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Yo, it's Monday. Time for Misty.
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Could it be? This game is Possessioner from 1994 for PC-98.
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Misty gets me going like little else bros.
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>animate this
>berate me for getting horny
It's not fair.
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Kimono is my fav alt outfit
huge feet
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Wow classic Misty
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They deserved more, but the inept anime writers only know how to snort Ash's anus.
there's not nearly enough porn of misty's sisters.
They are very beautiful, especially Daisy and Violet, but they were barely used despite their episodes being very funny and memorable.

useless thots need rape correction
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GSC/HGSS Misty > all other Misty
I want this LOL
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Besto badi
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My wife Violet is an underrated beauty. Elegant and naughty.
Built for raw, carnal nonstop fucking.
Look at the gesture of his right hand, naughty girl lol
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She's alright. Vastly prefer anime/Electric Tale Misty, though.
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Loved this scene.

They weren't just saying goodbye to Ash, they were saying goodbye to us.
They tried to step away from Ash with Pokémon Chronicles but that didn't last long.
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I remember this!!!
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do NOT open!
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We never had this meeting. Anipoke is indebted to us.
overrated pajeeta
Misty's hotwife...
stop being fucking disgusting, mormon faggot
They could have done some interesting things.
*Nessa is a model and Misty had some funny moments when she was made fun of for her tomboyish appearance and character.
*Nessa has a Golisopod, and everyone is waiting for Misty's reaction to that Pokémon.
*The game indicates that Nessa usually fishes, the same goes for Misty in the anime. It is also indicated that Nessa usually watches the ocean from the lighthouse, and Misty does the same in HGSS.
*Misty is competitive, she trains and loves to battle. Nessa does too.
*Nessa usually gets angry and complains when she loses. It relates to anime Misty.

It's obvious that they took Misty into account when creating Nessa, that's why I want them to meet each other in the anime, but with HGSS Misty look. It's time to put cowardice aside and stop recycling designs.
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MistyxLana or MistyxNessa, which is the superior water type Yuri?
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MistyxNessa because Lana is too loli
Mmm...that's the good shit.
Misty and Nessa rubbing mounds together.....
If MPM was longer, it probably would have happened.
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I forgot to mention that Nessa has Toxapex and Misty has Corsola. Also, Psyduck is a player to watch out for.
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Hungry Misty
>Bare midriff
>Hardly any stomach growl scenes whereas Jessie gets plenty
How disappointing
That's cuz she fills up on my jizz
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What is with AI "artists" having Patreons lmao
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Is this a game? Tell me it's a game. If it's a Comic, sauce us
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I get really creeped out when I see people thirsting over and sexualizing lot of the other pokegirls that are obviously underage, but I give a pass to and allow myself to continue my Misty crush. I was just thinking about it and realized it's because I was 11 when I "fell for" her, so I've always just imagined we were the same age, even as I grew much older. Also, why am I 38 and still holding a crush? Even when in relationships, always in the back of my head is a tiny Misty itch.
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You've developed in your mind that Misty is the ideal feminine.

She is outspoken and hotblooded but also has a soft side for people she trusts.

There definitely girls and women out there like that. Especially the redheads.
Misty, Chun-Li, Mai, Samus, Asuka... there are characters that are simply timeless.
how did they get away with it?
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Best girl

Best flavor
Together forever
Don't buy these online, got one a few years ago for $30 paint job was horrid and plastic had a bad smell to it.

Buy the ones Hasbro licensed from TOMY back in 98.
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Misty's sisters showed up a LOT in the old western Pokemon comics to try and teach Misty how to woo Ash.
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She's really sexy with her hair down
She's always been Pikachu's favorite.

Always trust your bro on this one, Ash.
Ever forever
>Blond Misty

>he bought someone's used hot glue figurine
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Nope, it was factory sealed.
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