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>Discuss husbando
>Worship husbando
>Bully husbando
>Post art, headcanons, greentext

Previous Thread


how would your husbando weather a zombie apocalypse (without his pokemon)
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This moron saves the human race.
>comfortable with violence
>knows the value of teamwork
>already has a walled compound and followers
>no brain for zombies to eat
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Interesting question! I like to think he would be somewhat useful given the whole still has telekinesis thing, that’s gotta count for something, right? Hopefully he’d still die though, not at the hands of zombies but at the hands of whatever poor bastards have to deal with him
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I'd like to think that he'd be able to survive okay as long as he could get away and camp out somewhere. Used to being alone, can take care of himself, probably knows how to forage and find food when camping out. He seems like he's strong and would probably be able to defend himself, though I'm not really sure for how long. He was brave enough to venture into Area Zero alone even though he isn't great at Pokemon battles, so he must be confident in being able to take care of himself.

>no brain for zombies to eat
Fucking lol, oh Guzma. Everyone's favorite idiot.
gay homo general
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That's us
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Well, he's probably going to either quietly accept his fate and simply let himself feel the sweet release of death at last... Or he thrives somehow, to everyone's surprise. It could go either way with Larry and it would still make sense. Kinda feel bad for him, he's gonna be hungry now that the restaurants are all, uh, shut down during the apocolypse... Anyways I have to post this song now because it's funny and relevant to the way Larry would be as a zombie https://youtu.be/L4Ghlgn61Pw?si=-9tnhEYGKi-YGENz
I think he seems pretty resourceful even without his pokemon, I could picture him surviving
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Rock Head was buffed in this game to give immunity to zombie bites thanks to having a rocky head or in husbando's case, rocks on the brain.
and the taste
Praying and hoping to the gods that I have a proper husbando dream tonight. Manifesting manifesting manifesting. I’ve been trying to manifest one and it’s either no dream, not vivid enough and they’re either mentioned in passing or they’re just a png, or my brain just says fuck you and gives me a nightmare instead
I just want one because I’ve been going through a rough patch and having not very good thoughts so dreams are (usually)something to look forward to
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damn straight
He doesn't know...
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Without his Pokemon he wouldn't go too well, unless he can find other survivors or a weapon to help him. Definitely the type to get bitten and not tell anyone about it.
Kek, bet you're the type who'd pay out the ass for a pair of drenched panties
If only
The fact that GF's official twitter account posted a picture of them in a heart for a valentines day promo lives rent free in my head. WHAT DID THEY MEAN BY THIS??
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He survives because he’s deep in some cave the entire time and is completely oblivious the apocalypse ever even happened. Just happily living his best normal life.

Or he’s in some secure bunker his dad had built since they can afford to survive and live fairly comfortably (probably).
The bunker goes to a cave. Who knows how many years it will be before he emerges.
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Threadly Lance/yng appreciation post

Wanna floof the man
I had that exact thought. Of course they add a cave to the bunker. Gotta have some kind of entertainment for him.

Steven checks out the cave shortly after the bunker is built. He begins to explore it before Patient Zero is even infected. He unknowingly doesn’t come up until after it’s all over and life is relatively back to normal. He wonders for a bit why a number of his friends all passed away while he was underground… and then he leaves to go explore ANOTHER cave. That’s our Steven! :P
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Considering he built a castle underground, I'm quite sure this man has an elaborate underground bunker and tunnel system.
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He'd be the obligatory crazy scientist who gets into ethical arguments with soldiers and thinks he can make friends with all the zombies and tries to teach them to be vegetarians and inevitably gets everyone killed but right before the credits roll the camera cuts to a zombie with a carrot in his hand??????
>Hopefully he'd still die though
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Goddammit I wish he were real. I love you depressed cat man, thanks for being my pseudo therapist
I'm gonna fucking bite him
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I am both saddened and aroused. Strange feeling.
Yeah, I know what you mean and I'm the one that posted it.
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Bumpy bumpy
I want to hear this man scream when he's spanked.
Perfectly understandable, I however want to shove uncut rose stems down his throat instead
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Forgot to include pic because I’m retarded. How romantic.
I have done nothing but get off to my husbando all day
literally same
Ooo I like this pic
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I think I drew this for the wagie edition thread a long time ago but never finished it, better late than never
I know that people have probably done the same idea a gorillion times but idc
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It’s raining pretty hard out here. The limerence for the fictional old man comes back like it always does when it rains this heavy
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i don't get the big sighs for him as often as i do guzma, but i feel this
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Four days without ac, I haven't been able to work on anything besides this. It's too damn hot, people with rain please send it my way.
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>people with rain please send it my way
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I finally found one of N's prize figures for a decent price and got it through a proxy. Something to cheer me up.
TPC should make more husbando merch...
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Cute husbando in the rain.
Agreed, I want more official husbando merch.
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That sounds awful. Manifesting that you get rain or reprieve sometime soon anon!
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my area has too much wet, take it
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Thank you everyone, ac is now fixed and rain is in the forecast. This thread is magic
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He's already started another type of apocalypse. In the case of a zombie one Rose again would most likely call on Leon or form some other far-fetched plan to keep Galar and its civilians safe... I love him anyways.
praying for pleasant dreams for u anon. i entirely get that. remember husbando always loves you through the rough. i have that same issue of vague/short husbando dreams, i get a bit jealous when other anons mention how amazing their ones are! praying for both of us
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My IRL husband got me a sweet husbando gift for my birthday. He has accepted my brainworms :3
Emmet will get his revenge
Appreciate this
Love husbandos in wagey uniform
I have my suspicions that he is a zombie.
Side Note: Avoid touching the edges of the table.
Ah to be outside under a balcony in the rain, standing a bit too close to be just friendly...
And I thought it was just that one girl from Code Geass who couldn't be trusted around tables...
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kek did everyone do table stuff for 0721
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>make Code MENT joke
>new Code MENT episode appears
I did not expect this at all.
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I'm done in time for PokeMasters Day. Hope the image is SFW enough to not get banned. I know I could do better, but I still like the results.

Might do Gio and Ghetsis in 6 months if possible. I really love Villain Husbandos.
Aww these turned out great! I like how the cape and background for Lysandre turned out!
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so gay they retconned the most interesting thing to ever happen to this idiot fucker
Thanks for all the help. I did wanted to do more for the cape, but the more I moved, the worse it got, so I settled up with that.

Here’s a thread with all the NSFW alts, in case someone is interested.
his dick would fix me
Can you remove the bottom panel's text to make it more meme-y?
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is summer over yet
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Needs to be balder
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Any sauce for this anon?
I feel like he'd probably have a secret lab hideout. Probably working on a cure for himself so I'd say he'd be alright.
Aw, sweet! They're nicely centered too!
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Big Emmet? We're doomed...
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W-What happened to his hand...
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looks off but it's supposed to be inside his clothes
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This artist is the god of drawing hugs, no two poses ever look the same even though they draw so many of them, I'm envious. I love their kudanobo art so much
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I meant nobokuda, whoops.
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yes yes love me some skinship
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cuddles r nice ;_;
I hope everyone has a good weekend with their husbandos
I need a husbando dream. I'd even settle for a French one.

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