfat who would always take gyms for himself on 4 accounts (+1 more on a different team) and always using a cancerous defender lineup (Blissey-Gardevoir-Chansey-Milotic and similar).
It's all right, anon. I know some of "us" are absolute sluts.
I'm not a virgin and I leave for work every day, and in spare time I get out but without pogo turned on so I can pay attention to such things like... swarms of swallows (birds) which are really numerous around here this year. Cute Taillows irl.
Swallows are based little birds. Fast as heck and don't take bs from any other birds.
Only drove around and played for the last 15 mins of tynamo day and got 3 shiny. Got a shiny surf Raichu from the recent research as well. Had gone weeks without any shiny. I'm currently half ass grinding the party research shit.
How quickly can I get a new account up to level 15? Still haven't completed the welcome party quest because I have no one to do a party with
probably an hour or less if you quick catch/excellent throw every pokemon.
I started about a month ago and I am almost 31
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lmao whoever this is I want you on my list
Cool, thanks! Couldn't remember it being this quick
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Wish they weren't so hectic so that it would be possible to take a pic of them.
Have a blurry dragonfly instead. Saw it when GoFest Saturday event was on.
>The only spoofers I have a problem with are the ones that do it exclusively for shiny hunting.
If the spoofers kept to themselves, that is only caught their shinies and hundos, I'd actually be fine with them.

The spoofers I hate are the ones that take gyms. I had to deal with one person using 5 accounts to stack and hold a gym and other lone spoofers coming in to snipe me out of a gym right after I took it. that shit is infuriating.

that's the main reason I support updating the gym system to make it easier to take gyms and harder to hold gyms from afar.
That's me.
There's a double xp event that ends tomorrow I think. Excellent throws are like 4500xp. I went from 35 to 37 in three days
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>Be Niantic
>Have the same 3 balls for 7 years
>Introduce Beast Ball
>Make sure that players do not have the ability to collect them but only have them to replace premier balls during raid encounters
>Have them only available during big special events with ultra beasts in them
>The rest of the time they’re not available even if there’s an ultra beast in raids
>Beast Ball catch multipler works on Necrozma even though it doesn’t in the real games
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>same stats
>same typing

Which one you picking?
Almost definitely Black due to getting Dragon Tail and Shadow Claw.
black obviously, im just built for it
I’ve always picked White version, and I’ve grown more fond of Reshiram than Zekrom over the years, so probably that one.
If their unova tour is going to be as shitty as necrozma’s event, probably neither if I can’t get enough fusion currency
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I like Reshiram
No I don't care about you know who
is it not possible to solo mega swampert? I had a decent team of grass mons (mostly kartanss but I had a mega venusaur as my starting fighter) but could only ever get him down to a sliver
>ANOTHER location gated safari zone event that exclusively holds Skiddo hostage from the rest of the world
Fuck right off
Piss easy solo, power up your shit. You don't even need sunny weather.
Also don't use mega Venusaur, it's trash and useless when solo, use mega Sceptile instead.
I was but it had sludge wave as is charge move and its weather boosted. My team was a mega venusaur(or sceptile), two tangrowths over 3k, two kartanas over 3k and a leafeon over 3k
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Unless those Tangrowths are shadow, there's little chance you can cut it with those goons. My first solo also first raid shundo was with a lvl. 50 Mega Sceptile, 2 lvl. 40 Kartana, 2 lvl. 40 Shadow Tangrowth, and a lvl. 40 Zarude.
shut the FUCK up, akemi!
After all this time I still don’t have a shundo
Niantic is colluding with the airline companies to get people to book more flights across the world. That’s the only reason I can think of as to why certain Pokémon can only be attained in certain parts of the real world.
I quit a few months ago when they "updated" the avatars
Did they ever revert that?
>After all this time I still don’t have a shundo
Same. Daily player and Closest I've gotten is a random 98%
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T-Tangrowth-sama… p-please have mercy!
>shiny regi
>sludge wave
>on something with 4x grass weakness
ASSKICKER needs to use ASSKICKING once more
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I need more friends.

Invalid code
Getting real sick of all these midgets in here
for me its FitAs
My mistake it was me who was invalid.
Shut the fuck up, stop ban evading and stick your made up tripfag up your ass you obnoxious faggot
Mods should make an autoban rule for you
I sent you one I'm the Rhi fucker
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Uhh Niantic, you think this is ok?!
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>pick up pogo after a few years
>spend every waking second on it
>buying raid passes
>catching legendaries
>going outside to the park
>interacting with friends
>observing the beauty of God's world
This is awesome, except for the part where I am now addicted to the game.
women are removed from the game
trannies only
Biking is so broken in this game, good thing I don't live in burgerland and don't risk my life doing it.
Do not fear, the addiction till the game will fade soon as you get caught up. Then you can just enjoy the outdoors for what it is
T. Was you a month ago
Been that way since 2016. Hanke got mad at carCHADS hatching eggs and having fun so he put in the speed cap and motion sensors which completely sharted on bike users and it’s never been fixed. Meanwhile carGODS can still do gym drivebys and catch shit at city speeds. And the stop and go of the car tends to hatch eggs anyway. Nowhere near the actual distance you travel but you can still track 2-3km per outing
Broken as it is OP, you can hatch eggs by biking through adventure sync. No problem hatching several 10ks in a day.
>we got bicycle simulator in real life before GTA6
registeel TANKED that
Not him but you don't simply get caught up in this game, you have to be there for events to catch powerful pokemon and gain resources
Why are you like this
>50 speed
found the problem
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There goes another.
Should have respected the cooldown.
3/2, 4/1, 4/1, 4/1, 5/0

Always climb late in season anons, never try and push early unless you wanna fight the bullshit try hard teams.
what team, what league, what phone? how did you beat the lag?
nta but i had no lag today
I had some lag today, but nothing major obviously. Some frame drops causing me to get denied was all, and an almost scare on a CMP but thankfully the game lagged both of us for a turn and I got the cmp anyways.

Charjabug/shadow feraligatr HC+C/shadow Quagsire with atail+SE. Crunch is necessary to beat dewgong and lanturn. Double crunch KO's in the 0s where double HC won't, though if they IW you're not winning the 0s at all unless RNG favors you with the crunch debuff. Great league obviously anon, I don't spend enough money to play ML and UL is terrible.
>There goes another.
stop spoofing.
iphone user?
2019 android
Does family of four show up in the evolution preview? Or is it always three and its decided upon evolving which form you get?
PvP is for virgins. Tap Tap Tap. LMAO.
Any time there's a question like this, ask yourself, "What way would be the most inconvenient to players?" and it's always the same answer.
>Get as many Tandemaus as I can
>Get as much candy as I can
>Evolve as many as I can
>All family of 4
>No family of 3
>Tap Tap Tap. LMAO!
I say this out loud repeatedly when I'm winning
>Pooplio cuntfirmed for august
>CD is at the very end of next month
Time to sleep
>>Pooplio cuntfirmed for august
Hydro Pump no doubt.

>tfw only have 3 89%
damn, I usually have at least one 96%-98% by the time they do a starter CD.
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I hate niantic defenders so fucking much
CD is in the middle of the week?
Community Day should be 12 hours. Or two days in a row at 6 hours each.

>niantic: but only 2.768357% of players play for the full 12 hours
Do wagies not have PTO?
Ever heard of the lunch break?
About time, I'll take it for once.
Has to be a shill
August, not July.
I've been expecting this Community Day for months. Sparkling Aria potentially being on-par with Hydro Cannon or at least being better than Disarming Voice is somewhat concerning, but hopefully this will give my Shadow Mag lead team some more consistent matchups.
>I hate niantic defenders so fucking much
I'm convinced if Niantic thought they didn't need to make shinies more common during Community Days, they wouldn't do it. I wouldn't be surprised if the mere concept of boosted shinies for Community Days already irks them, or at least it does now.
>August, not July.
Exactly, it's a weekend, so people with real jobs are free
What are they complaining about?
New Thread, Migrate Whenever:
please kys
People work on the weekends too anon
Making CDs longer might result in more people playing.
GNTornado? Congrats man I got a couple shinies and made a friend too. Comfy community day
>Making CDs longer might result in more people playing.
and they apparently don't want that.
It's hilarious watching you try to pretend you're not the problem.
I am convinced these pukes ARE Niantic employees.
Go kill yourself you fucking nigger
No one wants you here so fuck off already
Go back to your other retarded boards that you torment instead

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