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> "Noooooo the negligible amount of total manhours should be spent on something else because I don't personally care."
how does being able to use stantler make the game better
Your salty tears.
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>Reminder that the games would be a trillion times better if they wasted their project time pandering to my autistic retarded arse and not bothered making a game
Good job they didn't do that then, isn't it you autistic retarded arsehole?
You're being reductive. It's the complete freedom full transfer provides that makes the games better
Why do you think including all Pokémon and making a good game is mutually exclusive? We only saw evidence of the opposite.
>dodges the question
No stantler = no full transfer freedom.
I'm sorry you're too retarded to connect the dots.
and yet you can't answer my simple question. Curious.
you're right but you're not going to convince anybody who doesn't already acknowledge this. people have chosen their camps, they've dug their heels in and need to justify to themselves their compulsion to keep buying Pokemon games. you won't get through to them.
I just did retard.
Mainly because including all the pokémon led the series to three of the worst games for actual engaging, entertaining campaigns.
But you can pretend to think the 3DS games were actually peak 3D. I'm a realist and know Game Freak were at their best when they only had 500 to worry about adding to the game.
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They should have used dexit to cull all the past gens' legendaries if they wanted to do something interesting with it.

Yeah yeah I get it, legendaries are more popular than shitmons, but it hardly even makes sense lore-wise to have legendaries from every single past region available in Paldea.

The early gen games had way less legendaries overall. It leads to legendaries feeling less special over time, and certain legends that used to have more of a regional identity start to lose that.

Dexit could have been at least used as an opportunity to completely reverse legendary bloat but they didn't even use it for that.
>Mainly because including all the pokémon led the series to three of the worst games for actual engaging, entertaining campaigns.
Bullshit. They were bad because of bad design choices. They were at there best when during the DS Era because of their mindset. Not because they had less Pokémon. The Switch games are just like 3ds games with bigger maps and less pokemon.
I thought you Dexchuds decided to move the goal post and say removing Pokemon is actually GOOD because y'all wanted to shill PLA.
I still stand by my stance that the National Dex only impacts two sections of this community
>Hyper Autists who desperately need to play every game with fucking Mankey
> The cancer of this community, Poketubers milking these games using this for either "le epic" randomizer nuzlockes or JRose's mental decline
I'm glad they stopped just to fuck with those parts of the community
First they cut the mons and several moves, now they cut set mode, battle animation toggles, and Battle Facilities. At this point, I'm curious to see just how much more gets axed..
Are my favorite mons in the game? I buy. Are they not? I don't buy. Simple as
This ignores how the DS era only had to worry about two unique sprites per Pokémon and at most one animation, compared to now having Pokémon with detailed models needing 3-5 at minimum animations. This increases if they get something new or if GF adds a minigame. While I can get the mindset argument Pokémon as a franchise has always been a time crunch, Dex cut is the solution to going 3D
PLA is good in spite of the dexcut. Scat and Vomit are not good and made worse by the dexcut. If the games are good then you can justify a dexcut. It's not really a difficult concept to grasp
They're going to cut battling and catching next. The next game will just have "Push A to win".
>PLA is good
Maybe if your IQ is below 75.
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>they cut set mode
They didn't fucking cut set mode
Pretty sure Gen 5 had not only a main looping animation, but also a random chance of playing a different one as well. Furthermore, despite SM using basically the same models as XY (I'm sure you can pick some file-type changes but they're all tri'd from the same quad meshes and Creatures Inc. almost certainly has a base texture they made that can be edited for the game's needs), development on that was so fucked that they made the Island Trials during the debugging phase, so clearly the problem is somewhere else and it's probably Ohmori.
Anon, the entire reason Pokemon Home exists is to appeal to autists
Those two animations are more or less the same animation just split between two phases. Also ignores how Gen 5 reused countless Gen 4 sprites to balance out the new animations. While you're true that they can reuse the models I'd argue it still heavily limits what they can do compared to the sprites where you were expected to have a sense of disbelief as the sprites were jiggled around like car keys.

Maybe it might be Ohmori though I still feel the issue is them wanting to do so much while having such limiting deadlines. SM is clearly one of the most rushed Pokemon games (right behind DP) PLZA is giving me the vibe that this time issue is being messed with to find the best direction.
Good comparatively speaking. It's the best pokemon game since the dexcut. What a sad world we live in.
No not really. The games would be better if Game Freak actually felt pressured to push out a decent game. That's exactly why they've been shitting out low effort shit. There's literally no pressure other than having the games release by their proposed dates. I'm not saying there needs to be "le edgy pokemon killer clone #43,628" to make Game Freak "shit themselves" but rather we need some higher up to grab the devs by the balls and actually threaten them to make a decent game with their positions on the line
no they wouldnt
It's one the worst of gen 8, only behind nu-Snap
Even if I did you'd call me a bort.
One major problem here is that people think that the amount of effort to include all the previous gen Pokémon in a game increases overtime the more Pokémon are made, which is objectively wrong.

I want them to keep including every past gen Pokémon in every future game, while still adding over a 100 new Pokémon each gen, while still making a good game. And I'm NOT kidding.
>removed the natdex
>removed option to turn exp share off
>removed set mode
>removed option to avoid affection
>removed dozens of good moves like Return/Frustration, Pursuit, Snatch, etc.
>removed battle facilities
>removed good performance
>removed the option to turn animations off
>removed Pokerus
>removed triple/rotation battles
>removed PSS
>removed secret bases

>gained ?????
Sounds like PLA, at least the battling part
Who transfers pokemon and for what reason other than making a youtube video?
You will not be able to answer this question because you outsource your thinking to xitter.
I do, because Pokemon is one of the very few RPG's that allows you to transfer your party members from one game to the next. I have Pokemon from as far back as Diamond in Ultra Moon and I probably would have quit this franchise earlier than I did had transfers not been a thing.
>swsh sucks due to many reasons, stantler not being in it isn't one of them, but the exclusion of other pokemon is the reason
>bdsp is based on a good game meaning stantler is in it (granted bdsp sucks but that's another can of worms)
>pla gives stantler an evolution and is one of the highest rated games in the franchise since b2w2
>sv, while horribly glitchy, is seen as a step in the right direction after the dumpster fire that was gen 8. stantler (and wyrdeer) is also in it
You're not helping your case much.
I have used DPPt and HGSS mons in PWT before.
Then got some mons in USUM with gen3 transfer-only moves, such as Counter Jigglypuff.
>no one has answered this question yet
Except it has. Going "LALALALALALALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING LALALALALALA GEN 5 SUCKS LALALALALALALALALALALALA" whenever someone answers your question doesn't mean it hasn't been answered.
Dexit killed Pokémon forever, but don't even bother arguing with people that still buy Pokémon games, they unironically have no standards and will even defend GF.
XY had the natdex and it still sucked shit
>Except it has
Show me which post has a straight answer to the question instead of just deflecting and changing the subject
Natdex was one of the most important aspects of XY; a big part of the hype for XY was seeing ALL of the old monsters in 3D for the first time
It was the finishing touch, but let's be real Gen 6 started killing it, Gen 7 dealt a major hit, and Gen 9 is shitting on the grave.
>Gen 6 started killing it
>Dexit killed pokemon
So gen 3 killed pokemon? Because you stupid zoomer fucks keep forgetting that game cut pokemon before Shart and Shit did.
XY’s problem was the lack of identity due to all the KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pandering, due to Game Freak caving to the retards who threw a tantrum over unova Pokémon being allowed to shine instead of having their spotlight stolen by KANTOOOOOOOOOO mons
Gen 5 was the start of the decline. It was a sharp fast drop off a steep high cliff from the absolute peak that was HGSS.

You can literally trace every single problem people have with gens 6 onward to Gen 5.
>XY's problem is that pokemon are in the game
You're right, I've never recovered from the Battle Frontier Project, but at least you could still use any Pokémon in Gen 6 and 7.
>for the first time
This nigga never played Stadium and PBR

>You can literally trace every single problem people have with gens 6 onward to Gen 5.
I can't because Gen 5 has post-game, doesn't introduce a gimmick with favoritism inherently built in and doesn't turn EXP share into either party-wide or nothing.
>I can't because Gen 5 has post-game,
So does gen 6
>doesn't introduce a gimmick with favoritism inherently built in
Neither does gen 6
>and doesn't turn EXP share into either party-wide or nothing
This isn't a problem

find better arguments
I disagree, limited pokedex make for more interesting metas. Also I think it's good if you're "forced" to used pokemon you'd normally maybe not take. I've had a lot of fun making the ace of my team something random. Currently doing a HGSS and I found a Miltank, decided it would be my ace and it's been fun. Of course everyone has their own preferred playstyle so I do understand why people would want a completed pokedex. However with the growing roster of mons I also think it'll be more and more unrealistic to always include everyone, especially when they want to update animations or artstyle.

Honestly Sword and Shield (which I personally quite like) would be better if the Pokémon Company didn't prioritize merch, the anime, and the card game over the mainline games.
>So does gen 6
All previous gens minus the first did way more with their post-game.
>Neither does gen 6
Megas. While in Gen 5 you could technically argue gems are a "gimmick" but everyone can use them.
>This isn't a problem
It is for many people who hate on nu gens, and cannot be traced back to pre-gen6.
Not even you believe this
Wyrdeer made PLA substantially better and Wyrdeer's availability in Pokemon SV makes me happy.
I do and it's to keep my bros with me. Are Pokemon just bits of data to you? Why bother playing the games at all if the Pokemon don't even have enough significance that you'd want to keep them? My Pokemon are part of my personal history; I have Pokemon on Pokemon Violet right now that are 20 years old. And I don't need nobodies on here or twitter to give me upvotes for that to matter.
>All previous gens minus the first did way more with their post-game.
What about them?
>It is for many people who hate on nu gens
You being a retard doesn't mean something is a problem. Find better arguments.

>not even you believe this is which is why I can't actually refute it
"Nu-huh" is not an argument. Compare the entirety of Kanto in two different gens, all the Emerald facilities, FRLG islands, half of Unova, PWT etc. etc.
>What about them?
Only some mons get them, and because of that they are now denied proper evolutions in the following games, aside from the obvious issues like inflating their value.
>You being a retard doesn't mean something is a problem. Find better arguments.
Ad homs aren't arguments either, follow your own advice.

>You can literally trace every single problem people have with gens 6 onward to Gen 5.
>answer that people have a problem with nuEXP share
>huuuuh doesn't count
>"Nu-huh" is not an argument
"Yuh-huh" is not an argument

>Only some mons get them
Only some Pokemon get Flamethrower. Does that mean moves are a gimmick based on favoritism?
Only some Pokemon have BST > 500. Does that mean stats are a gimmick based on favoritism?
>Ad homs aren't arguments either
There is no ad hom. I'm simply stating a fact.

>huuuuh doesn't count
Yes, things that aren't problems don't count as problems. Go figure, huh?
>"Yuh-huh" is not an argument
I named multiple things. You are literally doing what >>56197823 predicted, on a different question but still.

Not comparable to a new form that adds both BST and an ability.

>Yes, things that aren't problems don't count as problems.
It answers to your argument, regardless of whether you personally think it's a "real" problem or not

Last (You), since you have made clear you are going to close your ears and ignore proper answers.
This guy you're arguing is just a troll. It's not worth it.
>I named multiple things
No, you just said "these games have better postgame because I said so"
>Not comparable
Yes they are. Only some Pokemon get Huge Power. Does that mean abilities are a gimmick based on favoritism?
>It answers to your argument,
No, it doesn't. I said "problem", not "thing retards think are problems"

>he's a troll, that's why I can't refute any of his arguments
I figured.
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Let me elaborate on this, actually. I'm not saying that it wouldn't be neat having the full rosters again, but it's low on the wishlist for other things that I think would also improve the newer games. What REALLY frustrates me in the dexit era is how many moves suddenly got chopped off the block for basically no reason, like Embargo, Feint Attack, Dizzy Punch, Heal Block, Magnitude, Pursuit, Sonicboom, and a bunch more. Then there's also the infamous butt ugly graphics and performance issues, more on SwSh for the former and SV for the latter. Then we have the Harrowing Halls of Hell that made the BW to SwSh maps stinky doodoo garbage and SV that threw random bullshit everywhere. Then there's the bloated fat fuck exp yields they haven't unfucked since XY. The thing I have the most burning contempt for, however, is the age of DLC, where we have to pay for one and a half console games for the full game. I can't believe it's been 7 years since the last time a pokemon game was $40 and not fucking $90.

If we got the natdex back, that'd be fine, but I'm not exactly jumping for joy at that scenario. We're still 6 steps behind.
>Then there's the bloated fat fuck exp yields they haven't unfucked since XY
Then why is USUM the hardest game in the series?
>in the dexit era is how many moves suddenly got chopped off the block for basically no reason
Yeah. Whenever I hear people talk about dexit they usually bring up Pokemon but I always found moves to be relevant to the discussion as well since even mons that are in will be affected.
>the games after dexit are the second and third best selling in the franchise
Nobody really cares
>Then there's the bloated fat fuck exp yields they haven't unfucked since XY
Gen 5*
>is how many moves suddenly got chopped off the block for basically no reason, like Embargo, Feint Attack, Dizzy Punch, Heal Block, Magnitude, Pursuit, Sonicboom, and a bunch more
how is this a bad thing
Maybe you want to use these moves
Hard for nuzlockefags, maybe. Totem Pokemon and Necrozma in USUM are the only outliers, and thats because they're proto raid bosses that expect you to lose a mon or two in a dragged out fight.
Or far more likely you don't. What's far more important is the option for someone somewhere to use Mothim if they feel like it, not Dizzy Punch.
That's still the same troll, don't reply.
Why not both. Dexit is bad on all fronts.
>its hard but i also call it dragged out because its not in my favorite gen
every time
Then I can play the games that have those moves.

Do you play Platinum and then cry that your Floatzel can't use Wave Crash? I don't see how it's relevant to the game's quality.
That attitude is exactly why GF was able to get away with culling Wormadam on the one person that remembered it exists. If every single move, feature, character, etc, etc is just as valuable and necessary to be included in the next game to the point some idiot will complain no matter how tiny the feature then might as well admit keeping all Pokemon is also impossible. Keeping all Pokemon is vital, but so long as fans are divided and say shit like Dizzy Punch is important too or ball seals or muh waifu or whatever else then GF can keep getting away with saying they have to cut something.
I'd say moves are almost as important as the Pokemon themselves. You could cut redundancies but not shit with unique effects.
I know, but I want to set the record straight for anybody skimming the thread
>Totem Pokemon and Necrozma in USUM are the only outliers
As opposed to previous games which have no outliers and the entire game is easy?
He will just keep dragging the thread down with hyperbole, ignoring any counters or straight up lying. As you can clearly see
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Instead, they use dexit as a way to sell DLC to pad out its miniscule content because "everyone loves legendaries and they love catching them".
>look, starters are back!
>look, legendaries are back!
>look, a new legendary that may or may not break our official tournaments!
>look, content that should've been in the base game!
>give us $35 now, and if you mess up and buy the DLC for the version you don't own, tough shit sucker
>poorfags seething
it always came down to this anyway
S/V is so bad I wouldn't even pirate it tho. They have to pay me for playing it
>game A is easy
>game B is easy but has hard outliers
>somehow you're not supposed to think game B is harder because I'm assblasted that my childhood games are worse
hmmm I'm starting to think you're the troll who's ignoring any counters and straight up lying.
Yeah hes just trolling, no reason to reply. Hes probably just a Zeldafag who has never even touched a Pokemon game.
But they cut the option for the player to choose Set Mode.
For those who don't know, all battles in multiplayer, battle facilities, and any other battles outside of Singles in the single player campaign has always been forced to Set Mode. In Scarlet and Violet, Singles are forced to Switch Mode, which is what about 99% of battles where the opponent has more than 1 Pokémon in the base game and The Teal Mask are.
just press B bro
I thought everyone knew that. Not the biggest loss ever to be fair since you can just not switch but why even cutting it at all?
>game cut pokemon before Shart and Shit did.
What are you talking about grandpa? FRLG fix this.
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Don't be an apologist for the loss of player choice.
Player choice isn't inherently good.
Why isn't it in this case?
Yeah, but then I have to press a button every time and see a pokemon coming anyway. Set means that I don't do that AND I don't have to make an objectively bad play dozens of times
The whole psychological angle is overblown as hell. Not even defending the cut since I'm baffled by it as well, just sayin' this argument is really weak and you are making an "objectively bad decision" every time you don't pick the strongest mons, moves, etc.
Oh no you have to press a button? Game ruined.
>The whole psychological angle is overblown as hell.
Maybe so, but what's not overblown is the unnecessary 100+ B button presses in a SV playthrough to someone who regularly picks Set Mode.
If I wanted to press the same button at regular intervals while in a trance-like state, I'd go play a rhythm game.
>If I wanted to press the same button at regular intervals while in a trance-like state
Funny you think this doesnt already happen in every Pokemon game
Dude you're already playing Pokemon and mashing the A button. You should be pleased you get to press B now every once in awhile.
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It's annoying, that's why I don't like that they removed it. Am I not allowed to find that annoying? Do I have to write a fucking essay over how I found this feature of the game, or lack thereof, personally irritating towards me? Why the FUCK am I not allowed to not like this part of the game they changed? Is it because I don't slop up every goddamn decision that gets approval in Gamefreak? Am I not a good consumer who dared to think that the "QoL" changes in this generation were unnecessary or even negative?? Jesus tapdancing CHRIST, this pisses me off to no fucking end, I hate this shitty board so goddamn MUCH.
No one gives a shit about your nitpicky genwar autism complaints so shut the fuck up.
>Am I not allowed to find that annoying?
>Do I have to write a fucking essay over how I found this feature of the game, or lack thereof, personally irritating towards me?
Actually my point is that it would be better if you just said it's annoying. It's worse when people try to sound smart and come up with an argument that is ironically a lot more shaky.
Ah yes, because how DARE I be critical of the games I spend my time playing. How many more dicks do you need in your mouth to stop talking?
>instant homosexual projection
Typical Zeldafag, you have never played Pokemon in your life.
>The Switch games are just like 3ds games with bigger maps and less pokemon.
Not really, there's a lot more tertiary content to do in them than there was in the gen 6 and 7 games especially when you factor in DLC.
Also as of Indigo disk SV has more pokemon than Ultra Sun and Moon.

In his defence it's not like GF makes the models, that's all creatures.
Keep slurping those corporate boots, dungeater.
I know you do, Zeldafag. Now stop shitposting.
because having more options to choose from is good
>Actually my point is that it would be better if you just said it's annoying. It's worse when people try to sound smart and come up with an argument that is ironically a lot more shaky.
Alright, that's fair. It's a bad habit of mine trying to overexplain something when nobody asked to elaborate.
Sorry, not sorry, I'll type whatever the fuck I want to type. Argue with the janitors and your religious idol TPC
SV are glitchier than gen 1 and don't even have battle tower
SV has like 3 times more Pokemons to choose from than Gen 1 so its 3 times better right.
>admit keeping all Pokemon is also impossible
It isn't
Pokemon's greatest strength is the agency it gives to players, most notably the catching and training aspect of pokemon. But there is such a thing as too many options, like having too many branching paths or weapon options to balance in a videogame. I feel as though that the difference from switch to set however is miniscule enough to not be that polarizing of an option to have that would work at the detriment of the overall campaign
Gen 1 had 151 out of 151 Pokémon. So it gets full marks
Only because they are the switch anon. And every other franchise on the switch had bare minimum 1.5 times their previous best's sales.
The reason why japanese devs dominate gaming is because they don't listen to spergs like you.
Only 151 vs 700 something.. Damn SV is too good.
> more interesting metas
They can ban Pokémon instead hakaing them
> Also I think it's good if you're "forced" to used pokemon you'd normally maybe not take.
You're not though. There is always some popular Pokémon like Gyrados in the game and the cuts are just as likely to affect old Pokémon you never tried before.
I literally did
700/1000 C-

You don't understand having AL
Simple math.
>SV are glitchier than gen 1 and don't even have battle tower
SV's glitches are purely graphical wirh most being limited to online co-op.
As for the battle tower, it's just battling. I'd take Ogre oustin and the flight courses along with everything else over it any day.
>125 posts
>still no answer
You didn't like the answers
100% > 70%
Simple math.
Yeah 100% of 700 is bigger than 70% of 151. Gladf you are learning.
And just because it's a bigger gross doesn't mean it's a bigger percentage. Glad you are learning. The 100% is what's most important.
Bigger number is bigger, yes.
Yes western publishers put all there eggs in the live service basket because that's what the nerds want. What planet are you on pal?
And 100% is the biggest possible.
BDSP has 100% of the Pokemon available through gens 1-4 therefore they're the best Switch Pokemon titles.
120% is bigger doe
Yes but it's not possible to have 120% of a set.
SV is 200% so it wins again gg no re
no it's 70%
270%? Pretty high.
They literally just distorted the sprites this shit was less work than making half a 3D model and looked like dogshit the entire time
I'm still fucking pissed they gave us the most fucking shitty "gliding" on the Raidon's that doesn't work properly, then locked ACTUAL FLYING to the end of DLC. Fucking greedy cunts
Wipe the cum off your lips
1 attention given
I fundamentally disagree. I think limited options give a region character and a metagame a chance to feature new pokemon. There's over a 1000 of these little assholes. Let's have more regional variants and less foddermon.
We tried to tell you shit slurping swines that if they got away with it it wouldnt be the end and that that was crucial as well as transfering/freedom of choice/battle scene.

Now you cant transfer scorbunny and you didn't get to fuck Marnie. And we're now at scarvio quality. You're simply delusional if you think anything nice will come from lza.

No promised free bug fixes, qol or dlc for you, ever. Line back up for the next game.
You just don't get it.
Regional variants are cringe.
Why don't you understand that competitive doesn't justify the dexcut not only because only a small subset of the fandom play it but because they can simply make as many rulesets with Pokémon restrictions as they want to in each game.
>only a small subset of the fandom play it
an even smaller subset of the fandom give a fuck about whether or not all the pokemon exist in the game
I don't want your attention, I'm just sickened at the dicksucking some of you do for free. From Red and Green all the way back in '96 up until the shitshow that was BDSP a few years back we had Set Mode programmed into every single game. Now it's gone with no explanation given and somehow some of you guys still find ways to excuse it, it's just disappointing.
Collecting was so popular they made home and bank in the first place. Collecting was a core conceit of the game the tryhard bs came way later. Remember why Oak gave you the pokedex? Pokémon wasn't originally going to have pvp at all.
Would people have been fine with the full national dex but gamefreak limits what's allowed competitively? So you can have maractus, but it would be banned from the competitive scene.
I would be fine with them not wasting dev time putting the Pokemon in the game in the first place if it has no actual purpose except for an autist on reddit to stare at it in the PC.
weren't they already doing this with little issue? basically yes
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this is correct. This is also most likely the reason that SV are shit games. Fans don't ridicule GF enough and now we get more and more shit games
I don't see how this make any sense at all. Dexit didn't happen for balance reasons
I'd prefer it. I wouldn't even care if they didn't update "non-native" mons with moves or textures and just ported the models from the last game they were relevant in. Ban them from wonder trade too.

I just want to play with my bros.
It makes sense, because it's a spergy little autist DESPERATELY trying to come up with a legitimate argument for the continuation of something that's been proven to be an anchor around the necks of the devs in the 3D era. Because it's the only way she'll be able to enjoy pokémon, when she's not separated from her very first favourite shitmon.
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>the ammount of actual unironic pedophiles the #BBND movement exposed on Twitter & Discord with zero effort was honestly quite a sight to behold.
>something that's been proven to be an anchor around the necks of the devs in the 3D era
I suppose that means you can provide the appropriate proof to back up this statement.
This place when they called SM a visual novel or when they raged about the promise of XY in the early game falling away to shit after Clermont's gym battle.
But like I said, you're desperate to bullshit a legitimate reason to re-add so ething cut because developers understand video game development infinitely better than spergy autistic retarded manchildren crying over decisions made to produce a kid's video game for kids, for the 5th year running since it got announced.
I suppose that means you failed to provide proof for a statement you claim to be "proven".
Ohmori saying they had no programmers to code in trials and that implementation of trials didn't start is evidence enough. But you baby bastards can't understand how games get developed in general, let alone pokémon in particular so ignore it to cry your autism needs a checklist to get an errection when you play pogeymans and the dopamine hit when you open Bank and move everything in.
Meanwhile, it gets every yet more unwieldy, given they're adding 100-ish new ones every Gen still, even if they're never going to all be in one game ever again. But you're going to ignore that to cry harder, so enjoy crying like a liuttle baby boitch in your 80's over this crap. I'll be dead, but will have enjoyed the games up to my demise, you'll have cried over them longer than loved them.
that implementation of trials didn't start until debug phase**
I still see no proof whatsoever related to cutting Pokemon, only a lot of bitching.
I see alot of proof related to cutting Pokemon, thank you for providing it.
But why should the consumers care they didn't have enough time when they force themselves to pump out content on such a fixed schedule?
Yes absolutely. It's what they used to do before the dexcut
holy esl
it's not the consumer's job to understand game development
if they are crunching themselves and find that they put themselves in a bad place by making promises they can't keep that's on them
yes, people will complain about one of the main gimmicks of pokemon being cut for ease of development when that still lead to one of the buggiest games on release
they ONLY develop for a single system and it still looks like shit so of course people will complain
i seriously don't get people that need to defend the removal of features this bad, it has to be just for (You)s
> xenochu
> silverleague networks
> entity mays
Who else?
>1 pokemon = 1 content
not even trying, here's your (You)
>no argument
See? No point in engaging when you've your "stroippy toddler" head on because the world doesn't give a fuck for you enough to make their video games for kids for (You) instead.
Because those that can be educated on things can be enlightened. Those that are unashamedly backwards-minded nostalgiatards without an ounce of concept how video games get made beyond "push the big red button that says 'make game' and wait two years" are irrelevant which is why the interview wasn't in a deep-cut nerdblog on livejournal but one intended for a greater casual market consumption.
More worthless bitching, and still 0 proof.
I'm fluent in English cumrag. I just type how my regional dialect flows in the real world (because I'm thinking of what I say as if I was face-to-face to you saying it). Couldn't have been that bog a blow-back, SS hit 26m, SV's at 24 and counting, is going to get an extra year of being the "main" game and then we're into the 30th anniversary of the series AND the first game on the new system, so good luck with that one.
>sales mean quality doesn't matter
More outright ignorance both at-hand and education-wise and still more useless seething she's a non-entity to her babysitter/parental divorce therapist.
Now with 200% more projections, I see.
Yes dude, when it comes down to "should we waste time and money making a kid's game look like a triple A/full-studio movie", just to sate some fat sweaty overly-invested nerds who clearly can't let go of their childhood sense of self-importance". taht's why the casuals aren't crying like little baby bitches about it - they understand A) Pokémon will FOREVER be a kid-first IP, B) they only got tech worth a fuck in 2015, when they got their Switch dev kit and up to then, were constrained to a game boy, a portable SNES a portable N64 and an obsolete mobile phone.
But I understand exactly what moving to 3D entails for implementing things in a game engine. You don't and in your simplistic understanding of what it is think it's easy to just drop 1000 models+ into an engine, which is why you're still melting down over Game Freak cutting 400 of those out in a production cycle, to better focus on the rest of the game beyond the autistim checklist.
>But I understand exactly what moving to 3D entails for implementing things in a game engine.
Doubt. Small indie company btw
If you don't want the opinion of "fat sweaty overly-invested nerds" i seriously have to wonder why you are even here and not spending time with the enlightened casuals
People here can understand why the cuts are made, why they remove mechanics and why it won't change, doesn't mean we won't complain about it
People complain about it because they care, because they wish the games were better
Is that such a bad thing?
Because a game can be more fun if you have the option to use pokemon you like over what you are given.
If you don't like the distribution of pokemon provided to you in the game you can transfer over a different starter or different pokemon for you to play the game with.

Maybe the pokemon you want is not in till late game, and by that time you already have a full set. Maybe your favorite pokemon isn't even in the game or is locked behind post game swarm mechanics.

The game can be made better with more options. I try to always have a bunch of new pokemon in the new games, but if I replay it. I want to use mon I really love.

Also you get less attatched to modern pokemon because you don't know when they will ever show up again.
I love dubwool dracozolt and dracovish, centiscorsh. They're already cut.
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Aye. And the biggest advantage this franchise has over anything else is especially the ability to trade and transfer.
Even casuals hate dexcut, assuming they have played more than one game.
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I think it was glameow who only ever shown up before post, in one mainline pokemon game.
BW2 requires entralink and I am not sure if that even works anymore.
Dream World is dead so no luck. You have to catch the one from Pearl or ORAS.
>Because a game can be more fun if you have the option to use pokemon you like over what you are given
The game has 600+ Pokemon. You can already use Pokemon you like.
The nidos too. They usually get added in DLC thanks to Kanto privilege but they're only available in the main game in Kanto/Johto
Oh dam didn't know that.
Least it shows up in swarms n stuff.
Nidoking's pretty cool.

If the pokemon I want to use is lucky enough to be in the game.
If my fave isn't in that select list?
It's almost as if, it would be better if there was more options. But if you wana just disregard my comment that's fine.
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Because the "enlightened casuals" are still tertiary market behind furfags. And I got caught by Disney in the late 80's And this place is the least distasteful of places where furfags are majority opinion because there's less chatter from the fursuit furfags (I don't doubt they're out there. I do know LARPing in a fursuit isn't seen as acceptable to the board's tastes).
Child, if the games were trying to focus SOLELY on adults, yeah. When it's adults arbitrarily imposing their will on a kid's game for nothing but their own fucking autism (because Game Freak and TPC are going to shill what they want and CHARIZARD) it smacks of being actually legitimately autistic, given you're asking is it bad adults invested in a kiddy brand cry over the kiddy game not wishing to waste dev time doing nothing that ultimately increases sales, vs something that does. Because SV's story doesn't happen with a full 'Dex, because they'd cut the paths/scenes to condense the plot of the game down as small as possible, to have it be easy to finish and sign off on to then focus the lion's share of devtime making the pokémon work in-game, like SM became a visual novel, per /vp/ assessment.
Are you that autistic, you only have one absolute favourite that playing without would seem incomprehensible? Because that's really fucking autistic-sounding coming out of somewhere that's already the hive of fucking autism over a kid's game on the internet.
This but unironically
The engine should have been built around the future proofed models dumbass.
>When it's adults arbitrarily imposing their will on a kid's game for nothing but their own fucking autism
Arbitrarily in what manner? If it was only the dex being cut for the betterment of the game overall this would make sense but SV had one of the most buggy releases in recent game history and it still has heavy performance issues
>doing nothing that ultimately increases sales, vs something that does
They don't actually know what ultimately increases sales, sales can increase due to multiple factors outside game quality, or do you truly believe COD and sports games are the peak of gaming? their sales would say that yes

You know, the biggest reason people dislike the dex cuts is not just because of itself but because they said they were doing so because they would be able to focus in other aspects of the games and polish it
That just didn't happen, so the dex cut hurts even more because there was no increase in game quality
why are you so obsessed with autism?
people here are just giving you what you ask for and you repeatedly act as if we are literally coming up to the developers and pointing a gun to their heads for changes to be made
It's called projection. Why else do you think he is completely incapable of understanding why people can get attached to a pokemon and want to use it in multiple games?
You want a pizza, they give you a cheeseburger.
Now you're autistic because you wanted a Pizza.

Stop being a faggot. Anon asked how being able to use a certain pokemon would make the game better. I answered.
Then you shift over to calls of autism comments? Of course I have more than one favourite, But there's a non zero chance that none of them will be in the game. So I would like them to be in the game. It's not some weird other worldly concept.
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast today anon?
>"dexcut games with stantler are le good!"
>"b-but SV is a step in the right direction!!"
Your argument falls apart with the bs that is sv.
> If the pokemon I want to use is lucky enough to be in the game
There is no luck. If there are 600+ pokemon there will already be pokemon you want to use. Stantler adds nothing to the game that the 600+ pokemon don’t already do.
>the shitty switch mario strikers barely outdid the wii game
Not exactly.
Quit moving the goalposts you fuck.
Also missing, Steelix, Aerodactyle, octillery, well ost of the fossilmon, which is weird because it's about past and future shit. No ferothorn, no druddigon, no orbeetle.
>proving her lack of understanding
Post hands with timestamp.
It was, but you're a hilariously overtly-addicted fucking mong, who immediately took that to mean "We're going to focus SOLELY on DeShawn Williams' of Boise, Idaho's wants and wishes for a adult-focusded kid's series game". Sorry you're a mong, but your low intelligence is the reason why you're continuing to melt down. You're too stupid to learn this isn't your fucking toy anymore, nor do the devs care to make it so again, when they're selling 20m+ copies with new Gen pairs again.
I understand people get attached to things. I don't understand the need and desire to re-use the same fucking pokémon again and again and again, to the point it's absolutely overleveled, just to get what? A check in a column, like an autistic fag? Explain to me, because while I do transfer stuff to hang in my team and understand the value of old friends, I didn't pitch a melty when I couldn't move my shiny Delphox to Sword, despite not actually using it in USM either, as I had finished with the game as a legitimate concern by the time I caught her in X, never mind my 2013 pre-launch day Delphox (because amazon dropped my copy a day early).
Gonna have to try better than "hE dOeSn'T uNdErStAnD aTtAcHmEnT", when it's ultimately going beyond "attachment" and erring to "obsession".
>how does being able to use stantler make the game better
It provides more immersion. The more mons that populate the world, the more full, real and "living" the world feels. For example, if you were playing GTA, and it had one less NPC walking around the city center, that city center would feel one degree less "alive" than it would normally. It provides more of an emotional connection to the pokemon universe. Even if you couldn't catch stantler in the wild of one game, being able to transfer a stantler you'd caught in a previous game would allow you to continue your journey with that particular mon, and give you the feeling that your connection to him was lasting, rather than him just being an asset from some old game you used to play. Immersion and emotional connection makes the game more "real" and makes the stakes higher. The more you give a shit about the pokemon, the more fun the game is. Having more options for play makes the meta more interesting. Stantler is just one more option to build your team with, and knowing someone could do something different with a stantler makes the meta feel deeper and more interesting. For example, even though the SSBM meta might be like four characters as top tier, whenever there is a really good donkey kong or some lesser used character, it makes things more interesting, because you can see different styles of play, it shakes things up, and makes it feel more creative and like character choice actually makes a difference. The more choice you have, the more styles of play that are available for exploration. Let's turn your question around and say you just reduced the number of mons to the only ones who made up a top tier meta team. How would that make the game better? How does not being able to stantler make the game better?
Not really. They did bertie bott's every flavour bean, but then stopped putting all beans in one bag, due to most customers only eating the most popular 100 flavours and not caring about the rest the flavours.
So they started properly mixing up the flavours of bean. while putting less flavours in, allowing more people to experience more of the bean flavours, by not just hyperfocusing on their absolute favourite in dismissal of the rest.
I don't think anybody is mad they can't bring their OG pokemon to the new gen. Bringing over a lvl 100 maxed out pokemon to play the story is fucking stupid.
But if they want to use it in competitive that's entirely fine, most modern gens have limited mon brackets anyway.

People are saying that they would have more fun if they could bring out a team they are interested in for fun runs. Or personal runs.
Maybe you want to do a monotype run, maybe you want to bring a team of lvl 5 of pokemon you like and just run the game with them.
Personally I hated Sun and Moon. The only way I got through that game was making myself a team of pokemon I liked, since I couldn't use chargabug untill I got to Poni canyon in the late 40s.

If you have less pokemon to use, you have less options. Less options is always bad.
The fuck is this harry potter bullshit?
Just use Skittles or something for the analogy man. Makes you sound like less of a faggot.
Bro this franchise got popular at least partially because of a kid and his rat that he brought to every single new place.
Skittles have 5. Could have used jelly belly beans, but even then, they don't actually fit the analogy of over a thousand pokémon in one game/flavours of beans in a bag like the other pop culture jelly beans I know of.
And guess what kiddo - Pikachu will never be dexcut as a result, like all the other shillmons. Just pick a shillmon as your favourite, guarantees its space in any and every new game.
Yer but you can buy bags of specific colour jellybeans, at any point.
You don't get given a bag of jellybeans and get told. "Hey the next bag you get may not have the flavours you want"

The analogy doesn't work.
Those are all in SWSH doe
Blue is blue, red is red, you're a faggot. Tell us something else irrelative to the subject.

More pokemon is more options, and everyone's fave is there.
Tell us how you'd feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning anon.
it's funny how much of a non argument whatever you typed here is, sad how you feel the need to antagonize anyone that disagrees with anything you find "autistic"
breakfast is meme so id feel pretty good
>1 pokemon = 1 content
And it's funny how you ignorer the actualities of 3D video game development still, to cry they absolutely could fuck their whole franchise model out the window, JUST to cater to a bunch of childlike adults too fuckibng dense to understand they grew up and the devs aren't interested in making games for adults. Ever in their lives, which is why they're STILL shitting out Pokémon games for children after almost 30 years of shitting out Pokémon games for children. Die in a fire already. You're not even worth the baitmeat you could be cut up for.
>the devs aren't interested in making games for adults
Why do they insert a lot of references to past games the adults know and love, while children of the current year won't understand or appreciate them the same way
>this bait thread again
Where the fuck is Yawnfag when you need him?
Wow what an amazing and well thought out statement. Sure would suck if that's irrelevant to the actual point being made about people being encouraged to be attached to their specific pocket monsters for decades now. You were so desperate for a witty response you forgot the actual point.
Because references are quick and easy to implement, a number of pokémon beyond a certain figure aren't. Learn how video game development actually happens.
Not really, you're bitching about shit getting dexited, my response is if you were more fucking normalfag you wouldn't need to demand dexit be reversed, you wouldn't be affected. This is why other casuals aren't bothered about it, even if they're not fans of the trad shillmon - they're not autistically fixated on ONE pokémon or family, they'll have favourites from all the Gens dotted around, thus if Xatu is gone, they'll have Swablu instead. But again, if you weren't an autistic little baby bastard unable to comprehend normal people, you wouldn't be crying over this irrelevant shit or the fact you shot your shot and missed the target, as the world didn't see why they needed to back you. And this is the reality you shaped, by buying in like every other drone bastard child and supporting their horseshit over your childhood.
I refuse.
How is the truth bait? The dexcut ruined Pokémon.
>devs aren't interested in making games for adults
Then they should pander to children better. No DLC. No transfer. No IVs. No Event exclusives. Ect.
It's how it used to work. VGC was regional -> natdex -> natdex with legendaries rotations.

Terastalization doesn't work with a Shedinja holding a balloon, it can become completely invincible. It's an edge case that's easy to solve, restrict the type or forbid shedinja from the feature, but it still takes time to fix. All these little edge cases between moves and abilities build up and eat away at Game Freak's dev (vacation) time.
Ok but this isn't why dexit happened. There was no tera in SwSh
No but there's tons of edge cases from every new ability, gimmick, and move added, and those all take time. Upkeep isn't even entirely what fucked up GameFreak. We know they used to do crazy crunch and have since stopped, but they've been keeping the same release schedule up while simultaneously having to make the jumps to both 3D and HD, which are infamously rocky for many companies. The real issue is that they refuse to slow down on releases or bring in external companies to work on the series without near sabotaging them with bad budgets and strict mandates.
Dexit is a symptom of a series that is suffering burnout.
I mean sure. They shouldn't have rushed it if it meant cutting Pokemon of all things, it only worked because they are too big to fail.
Also speaking of tera electric Shedinja, it's not invincible at all. It can still be damaged by status, weather, hazards, and can lose the air balloon in various ways.
>it only worked because they are too big to fail
Every video game series in existence cuts characters between games. Stop being an autist.
In these other videogames there aren't systems to transfer/trade characters, autistanon
There isn't that many edge cases though. Shedinja, Smeargle, who else really could cause problems?
Read >>56203425 and >>56203922
It's a major selling point and every other franchise doesn't have this at all.
the problem isn't the dexcut itself, it's what it symbolizes, which is cheapness and complacency. this is why Gen 3 initially having the same issue (even if the old pokemon were technically in the code) didn't matter so much: Gamefreak had clearly still delivered a competent game comparable to other games on the platform, rather than one that reeks of cut corners and rushed, cash-grabbing development.
>the problem isn't the dexcut itself, it's what it symbolizes
Why not both.
>It's a major selling point
Transferring and trading things is a selling point. Having all the characters isn’t. That’s a cope you invented to continue bitching over nothing.
>Having all the characters isn’t.
Gotta catch 'em all
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This hypothetical won't be relevant since we'll all probably be dead by the time it happens, but what would be done if the pokemon games reached the threshold where it would be literally impossible to have every pokemon in the game and still release the game in a timely matter. Let's say TPC was lenient in a bizarro universe and gave gamefreak 7-8 years for a new gen instead of 3. How many pokemon would be too much to add in time for the next generation of games? 2000? 3000? 9000? It just makes me think that we have a lot of fucking pokemon, and there is no clear end to it all. Would the franchise go on forever? Could it go on forever?
We are not reaching 2000 mark my words.
The singularity would pale them out.
You lost and got raped.
See you in a few decades brother
Gotta catch em all != gotta transfer em all
I think the series will continue but will probably stop adding mons in 3 gens at best. Not sure about new regions but I seriously can't imagine keeping this up for too long when you have so many mons you could use.
Why not? It's the only way to catch 'em all in any other game after RBY, and even there you have to trade instead.
> It's the only way to catch 'em all in any other game after RBY
Nope. If I caught all the gen 1 Pokemon in RBY and all the gen 2 Pokemon in GSC then I still caught them all. Transferring is irrelevant. Moving stuff I already own != catching.
>then I still caught them all
Tell that to GSC I guess.
>The real issue is that they refuse to slow down on releases or bring in external companies to work on the series without near sabotaging them with bad budgets and strict mandates.
Because if they don't keep it in kid conciousness, they'll lose the value of the IP when they do launch their shit.
The crux of the issue is spergy fucktard manchildren like you and every other bastard STILL crying about dexit AREN'T the market, those that are, don't give a fuck what your personal opinion of what Pokémon should be, they're content with what they get and if/when they stop, they drop the IP to find something else they'll enjoy instead.
Until you make yourself more profitable than shilling at kids, furfags and normalfags, they ain't going to bother with you.
Gloria is garbage
Hey, you can shit on SwSh all you want but at least you gotta admit the girls are cute.
you leave the legends games out with f this or so help me your next pokemon gen region will suffer as you suffered
> "reeeeee how dare you besmerch the good name of my dodgeball simulator without abilities, held items, or a Pokémon roster more numerous than a 25 year old gameboy game!"
>cut the pokédex to extremes
>result is the best game the series has ever seen
Yet more evidence they cut the 'Dex to focus on bringing the quality of the rest of the game up lad.
I think if you can future proof models and textures, then you could just keep bringing them in each gen with no problem.
If they have to remake the models and textures every gen then yer it makes sense it would fuck up. but each gen adds some new moves and takes some away so you need a guy to go over what moves are lost and gained. If there's 1000 pokemon let's say you can code 10-20 pokemon movepools a day being generous we're looking at about 2-3 months to code 1000 older pokemon into the game move wise.

The new games needing new textures etc is always going to fuck up the amount of pokemon you could reasonably do in 3 years, small indie company bla bla bla.
But I think if they're designed not to be remade every 3 years then you COULD bring every pokemon in without issue, because file size would get bigger so would the cartridge size limit.
>I think if you can future proof models and textures
You can't, that's the point. For better or worse, they rebuild the engine every Gen, because for years they re-used the same engine for three releases at times, meaning by time the new Gen rolled around, they'd just wanted to move on, or had to to take advantage of the better hardware. That's not going to change, especially with them moving to a model where they add one new gimmick to the Gen baked into the engine, then needing to make another new engine to do something like L;A (and due to that not being built with Megas in mind, it's likely another new engine for L: Z-A). And everytime you make a new engine, you need to spend time ensuring model-by-model these cunts behave as they're intended to, hence the fucking reason Dexit got enacted. Devs wasting too many hours on-the-clock making fucking caterpie, weedle and wurmple work in-game, when only really one was planed, needed or really thought of as populating the region (SM).
>we've reached the point where anti-Natdexxers are genuine instead of just people shitposting for free (You)s
We always were retard. Your delusions to handle the fact the world didn't give a fuck for your heartache were just that - delusions to handle losing so fucking badly in the battle for a kiddy game series.
You're not getting one, well not the one that (You) want anyway.
that's bullshit.
You don't create an entire new mesh or rigging setup or custom world engine per game. In 3 fucking years. Unless the model importers are running on an entirely different thing every time they won't need to.
Let's say next gen still runs on the same engine, then you can reuse the models, even if you build a new engine from scratch just export the same models.
>dude just stagnate the models and make them worse so I can stare at stantler!!
nah lol
>How does being able to use [specific mon] make the game better
You could have gotten better responses using the Pan/Simi line, given how literal bottom of the barrel they are in regards to their active fan base, but I digress.
Having them (and by extension, Stantler, per your query) available simply allows for the player to choose if they want to use it or not, and not leave it to algorithms or Game Freak deciding to omit it and other poorly favored 'mons because of arbitrary reasons.
If the Holy Pokemon (Pikachu, Eevee, Charizard, Lucario) were unavailable, the fandom would lose their metaphorical minds over it.
>If the Holy Pokemon (Pikachu, Eevee, Charizard, Lucario) were unavailable, the fandom would lose their metaphorical minds over it.
I'd be for that.
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>If the Holy Pokemon (Pikachu, Eevee, Charizard, Lucario) were unavailable, the fandom would lose their metaphorical minds over it.
It would never happen, but it would be funny to see
Friendly reminder that Stantler is in SV so find a new Pokemon to strawman.
>If the Holy Pokemon (Pikachu, Eevee, Charizard, Lucario) were unavailable, the fandom would lose their metaphorical minds over it
Charizard wasn't in PLA and literally no one cared.
>literally no one cared.
You cared enough to remind us that it wasn't in a side game
Natdex is clearly an attempt to astroturf arbitrary requirements for Pokemon to be "good again" while avoiding the larger issues. GF knows that it's better to keep Natdex in their back pocket in case they ever go into the red. Then they can pull it out and get the heated shilling of retarded millennials who think that the company "listened" to them.
>i-it's le side game even though it isn't so it d-d-d-doesn't count!
You're so predictable.
>is the worst selling Switch Pokemon game
Hmm wonder why.
Because they made only one version you cunt
Because it's not a main line pokemon game. It's a spinoff. Spinoff's can do whatever the fuck they want.
I think most games now will have a good chunk of pokemon saved for the dlc.

But I wouldn't be surprised if next gen would be a big selling point of "THEY'RE ALL HERE!"
To try and sell on the Switch 2. Because I doubt the new game is coming out for the original switch. Or at least it would be an enhanced edition.
> "result is the best game the series has ever seen"
Reddit mentality. I want to raise monsters using RPG mechanics. I don't want to play dodgeball.
Why do DS fanboys think saying “RPG” over and over again is an argument? Especially when they bitch about standard RPG features like shared exp?
Nigger games with party exp use party combat. In persona exp share takes a skill slot.
Because most rpgs are way deeper than pokemon.
Exp share should be a toggle. So you are free to explore and find pokemon without your entire party being 10-20 levels over the current content.
No, but you need to make sure the existing ones work in the new engine kid. That the textures apply and stick when the thing moves around or that its movements are as-programed. Because as much as you want to ignore, the last three GAme Frerak releases and 4 in total were all in a different engine to each other. And none of them had the full compliment of things Gen 7 had, but none were as tepid and uninspiring as SM were in comparison to USM, when they had programmers able to work in complex scripting languages to actually make trials a valid part of the game, because the work for getting pokémon acting right had been done with SM and they had time to focus on shit that needed a programmer that was missing prior to debug for the rehash.
Don't be fooled, there's never a reason for why a genuine player would advocate for less options or choice. It's either trolling or paid shills, this isn't a sensible opinion to have as somebody who enjoys the franchise.
>Gen 1
>less than 150 options
>Gens 5+
>over 300+ options
Yeah i agree why would anyone play old gens.
Because you have played it when it was the latest gen?
It's not arbitrary at all. It's important. Just take the knife out of my back.
What delusions are you talking about? most people expected bbnd to fail
>It's important
Weird how no one can explain why.
> flight courses
I played star fox why would I want to play that clucky bullshit?
>Nigger games with party exp use party combat
No they don’t.

>without your entire party being 10-20 levels over the current content
This has literally nothing to do with whether or not shared exp exists.
> stare at
Kill yourself.
People have explained it. You just don't like the answer because you're too selfish to understand why other care about something you don't
I'm sorry you're right. In Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Shim Megami tensei, and Xenoblade your characters and the enemies fight one vs one at a time with tagouts.
>People have explained it
Not really.
>People have explained it
Feel free to link the posts.
Pokemon wishes it came up with such an ingenious EXP system as the later XB games, including the ability to gain it but without instantly assigning it so you can avoid overelevlling due to exploration/sidequests, and should it happen anyway you can delevel too
>i-it's le side game even though it isn't so it d-d-d-doesn't count!
You're so predictable.
I don't keep an archive of every argument I had on the internet
Pokémon through Gamefreak's over complication of collecting through various kinds of exclusivity tied people's collections of Pokémon to real world money and as such adding unjustified new restrictions on how Pokémon can be transformed is a breach of trust and proof they would use their power over of us for petty gain. Making it so only Pokemon that could be caught in the game normal could be transferred lowered the value of people's banked collections to the point of feeling more like an autistic liability than a autistic asset. Thus making the time people spent having fun collecting pokemon to hardcore degree retroactively feel worse. In short Bank gave people peace of mind for a yearly subscription and Home/dexcut inverted it. The freedom that full transfer allows makes the player's experiences feel unique. Not many people fought through BW1's gyms with a starmie. Customization is part of pokemon core appeal. And using foreign unobtainable pokemon is the most advanced form of team customization.

In short they altered the deal. The called the dexcut the best possible solution but partial transfer would be worse than no transfer at all since games no longer having to interact with any program would give them the ultimate freedom for release schedules and new formula. The fact that they chose the worst option out of the three shows their avarice and soulless. They want to have their cake and eat it to at the player's expense.

Honestly I would be able to move past the dexcut if there wasn't so many people refusing to give me the slightest bit of empathy and who refused to admit it's reasonable to see anything immoral about the way they went about the dexcut even if they didn't want to have all the pokemon anymore.

Also I really wish they would bring back the national dex to prove that it's not prohibitedly expensive to retards who refuse to use basic math and induction.
>tied people's collections of Pokémon to real world money
? no it didn't

>breach of trust
what breach of trust? everything does exactly what it was advertised to do.
>Honestly I would be able to move past the dexcut if there wasn't so many people refusing to give me the slightest bit of empathy and who refused to admit it's reasonable to see anything immoral about the way they went about the dexcut even if they didn't want to have all the pokemon anymore.
It's ok, trolls, NPCs and shills are barely people.
>i cant move past this childrens game please give me empathy
These "people" can vote btw
Nothing but circles. That's this entire board.
And people like OP and >>56210388 thought they were on the morally right side and have pitched a fucking melty every day since being put in their box (6m worldwide in 3 days, eventually broke GS's total and continued to sell). Never mind, looking dispassionately at the games, they HAVE gotten better since Dexit, a big argument for Dexit. They don't reach /vp/'s artisan tastes for how kid's games should look to adults, but that's another example of the autistic element of the franchise and board missing the fucking point of the games and IP. I'd also argue they wouldn't have time to cook a story as good as SV's game-wide story. Again, doesn't reach the cultured tastes fo adults addicted to a kid's series but it's absolutely something that wouldn't get time to develop fully without Dexit.
Damn, he's going all out with the baits. Chill bro, you threw the entire fishing rod in
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>no one cared
>It's not a side game
you realize how retarded this makes you sound, right?
>implying people don't care CHARIZARD is missing from a mainline game
/vp/ is infinitesimal in the scope of the active fanbase, even at peak infodump hours. PLA is considered to be a side game despite Game Freak's insistence on it being a mainline entry. it's largely why people don't "care" about the Dexcut, because in their minds, it's not a core entry, much in the same way they looked at LGPE not being a mainline entry (which, again, Game Freak says otherwise)
it's an oxymoron thing to say people don't care when it isn't considered to be a mainline entry by the fanbase. spill whatever bile you want about it being a mainline game, it doesn't change the purview of the fans.
It is arbitrary. They already caught up with the Pokemon models back during XY. They can import the assets without changing their game design or any of the criticisms of the series that existed before dexcut was a thing.
Yawnfag: Did you just tell me to heckin use a repel??? You hate Pokemon DStard!
also Yawnfag:
>Noooooo the negligible amount of total manhours should be spent on something else because I don't personally care
>i-it's le side game even though it isn't so it d-d-d-doesn't count!
You're so predictable.
Subscription services cost real money dumbass. Buying Crystal on 3DS to get unlimited Celebi costed real money
There's nothing delusional about thinking you're right when you're right anon.
>Subscription services cost real money dumbass
Yes, and those subscription services do exactly what I paid for. Where's the issue?
You're selfish anon. Collector autists are entitled to the "pandering" because they paid the bank subs. Competitor autists are a drain on Pokémon. Why should they get pandered to?
>it's absolutely something that wouldn't get time to develop fully without Dexit.
You're retarded. The manhours required to undo the dexcut would be neglibl3
Their votes make the world a better place than yours.
Not him but subscription services always get the plug sooner or later and I don't like that
XY came out with future proofed models and animations on a 3ds game's budget. They didn't have the 3ds devkit when BW2 started development. Meaning creatures inc was able to crank out all that superfast. Using old assets takes less time than making new ones.
> blatantly ignoring context.
>XY came out with [FANFIC]
People acted like retexturing the models takes more time than rigging them but someone here was able to make a decent caterpie texture in 30 minutes
No nigger the excessive detail of the Pokémon models caused the 3ds to lag. They made HD level models for a 240p system anon.
The rug was ripped out from under people with the dexcut. There's no way to opt out without letting your Pokémon get deleted. That was the breach of trust.
> No nigger the excessive detail of the Pokémon models
There was no “excessive detail”.

>caused the 3ds to lag
Yes, because the 3DS is incredibly weak. Have you actually seen what the models look like in other games?
How are they getting deleted exactly?
Distantkingdom counted the triangles 5 years ago fuck nugget.
>distantshitdom herself shitposting
should have guessed
I know Bank threatened to delete Pokemon if you didn't pay the fee, but at least the most recent Pokemon game would be a solid bet for storing your Pokemon in the meantime. If Home has the same restriction, there were plenty of Pokemon that once they went to Home they were functionally stuck there and you were stuck paying the fee until "eventually", and there's still a couple Pokemon it applies to even after 4 years and 5 goddamn games on the Switch.
>I know Bank threatened to delete Pokemon
Never did that was just fanfic. So once again how are they getting deleted exactly?
>it am de baits bekuze I can't actually counter his points in any fashion
Concession accepted.
You stamping your feet harder doesn't make you right. Just makes you worse than literal toddlers who have an excuse for throwing tantrums, as they don't know better.
Clearly not, if it was piss-easy Game Freak would keep it in to keep you cunts cowed and bleating happily with the brand.
It's not about retexturing the models though, it's making sure they behave as intended when put into the engine of the game. Why has it been 5 years and you twats insist on avoiding educating yourselves how 3D development of ANY game, much less the one constant game in your sad little lives that you escaped the shitscape of your reality with?
> "You can't heckin like this guy... because you just can't okay"
The service is ending soon. Eventually collector autists who haven't let Gamefreak fuck them in the ass will have to make our no win choices.

>Clearly not, if it was piss-easy Game Freak would keep it in to keep you cunts cowed and bleating happily with the brand.
You're really uncreative if you can't imagine reasons why they wouldn't other than it being unfeasible (It isn't unfeasible.)

For starters not having certain gen 1-4 Pokémon in SWSH made BDSP look like a more attractive product. Why put effort into remakes when they can't just use them to sell old Pokemon back to playerbase?
One of the oldest anti dexcut videos was done by a 3d animator.
What service? Is Gamefreak killing every old game? Is Gamefreak going to delete every Pokemon you have inside your boxes or what? Im confused.
There is at least one report of Pokemon explicitly being deleted from Home, and that was only about 2 years into the program. Even their own support vaguely threatens it "after some time" which is probably vague enough it could be considered fraud if you took it to court.
He probably just logged on a different Nintendo account and forgot. Fake as fuck with no evidence.
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