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I like the Fairy type because it's the girly girl type. Why do (You) like the Fairy type, anon?
Also feel free to post you're favourite Fairy type and it's pre evolution Cutiefly.
I love the Fairy. But I also love grass, it’s a girly girl type too!
uploading files from my IP range is restricted
>it's the girly girl type
Wrong. That's not what Fairy Type means.
i do not like fairy type! there are a few fairy type pokemon i like.
>That's not what Fairy Type means
Yes it is.
A lot of them are cute, and I like cute things. It also makes dragonchuds seethe so a double bonus.
That’s what Fairy usually means
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GF messed up because their basic Fairy duo of the games that introduced the Fairy type both evolve into hideous abonimations. Spritzee and Swirlix are both cute and pink and girly.
blissey is fairy
bellossom is fairy
delcatty is fairy
illumise is fairy
milotic is fairy
luvdisc is trash
cinccino is fairy
musharna is fairy
alomomola is fairy
>Is retarded
Not surprising
>"I like this hat, haha!"
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Steelfag spy fuck off
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I like the hats.
I just like the Grass type as well, not Steel.
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>literally just a dog wearing a dress and a high female ratio and is popular with females
>is a fairy
ok retard
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blank post
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Shiinotic is underrated
I like it because so strong and busted competively and GF will never change that because it's the shill type that girls love
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I like Sylveon and I like fairy moves
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I love this type indeed
I don't particularly care about Fairy as a type but I like a bunch of 'em, mostly former Normal types such as Wigglytuff, Clefable, Togekiss, but also a native Fairy like Mimikyu.
I need a Valerie gf to raise lots of cute Fairy pokémon with.
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look at this hat!
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cute hat
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Yes, for you! <3
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Cute girlies
Very cute
I think the only two fairy types I ever end up using are Sylveon, Gardevoir, or Alolan Ninetales. Never really bothered using the others. Probably my least-used type alongside Normal.
>Sylveon, Gardevoir, or Alolan Ninetales
Those are 3 pocket monsters.
Valerie is my favourite Fairy type.
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Oh gosh that Sylveon's face...
Yeah, it's kind of cursed
Here's a more normal looking one
Aromatisse is fucking great
it’s okay
Don't get me wrong, would still pet... yours is cute, though!
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Fairy probably isn't my favorite type (can't say that I have one), but my favorite Pokémon is a fairy-type!
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Cute boyfriends
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Mega Gardevoir Pixilate Hyper Voice
Yes, the last game I played was ORAS
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I like the Fairy type because it's a MANLY type. For MANLY men.
Men who hate women.
Men who love men.
A type for a manly man's man.
"Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door the fighter-club is two blocks down."
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Hatterene is a succubus. Belongs to Literal Fairy along the incubus one
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>Not a Literal Fairy

>Brazilian Fairy called Saci
>Not a Literal Fairy

>Mime Jr./Mr. Mime
>Clowns were Humans who was known to use Fae magic or were Faes their selves
>Not Literal Fairy

>Literal Fairy
>Not in Literal Fairy

>Many more things listed wrong

You uneducated uncultured unthinking unrefined individual..
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>Mawile: Stop it! You just want to make me into raw material for your weapons, right!?
>Mawile: Just like you do with Corviknights!!

>Tinkaton: What? I would never.
>Mawile: The hell was that pause!?
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Tinkaton is a complete menace
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I like Fairy type because they recognized the folklore angle by making it Steel weak but strong against Dragons, and because it ended the autism of Outrage spam. I prefer it when it's not exclusively girly.

Rimbombee is my favorite but I seem to have mislaid my images of it so have unrelated fairies. I hope Ribombee gets a new signature move in the future since they decided to give the old one to tons of metamons.
beautiful art
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Yeah, it's one of my favorite Ribombee artworks
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>The first confirmed female Togepi
>She was evil
Why she wanted to go to outer space anyway, for Cleffa's line it makes sense as they want to go back home, but for Togepi plan to go out to space must have been as diabolical as Evil Morty's..

I wonder why she never reoccurred, they made seem like she'll be a reoccurrence by the way her episode ended?

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