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Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: What one thing in particular makes your OC lose their shit?

>Thread task: Draw your OC losing their shit because of that thing?

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
Picrew links and AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

Previous thread: >>56187219
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Alright, so aside from Grym Hammer no new renders today, but I got the prototype theme for one of my project characters uploaded so yippee
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>Thread question: >>56199081
>Thread task:
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aw damn, i wanted to pitch a thread task. oh well, for anyone who wants to do so, design a tarot card or regular playing card based off your oc
Also if anyone would like to play MH in future, do let me know.
Hey, I dig it.
On PC or console?
Zatch doesn’t hate Duel Blades, just has seen the light in a Greatsword doing awesome amount of damage

Lychee though later in the fic gets the idea for them to dress up in a couple of armor sets just to build Zatch(and herself) up a bit confidence wise.

……what? A fic with a Native Unova protag can’t have fun things too?
I got Rise on PC and Switch (latter I have not played through yet), World on PC and MHGU on Switch.
MHGU is my favourite MH game.
This goes so hard. Would unironically purchase the shirt at my local mall's hot topic.
Take me from the hospital bed. Wouldn't it be grand? It ain't exactly what you planned.
Zinnia and Bibi might have a few things to chat about if they ever got together.
and wouldn't it be great if we were dead, ohhh dead. and thanks! a part of me kind of wants to do more tarot cards with my other ocs, even if i'm not into mysticism or divination they make for a great aesthetic. also man, i adore emerald but i actually never got to play oras, given i'm debating whether one of my other oc plotlines should take place in kalos or hoenn i need to revisit each region for research, maybe it's about time i emulate it and see what the delta episodes about too
Yoooo, this is amazing! What the other anon said. I'd buy it as a poster.
I can't think of anything for the TQ but I might draw something for this.
Phos Guy, I think it would be funny if during the final battle, Franco gets desperate and whips out a Booster Energy, but for whatever reason it still isn't enough to turn the tide, so he gets out like five Booster Energies and Iron Valiant subsequently explodes due to being unable to handle all of the BOOST being poured into it.
It will be used next thread, don't worry.
Take solace at least in the fact that it's Greatsword state is her DEFAULT. Everything else is situational/simply what she deems more effective at the time.
>Another Greatsword user
Welcome, Welcome welcome!
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I've always been here, and it's always been known she uses a giant slab of steel.
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Grym's favourite hammer is the Wuchtblick.
Sheboon physique
I knew, just a bad joke from that My Friendly Neighbor game. A friend of mine ended up playing and beating it this morning and apparently that line scared the shite out of him. He then sent me this but to me it sound like reject Kermit


Now THAT’S a Hammer!
Pear shaped is peak, get bent.
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thanks! looking forward to see your own take on the card idea
eh don't sweat it, thread image should be whatever feels most relevant for the next thread
think that >>56199471 thought you meant emily'd be a greatsword user if she played monhun
and what are her and circe's favorite armor sets? if we're talking mhr i think bibi would like rakna kadaki, rhopessa, and crimson glow valstrax, tesoro would be into primordial malzeno's, and alto would like azure age
Circe would likely wear Dreadqueen Rathian armor (with the SnS) while Grym wears Snowbaron Lagombi armor.
I mean, just look at that.
Absolutely screams of Grym.
oh the picks are absolutely on brand but i wanted to ask regardless, since there's lots of cute choices
As for my other two Pokémon trainer OCs who seem to have faded out of existence (lol)
Hali wields a Switch Axe and Ken wields Dual Blades.
Bring 'em back
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Mon Hun Greatsword will never be as great as actual Greatswords.
They might return soon, I have a fifth and likely final character lined up as a Pokémon OC.
Nice fitting pics of armor you have there.
Goodnight lads
Circe and Grym themes should be finished later this week if I'm not too busy with other stuff.
Ah, I never played or watched that game.
Boring shaun
Gee I wonder Shaun
Hurry up so that you can get banned again and we don't have to deal with your garbage for a while thanks
I always lived the armors and weapons talk. My favorite class is Swordmaster.
You guys played Knight of Lodis? Those were monsters with swords. Giving they a Claymore or Elemental blades made your squad unstoppable. They even had a non man skill: pebble toss. For a small rock, it did quite the damage.
Anyway, here's promoted monk David: Swordmaster. High Atk, high Eva, decent Spd. Traded buff skills for a more direct approach. Used better head on since counters are the Swordmaster's specialty.
Whatever you say. Your shtick of posting gross vore is just boring now.
Get bigger soon, little guy <3
Squeezeable arm muscles!
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>it's another "I promised myself this would be a smaller word count and lied" episode
Having an editor is great, but what I really need more than anything is a good planner.
ETA of release date?
Hopefully sometime in the week, but you know life will try to pull a funny one on me. Thanks to the different approach I'm taking with this episode, I can get most of the important framework done tonight and then fill in the details after work tomorrow and Tuesday.
This will be the final Gaiden episode before the grand finale, I want to tie up all the important loose ends now so there's nothing distracting us/me (mostly me) later.
Is it okay if I make a Fan Gaiden? Serperior wants his revenge, but I don't know if it would logically fit into what's going on in EiF and it's also not my franchise. It would basically just be a short buildup and battle sequence, inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but it doesn't have to be canon if you don't want it to, either.
I see how he was able to handle the Dragon Den
People are more than welcome to make whatever kind of fan content for Eons in Flux that they want to and I can decide whether or not to stamp it with my approval after the fact.
I can, however, confidently say that within the official framework of the story, Lex "Copy" Wright-Lawson does not return for a rematch. He rides off into the sunset to ruin the lives of others and never looks back after making his point. If a vengeful fae wanted to seek him out, Misterius would pretty effortlessly maul his entire party singlehandedly. Not having a Prankster to slow the anomaly down on the fly makes things a terribly one-sided challenge.
>Lawson reads this
>Find THE ONLY fault in his perfect strategy
>Thread gets bombarded with more new spreadsheets and Smogon stats

You fool. You beautiful, skillful, innocent, UNAWARE fool. Do you know how many rebuild will you have to update soon enough?
I dunno how I didn't notice this thread got made 6 fucking hours ago and I didn't notice. I mean, me passing out in the middle of the day may be a contributor but here I was wondering where everyone went.
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Yeah, OP really needs to draw more attention to the new threads, this isn't the first time people have gotten confused.
Everybody look at this guy >>56200065 and laugh.
In case you’re wondering, it was just supposed to be a short piece under 10K words, Serperior gets antsy, Alex figures that it’s sore over its loss, he deceives Azelie into thinking he’s a different person with a smooth talking note attached to a Writ of Challenge, Florges goes down, Mysterius comes out, and Serperior manages to beat it with Grassy Glide dodging and Substiture shenanigans.

If you’re referring to the lack of status moves, those aren’t listed because I only listed attacking moves on his profile. If I wrote with Four Moveslot Syndrome then it would literally just be Smogon sets, for example Dragapult would be the status spreader.
+ Aegislash doing SubTox cheesing and Serperior doing SubGlare cheesing
this mam refuses to hold a single L
>a 10K word revenge fic because a different character didn't get a flawless victory
Are you aware of how utterly batshit insane that sounds.
It sounds in character, at least.
In character: Yes
Insane: YES
When I said that it was really more like under 5K, I just kind of overestimate length a lot. Very short. It's not intended to be self-indulgent and it's really just a spur of the moment idea because I imagined that his Serperior is very prideful. I assume it sounds very self-indulgent, regardless?
Like, I’m not going to write some insane revenge fantasy because I didn’t like how my character was depicted. I think Phos Guy did a very good job with it and I just felt inspired to make a small extension of it. I mostly just assumed it would be that long because the other thing I’m writing is super long.
Yes. In the first place Alex is a character who:
a) would care what his Pokémon think
b) would absolutely seeth at losing
So not only is your stated premise whack but just the whole idea of the fic as pointed out here sounds so laughably self-indulgent that it's kind of impressive.
would not*
typo, I concede
I’m about to go to bed and I don’t want to argue about this because that feels like a waste of time and also digging my own grave. But he cares because it affects their performance in battle. It’s like maintaining a race dog, if it gets sad, it won’t race as well.

Good night /tog/.
And for those wondering, no, I’m going to scrap it because it feels like a distraction from my main writing and I feel that the reception will be negative. Just know that I didn’t conceive the idea out of any malice even if it seems like it.
Still, I would read it. It would be interesting to see that.

>Alex is a bit peeved he didn't got a 6-0 against Azelie
>Serperior knows he screwed up, and he will be replaced
>Alex, as expected, swaps Serperior and organizes a rematch, just to test out the new member
>Serperior says "fuck that", leaves his ball, and puts himself in the team
>Rematch happens
>You thought it was your new guy, but it was me: SERPERIOR!
>Wins thanks to this >>56200605
>Alex is pleased, but still confines Serperior away for a week as penance
>Serperior is just happy he didn't lost his place. Knowing Alex he would've just sold him or make a pair of new boots with his skin
>Knowing Alex he would've just sold him or make a pair of new boots with his skin
Is this the monster that my shitposting has cultivated in people’s heads? He’s not THAT insane. This is going to keep me up tonight, curse you.
Your shitposting made the bed for your moral relative batman, now lay in it and sleep!
I will give you cookies and milk to sleep more comfy.
Honestly I don't feel like arguing either. I just think you're lacking in maybe some level of self-awareness or something.
Just, even a story it doesn't sound particularly interesting because a fic where the author's OC gets a rematch and wins and that's the whole fic is inherently self-indulgent. That could be remedied though if the joke had a punchline or something instead where the OC loses again for an entirely different reason that's starts a massive feud between his company and the Battle Château that results in the creation of a similar but competing establishment in his home region. Maybe this feud goes on for years as both sides act incredibly and comedically petty for the next decade until eventually Alex and Azelie just kinda forgot why it even started and they actually become vitriolic pen pals. Hell you could even have him win now that it's not the main punchline of the story.
You can take it the idea or leave it, feel free to use own discretion but I hope you can see what we're getting at.
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And I'm going to steal it because fuck you, I want it more.
Yeah this sort of thing is what I mean with >>56200721, I would actually be interested in getting a view in the life of one of Alex's Pokémon because suddenly it could become this black-humor ass underdog story about a snek trying his best to not get turned into a new scarf. Even if it was all just in his head.
Since MH Rise has distracted me(Farming some Zinogre parts) I’m writing a bit late tonight. To make up for a snippet I was gonna post about Zatch, have a few facts so far about Zatch’s clan:

1: Their name is the Taigiri. Some hunt Pokemon for food, some live in coexistence peace with them side by side, and some become trainers themself.

2: Every family can make their own symbol but only the chief and members on their own adventure reserves the right to depict Braviary.

3: They have no problem educating those would want to learn their ways and even have their own books on things from rituals to training. In fact they even have a test for those who want to become Taigiri themselves

4: In battle, they can tend to be VERY aggressive if poison is used against them.

5: Unown are seen as good luck charms and one ritual involving them gives them the ability to levitate.

6: Older members tend to have gambling tendencies but the younger members can reel theirs in.

Their’s more but I just wanted to give people a taste first
>Alex and Azelie just kinda forgot why it even started and they actually become vitriolic pen pals
I don't know if he'd be able to handle the bantz.
>only the chief and members on their own adventure reserves the right to depict Braviary
Oh, that's a nice detail.
>Older members tend to have gambling tendencies
Wouldn't be an Injun Joe otherwise.
>Mentions gambling to older members in a younger member presence.
“Gambling? Oh no I…..use to do that but I’m fine now….honest. No problem here.”

>Alone in Black City

“Sir, you’re on 19. Are you-“

>They even have a test for those who want to become Taigiri themselves
>Older members tend to have gambling tendencies

Miko will join in record time.
Ehh I’ll explain the test a little more: starting it off the person taking it must answer at least 4 questions right about surface level Taigiri culture. This can be skipped if said person is already friends with a member, has shown they have a good heart, an Unown likes them, or the chief finds them interesting. They must then pick one of the following task:

1: (OLDER MEMBERS TEST ONLY) Win at least 300,000 in 3 days in either poker or slots.

2: Win against 10 tough members using only the Pokemon they know best in 1V1 battles.

3: Endure being levitated for 4 days straight while being mentally haunted by their deepest fear. If they beat their fear early they just need to worry about levitating.

4:(NEW) Find a dragon tamer, fight them and take a dragon fang from one of their Dragons.

5: From an old book pick a Pokemon(Hisuian), a ritual will take place to bring it back. Capture it without your Pokémon’s help

6: A 6V6 battle with the chief

Their are about 12 tests but those are the main 6 they give to newcomers unless a special case is made for them.
Those 6 rules seem straightforward. Do the other 6 are special rules. or Taigiri/Chief exclusive?
Just something I cooked up tonight while in a writer's block, hopefully the class gets a kick out of it. First time sharing a google doc instead of a pastebin, so don't give me too much grief. This is also my first time trying out this weird style of writing, might try it again though.

Reading this has been a great litmus test to determine I needed to go to sleep about three hours ago.
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glad to be of service, me too!
Correct! Gold star for you! Their Taigiri merged ‘coming of age’ tests or one the Chief himself would give. 3 for each!
This was a fun read in a meta sense. Also:
>"Imagine the face of a newbie in Twinleaf fishing for a Magikarp and gets blasted to Tuesday"
Reminds me when I fished in Sootopolis, waiting for Wailmers, and found one big fuck off noodle.
Tell me about interesting trainer OCs you have seen outside of these threads. You can include other 4chan boards, if anyone is doing that for some reason.
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There was a Discord group a friend told me about where they did a live RP of a made up trainer in the BW vein. They used Manga logic a LOT in it but my friend controlled the OC and made him kind yet obsessed with getting jobs done. They were just having fun messing around until they got to the Celestial Tower when someone all of a sudden had Zombie Pokemon come in. Apparently they picked THAT time to make the trainer a little more interesting and he apparently fought Zombies with just eggs

…..I’m serious. My friend gets a kick out of reading back the messages but never shared them with me. He also told me a in joke now with them is every time they start a session they have boiled eggs near them to eat
>You can include other 4chan boards
I'm a 10 years old 4chan veteran, and the only board I've been using (besides this one) is /mlp/, so I feel making a trainer based on them would give me a permaban in this thread. The joke is too obvious.
>10 year veteran
You're not one of us, you're ALMOST a tourist. I've been on 4chan for at least 17 years.
How were the days before having a catalog?
As terrible as you can imagine.
>throwing out eggs that could hatch into 6V pokemon
Good thing it's not game logic
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Honestly the Celestial Tower part never fails to remind me about this manga panel
Did Skyla just murder BW male protag
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Another 2000 words done today and honestly still not even half way done. This might end up a 20,000 word chapter rather than the initially estimated 15k. Might get a bit more done before bed since I am waiting for my chicken to cook.
That's fucking nuts, dude, congratulations. Any chance you can do a part 1/part 2 and give us an early release when you hit the 10k mark or nah?
Mmm...it depends on where I end up at 10k cause honestly a lot of the main action is loaded into the tail end of the chapter.
... i was reading one punch man

and that thing reminds me of someone...
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Yes, it's very obvious why if you dug through the archives at all
oh yeah, forgot. I remember only vegitto, sonic and vergil
>only remember the highest autism ones
>implying that others are not high-tier autims

They're not on the same tier though
care to explain why?
We both know why already.
that genshin attracts both waifu and husbando autitst in abnormal scales and opm fandom filled with powerscalling autists?
Senti is the only one here that isn't completely ridiculous
Senti isn't from Genshin Impact, she's from Honkai Impact 3rd, which is way more autistic, it's Mihoyo's fanservice game and it's set in a sci-fi unlike Genshin which is a fantasy setting
>more autistic

you even admit it yourself, AUTIIIIIIIIIIIISM and again, mihoyo attracts shit load of autists, even i played their games
It's way more autistic in comparison to Genshin. However, it's still way less autistic than the others, imagine making a Pokemon OC and telling people that it was inspired by Vegito, Vergil, Sonic, and some bitch from Splatoon (don't know her name)
That reply wasn't even me, that was some other anon. Genshin only pulls in fujos and mentally ill Twitter people now cause of the character direction and boring combat/world these days.

If you knew her backstory you'd say otherwise. Especially since TECHNICALLY by proxy she shares Fu Hua's backstory.
They were mostly personality inspirations more than anything else. Personalities that show at different times.
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Imagine that there could be an oc based on spamton, dante, shadow, ben 10 and prof. farnsworth? this shit sounds nigger-wierd

in russia, genshin is the most normie gacha ever. srsly, only normiescum play it unironically and wait that such based mind like me would join them
Senti isn't ridiculous because she's much more distant from the Pokemon setting and whatever influences she has are more subtle. As opposed to Sonic and Vegito which are shonenshit and can be easily pointed out since they are more obvious (as in, ridiculous powerscaling)
FUCK, forgot to mention gogeta
>ridiculous power scaling
Literally not a thing but you're right about DBZ though.
Looking back on it, Super Sonic is kind of ridiculous. Normal Sonic is more balanced.
>Super Sonic is kinda ridiculous
Yes, but ridiculous powerscaling is usually shit like multiple forms that all powercreep the last. And Sonic just has 2 forms. Normal and Super. The Frontiers form hasn't really been confirmed to existed outside of there yet and even then it's basically just Super Sonic+ rather than a whole new thing.
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Bit more done before bed, probably gonna have to do some editing or proofreading when I wake up later though. See you nignogs later.
Nigga I just woke up, what do you mean you’re American and going to bed, you don’t even work a night shift or study for that to be justifiable
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I'm a NEET with a sleep schedule that refuses to be consistent-- but is usually nocturnal regardless. And it is not something that causes me issues and is in need of fixing, so don't jump to that conclusion.
*and isn't in need of fixing
Fuck, I definitely need to get to bed.
>the coffee machine has the blue screen of death from the Friday morning oopsie and the repair company hasn't come by yet because they don't work weekends
>the fucking COFFEE MACHINE
I've got a package (that's "parcel" for your kind) coming in the mail (post) today. It's funny (humourous) to think (pondeur) that the pillow (heady resty) will be arriving after the pillow case (heady resty rag).
>the coffee machine
That's on you for buying a coffee machine that's too smart and selling your privacy (and coffee for like a day)
My piece of shit is so idiotic that the only thing that will make it break is mold growing inside it and I love it.
Whoa, whoa, hold on, the decision to make our coffee machine smarter than the HR department was a decision made above my pay grade, I just have to live with the consequences.
this is why smart household appliances are an affront to god, the internet of shit claimeth yet another victim
Still curious
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>Coffee machine, Blue screen of death
>the decision to make our coffee machine smarter than the HR department
Meanwhile my place just got a new coffee machine and I swear, its been making better coffee than almost every coffeeshop in the area, shit's amazing
I just bought one myself and it also makes better that any coffeeshop, then again I’m right near a Starbucks and I refuse to buy overpriced coffee if I can just make it myself.
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not sure if this is an appropriate thread, but i saw some concerns from archived edgyverse thread and just wanted to say that i'm perfectly okay, i moved out recently, anyway
i love you
i love you
good to know
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Phos Guy, If you're looking for a good bossmon, consider "Salamace".

>Salamace, use U-Turn / X-Scissor
>Salamace, use Brick Break / Body Press / X-Scissor
>Salamace, use Thunder Fang / Stone Edge
>Salamace, use Brick Break / Acrobatics

It hits all four of her Pokemon super-effectively, and an insane dragon of death is a very obvious boss pick. I recommend you save this for Paldea, and if any Fairy types are present, that it goes Tera Steel in order to keep Psychic resistance against Malamar while still being too fast for Scrafty's High Jump Kick to hit. The specific set I recommend is:

>Brick Break
>Stone Edge

Alternatively, you can just go all in on stronger attacks with less tailor-made coverage:

>Dragon Claw
>Jaw Lock

Phos doesn't seem like the easily worried type, but even though it's a quad resist, seeing her precious Scrafty being unable to escape from literal jaws of death is sure to strike fear into her heart. You can also start the battle as normal, then it pulls an Outrage out of its ass, it starts Outraging, maybe the buyer has an "Oh shit, what have I done" moment, and then Phos has to stop it from wrecking all of its surroundings.
Dragon Rush is also a good alternative for Dragon Claw, albeit you forgo the chance to have a Doragon Cro moment, and Iron Head is an alternative for Earthquake that deals less damage but has the flinch chance which can come in clutch for the opposing Trainer. Seeing this thing come at you for Dragon Rush or Iron Head is one of the last things that you would want. I’d probably recommend switching out Earthquake for Iron Head, not as sure about switching out Dragon Claw for Dragon Rush.
Roaring Moon has something to say!
Okay, but seriously, why is the office coffee machine equipped with spyware?
>archived edgyverse thread
>let me just look that up real quick
Well, well, if that short read wasn't good for a laugh.
I will take that closely into consideration, son.
Hooray! He lives! And away from danger!
Because some dumbass thought it would be a good idea for your Coffee Machine to hook up to the internet to be ‘modern’. Hell theirs a toilet that connects to the internet as well.
That's not even the worst part. Apparently one of my coworkers was chronically dehydrated--by her own admission, she didn't like drinking water, only coffee. Feeling dehydrated, drink coffee, hair-of-the-dog style until the symptoms go away for who knows how long. With the coffee machine down this morning, her system went into shock and she had to be escorted out as the dehydration sickness caught up with her.
I well and truly despise normalfags and the things they do to sabotage their own body. Fucking addicts.
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>Thread question: What one thing in particular makes your OC lose their shit?
For Ivy, she has a short fuse and competitive nature, so when it comes to losing physical bouts she becomes a bit combative. That or seeing Marshall. With him, it's on sight.

Miko on the other hand is pretty chill and doesn't really lose his cool. He's too stupid to get worked up like that, and if he does, he tries his best to hide it.

>Bibi-anon's unofficial drawtask: design a tarot card or regular playing card based off your oc
This seemed more fun than the OP's drawtask so here's an Ivy inspired tarot card. I know Strength is the 8th big tarot card or whatever, but it's also HM 4 in Pokemon terms- so any chance I can get to sneakily spell ivy's name in roman numerals I'll take. A while back in honor of XY's anniversary, someone asked what our OC's fav Kalos mons would be and I said Ivy's would be Pyroar it's one of the only one she knows about from her time in the blueberry terrarium. If she ever found out about aromatisse, that would def be her fav so we're having kind of a full circle moment including it here :P
This came out so beautifully. I love all the macabre details and the gash in her side to symbolize her wound. Absolutely stunning and beautiful. Great draw task suggestion <3
Maybe I'll get around to drawing it, but if not. Ivy's a brass knuckle/great hammer/spiked bat kinda girl. Any blunt force trauma weapon really.

Miko's a bit trickier though. I could see him with a little knife (thank you tesoro) or maybe something comedically oversized for him like a greatsword or hammer. I think a sort of mallet would be fun in conjunction with Electrode. Like he's playing a game of croquet, except oversized and explosive.


Love the lore and culture you're fleshing out for Zatch and her clan. The Taigiri seem super cool.
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That……..that whole thing
Thanks for liking the Taigiri, you and everyone else really like the culture!

Next time I’ll share some stuff on Lychee’s past as a nerd when I take a break from writing……..or stop farming Mizutsune parts in Rise on Switch. I really wanna show Zatch’s personality in Chapter 2 more now that Lychee is with her.
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If I still had access to Illustrator I might have done a vector of the Black Tower burning down for Alex. I think Vega said it would be fitting in reference to his scorched earth mindset and force of nature analogy. Maybe some Ace Trainers falling out of it too and Alex towards the bottom with the back of his head facing the viewer watching it all burn. Or maybe he's making this face at you or the Tanya Grin because you know full well he's proud of burning it down.
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I'm starting to get real fuckin' sick of my inability to draw, gang. They say those who chase two rabbits catch neither but fuck it they weren't talkin' bout me.
>Gurren Lagann
Waiting on Twoid to tell you to pick up the pencil.
I thought that was an aged up Paimon for a moment tbfh
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Go on. Do it. Embrace your heritage, left by manliest men of art since times of ancient greece and rome

ofc ill encourage him nigga. more actual oc art than lazy uninteresting generations
Guys is Miku okay?
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depends on her next dice roll
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you could've rolled a lot worse actually
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Ruka's First Gym Battle


I hope y'all enjoy it. I wrote it on one of my MANY plane rides +a train ride while I was out of town.
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So while taking a break and before a Rise session, I spent a few minutes to just drawing up a design symbol that Lychee makes for Zatch’s poncho to show their friendship.

I might remake it later but I had fun with it. Plus it breaks up the AI gens I normally do.
Unreadable tbqfhwy
This was such a cute read. I love Ruka and Jynx's relationship and the drawing you made to accompany it is amazing. Love the kimono punk look Ruka's pulling off. Amazing work!
Can't wait to read more about her journey
on another forum i got to talking with someone about their ocs and so i drew some art of them based on her descriptions, i liked the idea of a rivalry forming between retail-chan, a girl who mostly just raises pokemon for the fuck of it, and tryhard-kun who, as my affectionate nickname suggests, only cares about winning. their first battle has retail-chan suffer utter defeat, and a rematch after some time has them on more even ground, which causes tryhard-kun to panic and accidentally misdirect an attack which almost kills retail-chan, who quits the match right then and there because, fuck, if he needs the w *that* badly he can just have it. he's unsatisfied because his victory was unearned, she's unsatisfied because she still couldn't beat him. i should probably reach out to her to see if she's got anything else written since i wanna know how that feud concludes.
enjoying the clan lore so far!
words can't express how much i love replacing the arcana number with the hm number, and the golden linework is just gorgeous!!! you never disappoint when it comes to variety, and it's cool you took a very classical approach to it. and i'm glad you liked my little card! i feel most in my element when mixing creepy and cute aesthetics, so i wanted to blend physical aspects of death in with the more positive transformative reading of the card. like the skull, heart, and pool of blood with her broken glasses representing changes in mindset, feelings, and the body, and the skeletal hands representing the area zero crew! also ivy 100% reads as a spiked bat type of gal
you ever read something and go "well, i could be way worse about *insert bad habit*"
GORGEOUS art! i'm super looking forward to reading this one later tonight
Awesome read, great work!
Sorry for no new renders.
Been busy today, working on themes.
Also, another suggestion, if you're looking to write another fight in Kalos, consider giving her Gouging Fire. She's (probably) got both the money and malice to get in on Franco's scheme.
Now this was an adorable read. Ruka and Jynx will surely pull through the adventure.
>you ever read something and go "well, i could be way worse about *insert bad habit*"
That's the tip of the normalfag neuroticism iceberg, friend. I was just telling the editor about the time someone got so bored at work he started ripping the skin off his fingers until he was bleeding all over the table. Like the world's most overpaid nanny, I had to slap his hands down a couple of times and try to talk him out of it before things escalated to that point. One of the less satisfying "I-told-you-so"s of my career.
Normalfags are so insane, they would rather mutilate their own fingers instead of just sitting still and being alone with their thoughts for a while. It is a sickness, I can't even begin to comprehend the anxiety racing through their heads.
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You're not built different, none of us are. You WILL fall prey to the phrase you mentioned. Just as many of us know well enough we would if we tried to.

>lazy generations
Better to make "lazy gens" and be able to solely focus my efforts into my writing than try to spread myself thin like an idiot. The ratio of people who were able to focus on both writing AND drawing while being actually good at both without the quality of the other suffering are so few and far between you'd have to be delusional to think that way. You're not Him, and neither are any of the rest of us.
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Waiting for Archivist to come in on his high Mudsdale, seethe about your post being "liquid diarrhea", and then say that akshually it's all about your mindset. I don't even mean this as a personal attack but Emilyanon in particular is notorious for procrastinating despite being a NEET and I seriously doubt that he'll be able to do both. Best of luck to him, but my Future Sight forsees only Frustration.
based ttgl reference. go ahead and take one out of the archivist's or ruka anon's book. fluxanon's art has only improved since the early threads and it's a joy to track his progress, while not a single chapter of his fic has disappointed yet. and ruka's new story is being accompanied by brilliant art. take it easy and let yourself fall in love with the process, and don't forget to let yourself actually take pleasure in the craft because that will be your biggest obstacle to success. time you enjoyed spending isn't time wasted. and remember that you've got at least one person here who wants to see your work
"Emilyanon" WAS the one to make that post. I know for a fact that most people can't be the savant that does both in equal, high quality measures. And that some people just CAN'T be good at certain things. We're all born pre-defined what we CAN actually get good at or not. Being inherently good and being inherently bad/if not outright incapable of certain things is part of what makes each human "unique".
Ohh there you are! It’s the dude that said he looked into your Dall-E problem. I told you I’d find you in a few days!

TLDR: The lighting is a thing Dall does to everyone to try and cover their asses telling people it’s AI. I’m working on a way to bypass it still but just wanted to let you know my progress.

Also awesome thread you guys got here. Nice work all of you.
Well, yeah. Archivist himself is actually good proof of that. He managed to convince his office to become petty manipulators by giving a speech instead of a presentation, got himself a dinner date and a large bottle of wine by Channeling Franco, and got a promotion by mixing alcohol and caffeine. He's in some kind of Corporate America job and he clearly has insane verbal IQ, his writing skill is innately better than any of us, so he only ever had to improve his art skills, and now he has both.
>The lighting is a thing Dall does to everyone to try and cover their asses telling people it’s AI
Do...Do they not realize the lighting it does is actually an even BIGGER giveaway that it's an AI creation?
To be fair, I'd say his art-writing balance isn't perfect and he still is better at writing than drawing. While Ruka-anon kinda claps him in terms of drawing if I had to be bluntly honest.
I probably missed the point here actually since I just woke up, but still, I hate the lighting thing it does so much.
No, no they don’t. I’m not joking- you forgot how dumb a corporate and companies can be. I’ll get back to you on a work around though. Just give me a few days to try some more stuff. Just didn’t want you to think I forgot you
>Ruka-anon kinda claps him in terms of drawing
I figured you either had a life or was just trying a ton of shit between your own things, it's fine, but thanks for checking in and telling me. I hope to god there is some way to make it stop.
Mix of both but I’ll get a work around Anon. Just checking in with you.
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Pinched a nerve, eh little man?
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We knew the general would not be the same. Few anons laughed, few anons cried, most anons were silent.
I remembered the line from the Dindu scripture, the Bhagovah-myhed.

"Now I am become cringe, derailer of threads."

I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.
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>’That body pillow will never see the light of day’
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I don't see any sunlight at 9pm.
Delivering on posting a snippet about Lychee being a nerd when she was younger:

Lychee went to all girls school school and excelled in Math, History and Tech Ed. She had started a Tech Ed club in her later school years (High school level) where they made basic robots, but Lychee had personal projects like small helicopters and toy remote karts she’d do in her own time. Her family was greatly proud of her but other classmates HATED how she was smart despite being kind. That hate boiled over when she ended up beating some popular girls in a trivial contest.

Due to this she was labeled a target and more and more girls started doing it to where she was even kicked out of her own club due to being ‘too smart’. Some days her lunch was stolen, some days she was beat up, and SEVERAL days girls would disorient her with perfume, give her a hanging wedgie and either leave her hanging in different empty rooms around the school or tear her panties off and hide them.

Afterward graduation she ended up going the Kogal route to reinvent herself and while it work, she’s still a nerd at heart. Her only real friend was a pet Magnemite she had in Tech Ed and it even followed her when she got kicked out. She later did the Kanto badge circuit but lost to Lance badly in the end.

Now her parents are in Orre and she(Now 22) went to Unova to further distance herself via giving makeovers for a price.

I’d go a little more into it but I gotta save some stuff for the story
Towards the end, there should be an arc where Lychee un-Kogals herself and rediscovers all along that the "nerd" was the true Lychee all along, and that the Kogal phase was just her running away from that.
Haha, love it!
I'm waiting for mine to arrive myself.
Anyway, goodnight lads.
I though about that but, let’s just say she goes a different route as the story goes on and she learns more about Taigiri culture from Zatch.
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Yeah I dunno if I can do a part 1/part 2 division at 10k words cause nothing interesting has really happened quite yet.
That's a bit of a concerning statement, but do what you need to do. I'm sure it's just modest author bias speaking, but if you really believe nothing interesting happens in ten thousand words, you might want to check for pacing issues and see if you can't edit down or rewrite certain scenes to make them more dynamic.
I'm gonna settle in with a bedtime story, nobody post anything cringe while I'm asleep.
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Top comfy
To me, fight scenes is the interesting stuff. There's stuff going on before that but the main peak of the chapter is the fight bits that come in the tail quarter of the chapter
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My wife has some how breached the archives.
I suppose her Pokemon team might consist of the likes of Chimeco, Galarian Darmanitan, and some other third thing.
>Noodles while camping
Based girl
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>one of my other oc plotlines should take place in kalos or hoenn
Hoenn. Forever Hoenn. I'd like to see some Bibiverse there.
ORAS was very fun, would recommend. But still can't top the Emerald cart.
However, the moment with May and Brendan under the stars was kino. Absolute cinema GameFreak. I'll give you that at least.
She just has to make sure no one is around when she breaks the noodles in half before putting them in the pot.
>You can't access this item because it is violation of our terms of service.
What the fuck did you write?
Yay kimono Ruka! Champ in the making. I thought Erika might have handed her a TM (Technical Magazine) for real. I can see Jynx learning moves via magazine fitting the glam flavor well.
Non burger reporting.
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new to these threads, poison gym leader oc
shiny weezing because my first ever full odds shiny was a koffing in ruby and i have a soft spot for the line now
>hasn't realized the poison types are why they're sick
Not a bright girl it seems.
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being sick all the time leaves you with some pretty debilitating brainfog
Girl must have Steel organs to only have a cold and not serious poisoning. Also, maybe she need to invest into Mist or Neutralizing Gas. It would make her feel better.

Regardless, she is a total cute. Welcome to /tog/.
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its a pleasure to be here
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Here is what I got in the Intern from Mossdeep, who wants to capture/befriend one of the Man-made legendaries. He picked Beldum as the starter he gets from Mossdeep before being sent out and rolled for one Psychic type he encounters and one Hoenn Pokemon he gets before leaving the region.
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Not a silly MS painting, but I did edit it in photoshop.

Luke doesn't like the destruction of the environment.
The kid is ready for the most Ayy Lmao adventure ever.
I wonder if he will dig Cinnabar to investigate the manor, or check the old Cerulean Cave.
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Honestly I'm having a hard time trying to decide which man-made legendary to go with. Mewtwo allows for a more confrontative/deeper story after his creation, but Deoxys allows for a world wide traveling adventure and more mystery.
hasn't happened yet, but I plan on doing this
Rival stories are always cool.
Mewtwo gets enough spotlight, Deoxys all the way through.
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True, we'll go with Deoyxs then! As for what he is before he embarks on his journey, I was thinking of him starting out as someone who has barely seen most of Hoenn and is a bit of a shut-in focusing on his Mossdeep space center internship. It's sort of like he would have gone out on his own as a trainer but kept putting it off and saying, "Maybe next time!"

For the call to adventure, I thought he would be working late one night at the space center and have an encounter with Deoxys after it uses its Psychic abilities to mess with the computers before seeing it fly off into the direction of a nearby region. He would then volunteer for the duty to go out and visit each region's science divisions to have an excuse to chase after Deoxys.
Be coo', foo'.
Is Deoxys really man made though? I thought it was an alien virus. While the virus from space is more fitting for his mosdeep origins, I feel like Mewtwo is more in line with his goals.
A busy evening becomes a busy morning, and I am going to continue pushing the envelope for how much I can sleep in until it finally bites me on the way out the door. Let's remember to take time for ourselves, /tog/.
That black and gold motif is just gorgeous. Great use of a minimalist approach to really make it pop.
He reminds me of the Emperor from Final Fantasy 2 in this one. How apt.
Keep buttering me up like that and I'll have to start buying you dinner next. I'm forever grateful to be in the company of talented artists and other anons who are passionate about their ideas. For all I do, I'm nothing without that support.
Welcome, new friends. And you're already fast at work on establishing yourselves, too. Keep it up!
It mutated after being blasted by a laser fired from Earth, so I'd say man is indirectly responsible for it.
Here's what I got for a fuller team while he travels around the different regions. Thinking of having a Zorura follow him after visiting Kalos to play tricks on him before ultimately joining his team.
>I had it disinfected for you.
"You know, I just polished my other badges and I actually don't think I have room in my badge case for this. The League registered my win, so I'm good thanks."
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So how many people here remember the detail that Emily's Mawile can speak in somewhat broken English from years of Emily just trying to hammer it into Mawlie's head akin to Meowth from the anime? Or do I need to do something to more ease people into that?
Ease people into it regardless, shakeups like that should have preparation so that they don’t seem as ridiculous.
Or drop it on the floor and don't give readers an explanation until later. Keep the mystery about it. I wouldn't have a problem with it since it's not fully fluent.
Btw the way these are not the same people
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What kind of posting is this?
At this point just tripfag?
I remember but that doesn't mean it isn't worth revisiting.
Why yes, I would love to open a weird link without any context. It's my first day on the internet.
....so how would I do that exactly?

>I remember but that doesn't mean it isn't worth revisiting.
Any ideas how I'd go about that since it didn't come up in Chapter 1? I admittedly am not sure how to go about it.
Use 4chanX extension, it becomes openable as an embed like Youtube with it. And to confirm it IS just a screenshot for some reason proving he's not the same person in both posts.
I'm on my lunch break, beaux.
Anyways, just have a little coaching session at some point. Have Emily hold something that Mawlie wants and don't hand it over until Mawlie can sound out the word properly. Comment on how her language skills are improving and then proceed as normal.
Any variation of "you don't get what you want unless you can tell me what it is" also works.
>Bouncy ball
>Steak dinner for two
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Hmm...I'll mull it over then, I can probably quickly put something together at the beginning of chapter 2 to help fill out the early filler of the chapter a little bit. But for now I am gonna head the fuck to bed. Thanks for input.
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Made good progress anyway, almost 2k words done today. I'm either gonna end up finishing the entire chapter tomorrow or my bum ass is gonna take another few days to finish it. See you nignogs later.
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Also what the fuck is "freakyfred.jpeg"
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Nevermind, I googled it. That's gross, don't do that.
Started on Gilded chapter 5:


Probably going to end up one of the longest chapters so far. Even with me truncating travel.
I don't think I like the way that Mawile's looking at me...
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Thanks so MUCH! Also learning moves via Magazines would actually be a fun way to do it. I might use that.
I really like this design. More poison type characters should embody the look of poison more. What region is she from? Or is it undecided for right now?
I'm actually in a similar boat. I was always relatively good at writing growing up so I never practiced or read books. I've always liked drawing so I did that a lot. Practice all the time. I went to art school. I think I'm actually a pretty bad artist relatively. It's really hard for a lot of things to come to me naturally. It's just all i do. My writing skills have deteriorated because I never practiced it, but if I put even a quarter of the effort I put into writing that I do into drawing I might be able to be an essayist or something. I still get mogged by Bibi anon both in terms of quality and speed.
Sorry, no new renders today either.
Premiering another theme for the project and I've been so busy with other things...
Is alright. Projects take a lot of time, and is good to do it slow and steady.
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Here is something fun, I hope.
Let's see how many traits you can guess about an OC who will have this team.
It's a woman and she's not very skilled at battling. Either a teenager or late 20s/early 30s.
Do we get the genders as well?
I mean sure but I doubt they are relevant...
M ? M M F F
>It's a woman
>she's not very skilled at battling
>a teenager
Ok well, I might confirm all of those since they are definitely obvious enough. There is another, very glaring one still missing
like an Alice in Wonderland theme here
So, mentally unstable?
So, what do you guys think of this?
>like an Alice in Wonderland theme here
Now I need to throw a reference in, can't unsee it.
> mentally unstable
Nah she is fine. I was thinking about something else entirely.

Cute grunt, would shout PLASMAAAAA with.
Cute plasma grunt shop cashier
ojousama? the boltund gives hunting hound vibes, polteageist for afternoon tea, cinccino for cleaning. lilligant and lopunny just sort of serve the cute/elegant and girly image, though vanilluxe is an odd one out but you could just attribute it to her having a sweet tooth
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She hates this move.
Close enough.
Who doesn't hate CC? Not even CC users like CC, but hey what other Fighting move are you going to use?
Anyway in terms of liked types, you can tell she likes pretty and clean things which means Poison would rank below Fighting any day.
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Ok that's a fun idea so I'll latch along.
I've hinted at this OC like twice in the past here, but even now I still haven't made his profile
Would say things like "defense is the best offense*
How the fuck did this nigga get his hands on a Great Tusk, Regirock, and Melmetal. Anyways his team makes me think that he's kind of a stallfaggot
Haha, he never learns.
Defense Male trainer for sure
Now that I think about it, I wonder how much a deluxe stack o' pancakes like this would cost in Kalos and the real world.
Pokémon world:1,500$
Real World: 59.99$ due to them sell the ‘experience’ as well
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Aww you flatter me too much. I don't think I've seen the full color of these guys before, but I definitely remember you posting the line art of them a long time ago. Love how they came out.
I second the Hoenn pick. I've been having a lot of Hoenn fever recently, might play through the games to scratch that itch.
Really digging these guys. Does the space intern have a name yet?

As for Lily, love the design. I feel like Miko would get excited seeing someone else with a mask, not fully realizing that people use masks when they're sick and not just to hide their poker faces or lack thereof.
Thank you so much, glad you like it!
You're so welcome! I love seeing Jynx and Ruke content whether it be in writing or through your amazing art. Keep up the good work.
Definitely a posh woman, maybe even a princess, who loves tea time and sweets. Really cute team.
>Definitely a posh woman, maybe even a princess, who loves tea time and sweets. Really cute team.
I think it's time to clear up one thing, she is from Galar. And while she might not be an actual high status lady, she is certainly into that kind of image and caught mons you can find there to match. Still, she got a bunch of fans who treat her as a princess.
Ok to expand on it before I pass out, and yes I am aware that may be a bit too many premiummons in one basket, but I cope it'll work out
Same time and place as Hasumi got her Flutter, spent an entire day with Conk trying to stop one of Tusk's headlongs in its tracks. After succeeding, and punching it once in the face, it joins the gang. Hope I did also mention the attemps (for Conk obviously) to grapple with a Slither and take on in a proper sumo bout Iron Hands
Again, this takes place in Hasumi's timeline of stuff, so for some time Plasma's got the reigns, and this guy's squad leader for one of the specops teams. Anyhow, something something partisan raids in an underground research complex below the great chasm, and during the fighting, a once buried and hibernating Regirock is no longer doing either of those. Shitting of bricks is quickly followed up, worn out from previous fights, a ball (initially thought master but that's too much, might change it to dusk or ultra idk but that may be too little) is thrown, and a lot of asswhooping is prevented.
Also while at it, purposes of the research complex: find a way to wake up Regigigas and point it towards the geography of international political enemies, find more relics regarding the original Unova dragon, and obviously nuclear power.
Post-everything event, former plasma scientists look for oc's mentor to take care of a problem.
Problem: somehow they smuggled one of those boxes that attract Meltans and forget about it in storage for actual years. Now you have what is basically a rat infestation but the rats are and eat everything of metal, while posing the risk of becoming a Melmetal.
Said mentor and her Blaziken are more than capable of dealing with the issue, but nobody has the means to contact her, so they turn to oc to do that for them. Instead he takes up the job, Conk almost gets his entire ass whooped, but they beat it, it bursts into Meltans, and catch one for their troubles.
For battle strategy I can say that she is... very straightforward.
Damaging moves almost exclusively, knows type matchups and little else. Has sleep powder on Lilligant.
honestly i was leaning a bit towards hoenn since, funnily enough given how much i hate hot weather and thus am not huge on the tropics irl, it and alola are probably my favorite regions so it's cool to hear some input!
characters with masks are great and she's no exception, and we love a girl who suffers for her passions here. i'm a huge fan already, great sprite animation as well!
looking forward to the intrigue that comes with venturing the world with a legendary like mewtwo or deoxys!
>the pose
right? i find them just as much if not more interesting than typical antagonist/protagonist setups since you get to explore a wider variety of emotions. there's something about how conflicts that are technically pretty low stakes can leave more room for stuff like introspection, getting to really know the cast, and exploring their personal growth
i don't think i flatter you enough frankly. well, in reality i don't flatter anyone, i don't bother talking about things i don't care about, so when i praise something i really mean it and those two look positively adorable matching like that, buy as a pair do not separate
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good food, thanks for giving me something to smile about before i clock in for a frankly unethical amount of overtime. i think you fucking NAILED ruka's kimono, she looks like she's in with the yakuza or something, great way to turn something so typically modest into a more aggressive look, and the selfie at the end was mad cute too, i kinda hope you end off future gym challenges like that so we can see how each leader reacts to getting their picture taken also anon you're wayyyyy too modest, even if it's not the most polished your writing's very entertaining, and the fact you formally studied art shows in how expressive your drawing are and how grounded the characters feel in their environments, and those are just a few of the reasons why i'm a huge fan of your art. practice makes all the fucking difference when it comes to this stuff, and the fact you've put in a lot of love and effort shows
>we love a girl who suffers for her passions here
Huh. You're right, that motif does show up a lot around here. I never really noticed that.
>captcha: TWNX
And there's the other recurring element.
>Suffering and twinks
Sounds like men who are just starting their first gym day.
Goodnight lads, when I get home on Thursday I'll see about making new Grym and Circe renders.
also yippee my first mjsic track for the project has 200 views on youtube already after only 2 days
Ahh, halcyon days...
I did my part!
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Random thought that I'm writing before it's gone: I like to imagine that forums and social media groups exist for the GTS, and that there's groups dedicated to obtaining, caring for, and also getting rid of, certian groups of Pokemon. While there's certainly groups dedicated to more dangerous species, I also think that there would be a group specifically dedicated to getting rid of members of the Deino line just because of how incredibly hard they are to handle.
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That idea honestly has potential considering Dragon Busters are a thing
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thank you!! i havent decided on a region yet.. probably somewhere colder. sinnoh? doesnt really fit with her having gen 5/7 mons on her team though

miko is cute!!!! i like mask and eyepatch friends a lot
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That does actually raise an interesting point. We know Deino hunt by just blindly stumbling around and biting anything they bump into, and we also know that sibling rivalry is ingrained in their DNA (Zweilous competing against itself), and that the pinnacle advancement of the species involves one individual dominating the rest (Hydreigon goes from having two brains to just one despite having three heads). With these elements in mind, it's very possible that Hydreigon lay larger clutches in the wild in order to host a sibling battle royale.
In the real world, we see siblicidal behavior play out with tiger sharks, seabirds like egrets and boobys, hyenas, spiders and others. This would also explain not just the rarity of the species but also its strength and temperament--if you were born into an eat-or-be-eaten environment pitted against your own nest mates, there are very few things you wouldn't be willing to eat after that. By the time a Deino stumbles out of the nest, it's already a blooded hunter with the experience it needs to take on the world, never mind any active parental involvement beyond that.
In captivity, raising Deino broods would be a logistical and ethical nightmare to navigate. Do you let them eat each other? Do you only allow one fertilized egg to develop at a time and freeze the rest for disposal? Do you try to scatter the surplus so that the ecosystem naturally thins their population out to a sustainable level? And then of course, there's the pit fighters that would love to take in Deino broods specifically because of their violent, siblicidal nature.
You've given me a lot to think about. Good post, anon.
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Stuck again writing so while taking a break I was gonna draw something Zatch makes for Lychee. Then I though instead, why don't I just show you all the start opening of Chapter 2? Here it is without editing (Yes I'll get to it later):

That night, Zatch had a terrible nightmare. Memories of the attack on the Johto Taigiri branch flood back to her mind as she remembers the fires that were around, people running and her mother and Father assisting people. As the Chief and his Pidgeot lay dead before her her eyes widened before an angry Clair with a Gyarados behind her. “Do you SEE the power of dragons now? All of you will feel it as well! Especially you, little tree hugger.” As they approached her, Zatch was frozen with fear as Clair continued “Wait….You’re HER daughter! Ohhhh I got something really special for you. Gyarados, blast her with your strongest Dragon Rage!” As Zatch desperately tried any way to move the dragon charged up it’s attacked as Clair gave a knowing smirk. Right as it released and Zatch screamed for her life a thud snapped her out of her dream. It turns out Gareth heard her, broke out of its ball and woke her up to make sure she was ok. In a feverish but relieved cold sweat she hugged her savior saying “Thanks buddy, I’m alright now.”

......Yes I'm aware it reads terribly, I'll fix it after a break
Take your time, doll. Definitely curious to see what's got her so spooked about my tsundere spandex gf.
Personally I feel your art would suffer a bit from more focus on writing. Humans are largely creatures of specialization after all. But you can do whatever you're gonna do.
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I'll hop on too and post a team belonging to a character who's team I have not detailed yet so people have to guess.
Emily would without a doubt not support it at all considering she has a Hydreigon of her own.
I always just thought that Hydreigon is literally insane and neurotically self hating due to the two brains merging together. For a time I considered Alex having one due to its ridiculous movepool but decided against it because I figured it would be too much for him to handle, and it’s also recently just been completely outclassed by Roaring Moon with it’s only unique quality being its ability to run a mixed set, and even then it’s usually only using its SpAtk as a Nasty Plot setup sweeper similar to how Roaring Moon is using DD. I wonder if anyone will ever be mental enough to run DD Hydreigon. Roaring Moon is also typically fast enough to get off an Iron Head on the fae that threaten it, but Hydreigon usually can’t get off a Flash Cannon.

Also, “Hydreitausen”? Really?
Is the goblin too dense to understand that few people are crazy enough to attempt to raise an omnicidal apex predator?
I absolutely LOVE this picture. You really captured her hair well. Also I love her Firey eyes.
>, she looks like she's in with the yakuza or something,
That's absolutely intentional yeah. I like the idea of Ruka wearing traditional things but in her own aggressive Gyaru way making her come off less classical as she did.
>i kinda hope you end off future gym challenges like that so we can see how each leader reacts to getting their picture taken
Yep, gonna try to do that for everyone.
>and those are just a few of the reasons why i'm a huge fan of your art.
AWWWWWWW Thanks Bibianon.
>Is the goblin too dense to understand that few people are crazy enough to attempt to raise an omnicidal apex predator?
A bit. But that's to be expected, she's a battletard that completely views the world and how to live life differently from normal people. A battlefield is a place people would avoid at all costs and if anything outright fear. But to her it'd be one of the first places she'd go. She's practically alien with how her thought processes work.
I'm willing to stretch to assume you can find some non-Sinnoh pokemon in Sinnoh like Venipede in the woods, or Mereanie on the coast.
>he doesn't understand German numbers
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Honestly, it would have been pretty funny if Alex had just rented a Hydreigon from someone in Black City and Flash Cannoned Azelie's team to death. It still outspeeds her team by a significant margin.
Please don't false flag as Alex, he can disgrace himself just fine on his own.
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But could Emily take on this thing?
The events of Chapter 2 would say yes, but that's all I'll say for now.
Well, she took on her first form, the mid evo form, but when it was finally fully evolved she just drop the fight to her team.
She probably was tired that day.
>She probably was tired that day.
Emily was actually much weaker than she is now back then when she was still training her Deino into a Hydreigon. If her Hydreigon tried it again NOW, it'd be an entirely different story as she'd subdue her Dragon herself instead.
every single time i make an oc they are able to fit the mold of this one tweet i like
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>purposes of the research complex
Wait how does this character fit in with Hasumi? Or is it separate?
The contrast of science and a literary bookworm traveling together and battling Regirock sounds cool.
Desire to know more intensifies.
Same setting, the two don't converge until the undisclosed incident in Zirca
David mixed her with a Hex, and then he made a comment about her tits, isn't it?
Basically years ago when Zatch was 14 she ended up destroying her Johto plantation in a rage due to her mother OHKO her in a Johto tournament quickly and saying forest Pokemon were better then dragons, MANY Taigiri died in the attack/temper tantrum she had alongside the Johto Chief who protected Zatch and she passed out due to fear, Next day she was still out cold and Lance forced Clair to apologize. Despite being somewhat honest, the surviving Taigiri didn’t take her apology due to Lance doing all the talking and even offering to help rebuild while Clair tried to justify things. They called BS RIGHT as they learn the Unova Taigiri plantation in White Forest was destroyed by Dragon Tamers taught and order by Clair. Black City quickly took and built over the area and most of the surviving members are older with gambling addiction spending money IN Black City

Their more to it then that but that’s the cliff notes.
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>despite everything, he still has work tomorrow
Raising Pokemon proper never really could be a side hobby

What does Zirca have to do with the nether exactly thoughever
Honestly pretty hard to see a theme here, other than liking cute Pokemon.
Huh, it's a girl and uses Baton Pass?
For me it's an in-universe equivalent of showderp
Imagine a bunch of guys who catch Pokemon, teach them wonky movesets and give them to the current "champ" to participate in a local competition.
>Imagine a bunch of guys who catch Pokemon, teach them wonky movesets and give them to the current "champ" to participate in a local competition
I don't know why, but suddenly my head wanted to make a "cuckhold" joke about that scenario.
You'd be right. But that's the vaguest shit ever so I ain't giving the answer yet.
>"When I said she had a big difference, I was talking about the smell.... But yeah, she is flat."
>David, moments before being sent to the stars by Explosion.
I really can't read much into this.
The other teams had either the posh lady or the huge defense guy mark written all over it. This one is more noticeable for Baton Pass being an obvious strategy and feminine Pokemon without a strict theme.
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Meh. It's Mari's-- the black haired sister of Emily's-- team. She keeps a few powerhouses on hand but otherwise just prefers supporting/buffing Emily or her Pokemon.
Deinos eat everything on their path by instinct, Shaun.
You should know this. They are basically dragon snakes, and you are crazy for snakes.
I feel there's a joke that many of her picks are Fairy.
Like, she heard her sister is training a wild, dangerous, murderous dragon, so she grabbed everything that can fuck it up before it even lays a scale on her.
What's Aira's team?
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Mari would be the type to have a bunch of Fairy types regardless as despite her usually darkly colored choice of clothes, she's very obviously a much more upbeat and plainly feminine girl than either of her 2 sisters. To the point I implied she'd probably be the one that would have caused pic related to happen. Simply because Mari and Ruka would probably have similar attitudes about things and Mari would end up whining and mewling at Emily until she caves in and lets it happen.
Well, it's an accurate approximation if you ask me
I could definitely tell it's a girly girl and that was why she got fairies, but the only other trait I just thought of is that she might be short or otherwise physically fragile.
Reasonable assumptions. Mari just didn't find any physically inclined Pokemon she liked.
I will rate the expected role/trainer experience

Beginner, but probably doesn't care that much about battling.
I'm pretty sure this is at very least an Elite Four member in terms of strength, and might be close to the actual role too.
Not a beginner, but also doesn't look like she'd be interested in taking part in a competition.
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Making SOME progress but definitely not feeling like I will have the chapter finished before I go to bed today. Another ~2k words done.
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For the intern I was thinking of something from the Periodic Table like Ferrum, Argo (Argo), Magne (Magnesium)
Ferrum is good, but Argo could work as well.
Hear me out: what if you reinforced the theme by naming it after a man-made metal instead.
Every time you say this- you make it sound like someone who picks up the other would do so with as much skill and tact as a retarded 4 year old. Nobody here is demanding perfection; it doesn't take much to be just decent at the two. I also don't see how using AI slop is a better alternative than just picking up a pencil.
Someone has gone over this before. There's no reason to bother unless you simply enjoy drawing innately. Otherwise you're better off focusing on what you're good at/actually interested in and NOT trying to stretch yourself thin just to get overlooked anyway.
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Oh, how about Pluton after Plutonium? It works as a double for space and the man-made metal angle! Also, going back to the main crux of the story of Pluton going around the world as a duty to Mossdeep and finding out more about Deoxys, it also has a strange parallel where this introverted recluse goes out and experiences the world, almost like Deoxys is learning about Earth from his experiences.
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you make me think you are an ai too. you just say the same thing all the time
>we cant do both art and
and you always project this on yourself lol. it was totally a different guy, but like a devil to eve you too say things people should not to and its give up. its not the right path. because you don't have a time to take a pencil doesn't means everyone else shouldn't too
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Your delusion does not change reality.
are those "delusions" in your room?
Bkrh of you stop arguing, jesus christ.
>want to use KK's studio for the pokemon models
>doesn't have the ones I need
I'm so fucking pissed.
Have a cute Jigglypuff picture I saved from the /h/ general I guess.
Which models are you in need of?
Considering commissioning some more models st some point.
The last one I tried to find was Polteageist iirc
Yeah, I don't think there are any SV mon models yet.
But it's Sword/Shield. And they have a bunch of Gen8 mons from what I have seen.
Oh, that's right. I was thinking king of the Paldean forms lol
Another year goes by
if they are human enough you might be able to recreate as regular chars, I remember someone in pixiv recreating moemon designs....
that and some furry made and shared anthro versions of the Eeveelutions not long ago.
Oh yeah SV wasnt even a thing when the modder made those packs the british was the latest region so you see some falinx and such
Rise and shine, Americans
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