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A thread died for this Leafeon
Specifically, >>56195928
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Keep it up, Leafeon
We're so back
I'd kill for that cute Leafeon so that's fitting actually.
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So glad to see that Leafeon again, and victorious, too! May many more threads die for Leafeon, whether by being devoured directly, or by dying and fertilizing the soil beneath its feet, to continue the Great Cycle of Carbon.
Also dropping this Chappy here so I can find the thread easily!
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Leafeon be like:
Cute happy parent
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>dropping this Chappy here so I can find the thread easily!
Do you check the archive for "chappy" or what?
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Yeah, so one search returns all these threads! Of course, that means I end up posting in the wrong thread :(
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Okay, now I can post it!
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POV: You are a thread about to be killed by Leafeon
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Not sure if this is from tontontaro, but thanks for keeping the Leafeon fed the whole time!
>bulky enough to tank hits in a high damage game
Leafeon is so fucking good in PLA
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I wonder what that Eevee will one day become? A Leafeon too, or will it follow another evolutionary path in life?
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There's a lot of them to choose from! I really wish alpha or even partner ones appeared in more games, though. Anything with boosted stats, really.
What of it wants to remain an Eevee?
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Then you'd need to worry about getting nibbled!
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Cool, but I wish that I could die for Jolteon
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But then Jolteon would miss you terribly, and who would take care of it?!
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Huff... huff...
Huff... huff...
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Well actually he's the one who's dying tho
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He really needs to be hugged close the whole time. Well, he should've been hugged all the time, but especially through these most difficult moments.
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All this loafing around isn't healthy! Get up and get some exercise!
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I thought I'd have a more active Leafeon pic than >>56201132 but I guess not :(
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How could I forget the fffffffp?!
Can someone explain to me why this specific Leafeon keeps getting reposted? Is it a joke I'm not getting?
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No one knows for sure. What's we do know, however, is that its adorable smile brightens up our days every time we see it. And so we keep it watered and fed, so that it may devour more threads and brighten up even more days for the rest of us.
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Why so angry at a slice of pizza...?
... Oh, is it because it has cheese on it? We all know how Leafeon feels about that, now don't we...
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But it's hard-a to reach-a the pizza!
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This is why you never let Eevee (or anyone else for that matter), get a taste!
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