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̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶K̶i̶e̶r̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶K̶i̶e̶r̶a̶n̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶h̶o̶l̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶m̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶u̶p̶ ̶u̶n̶t̶i̶l̶ ̶I̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶n̶o̶ ̶l̶o̶n̶g̶e̶r̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶q̶u̶a̶l̶i̶f̶i̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶h̶u̶m̶a̶n̶.̶ I like Kiki. Do you guys like Kiki?
Which Kiki would get which hole?
I will commit ungodly sins against his rectum and then cuddle with him after
Kanto characters are better
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>do you like kiki
I like Kiki
Kieran's mole has more character than the entirely of KANTOOOOOOOOOOO.
Who is Kieran?
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Please No War in this thread Anons..
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I love Kieran so much!
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Teal mask kiki
Indigo disk kiki
Mochi mayhem kiki
All version of kiki are so adorable
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Honoured to be apart of another wholesome Kiki thread
I love Kiki.
Thanks for the new thread, OP!

Shy little cutie head always bringing /vp/ together. How does he do it?
Previous thread >>56196568
its funny because kiki means penis in my language
Sorry lol this is the old thread
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I want to see the SV chracters are eating sandwich like this image, not like SV's horrible eating cutscenes...
I love how consistently wholesome these threads have been. Well, except for fantasies like in the OP, but I love them all the same. I love you all, Anons!
Anon can I have sauce for the art please? Pun not intended
I wish we could feed Kiki...
When did you too realize your personality was “gay”
Sorry anon.. I also dont know the sauce of this image. I found this in other kieran threads.
Would Kieran be into spicy food? I feel like he's more of a sweet kinda guy and spicy food would knock him around.
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Kiki's kiki
I'm homosexual and I don't like him. Sorry. He's cringe.
Maybe you're just turning straight
least mentally ill general
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Where's my after-story (visual?) novel about Kiki moving to Paldea as Elite 4 member and getting close to you over the months until he finally confesses his feelings for you?
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Oh shit I never considered that... Kieran doing an exchange to Paldea would be an awesome storyline.
Don't worry Anon, I found it myself!
I want this so much. I want this kind of Kiki content in general
I've been thinking Kiki moving to the Paldean school could probably be good for his mental health
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Yeah it would be, Florian time all the time
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I've long struggled to put my feelings for Kieran into words but this is it, this is how I feel
>You can't trade Kieran such a rare Pokémon!
The only correct trade is another Applin
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Wish I could find that one pic of Kiki rejecting a shiny Applin from the protagonist
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Goo goo ga ga I am a stupid baby. Give me milk, crayons, and applesauce.
why is he so god damn sensual uoooh
anyone got a translation for this?
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He feels like pure unadulterated sexuality, or innocent, covert lewdness
Delivering just a guesslation as usual...
>Aoi: I'm Aoi! Nice to meet you, Suguri!
>Suguri: S-she's all affectionate... as expected from a kid who's from overseas, I guess. I don't wanna lose...!
>(He hates losing.)
>Suguri: I'll show you where to go next. Just let me look at the map.
>Aoi: Suguri is amazing, and we're becoming close... Bring it on, I don't wanna loooose!!
>(She hates losing.)
If you want sauce: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120685223
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Kiki was born to be a baby boy succubus...
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Cute kiki
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Kiki is luv Kiki is life
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Forever and ever.
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>Pulls his little cheeks
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Thank you anon, if he didn't want them pulled he shouldn't be so darn cute.
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He didn't need Terapagos because he glows as bright as him
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Remember to tuck in your Kiki at night anons
I want to baby him. He'd look so cute with a paci and a diaper
His cheeks must be so soft...
Based and wholesome. Nothing shines brighter than Kiki
Will do!
I wanna baby him too... but mostly just in a very vanilla way, like giving him baths and feeding him
kiki's a fed?!
is this what cognitive dissonance looks like?
I can't post pics, so I'll post fics. Not mine
in what way?
Anybody else get fucking mogged multiple times by this little shit at the end of Teal Mask?

I was running a new team so as not to use my overlevels from Paldea and his Yanmega and Shiftry absolutely smacked me.
condensed, cognitive dissonance in essence means "arguing with different parts of yourself"
He was challenging in Kitikami but not too bad for me. The BB champion match took me a few tries though.
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they frot and get sticky together... like frens
no I know what it means, I'm asking specifically what you mean by it here
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Do you think Dipplin evolved after trying to cheer Kieran up after he went schizo?
You do need Dragon Cheer after all.
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That's a very wholesome thought. I'm sure hair-down Kieran had a Dipplin because of his love for candy apples, perhaps even finding his one at the farm in Kitikami where you buy candy apples.

In terms of it evolving, Kieran had become extremely callous and calculated by that point, so it's probably more likely he had it evolve purely for it's power rather than a happy accident.
I've seen Youtubers have trouble with his Champion battle like >>56204834 which I love. Kiki is a strong, challenging king!
You get the Dragon Cheer TM from Drayton iirc, so maybe he also gave one to Kiki to help him?
Florian x Kieran gives me life
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Who he talkin' too /Kiki/?
Shove TM Kiki, ID Kiki and MM Kiki into a room, who cries first?
Cute & Canon!
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ID Kiki makes the other Kikis cry and then feels bad and cries himself.
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ID Kiki makes TM Kiki cry easily, then gets angry at MM Kiki for having forgotten the humilliation he suffered at the MC and tries to demoralize him but MM Kiki keeps his determination and ID Kiki breaks down into tears
How do you make MM Kiki cry?
Give Florian an Applin
Surprise buttsex. Never fails
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The MC over in Paldea
Me. We're figuring out the logistics of smuggling Kiki to Paldea
Cute. I want to let all the Kikis cry on my shoulder...
>anon after breaking into kieran's dorm
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Sometimes I wish he would go back to the cute meek little guy with the emo hair that took me on a date to the mask festival when I see him in the BB clubroom.

But alas, I must let him grow and flourish.
He's 100% a sweet guy, but Crispin probably brings him some leftovers from his cooking since they are classmates, so I can imagine Kieran appreciating spicy stuff recently.
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Florian x Kiki
I think Kiki does retain a bit of the shyness post-MM. He strikes a pretty great balance between meek and confident imo. I understand wanting his previous hair style all too well, I prefer it too
>Crispin feeding Kiki and teaching him to have a more varied diet
Cute and wholesome
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Yes, Kiki got cute frens
What are they watching?
Pokemon breeding guides
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hope this doujinshi will be posted soon
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You reminded me of this one, found out it got posted earlier this month on sadpanda
multikiki doujins are cool
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Kiki and Sentret sleep together
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Crispin should have huge arms from carrying around the pan all the time.... No wonder Kiki hangs out with him
Boy do I want to use that ona hole on sweet little Kiki and make him go crazy...
It was excellent, I'm glad there's Kiki doujins on main stream sites. Wish I could find more of them on torrent
Cute thigh mole...
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When he gets into Masters I hope it's shy Kiki. I feel like it's a logical choice as well because hair up kiki might spoil the surprise for anyone that has not played the DLC for Scar-Viol yet.

But yes I agree he's still quite shy, I think he does that thing with his thumb a few times when you talk to him in the clubroom.
Correct me if I'm wrong but is Masters EX really just a pokemon trainer dating sim? Why else would it have been made? Maybe if the game allows it, hair up Kiki can be a costume, could pass inconspicuously among others
You are not wrong, it's a gacha wallet-leech first and foremost but the fanservice it provides in terms of interactions is a big part of why it's so popular... It's certainly not the gameplay lol.

But when the Kitikami siblings make it over I'll be downloading day one so I can't say i'm above it.
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Is luring Kieran into a pit trap with a candy apple immoral?
While I totally agree with you and would totally love shy Kiki in Masters, I believe post-development Kiki is more likely, seeing how integral his arc is to his character as a whole. Masters has done the same with Lillie, they kept her post-development version with her hair up and only kept her hair down for some of her alt outfits. I think Kiki is likely to get a similar treatment though the Kiki alt outfits, and Kiki in Masters generally, are a turbo-pipe dream. I always feel delusional talking about it because I know how long they take to add new characters.
Something I also love to delusionally speculate about is who could voice Kiki in Japanese. I have so many candidates, the latest one I've found is coincidentally from irl Kitakami. Only thing I'm sure of is it should be a woman, gimme cute shota-voiced Kiki damn it!
>I think he does that thing with his thumb a few times when you talk to him in the clubroom.
The thumb biting is adorable, I'm glad he still does it...
It's not really a dating sim. The dating sim thing is very minor, limited to certain characters, and tends to get tedious. Most of the game play is events, characters interactions and battles that are getting increasingly harder/more tedious even for veteran players. I'm one of them and to be very honest I think I would've stopped playing months ago if not for the smallest sliver of hope for Kiki being introduced. Kiki is the only thought that keeps me playing and getting all the rewards to hoard, specifically for him.
When I'll be able to fuck-blast battles using Kiki I'll start having fun with the game again, haha.
Kiki with different hair styles could definitely be alts, but personality-wise, I think it's more likely we'll get post-development Kiki.
>But when the Kitikami siblings make it over I'll be downloading day one so I can't say i'm above it.
Anon I hope you're ready to reroll to hell and back, then, especially since it's two of them ;_;
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I want to see Kiki's mochi dance and he got embarrassed.
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>Anon I hope you're ready to reroll to hell and back, then, especially since it's two of them ;_;

If it's for Kiki I'll roll as much as I have too, just how tedious is it to get a champion you want? I haven't had much exposure to the game
Assuming you're not willing to spend any money on the game (personally I 100% think it wouldn't be worth it, since you'd only be starting out)...
You would need at least 36600 gems to guarantee a single character. When a character is introduced to the game, they become available on a banner with a 2% (1% if the banner is a Master Fair) chance of getting them. If you spend 36600 gems on that banner you get the chance to pick a character of your choice, with the banner character being one of those choices. Most newly-introduced characters have time-limited banners, which means they won't be available forever, unless you wait for them to get added to the paid-only Mix Banner. The catch is... each month, assuming you complete all content, you get less than 36600 gems. Some months, way less. The game's gotten extremely greedy, and since you want both Kiki and Carmine (and I'm sure they'll be limited characters, considering how popular they are. They've made even unpopular characters limited. Everyone is limited by now) I think you only have two options: start the game now, no-life through it, play every day until you scrounge up enough gems for two guarantees (will take months), or start the game whenever Kiki and Carmine are added, no-life all available content, spend on their banners hoping to get both without a guarantee, and if you run out of gems delete your save file, make a new one and then rinse and repeat until you get them.
Sounds tedious? It absolutely is. And Masters is considered a generous gacha. I've been playing forever and I get paranoid at the thought of having less than 100k gems total in case Kiki is released, haha. I'm willing to pass up on any other character for him.
If we can still have /Kiki/ threads when (if) Kiki is added to the game, I can help any Anon with this shit of course. There was doubt about DLC characters being added to Masters, but now, with Klara and Avery being in the game, I'm actually a lot more hopeful...
Thank you for that brilliant writeup anon. That does sound like hell but nobody expects gachas to be player friendly I guess... And I want more Kieran content so bad i'll probably go through it haha.

Yes those Crown Tundra additions were huge. Basically took my certainty of Scarl-Viol DLC characters being added some day from 25% to 75% in an instant.
No problem Anon, happy to help! I get you, I keep playing just for Kiki's sake. I think Masters is our best shot at more Kiki content. I want to hear voiced "wayaja". I want to hear his best quotes voiced in general. I need it like I need air
>Basically took my certainty of Scarl-Viol DLC characters being added some day from 25% to 75% in an instant.
Yeah, I've even seen people speculate they might've added Klara and Avery just because they also want to add Kiki and Carmine and it would've been weird if we had characters from Gen 9 DLC without the Gen 8 ones, haha. Feels like such extreme wishful thinking though...
I've been sending in-game feed back asking for Kiki every month, I haven't yet done so this month and this convo made me remember, so thank you for bringing the topic up, Anon!
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God-speed anon, hound them until they cave!
Will do, even though I have no idea if it'll actually help. Believe me, there's nothing I want more. I will 100% invest every resource possible into Kiki's unit and make him my most invested character
trying to figure out what's going on with his pants
What seems to be the point of confusion
Have you ever heard about boners
It's odd to me that Nintendo+TPC would sign off on a "pokemon trainer" dating sim due to how potentially controversial the idea is, with how old a lot of trainers are in canon and all
>>56212113 (Me)
ah oops just read the other reply
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kiki fattening himself up to appeal to ogerpon!
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It's the way his shorts are bunching up like this. I wear pants daily and my pants don't do this. it kinda looks like he's wearing a diaper
NEED fat kiki
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Kieran is such a good girl
Me down below
I hate this picture so much haha
This might simply be the artist figuring out how wrinkles work on clothing, mistakes are part of the process
Granted, every single interaction in the game is very "safe" and PG, with the exception of some lines taken out of context. And Gamefreak does love money, so it really isn't the most farfetched idea they'd want to capitalise on the already extensive cast of characters of the franchise. So what do you do? Chuck the rights to a third-party dev and make a mobile game out of it! Not very original, but I'd be damned if that's not a pretty decent business move.
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Maybe Kiki wears tighty whitie in TM and Mochi mayhem episode
It kind of looks like the artist made his shorts look a bit too thin/flimsy in order to emphasise his boner
May I have sauce for this gorgeous little boy, Anon?
Yeah, can confirm whatever interaction between a character and (You) in Masters tends to only look romantic if you want it to. Some characters have it better than others of course. Makes me wonder what they'd do with Kiki in that sense...
>And Gamefreak does love money, so it really isn't the most farfetched idea they'd want to capitalise on the already extensive cast of characters of the franchise.
If anything I think they haven't capitalised on the game nearly enough. Seems like a lot of Pokémon fans don't even know the game exists, which is very weird to me
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The mask festival date with Kieran is still the most comfy moment in the history of Pokemon games for me. Take me back :'(
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Looks like Carmine will give atomic wedgie to Kieran right away...
What a baby hahaha
This image is so cute and funny
Same anon, it felt so happy and carefree and having that cutie drag you around everywhere. Kinda starts to get weird after that thanks to his family though.
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Yea that's probably it. Just seems a little funny when the rest of him is so well rendered
Respect to the artist, and apologies for my own amateur skill level, but drawfag autism got the better of me
the inseam of the shorts should follow the contour and there should be a little roundness where his balls would be
you also wouldn't get such an outline of his undies at that angle unless they were really thick, like thick seams or...
Maybe he's wearing pullups lol
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Based. He might change his underwear to boxerbrief in Indigo disk but after the end of ID episode and MM he wears his tighty whitie again..

Pullups diaper kiki lol.
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No wonder the poor boy has issues
I want to see onion hair kiki wear his TM festival costume...
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Closest I could find, but they put the mask over his head. This kinda really makes me wish the epilogue ended with everybody going to the mask festival :( Why are GF so lazy?
Good edit Anon, I think it looks better this way
I have some art like that, but sadly I won't be able to post pics for a while
Need more chub Kiki, I swear. Want to lay on him and listen to his tummy get to work.
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Gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp
i wish someone would draw this size kiki but in his teal mask design, maybe him being really embarrassed haha
Kiki and fat really don't compute. He is a smol lil guy
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Frens :)
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Not this but close enough
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New Kiki emoji
I wanna take care of sick Kiki
I'm just awed that he actually has a smogon tier team. Most amazing rival so far.
Yeah it really drove the "he studied Pokémon battling like a fucking madman" point home in a super convincing way. GF cooked.
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Kiki gives chocolates to you
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Here's the image for you anon.
Same, I want to play with him while he's resting in bed so he doesn't get bored...
Oh baby, what a sweetie
>Bottom left corner
Utterly adorable. Will also post hair up festival outfit Kiki as soon as I'm able to
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I ship them so hard
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Don't we all
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I reallly like this smile. He looks so dummy and cute
So cute
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Wow, if Ogerpon saw Kieran in that state, she be willing to “approach” him
It's one of my fav expressions too, very very cute
There's a grand total of one (1) picture of that out there, at least from what I could find.
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He seems like the clingy affectionate type. I reckon he'd like if you just play with his hair while he naps in bed.
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Lovely smile
Bi Kiki is cannon Kiki
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Maid Kiki and Julliana
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Kiki beating Kiki up naked when
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>Pullups diaper kiki lol.
I was just laughing about this for the meme, because it looked funny in the drawing >>56214553
but I rewatched the DLC cutscenes on youtube for a laugh, and now I'm wondering...
It kinda looks like he is wearing diapers at times?
But it also is borderline enough that it could be written off as different lighting and angles

I was laughing at this at first, but rewatching the cutscenes I realized he and Carmine's parents are out of the picture, and they seem to be living with their grandparents.

If their parents passed away or something, that might mean Carmine was basically raising Kiki. Which would kind of explain why she's so stressed out: if she's practically raising him with her grandparents, she'd be torn between trying to take care of him and be her own person, because she's also in the middle of growing up.
Her character makes a lot more sense if she's trying to fill the role of parent for Kieran.
And then I got to thinking: bedwetting and incontinence are sometimes linked to fear and trauma, and supposing if Kieran actually is supposed to be wearing diapers in Teal Mask, maybe it's due to traumas associated with losing his parents?

So tl;dr I basically memed myself into considering the possibility that Kieran is a way sadder character than he already seems to be, Carmine possibly being much more sympathetic, and I guess the notion that the protagonist has a way better effect on Kieran than I first thought.
Totally. Smelling Kiki's hair and playing with it while falling asleep next to him... what a dream...
Anon that is seriously depressing and I've read a fuck-load of depressing stuff about Kiki lol. I wish the parent topic had been touched upon at least once but I head-canon they died when Kiki was too little to even remember them or anything related to their death. Kitakami is based on the Tohoku region, where an earthquake hit irl around thirteen years ago. A similar event also happening in Kitakami might've been part of GF's idea and it could've been when the parents died... basically when Kiki was just a baby. Of course this is just extreme delusional speculation on my part, but the first generation games had Kanto obviously based on its irl version with references to WW2 (Surge's entire existence) so I feel it's not completely outside GF's wheel house.
I always thought Kiki's jacket and jinbei being ill-fitting and too large on him was supposed to hint at him being secretly very thin and scrawny, which is confirmed in ID when he starts wearing his jacket unzipped, and him standing with his feet so far apart could be terrible posture, which he also keeps in ID (during the battles, when he stands all hunched over with his knees bent), but... yeah, your speculation also fits very well.
Wonderful observation skills, Anon
yea like all jokes and meme speculation aside, the DLC is very well written. After rewatching it all, even at the end of MM, I'm left feeling unsatisfied over what happens, which I think is a mark of good writing.
He still needs a hug
Maybe Kiki just secretly has a big dick
Lies and slander, Kiki has a small and cute peepee and anything else would be utterly disgusting
I'd say there's still a lot left to explore in regards to Kiki so I'm unsatisfied too
>He still needs a hug
For sure, I need to hug him more than anything else...
I like both but for me it's small/average cute shota pp...
The incontinence theory would even add extra context to his insecurity. However I doubt they actual intentioned to be wearing diapers and more likely it’s just a side affect him having such baggy clothes on a skinny body.
Speaking of which ID does make a point about him not taking care of himself due to overwork: his dorm is a mess, he’s eating nothing but simple snacks, and he has bags under his eyes. But before ID it’s likely he’s just naturally thin, many young teens do have that “scrawny” look to them even when eating well.
As for his parents, we can’t know for. Technically it’s possible that the parents are alive and well but the siblings are just staying with the grandparents for the summer. Ans the parents not being aren’t is simple conservation of detail. But the fact that the parents aren’t mentioned somehow don’t come up once, along the context clues, I believe the parents are completely out of the picture. Whether it was “that” specific tragedy that killed, who knows but it does make sense.
Now that you make me think about it, not only we don't know anything about the parents, but we don't even know if the grandparents are maternal or paternal. Dead or at the very least absent parents being so common in Japanese media, combined with the Tohoku tragedy thing, makes me 100% convinced they're supposed to be dead.
There's a guy on the Pokémas sub Reddit, I think he also posted on /vp/ once, who's pushing the theory of Ghetsis being Kiki and Carmine's father extra hard lol. The main link being hydra Pokémon...
I don't believe it at all but it's interesting and I hope it will help manifest Kiki in Masters

Kiki is made to be loved by everyone!
Doesn't Ghetsis also have the "helicopter hair" with the two pointy ends? They also clearly have a link to Unova so who knows.
Exactly, the pointy hair is also part of the theory. I think the resemblance would've been a lot more unsubtle if the theory was correct though. The family resemblances with the PLA ancestors were about as subtle as a brick to the face...
Best boy N and bestest boy Kiki being related would be interesting for sure
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Kiki's cheeks
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Squeeze the Kiki, love the Kiki.
rape the kiki.
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Hybrid hair Kiki is still the best Kiki.
>Applin hoodie
NEED, hopefully it comes with Kieran included.
Kiki likes boys AND girls!! Haha! What a weirdo!
Protect the Kiki.
He loves (You) no matter who (You) are, that's so perverted, h-haha...
>women love incels now
What changed?
He's 2D and cute.
Same as it ever was
You've just never fucking paid attention to what women like
Am I only the man(faggot) who loves kiki in this thread? I knew he also loved by lots of male pokemon player
I hear this about Kieran a lot. I don't really see how he's an incel. Obsessed with Orgepon? Sure. But I think he was mainly pissed off you saw her and then lied about it, and then that you caught her despite him being her biggest fan.

Jealous? Absolutely. Incel, nah.
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Probably not, but it's less surprising for (gay) men to find (male) incels attractive
No! Me too! He's very precious.
I'm male (straight) and Kieran lives rent free in my head, partly because how precious he is

because he isn't. Incel had a meaning for at one time but now its just a lazy catch-all insult used to dismiss any grievances a male might have regardless of how legitimate those grievances might be. Admittedly there are some small parallels a casual observer could make to Kieran and the rare true Incels but there is no excuse for anyone who's actually played the games and paid any attention to to story to think Kieran is one.
I agree that. At least Kieran tried to make himself stronger trainer and become a BB league champion within a short period of time.(looks like no more than a few months) he is far from incels make no effort for themselves and just have inferiority complex to others.
I admit he's jealous and has an inferiority complex to MC. But at least he accomolished himself by his effort. Also he changed a lot of those bad personalities in the mochi mayhem episode.
Wholeheartedly agree. I just tune out whenever anyone used that word now. It's original contextual use is far far gone. It's cool how even straight men are Kiki fans, I think he activates that reptilian part of your brain that says "you must protect this at all costs".

Kieran had the single most growth of any Pokemon character I can remember and I have no idea how a minority of people can still dislike him, to each their own but we NEED more characters like Kiki. Though they'd never be as cute.
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the incontinence theory (lmao even) was just a half joke, but I do have to say the idea that it's just his clothes being baggy doesn't fly.
You could make that argument for his Jinbei, but his normal shorts are actually cut rather tight. Unless he's extremely anorexic (by the gods lets not add more to the list of this poor boy's problems) they seem like a close fit
You can still write the "theory" off because it could just be the cut of his shorts looking funny at different angles

But I'm not sure I'd put this past Gamefreak...
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What music does he listen to?
I think we discussed in an earlier thread that he clearly has a lot of teen angst and Kitikami residents like tradition so it's probably older angsty sort've music, Nirvana, maybe Metallica. Could be fond of emo and punk based purely on the hair. Could only speculate though.

I picture him at his desk in BlueBerry listening to come as you are while meticulously picking apart the strengths and weaknesses or Florian's Pokemon team.
Is there a Japanese equivalent to Crystal Castles?
Does his butt look just as funny in his ID design?
>But I'm not sure I'd put this past Gamefreak...
LMAO can you elaborate? :D
I like to think of angsty, angry music like >>56223280 but also traditional Japanese music his grandparents might listen to/like/remember. I'm trying to determine actual, realistic Kikicore but have always come up kinda short
I listen to a lot of Japanese music and so far I haven't come across something like that. Admittedly I've only scratched the surface of main stream
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> LMAO can you elaborate? :D
Not that anon but Game Freak and TPC has this weird obsession with humiliating Kieran to the point of parody. Pic related is a real tweet btw. Giving him an embarrassing secret like that sounds like the exact type of thing they would do.
sissy femboy hypnosis ASMR
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Maybe they love him too, it's like when a young kid bullies their crush at school.

More likely just clever marketing because he's extremely popular and gets those sweet engagement metrics.
>Slams 1000 dollars on the counter
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I'm sure they love him. You can't write a character like Kieran without putting your heart into it
>Does his butt look just as funny in his ID design?
It's actually kinda funny, in ID he wears the bag he carried over his shoulder in TM over his butt so you don't really get a clear view in any of the cutscenes. They definitely made an effort to make him look more mature in Indigo.

lol I need to stop noticing things. I know there's already a lot of good interpretations of Kieran's Dripplin in TM, but now I can't stop kekking about the fact that it's...
well it's called a dripplin.
Why Gamefreak why?
Oh yeah, I totally remember this post. The incontinence thing just feels way too above and beyond to me for a Pokémon character lol.
The post could also very well be because of what >>56223687 says
Oh yeah you're right, the fanny pack over his ass! How could I forget, I'm so stupid. Even more suspicious...
>well it's called a dripplin.
Dipplin! As in dipping an apple in syrup. Not "Dripplin", as in Kiki's come dripping from his cock.
If anything I think you should keep noticing things Anon!
>Not "Dripplin", as in Kiki's come dripping from his cock.
Or piss, in this case
lol you're right though. I have mild dyslexia I guess just with this dumb theory on the brain, and Kiki having a Pokemon that spits sweet syrup, I guess my brain added an "R"

but now I'm reeling because I just looked it up on serebii and the shiny is straight up piss yellow
on top of this, with Hydrapple, you have the obvious "Hydra" thing, but it could also be a play on the Hydro- prefix
>Piss yellow
It's a golden delicious you goose haha. The Applin shiny is a granny smith as well. I love what they did with the colour variants of that line of Mons.
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Eh ... this is definitely yellow syrup. Or caramel. Not the apple itself.
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I know some of you miss Kiki's old hairstyle but consider the following: He will only show it to you back home once you two get together.
It's probably just less effort to wear it up but I like that idea that he'll bring back the fringe for his lover trying to impress them
On a slightly related note, there's quite a lot of delicious omorashi Kiki art out there...
Yes, I love this idea so much and I totally believe it. Once you've reassured him there was nothing wrong with his old self, that you love him all the same, that you'd never judge him, he'd feel free to let his hair down with you, both literally and figuratively...
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Frens :)

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