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Last one died way too early and had some good discussion going on >>56183213
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never got around to doing the male evo (Hopper and Prime) but here's a metroid fakemon i did
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i remember spectrobes
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Pokemon could NEVER
good thiz look like garbage not even digimon look thiz bad
an eye on the hilt of a scythe is just too cliche
Yeah but have you considered that it looks cool anyway
>Emergency Exit
Don't remind me...
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Fire/Fighting beaver mon
It’s not a starter evolution though.
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literally perfect, I wish these where in any of the games.
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i bet that ice sloth moves at a glacial pace
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These aren't new, I just redrew them a bit more cleanly and tidied everything up to match how I set up these images recently. I have less time to make new fakemon these days and instead do more region/character idea stuff when I have the time, so less stuff to show in these threads.
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Are there any good Cardinal or Blue Jay/Bird fakemon?
They're such noticeable birds but I've never seen anyone post any.
This is just the Chespin line.
But worse.
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A bit busy but I still really like this design.
Honestly I like a lot of their designs.
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>farting sounds
ooh this is pretty
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Bros we were robbed!
Robbed? How? It wasn't made by Gamefreak. It never had the chance of being in the games in the first place.
It is kind of weird that we haven't had a blue jay yet. Pokemon will live forever, so it'll happen eventually, I guess.
Nicely done. A cryptid (legendary?) trio is a fun idea.
Enjoy the cars instead.
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They're the legendary trio, yes. I was trying to go for a Regi-like vibe, where they feel like you just stumbled upon something grand you weren't supposed to find, a real feeling of mystery. I would put them in small secret areas that are relatively obscured so they aren't the easiest to spot, with some NPCs in the nearest town hinting at their existence in rumored whispers.
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I'm surprised we haven't had a magpie either. There's more kinds of corvids than just crows.
I know that the ancient elephants had some weird shit going on before turning out like they did.
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not mine but i think these lil guys are cute fakemon
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A cool anon in the cross-gen evolution tierlist thread made pic rel.
It's a Mightyena evo. I like it.
Jesus, thats good
These are fucking awesome, but for the life of me I don't know what Braxamu is referencing. I know Mothuma is Mothman and Saskomu is Sasquatch, but the middle one escapes me
an old alien cryptid

seen 3 years before the hopkinsville goblin, which is what sableye is loosely inspired by
Flatwoods Monster, also called Braxie because it was spotted in Braxton County, West Virginia.
Ohhh ok. These designs are really interesting, I'm a big sucker for "local legend" legendary pokemon
Think we'll see a Mega Zoroark?
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That's the main thing I wanna go for with my legendaries! I'm not too fond of godlike legendaries like in gen 4, I really want them to just be very powerful/mysterious with significance in the region and its history. Here's the main legendary with info on what the plot would be. Its definitely pushing things scale-wise, but it's still not a literal god, just a strong pokemon revered in the region.
I'm always happy when people like the legendaries because I'm absolutely terrible at these, it took me ages to find something that looked appropriately "legendary". It's a vibe that's hard to pin down.
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Someone from the last fakemon thread >>56189713 really liked my Princess bug line so here's another I made a while ago
Its an anxious possum/rabbit that gets so scared it's heart short circuits. its body releases sparks when touched.

Its whiskers and tail are supposed resemble an EKG.
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1000X better you mean
I always loved these but I gotta say, the thing between Mothuma's eyes makes it look like an owl (looks like a beak). I think it would look better without anything there
also I feel that by pokemon logic, every cryptid should be Ghost type. I always felt it was supposed to be the 'cryptid/yōkai/creepy folkloric' type, but the Jap developers just went with the word 'ghost' so everyone would get it. That's why so many of them aren't literal ghosts.
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i like it
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Remember times when Gen4 wasn't a thing yet?
Wonder how people felt when Glaceon dropped
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Flying-type Wishiwashi convergent. This is just the solo form though.
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i cant believe im only halfway through
I do think that these are neat but I'm not seeing them as pokémon-pokémon. If that makes sense.
More like the Ultra Beasts and the Paradox Pokemon. They've got a weird, artificial look to them.
Well what does the flock-form look like?
these are cool but dont look like pokemon- you should brand it as something new desu like coromon or smth, IMO
It will have traits of planes, much like how Wishiwashi School Form is reminiscent of submarines.
i dont know how to break this to you, but
these are fake pokemon
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Best fakemon coming through.
>goldjak's whirr
Took me a minute to realize this is a Honedge regional
good lord these are horrific, is this fucking AI?
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I'm currently working on this guy, based on the florida fighting conch. It's gonna be a rival/counterpart to another pokemon I made based on the electric flame scallop seen in the bottom left. Fighting/Dark vs Electric/Fire, and they would be found on beaches rather than in the water (and also I already have way too many water types). Which design/color scheme do you guys prefer out of these three options?

Believe it or not this is actually 100% intentional. I was looking for patterns to use and quickly decided to go for triangles, and then I figured this was a cheeky reference to how the most convincing explanation for mothman sightings is large barn owls.

I get what you mean and I've heard this comment before (or are you the same guy?). I'm honestly considering it, the only issue being I recently wrote down some vague ideas for a Rock/Ghost type based on ghost phantom opals, and it would suck to have a repeated type combo (which is already a small issue with some other pokemon I made). I still might do it tho, maybe if I change Saskomu to Ghost/Ground?

I understand what you mean, but I like that aspect to it. It makes them look more eerie and otherworldly which is the exact vibe I'm going for.
I like bottom right the best (purple eyes red shell shorter/rounder shell style)
could save purple for shiny I guess?

my one criticism is vulking should have an emblem on its body too
erm you mean calderog
I feel like with a bit more work this could be a pikaclone.
Honestly I like purple so I say make that the shiny and the blue one the standard. Maybe add a bit more *oomph* to the purple to make it brighter though.
For my Washington-based region, what concept sounds good for a Pikaclone?
i wonder if this was created before sharpness was a thing
an electric/ground based on deer mouse
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not knowledgeable enough about the Metroid franchise to know the context of the evos, but they look cool.

a bit simple but the intricate patterning on the evo elevates the design, also fine the tail on the mid evo appealing.

I wasn't even thinking of Pikaclones when making this, just meant it as a random early route encounter, but it being single stage an electric type really fit the the Pikachu, even has the same white face a third of pikaclones have.

I actually do have an intended pikaclone. Based on "bunny ear" antenna. They live in large groups. Their antennae pick up signals that project images on their stomachs which they watch. I made it quite a while ago, hence the lesser quality of the work, but I may redraw it.

it was posted this March, likely they forgot Sharpness was a thing. Same with Shell Armor.

Fire's an interesting type choice for a beaver, any reason for it?

This is a cool trio, love they're a good mix of working as a group while feeling unique.
> I have less time to make new fakemon these days and instead do more region/character idea stuff when I have the time,
I really do need to work on actually establishing the region, my fakemon inhabit.
a ground squirrel or a jumping mouse
Salish tale about how a beaver stole fire
I know that's a reason why someone made their beaver starter a fire one.
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really cool idea
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Steel/Slop type
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Excellent, 10/10
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Fighting-type based off of fighters using the Eku (Okinawan oar used for martial arts)
Why not Water/Fighting?
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Dex entry: It can’t stand the sound of rushing water, so it builds dams on riverbeds to dampen the noise.
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One more design for today.
Ground/Poison camel that spits highly corrosive acid.
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I like B. It looks the sturdiest
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Will she ever get quality lewds like Faunazon?
the nostrils being fake eyes is a weird detail
pretty cool
and seconding B style
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love this
this is cool too
also cool
also cool
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I think you need to cool down sir.
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I like when people go crazy with feathers when it comes to bird fakemon.
I miss the generic sort of monsters from Gen 1 like Nidoqueen, Nidoking and Ryhorn.
Do fakemon creators make things like that or is it all just element + animal?
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They’re out there, just not too common. Part of it is that it can be difficult to make a generic monster that doesn’t at least somewhat resemble an animal that already exists, many fakemon are inspired because an animal or mythical equivalent in the first place, then there just fakemon artist trying to be like Game Freak and many of the well known Pokemon are effectively just animal + element
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Nothing brightens my day more than seeing my shitpost fakemon get reposted
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Three-eyed lizard with a psycho ward theme (because it can see ghosts!) shedded skin acts like a straitjacket

Evolves into an exorcist three eyed lizard.
Tried redesigning theme recently and it turned out even worse so maybe the concept and general shapes aren't that good. I like them though
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I had my mandatory normal/ghost possum fakemon too and the idea was supposed to be a parent possessed by spirit babies. Idk it was a bit too extreme so didn't finish it.

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