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>wants you to improve
>constantly tests you
>congratulates you every step of the way
>steals your heart

how did GF make Nemona so good bros?
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because unlike Shauna they gave Nemona actual goals. Unlike Hau, Nenoma's story wasn't cannibalized by Furfruo's Debaunte Gijinka. Unlike Hop Nemona works for what she wants instead of whining like a bitch. And the fact that SV is one of the only times the writers actually tried, all the points you made are allowed to shine.
Most pokemon games have stalker rivals, but Nemona stands out because for once Gamefreak actually committed to the bit.
Simple. The character writing in SV is some of the best I’ve ever seen in a Pokémon game. It’s easily one of its strongest aspects. Nemona is great for all of the reasons you just listed, and she’s also really pretty, which is a major bonus.
Mmmmm, delicious caramel tummy...
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Something something nemona cute something something caramel girl love
I agree.
She will graduate a year before you do and ride the cock carousel in college.
But she's in the same class. Plus why would she go to pokecollege when she's already a Champion?
she's a yandere who's completely devoted to (you)
Pokemon champions don't get themselves on useless debt.
She has Kanto boyfriend
Why would she need college when she can spend all the time she wants with you?
I wish there was a scene with her discovering you on the other two paths and just annihilating the challenge with you by her side.
Dead and forgotten already
>Nemona defeating a titan the moment you and Arven arrive
>Nemona clearing out an entire Team Star camp - without Let's Go mode, just manually beating all trainers one by one
Shit, would've been kino.
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Im too drunk to think, but I will post some nemona
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Such lovely swimsuits! Penny and Carmine have very cute swimsuits, and Amarys’ contrasts her skin colour very nicely.
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I'm working on something, I hope to post it this week.
Whatever it is, I’m excited!
Either this is just a casual outfit for Nemona, or she’s cosplaying Cammy from Street Fighter 6. Still cute either way.
Imagine how powerful she would be if they just gave her a skirt.
Oh well.
She will be forgotten when an actual cute waifu shows up next gen and not someone who is just a drop of water in a desert.
If you’re looking for Nemona wearing a skirt, I’ve got a pic right here.

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Hey everyone, Nemonafag here! Though it's been so long you might've forgotten even who I am. I woudln't blame you, that's a very impractical name in these threads!!

Anyway, I'm the guy writing an actual pokemon-length-fic Nemona story called "Our Treasure Trails". And lately I've been in a pokemon-length-fic hiatus myself. But after three months I'm here to tell you that I'm still hard at it. I've just released a new chapter on AO3 for everyone to enjoy!

Yeah, I've had a lot happen, but I'm happy to get back to it even harder than before. Don't worry, I haven't burnt out or lost motivation. Oh, but this new chapter doesn't all feature Nemona. But absence makes the heart grow fonder, so I'll hope the slow burn (and pokemon shenanigans) will titillate you.

Here's the link to the fic.

P.S. I'll refine the styling and publish it on other sites in a few days, I'm really rushing this out. I'll respond to you all in a few hours!
I’m glad you still browse these threads. We truly don’t deserve you. I’m pretty sure you at least partially inspired me to write fics of my own, so thanks for that.
Oh wow. Wow wow wow.
Glad we still have OCfags around, bless you
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imagine the smell
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I am no longer drunk!
first, >>56181363 kys you piece of shit, How dare you do that shit in the old thread, you pisscord turd
second, >>56197188 Nemona suffers from limerence, making it highly unlikely that she would ever look at another person the way she looks at the MC
Thirdly, >>56202191 ,God bless you, Anon.
They made her a hot yandere and the MC (male) a shota by comparison. /ss/ is based. this is why Nemona is so good.
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This Anon knows what's up
>that's a very impractical name in these threads!!

it really is, literally all of us are nemona lovers. any other names like write anon? or is that one taken?
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That's it I need to jerk off now fuck you
lucky rat
I'd be kino to see Nemona dressed up as characters from other vidya even if it is AIslop
I like Our Treasure Trails because it doesn't make Nemona into a yandere or complete battle autist. It goes into a reslistic portrayal of a mildly hyperfixating girl that has problems socializing and puts her against someone who can be her equal in terms of personality, forcing both of them to grow.

this chapter was Arven focused, so I don't have too much to say, other than that I like Haruto's reaction to Mabostif's condition, and I'm happy to see them later. If I were to suggest anything, it would be what >>56199024 said
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Hoenn Nemona
Cute tomboy
goth nemona
>be girl
>act friendly towards the player
/vp/ users are so desperate that this is all it takes
Yes. Problem?
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Well, yeah, when a character is friendly to you, it's natural to like them
okay but nemonafags dont just "like" nemona. they are all in love with her, based on a little virtual kindness. its pathetic
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Limbless Nemona
If liking a kind character makes someone happy, what's the harm in that? We're on 4chan; there are Anons enjoying and writing much worse things
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[Verse 1]
You're getting older
Your journey's been
Etched on your skin
Wish I had known that
What seemed so strong
Has been and gone

I would call you up every Saturday night
And we'd both stay out 'til the morning light
And we sang "Here we go again."
And though time goes by
I will always be in a club with you in 1973
Singing "Here we go again."

[Verse 2]
Wish I was sober
So I could see clearly now
The rain has gone
I guess it's over
My memory plays our tune
The same old song.
If that were true, I'd love Shauna too, but I don't care for her.
It's because Nemona slowly grows closer to you over the course of the story and has some depth to her character. Honestly, I found her pretty annoying at first, but she grew on me. Later you learn that she is socially really incompetent and can't read the room to safe her life, which is a charming flaw.
And then in a postgame event, she reveals how her talent in Pokémon battling resulted in loneliness, cause suddenly she was way better than anyone else and nobody could relate to her and refused to battle her. That's why she clung to her so much, she saw your talent and you just moved to Paldea, so you couldn't have known about her bad reputation at the academy. She just really wanted a friend who could also be on her level when it came to battling.

I can tell you never played SV because if you did, you'd understand. The writing is on a completely different level compared to previous games, and it makes all the difference to how appealing a character is.
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it's a good rat
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>And then in a postgame event, she reveals how her talent in Pokémon battling resulted in loneliness, cause suddenly she was way better than anyone else and nobody could relate to her and refused to battle her. That's why she clung to her so much, she saw your talent and you just moved to Paldea, so you couldn't have known about her bad reputation at the academy. She just really wanted a friend who could also be on her level when it came to battling.
I want to emphasize that I appreciate how GF doesn't force Nemona's backstory on you. It's nice to uncover the details gradually and piece together the whole puzzle yourself.
Yeah there is no sudden exposition dumps, it happens gradually and lets things build up first. It makes quite a difference.
It truly makes you feel like you’ve gotten to know Nemona as a friend.
huh reference?
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This has to be the dumbest picture I've seen of nemona yet.
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That's one of the oldest ones around
Ok, and? That doesn't negate it from being fucking stupid.
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meh If I remember correctly, it was based on a meme. this other one too
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this is just kinda cringe
You're not doing yourself justice. Just go back to posting busty images of nemona.
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>go back to your dormitory room after a day of intense competitive vgc™ pokemon battles
>open the door
>THIS is your field of vision at that very moment
>"Oh,hey there Anon-kun..i hope you didn't expended all your energies because..you know, it's 'bout to be getting real HOT in here..WE going to do battle until I AM satisfied..you know what i mean, right?..Thehehe~"

What's your sincere course of actions, be honest /vp/
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>>competitive vgc™ pokemon battles
Greentext ruined and now I’m pissed.
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Nemona's final team should have been a full autistic compfag build.
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She would have needed to capture paradox pokemon for that.
Uhh, Nemona shouldnt look this fertile, at least not yet...
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Nemona would definitely wear a costume like that just for you on special occasions. Maybe on your birthday?
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Nemona's honest thoughts about sex?
She’s a virgin. She’s waiting to do it with someone she truly loves (in other words, you).
What >>56206564 said but she has still woken up multiple times rubbing herself against her pillow and having orgasms in a semi-wake state, driven entirely by her urges.
Absolutely, I forgot to mention that. Ever since she first met you, she’s been masturbating at least once a week. She occasionally wakes up in a pool of her own fluids with her panties down to her ankles just from subconsciously thinking of you.
Nemona is not THAT lewd.
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She doesn't really get it. How can sex be so good when battling exists?
But maybe she can learn. Especially if you make it competitive somehow.
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That’s the best part!
Out of ten!
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for me it's her height
That’s a good point. She’s nice and tall, so she gives really great hugs.
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Nemona thinks you should be committed to an asylum
Post your bellibolt, NuShaun hates frogs
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Holà Rekiuum, como esta?
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Imagine you're the Hypno in the picture, and Nemona is the nurse at the future asylum where you'll be confined permanently, now get the fuck out of the thread
So I (understandably) get a 3 day ban for posting porn in a Perrin thread once, but this guy spams fucked up fetish porn across the whole board and merely gets a slap on the wrist and comes back in a few hours?
IP evasion I'm sure
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Whatever you say Druid
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Protected by a crooked mod
He ban evades like crazy.
That faggot is a fucking pain in the ass, somehow he always manage to post his shit in threads I'm involved in.
Can’t they just ban his images already?
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I'm going to pretend that thing isn't here.
I got a universal 3 day ban a few weeks ago for calling a guy from Uruguay "Ur a gay". If the man isn't ban evading, I don't know who is. My only hope is that he has to pay money to do it.

I'll give you a quick rundown:

1-) He's obviously mentally ill/have serious problems ,hence why he vents out on /vp/ because his problem may be related to arguments being posted in here

2-) Allegedly he's reciprocating licking asshole with a mod/janny of the board (the delcattyschizo), hence why he's getting free passes

3-) He's bored,love getting attention from the internet and has an internet provider that gives a new ip everytime the modem is reset

Fact is,the mods are clearly taking sides because this mentally ill faggot goes on shitposting for hours before getting the hammer, while if you post cropped porn or a tiny tidy bit of pussy/areolas/pubes is shown,you get it in less than 10 minutes
I love Nemona…
Oh really? mention 10 things about Nemona.
Looks like *that* pool lol
What pool?
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The one where i fucked your mum kek
It’s a pool that appears in a lot of JAV/photo shoots.
What are they looking at?
>Bumping without pic
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Oh no, someone stop it

What Pokemon is that
Laughing at SV's shitty graphics
I love that game but man that scene is downright ridiculous with how shit the environment looks :(
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Kinda reminds me of this pic
Kekless and kys
What music do you think Nemona would listen to? I personally think she’d listen to peppy, upbeat pop-rock music. It fits her energetic and carefree personality. I feel like she’d be a big fan of Avril Lavigne.

She knows you wont focus on the fight...
Quaquaval is so cool, shame that people hate it
She blasts the Gen III track on a loop at maximum volume
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I would have liked to see Nemona with more of a yandere personality.
Which gen 3 track?
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all Emerald tracks, ofc
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"Nemo in ladylike style"
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It took me a while, but I finally finished it
That looks absolutely fantastic! Great job.
Thanks, Anon. It was fun making it
Are you the anon who made these two images?
I see his slap on the wrist has worn off.
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Yes, I'm the same Anon who made those. This pic inspired me to learn how to draw.
Fantastic, your work is amazing as always. I don’t blame you for being inspired by that pic, it’s once of my favourites without a doubt. It’s very accurate to the official artstyle, and she looks very cute with bare legs. Her feet look pretty cute as well.
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Shit, forgot the image.
Why is Pawmot blushing?
No clue. Maybe he’s just very happy to be there.
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and that's it, the next chapter focuses on Larry, but Nemona is mentioned throughout the remaining chapters until she faces Geeta.

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