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Think we'll ever get her anime "summer" outfit in the games? It's kind of weird they used her classic long fur coat look in the Alola games.
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I wanna bang a Cynthia cosplayer.
Hugs from Cynthia…
I hope so. It’s really pretty.
I love her summer outfit, it's so nice and sleek, and she shows more skin. I'm especially found of her new shoes too. I can see her beautiful toes.
I'm saying this now before the vorefag ruins this thread
Kek, he was just here >>56204319
Her summer outfit is so pretty. Her pants are really nice.
dawn would look good in cynthia's summer outfit.
Are we allowed to discuss fantasies regarding Cynthia in these threads? Or is that too NSFW?
oh thank god

I think it's the same pants she usually wears, but it still looks really nice on her.
Fair enough.
nevermind, hes back...
I really like Cynthia’s pants. I think suit pants are really attractive, and they’re perfect for a woman like Cynthia. They probably make her butt look really nice as well.
I had a feeling he would be. You think he’s banned because all of his posts are deleted, but he comes back the next hour. It’s utterly ridiculous that this keeps happening.
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It would be so hot if you could see the markings of her panties through her pants, as I imagine they'd be super tight. though what I love is her open toe heels. they look like her regular shoes, but now showing toes!
I imagine so. Panty lines are definitely one of the major appeals of suit pants, at least for me.
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my Msters wife is strong!
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Cynthia looks nice with a ponytail.
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They fugged lol
Hot. I like seeing girls with different hairstyles.
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What do you think Cynthia smells like? I’d imagine she smells like really nice perfume.
I bet she would smell like either those monochromatic perfumes, like the ones that have a black lid and the bottle has that diamond crystal look, or she smells like those perfumes that come in a bottle that resembles a high heel.

idk why I'm so specific about it, but thinking of perfume just reminds of those two bottles I've swore I've seen somewhere.
That sounds about right. She’d definitely smell like a proper lady.
>Cynthia wakes up to noisy clanging scale sex every day
do you think she gets off to seeing her dragons fug?
She wears a heavy fur coat everywhere, she's probably fairly sweaty and wearing a powerful antiperspirant to try and stop it. She probably smells like a can of cheap body spray as a result. Remember, she's a fucking nerd. Her hygiene is probably middling at best.

Alternate, more horny answer:
She smells like shota cum
Do normal people get off to watching their friends fuck? Do normal people get off to watching their pets fuck?
Very nice casual Cynthia.
her icecream is gastrodon
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All of these are correct, I'd say it depends on the situation
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eau delle
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She looks very huggable.
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>she's probably fairly sweaty and wearing a powerful antiperspirant to try and stop it. She probably smells like a can of cheap body spray as a result. Remember, she's a fucking nerd. Her hygiene is probably middling at best.
Not really selling that as a bad thing. Sweaty musky sex with Cynthia!
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love her
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I mean some do. and if I'm being honest, it is mildly entertaining sometimes to see street dogs go at it out in the open.
I want to kiss and suck each of her toes...
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shaunberg, you will always be jewish
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Shaun will constantly seethe about Cynthia FOREVER
lol you spelled stay wrong
>Shaun perished
Good Ending. Let us celebrate with Cynthia's cooking :D
Playing with Cynthia’s butt like a drum…
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File deleted.
How about you post hands then say that like a human boy.
If you aren't a brownskin ESL naturally.
File deleted.
You're about as white as the inside of a chimney flue Brownie. Now stop talking to me unless your skin's a white as mine. I'm tired of trying to parse mentally-deficient ESLspeak.
Because why waste the image limit when he's gone?
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None, because I'm not an african savage like you seem to be to be even thinking about doing that to kids.
Does it make you hard? Is that why you keep talking about it, yet more projection from a bushbanger dreaming of being a ghetto gangbanger?
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Not jewish, brownskin. Not religious either, you SURE you're not african? They fixate on jews as the root cause of all african christianity's problems too, like.
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>she's back for the third time
you discord zoomer have too much time on your hands
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Do you guys have a rotation or is it really just one fatfuck mestizo NEET zoomer spamming the board all day? I hope it isn't the latter.
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its the latter
Ok then, just one fatfuck """Scottish"""-American NEET zoomer spamming the board all day.
Bros.... how did she evade her wanted level of 3 stars?
Champ priveleges
Such a hot outfit wasted on such a shit series. At least the Ash vs Cynthia battle was pretty good.
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So that was the continuation
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Sex with Hatsune Cynthia.
Be careful...
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Best team
>Imagine Cynthia's face when the insoles are mysteriously sticky
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>Diamond Crystal look
More like the Diamond Pearl look.
why? she seems harmless
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I'm enamored with this image.
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I'm enamored with your forever seething.
One more go so.
lmao it's been years how is the schizo still at it? is it the same guy?
I'm happy being a bloke though Shang Tsung. You don't seem to be, given you're melting down a blonde woman exists and you'll never look remotely like her, even with all the surgical hours in the world.
One schizo, what seems like a million child followers. You can tell them apart as the OG's legitimately visibly mentally deficient, the others just pretend they are.
Sane people don't spend the better part of two years melting down over fictional video game characters dude.
And that's not getting into the IRL stalking you got up to.
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Or the getting fired from your job, after getting a warning for the type of shit you were getting up to using WORK equipment either.
Cynthia’s lovely butt!
>garchomp stamp
>cynthia will never save you from drowning
Why is she happy in >>56213592 but not >>56213593?
because you put her shorts back on. why did you put them back on anon? r u gay?
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Why do they both have whore eyes? I hate real women so goddamn much.
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>love from kazakhstan
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>Like what you see?
when she takes the new shota champion to the hall of fame room.
That is so accurate to the official artstyle, I love it.
Mmm nice
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oh no she’s horny again!
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She likes them young.
Which Cynthia VA do you like the most? Sub or dub.
Her Japanese VA is still unmatched
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>their aces
Garchomp is into it
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Guys... do you think there's any truth to the rumors that Cynthia got pregnant? They say she hasn't been seen publicly for a while, and people are starting to talk... Who do you think the father could be?
Erm, yeah. Sorry, we were trying to keep it secret (after all, I didn't want to be attacked for getting the Sinnoh Champ pregnant in the lead-in to Worlds) but given she's starting to show and she will still be competing in the tournament coming up, may as well let the world know.
He cute
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> Who do you think the father could be?
could be anyone really
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Which one would suit her better?
Left, but the right one would be good for special occasions.
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Right it is then. She's quite stubborn, you know.
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So hot ...
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You will die alone
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Aww, Shaun is seething again because his favorite image got hashbanned!
Did it? Oh thank god.
he's still around?
His slap on the wrist wore off.
>shaunberg waited until I was in a match to slink back in like the cowardly kike he is
Don't worry, I'm here now to remind everyone that shaunberg is a filthy kike who tries to pretend the holohoax is real. His complete inability to admit the holohoax is a judaic fabrication used to sieze land that never belonged to Khazar larpers like themselves outs him as either a fed or a bona fide yidsraeli. And since shaunstein could never hold on to a real job and never will, that marks him as an actual kike who was kicked out of Nasser Yorat University and not New York as he tries to imply, and was rejected from the University of Tel-Aviv and not UTM
An ideal case in point! As a jew, shaunberg doesn't make mistakes when spelling yidjabber like "HASBARA" or any of his other yiddish words. . Meanwhile, whenever he tries to type in English, so many typos abound. This alone is enough to out shaunstein as a filthy jew, who was kicked out of Nasser Yorat University and not New York as he tries to imply, and was rejected from the University of Tel-Aviv and not UTM. As a member of a (((tribe))) with a professional victim complex, shaunberg's only available instinct when punched by a single pajeet was to curl up and beg for mercy, then play the victim later, rather than fight back like a real man would.
shaun, we all know you got very angry when those pajeets beat you up. you need to stop projecting
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Cynthia and her team on page 1!
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I pooh pooh you and I'll use Iris to do it.
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Fuck the haters. They are always have been friends.
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He was only angry afterwards, and also before the beating, when he was screeching at the pajeet which is why he got beaten up in the first place! When he was getting beaten up, however, he was just crying and pissing his panties, and not even lifting a finger to fight back.
Can I see the original image?
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Its not NSFW, but it's still great
Speak for yourself. Cynthia is hot, both safe and unsafe.
I wish i was the chair...
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>It's kind of weird they used her classic long fur coat look in the Alola games.

I also though about that.
I would say that was because of lazyness if it wasn't for the fact that she had never had a 3D model before (that I remember).
I would have said for recognizability instead if it weren't for the fact that red and blue had new designs.
It can't even some really stupid idea like "muh design too sexy" because of Olivia in the same game.
My take is that either they had planned at some point a gen IV remake for gen VII so they had the Cynthia model already around (I mean the "remake" we got in the end just was a lazy copy paste), or they just forgor.
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the prom queen <3
What is going on here
Using lens to identify text and then google traductor it says:
"Chirower 3000 people Breakthrough commemoration
Sirona's saliva 3000 yen!:"

The last part is easy to guess
>Sirona's saliva 3000 yen!:"
its a deal!
>they totally planned it, they just never made it111
No, they know remakes are one-a-system and first gen on a new system. The fact they codified that with GBA and DS both getting a remake in their first Gen on-system (GBA only getting one Gen, DS getting a second remakeless Gen) before moving to 3DS, doing the same as DS era, then outright avoiding calling LGPE a remake but a re-imagining (because it didn't follow the canon of RG/FRLG) and then putting out a DP remake in Gen 8.
If they wanted to, they could have made remakes every second Gen, or done remakes every Gen, they make remakes every time there's a hardware jump, and the last game not remade ends up two Gens out of date hardware-wise. And they deliberately made that choice, when they saw people online crying for a Hoenn remake and realising there was still money to be made from the endeavour.
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