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>bunken and formerly take a trip to scotland
>rg gets filtered by the shitty tm selection, then beats up a dangerhair schizo that's very clearly a threat to children and looks suspiciously like sonic
>orevald has to tardwrangle shiv into beating baron
>the reborn anon takes down solaris and heads to labradorra
>orion beats up an annoying fucking tree in empire
>lock watches titania butcher an entire sewer full of grunts

>What is this?
A thread where a bunch of autists play shitty fangames. Join if you want.


>Fangame Bingo

>Download Links for Games Being Played


Empire (don't play this shit)

Reborn Allgen
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I just mashed A on this spot and got the muscle band, I don't think the itemfinder pinged it
Please, never use that word again....I don't want to think about Empire.......
Oh shit, I never found that one, Desolation has quite a few secret areas like this, in Ruby island there's two clearings deep in the trees just like there in Old Woodland, there's a TM for X-Scissor and a Murkrow that shows up at night after you beat Aderyn and complete the quest.
if you want it it's in the old woodlands area, pretty close to the secret path to the pink bow
I can still feel the itch to play more Pokemon right now so I will be giving Desolation a shot after all. Never heard of this one before posting here so unlike Rejuv Im going in fully blind, not even sure how much progress has been made on it currently
Three text boxes in and we've already got a "Damn", wonder how much restraint this game is going to have with swears compared to rejuv
If you want to know, it's 8/12 badges done and v6 of a planned 10 versions
>I don't think the itemfinder pinged it
My autism is flaring.
Where's X-Scissor specifically? I got the Murkrow.
Oo, two damns before the screen stops being black, we're really pushing it now
After having to deal with 15 badges going back to just 8 for now sounds nice
Took the words of my mouth Ava, damn. The music is also sounding pretty nice already
You arguably spend more time between badges than in Reborn though. I bet when Desolation is done it'll probably be longer than Reborn's main story if it keeps this pace, especially given the sheer sidequest density its maintaining the whole way through.
Rosetta is indeed a cute.
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40 bucks for Ralts and Galarian Ponyta each......both just alright Psychic/Fairy types that are stuck this absurdly late for no good reason besides sheer retardation, for fuck's sake.....
>Captcha was j3wws
I'm more or less aware of were it is, I just never clicked on that spot.
There's a path to the southeast of the island, two in fact, just keep trying to walk through the trees and you'll find them eventually, I got so paranoid over finding hidden paths when I first played this game that I explored every single forest map from top to bottom due to being so obsessed with not missing anything.
Deso has a lot of cute girls and they're all into you and this game does have a lot really good tracks, Cellia North and East's jazzy themes are still stuck in my head to this day.
It's not just a static image either, I'm impressed. I know later characters also have portraits in dialogue (btw does that extend to the protag too?) so seems like this game is really putting some effort into it's visuals, even if in this instance it's a pretty small thing
Im fine with that, as long as each gym actually feels like a gym, I barely remember half of the badges in rejuv because for half of them they arent even treated as such
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not much to say here. magneton spammed metal sound and one shot it with discharge
Wow you guys werent kidding, all of these choices kinda fuckin suck if you just want to be a guy. The only one I can sorta get down with is the white haired one, but that's clearly just fem robin from Awakening
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Okay so this hard confirms Nova has been puppeteered by Darkrai and soft-confirms Tristan, or the ghost of Tristan at least has also been puppeteered, right?
Get all those other fucking posers out of here, I know who I am!
Embrace the 2000s Hot Topic emo teen trashfire aesthetic!
Seeing how deso baited me into thinking maybe Rejuv was good after not playing for 4 years assuming it would be as fun as deso. It does have that wow factor with the small things it does, especially the relationship system and quest.

And I will always love overworld pokemon
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Reminds of Rejuvenation's old colors for Edgevior, well sorta.
GG and best of luck for the mansion raid.
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cool shiny

>the mansion raid
I'm annoyed that Demice and Moto have mindbroken me to check for shit like this kek
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Okay being truthful, I did play a very small amount of this last night to see how it started and what all the choices were ahead of time, I never actually gained control of my character though. I went ahead and swapped the sprites for the white haired one with legacy aevis and made a full select screen for it because I unironically did that with every fan game I played as a kid after rejuv no matter how unfitting. I may change it back later, I kept all the old files just in case, but for old times sake I wanna do this for now
Also that art is from Rejuv's files but I dont think it's ever used in game at any point so I just used it here to feel a little more natural, and the background is just neo east gearen with the player sprite invisible
decided to look at it real quick
it's not actually a hidden item so it doesn't get flagged by the itemfinder

demice and moto actually pull this shit quite a bit in their mods, by putting 'hidden' items that are not actually invisible, i wonder if that's where the inspiration came from
>15 fucking credits for a Galarica Wreath
>Still need to waste a metric fuckload of cash on the casino to get my beloved Galarian Slowking
Fuck's sake.....I just came came out of the fight club with a bunch of credits and I'm broke again.
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Do not shittalk the Gardemaid, porch monkey.
I'm curious if this'll make any of some of the later cutscenes...odd if the game doesn't reference the same tiles for certain things in the events.
My autism flare has been replaced by contempt. Why would people do this?
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a few brain farts gave me a bit of a scare but magneton spamming discharge bailed me out
What's a gym leader doing hanging with someone who didnt even have a trainer card yet?
If it causes any inconsistencies I can fix them as they go (If possible, I'm not an artist so I cant make new sprites just reuse them), otherwise it's entirely my fault so I wont make the constant "Who the hell is this guy" joke like whenever Rejuv was inconsistent about my sprite. And if I have to play as a default sprite, that's exactly why I replaced the white haired one specifically, it's what I'd go with otherwise
that's evil. on the same subject, I went up the mountain looking for the grid portal fragment and it was south instead, very annoying
>>>>clockwork released a new update
that's a real deep fucking cut kek, holy shit

hope the dev manages to succeed in getting the project up and running again

based kek
hope nothing glitches out later. it shouldn't but still
it COULD be innocent, and just them going 'okay, here's this body of water that doesn't seem to lead anywhere, hopefully a diligent player would think to investigate a bit more closely' and then didn't think to flag it as invisible for the itemfinder
as for demice and moto, given how much they gloat about that kind of design it's 100% malicious on their part
i think demice does it because it's like muh heccin metroidvanias and moto does it because he just copies demice and has no original thoughts or talent of his own
Looking it up it seems like deso has the same passwords as rejuv if missing a few, so before I decide does this game have anything like the golden items or ev training rooms? Can the exp all be obtained at all without a password?
>all of this for some dogshit TMs and Protect
Fucking hell
there are ev training rooms and you can get the exp all without a password
No golden items then? If so the only pass Im gonna use for now is nohms then
is this around halfway through the game based on 10 episodes? that's not so bad for the mega ring
It IS based that Connor burns shitty roadblocks at least
Yes, but fairly late-ish into the game.
Desolation isn't too difficult until the later chapters.
Cripes dude......I still don't know what pisses me off more, this or the fossils being stuck behind a shitty postgame quest.
all that money I spent on ev berries...NOOOOOOOOOOOO
h-haha yeah, im just now kicking off my trainer career... just don't ask me where I was before this
They'll probably explain it but I dont get how someone who wasnt even a trainer until just now is travelling with a gym leader. Have I just been the pack mule this whole time?
>City of Dreams
oh god not again
they do kind of address it, but the exact details are probably going to be pretty spoiler heavy for now
this is like the 'fangame lampshades shit design' but then lies to you that the design isn't shit this time
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I'm assuming she says this if you have enough relationship points. this is neat but her saying she didn't need me is now even weirder. all that talk of no longer living in lies and she chooses to lie to someone she doesn't even hate.

at least you got protect?
Protect? No, the REAL winner is the Imprison TM bro
They always say that and then it almost barely ever matters, we'll see if you're any different
So a gym leader actually had TWO non trainers with her? One pack mule I can understand, two is pushing it
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ok so julia just said trainers have a hard time completing the gym challenge because the leaders keep fucking off, which means this has been an issue for a while. and ame waits until NOW to do something about it? florinia even says she's using data from my battles to make changes. reading into it would imply that trainers have been complaining about it but ame hasn't done anything until now? what a self insert
no love for my man damn
Connor you fucking nigger
Whiteouts: 22
>Half my team folds to burning field
>All of my team folds to the niggerfaggot Chandelure Connor decided to keep alive while he spammed heat wave
They do. This game mogs Rejuv in almost every way, don't worry.
The gym leaders in this game are way more sociable than Rejuv and closer to Reborn's portrayal of the role on average I'd say.
god dammit my track record for ships is about to get even worse isnt it
alright, not sure what we're going to do next, if ashime wants to do ashen frost or something, or we just do some /vp/ plays whatever for a bit, but if i'm going to hang around this general i should actually play something if i'm not going to keep up with deso

found this on eevee expo....not....not sure what to think about this one....
>the fucking intro screen is animated

kek based
don't worry, it's handled a trillion times better this time around
being able to actually navigate the city without pulling your eyeballs out helps out quite a bit
Fuck you
I like all the overworld pokemon actually having descriptions attached to them instead of just making a cry and some onomatopoeia
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>Has a team built for crowd field
>Has the audacity to say this
Okay nigger.
I'm cool with whatever. If the posters who've finished/ are finishing deso want to do something in the meantime while they wait for Leon, Bunken and I to catch up, that's fine.
>Ashen Frost
That's the one that'll give my jewdar the heeby jeebies, right h-haha?


i actually do really hate that the attempt at character development for connor kind of got forgotten by this point
hopefully they make a better attempt later on
it is a good game, but let's just say that if the average netflix exec picks it up to make a movie out of it they wouldn't be changing a whole lot of details, yes
What the fuck the AI can see the button you tried to press on the flinch turn of fakeout and changes its moves appropriately.

I'm able to consistently reproduce this on the Garret fight.
Is the plot of Misty's game to hunt down Ash for stealing and wrecking her bicycle?
>oak is animated
i can't tell if this is a shitpost or an effortgame

>this is the zoomer edition of clover

yeah, i think the AI gets like that for sucker punch as well, it's really fucking irritating and a consequence i think of sharing the scripts with reborn/rejuv
i hope that's all it is
>Team Crescent
I cant fucking escape her even in a different region
What the fuck kek
>i actually do really hate that the attempt at character development for connor kind of got forgotten by this point
Same desu, it doesn't help he fucks off for extended periods of time (with or without Scarlett), but coming back with a hateboner for foxniggers and crescentniggers and ONLY that is dumb
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Get fucked faggot, your team is insufferable with PULSE2 on this field and you have the balls to claim you're not rigging it?
Total Whiteouts: 28 (+2). If you want to count the resets for me fooling around with the AI trying to repro the fake out things, add another 10 I guess, but I gave him 3 serious tries.
>Lives his whole life in his brother's shadow
>Is treated as a joke
>Gets forgotten by nearly everyone including his own siblings
>Everyone who remembers him hates him
For fuck's sake Connor.
KEK, oh it's going to be one of THOSE games.
is this it

the first game to truly outmatch me and my autism

the thing he's responding with the 'spayed nidoran' thing is a gender question, i'm afraid to answer 'incorrectly'

it's basically repurposed shitty circus field yeah that gives infinite omniboosts to the enemy and none to you kek
acrobatics isn't even busted on it
Dammit, the game's already gotten a laugh out of me
Thanks and holy kek am I going to need to play what you're playing when I'm done?
Funnily enough Crescent's backstory in paragon almost seems like a reference to Desolation.
GG and fuck this fight honestly, the whole thing about it in v5 was that it was fought with now field, then they decided to make the mistake that was Crowd.
i might need to take a lot of videos again because i really can't capture what the fuck is going on with screenshots

keegan...had a hard life
i assume we'll meet him again later when we're investigating the grid
if you manage to survive, maybe
i'm not sure i will
now this is what i call an overworld tileset

why is it so zoomed in
This looks like the kind of thing I'd find funny after a few drinks. I may need to give it a try.
Has anyone played Vanguard? How was it?
Im literally just standing here, piss off mate
have fun man, I honestly enjoy it
its also a lot easier in general so you can be a little looser with the ream building and get away with picking who you like within reason
I imagine we'll get a late game area eventually that's a realm within the Grid.
Dogshit, absolute dogshit.
if there's one thing i do have to say, it's that it really is surprisingly high quality in spite of the obvious shitposty nature

absolute fucking dogshit, one of the worst games we've ever done
a decent number of the issues might be fixed next version though
>I bet when Desolation is done it'll probably be longer than Reborn's main story if it keeps this pace, especially given the sheer sidequest density its maintaining the whole way through.
on the other hand it wouldnt surprise me if when they do get back to work they scale down their previous scope given how it was almost abandonware. Given the main plot seems to be started in earnest by the end of the current game, maybe they just continue with that and cut down the side missions
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Well that sucked
6-0 atteempts: probably like 10
Crobat outspeeds Espeon now unfortunately, so I had to build a new strat from the ground up, and that involved dodging Air slash flinches, alongside relying on sleep powder rng, which is always fun, haha...
titania is a bitch to everyone pretty much all the time
Starting to regret erasing my entire pc alongside the region
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Both Rosetta and Ava seem like the kind of turbobased girls to yell nigger in public if agitated enough. I can see Aaron being annoyed at having to run PR damage control over Rosetta's outbursts from time to time.

Okay I'm probably playing this next. This looks retardedly goofy in the best way possible.
Thanks bros.
I could see either happening. It depends how autistically inspired the devs are feeling after their hiatus.
what if i play the chink gachaslop instead, h-huh? ever think of that?

this is the first conversation in this game that has been normal
there also isn't a save function so far

GG, good luck for electrorape 2.0
i think they've more or less said that's the plan too
which would be a shame. but hopefully the smaller scope of the game and i think the overall smarter dev team will cook properly and still give a decent amount of side content instead of tossing it all out like rejuv did
I know he probably means green as in "Greenhorn" but holy shit I thought he somehow acknowledged my modded sprite for a second

i'm just hoping it keeps past the...initial strong first impression
a lot of games like this tend to be the kind to punch you in the face with the comedy but can't follow through
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gg, Crowd field is among the most dogshit fields
Thanks, I remember him being annoying as fuck to 6-0 last playthrough, hopefully it's a bit better this time around, haha...
>hich would be a shame. but hopefully the smaller scope of the game and i think the overall smarter dev team will cook properly and still give a decent amount of side content instead of tossing it all out like rejuv did
in an idea world we'd be something with deso quality and rejuvenation scope, but honestly even if desolation ends up being what we have now plus a decent wrap up to the main plot, a few more good gyms and E4/champ run, and then a proper finish with the waifu of ones choosing then it'd still be a really fun game.
You know, I'll let that one slide, I know how to curse stall not defuse a fuckin bomb
its probably nothing but does he have the same hair and eye colour as emily?
Getting a trainer card immediately drained my knowledge of how to swim, sorry bud
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>Rosetta, sensing time is of the essence, attempts to pounce while Ava's still out of town
She sure knows what she wants and the most direct path to trying to get it.
How long does it advertise itself to be? This seems like the kind of game that'd best be short and sweet for what it seems to be going for.
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I love Galarian Slowking, in general I think I love Pokemon that sorta fit a medieval-esque style like witches, mages, knights and fierce looking monsters and dragons.
There's the whole resort thing they're planning for v7, that seems like a pretty big thing in terms of side content, I think they're focalizing the side content into one big project rather than making quite a few quests.
i'm really surprised they allow this game on eevee expo
i unfortunately missed the one girl who said 'I DIVORCED MY DAD FOR YOU GARY'

the mega, right? kek
wild they give him a field which is useless for all of his mons except that one
yeah, that's fair
i think at the very least we'll see a wrap up of the ranger sidequest, and maybe one or two towns with high sidequest density, and that's it
i imagine most of the devs just want to finish up at this point too kek, game's been dragged out so long
from the page
>The demo is written in Pokémon Essentials 20.1 and focuses on shenanigans with the various characters and environment. It lasts several hours and ends after beating the first gym. The demo is a third of the final game, which will hopefully be released in two or three years. While the game utilizes a lot of awkward flirty dialogue, there's nothing that would put this game beyond a T rating on ESRB and its age rating would be similar to a show like The Simpsons.
yeah, uh.....nothing beyond a T rating huh
that would also work desu
i imagine darkroot (forget what it's called, but ava's town kek) will be closer to something like addenfall than a more fleshed out town like seashell or east cellia at least
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How do you comfort the Gardemaid and tell her that it's okay to take a few days off to rest?
Could've been worse really, he couldve brought a fetus instead
What was so bad about it?
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What did the schizo voice mean by this
They're pretty (really) similar, but not the same, I remember thinking along that line when I first saw him too kek
Pretty much, yeah kek, hopefully it goes better now but considering half my team's Psychic...haha...
I've bullshitted my way out of death before, I can do it again
Thinking on it, I really like Aaron's characterization. He feels like a much more grounded and realistic version of what Reborn was going for with Adrienn while having personality quirks beyond the existence of neopronouns.
A Reuniclus would've actually gotten shit done there kek.
>said the man who needs glasses

i recorded the video and still had to screenshot new shit as i was going through this conversation

the biggest issues were godawful mapping that revolved around long annoying trainer/wild mon gauntlets and areas that were way too big to traverse, terrible side content, and a horrifically bad story. dev is clearly heavily inspired by and thinks My Hero Academia and Jujutsu Kaisen are the greatest works of literature ever made
the fakemon regional designs (not the spriting, the designs) were also shitty and the music choices were laughable
the dev has said he'll fix the first two things in the next major update, but we'll see how that goes
100% the trainer is probably the 'good' half of darkrai's trainer that didn't go to tard heaven
He's definitely still cartoonishly dickish but I can at least respect the restraint he has in not kicking down people who are likely dead, including those I knew. He's not going to say sorry to me for losing my friends but he doesnt really need to either, the fact he didnt say something like "And she was mocking me for my pokemon? Look where her Meganium got her" is a miracle
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Hmph, peasant!
What wasn't is a good question, the game is shit, has absurd amounts of padding, the progression and plot are garbage, we ran into bugs every minute of our playthrough, the game throws you into long and boring routes with at least 30 trainers or boss Pokemon just to waste your time and that's just the start, it's really hard putting into word how shit that """"game"""" is.
You must become electrorape.
Considering what Electrorape.Jr says, that pretty much seems to be the case.
Connor is a dick but not a monster, he gets a few moments to give him some more depth
>the fucking plok boss theme


connor is a decent bit better than fern, yes (and ren, for not being a fucking terribly written piece of shit - connor is mostly a 'badly written piece of shit')
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OrbeetleGODS...We can't be stopped!
First try kek
This is certainly a game kek
Gotta go evolve my A-Raichu quick kek
The animation work they put into Gary is genuinely impressive for a shitpost.
kek GG
I like that the starter choices are more unique in this instead of just going with every starter in existence. I have a good feeling about Venipede, plus I dont tend to use bug types a lot, I wouldnt have used the heracross in rejuv if I didnt get its mega stone
Right, there was no fullivs password I could u- wait
>Go back to wiki
>Missed the incredibly obvious "Category" tabs for the passwords
...fuck. Give me a minute
i'm 10 seconds away from YABBAposting, feels like it's only the thing that can match the energy (and theme) of this game

GG, obviously this clearly justifies putting orbeetle so late kek
no matter what you think of waldenhall as a character his theme is so fucking cool, i hope it gets remixed again
the only one i'd definitely not suggest is houndour due to how dogshit TMs are and how bad houndoom's levelup set is
it is definitely a major stretch to call this clover 2.0, but yeah as far as shitpost fangames go, this is definitely pretty high effort kek
>The save folder shortcut doesnt work because its still using the original user's file path
Man whoever "chris" is, seems they aren't very bright
wait never mind i don't know how i psy op'd myself into thinking houndour was a starter kek. maybe because there are some dog starters and litleo and my brain combined it? weird

either way scolipede, lycanroc and dodrio are probably all the top tiers
Phanpy learns rollout which more or less solos the first half of the first island on his own provided you don't miss. I dunno if he's as good as Dodrio, but he's definitely solid.
>wait never mind i don't know how i psy op'd myself into thinking houndour was a starter kek
Because it is?
The only other dog is yamper though
yamper also did a lot of good work for me, helped by him getting the elemental fang tutor real early in the game
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back to work, will try to get to victory road today
PULSE Clawitzer no match for the might of Pyukumuku
>obviously this clearly justifies putting orbeetle so late kek
I mean, Post Aderyn doesn't feel late at all considering how retarded it's been nearly the whole way through the game kek
>his theme is so fucking cool
It really is kek
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh fuck, I am losing my shit just witnessing this, this is a top tier shitpost.
GG and holy based.
Just be careful considering the first two gyms are very harsh for the poor centipede.
>Just be careful considering the first two gyms are very harsh for the poor centipede.
Im a Chikorita defender, nothing I'm not used to
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I wish I didn't reset this run, I should've just won and given up on sweeping. Guess what, +5 defense and that same amount of health still dies to one vaccum wave from that infernape with +1 attack. I'm beyond anger, I feel tired

>this is terra's final form
and it just keeps going man i'm not screenshotting all of this shit

>i psy op'd myself into thinking it was a starter, and then it wasn't
i'm blaming the brain lesions on this game
fair. all of them are pretty good to some extent and it was a wise choice to curate the starter list instead of have it like reborn/rejuv where you have obvious insane starter disparity with shit like blaziken and meganium too bad they end up doing that anyway and then have shit starter distribution, but can't be perfect i guess kek
There we are, thank god I realized my mistake now instead of later
Vacuum Wave is special, so you just gotta hope for Sp. Def boosts, h-haha...
And I can get right in to catching more pokemon, awesome
i can't tell if RG or I have a greater propensity at finding deranged shit

>it's taken them 2 years and they still can't clear the roadblock
>Post Aderyn doesn't feel late at all
right, kek, i was looking at dottler being post-garret instead of blipbug
again, will blame it on this game
fucking F bro
it really is a fucking terrible field
talonflame still goes hard on it given it's a repurposed circus field, if you want to try that
>Vacuum Wave is special
that would explain things, thanks. FUCK I'm done with desolation for the night
Crowd field is such fucking dogshit, a trick to get through this shit is that if you switch your sweeper, Garret's Pokemon lose their boost, that Infernape together with Conkeldurr are the things that nearly drove me mad.
Also apparently the nohms code extended to EVERY move with an overworld use instead of just hms, neat. Part of me wants to say that's a bit much, the other part of me knows I was never going to keep sweet scent and headbutt to use specifically on the field
woah bros the tm distribution is already better than desolation already
>cotton island theme from plok
this game's soundtrack honestly kind of, forgive the niggercentric term, slaps
When you realize that almost nothing they could give you as a 6-0 prize isn't something you can (probably) yoink yourself with thief+fling+recycle autism, you free yourself from this hell.
On that note, partner Garret is an absolute goldmine and the presence of Sturdy wild pokemon in the encounter table here means you can theoretically farm an infinite number of items off him if you're autistic enough before he kills them.
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Dear gods.......
>The man who's been surviving on the island for who knows how long lost to the guy who got his first pokemon canonically 10 seconds ago
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Alright finished up to badge 2 tonight, Played V6 at launch but it's been a while. It always surprises me how fast the level curve is in Deso, I guess it's because they don't throttle you with the level cap until after Tristan. I kind of dig it since it differentiates the earlygame of Deso and the other Rebornlikes. The general writing and dialogue are also a league above Reborn and way above Deso. I can't stress enough how good it feels to have consistent, human characters that behave rationally instead of anime trope + convolution.
My only flaw, which is getting into spoiler territory is Scarlett's character. I really don't get what they were going with for her. Why would the cinnamon roll friend join a crazy terrorist organisation and stay with them after they attempted to murder her friends twice?
Ava's best girl obviously, and Aderyn's cute too. I enjoy that this game shows that characters can actually have attractions and still be competent. It really shoves Jan's pussyfooting around Aelita into the ground, doesn't it?
The best part about Ava is that MC + Her + Rosetta would literally be her dream pairing
there's a general 'free will but flawed vs perfection without freedom' theme in desolation where things like crescent want to create a world without free will but traps people in a perfect dream forever or darkrai growing resentful of ruling a world where no one has free will
scarlett i guess is supposed to be the introduction to that theme and combined with an insecure character who underestimates her own value
they did admittedly rush the arc hard and kind of forget about it (and her) afterwards though. it's definitely the weakest part of deso writingwise
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It probably would be kek.
Um no chud, that's Nuzzle with 3.25x the damage with enough reset dilation! That's too broken, you're going to have to strategize with your F12 key if you wanna play a real masterpiece like Rejuv mono Lilipup run.
>Captcha R4GG0T
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The MC sure has a track record for tarwrangling and turning criminals into working members of society, Amelia-sama....you can't escape forever....
Yeah Scarlett's arc is pretty rushed and out of nowhere even after the admittedly okay attempts they made to smooth it out in v6, I think they're heavily hinting that Darkrai fucked with her head via Nova and Scarlett is possibly a dreamer as well, though this hint goes nowhere so who the fuck knows, they completely forgot about her after Blackview, Nova by comparison gets some wonderful scenes in episode 6 if you saved her.
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fuck this field, fuck vacuum wave, and most of all fuck the useless custap berry that shattered my dreams because it doesn't go before priority moves, if it did I could've done this with sir fetch'd like I wanted to. but it's done
yeah you know i think i'm good for tonight


>this is literally better animated than zumi's shitty martin and kreiss cutscene in rejuv

i don't even know if garret is a nigger, or if he's just austr*lian
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I appreciate that this scene played out the way it did and didn't require the protagonist to stand around slack-jawed the whole time for it to do so.
This was my takeaway as well from how Nova was so persuasive.
GG. You're free.
bro you into THAT?
thanks bro
gg bro
holy kek
Rejuvxixters...it's so fucking over
I give it one more volume to see if she does something relevant. I remember previous versions used to heavily imply she probably survived the fall, otherwise it will probably end up as wasted potential. I mean why smooth out so much of the earlygame when she just ends up an ipod or Connor's babysitter? She is supposed to be one of our main rivals after all
thanks bro
wait wrong one fucking hell, GG kek
i assume once we properly meet artem and probably take down crescent for real next version, her being alive will be relevant and she'll get to conclude her arc
it does suck she disappears for almost all of cellia
this is definitely the most 'this is definitely a game' game i think i've ever done here kek
thanks bro
She shows up again in the Cellia tournament but ultimately the game makes it very clear that she's a naive girl in way over her head, which I guess saves the devs the autism of having to write multiple branches of major scenes for each fork while she's sitting out. This is probably the right call because hers is probably the ideal mental state for Darkrai to further exploit with the dream world jape he's probably trying to pull on the MC if she kept herself around for longer
I'm definitely playing this next.
I just hate the growing trend of "Hey this character we've spent a lot of screentime on is actually a side-character, what a twist!" It always just feels like a waste of time and resources. [Spoiler]I actually think that could be a cool idea. Have Scarlett become the next Tristan for Darkrai or whoever, or have her reform Team Crescent kind of like how Hardy tries to reform the foxes (keyword tries)[/spoiler]
Hopefully, yeah. But how will Scarlettsisters ever cope getting [beaten to the punch by Connor?]
GG bro, this is easily the worst fight in the game.
This is fucking surreal dude, holy kek.
Yeah that was the impression I got as well back then, especially considering they didn't mention finding a body in older versions, I still think the whole thing revolving around her trying to kill herself was part of Darkrai's ploy to make the MC get shaken up, the issue especially in older versions is that we don't spend enough time with Scarlett.
Damn, found my first shiny already and of course it's a metapod
thanks bro
I am retarded, going to sleep now.
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I was expecting this to be dreadful, but it was a surprisingly clean first try win. Lunatone is extremely passive even with PULSE2, so you can safely ignore it with a mon that resists its STABs and focus down the left side first. Shiv pulls his weight just fine in a 2v1.5 since Lunatone doesn't really contribute much for Baron. After it's down to a 2v1, Shiv will probably be (almost) out of gas, but it's nothing you can't handle at that point if you saved a faster mon for the end to preserve his Megazard's Flare Blitzes for the things that actually matter like Klinklang.
I think I like Baron as an antagonist way more than I like Sirius because Baron at least attempts to rationalize his garbage, even if his reasoning is shit and he's objectively evil (and that's before doing stuff like pushing a 20-something girl into a volcano for shits & giggles), but he doesn't come across nearly as cardboard cutout-y as Sirius did.

Bros the moon is a beautiful orangeish tonight, go check if you can see it.
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This is anime-troped as hell, but I genuinely love it because the game itself has done such a good job making me invested in the characters. Seeing the very real payoff of everyone's lives you've touched in a game that's core theme is the question of if reality is objective or a subjective experience is both heartwarming and narrative kino.

I would go as far as to say this is the single best story payoff moment in any fangame I've played yet.
>worst fight in the game
haha...don't jinx it...
i'd say aderyn or the waternigger is probably harder albeit, even if garret's field sucks fucking dick

GG, I am so glad Desolation is nowhere near as fucking autistic as the other two with 12v12 cancer, my least fucking favorite thing in any of these games
>I think I like Baron as an antagonist way more than I like Sirius
Hard to say anything without spoiling it, but my problem with Barron is that he's not the only example of this villain in the game, and I wish there was just one
It also probably helps Barron actually does dangerous shit on-screen and picks fights with his nemeses unlike Sirius who's an evil piece of shit but just stands around. And Barron has Rufus Shinra's theme while who remembers what Glitchxshitty track is used for Sirius kek
>Bros the moon is a beautiful orangeish tonight,
Yeah, not cloudy today, that shit's nice. Very fitting considering this next bit, haha..
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Nothing of value was lost
yeah, I am a sucker for this shit
having a much tighter cast and giving them all a little time to shine so you can grow attached to them does wonders too
based and GG
>Nothing of value was lost
the only sad thing is that saphira wasn't able to do it herself
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what can I say? ass flocks together
>Blastoise is so disgusted he's barely looking at him
kek GG. Also based Clefable enjoyer.
>Hard to say anything without spoiling it, but my problem with Barron is that he's not the only example of this villain in the game, and I wish there was just one
Do they do the thing where they kill off Baron but then realize they didn't get enough milage out of him to drive the plot or otherwise contrast another character dynamic so they make a copypasted Baron II?
>And Barron has Rufus Shinra's theme while who remembers what Glitchxshitty track is used for Sirius kek
That's the funny part. Sirius doesn't even get a unique battle track. He just has the same Meteor Admin theme (formerly the gym leader theme in old versions of the game) that's shared with Taka, Zel and Ace. For all of the narrative weight he lifts (mostly offscreen), even the game itself is undercooking his onscreen presentation.
>Very fitting considering this next bit, haha..
My good friend Clefable is about to tell Darkrai to go fuck himself, isn't she?
Good luck bro.
I mean, if I could just throw a pokeball at the clearly asleep pokemon this would be simple but apparently no one ever thinks to do that
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It would be a real damn shame if a really tough sidequest battle had a single weak link that could easily be exploited for a setup Pokemon, clearly this meant Steelix need to be removed and made postgame.
My whining mostly came down to me for no good reason trying to perfect this fight, which is really painful given the threats you have to face and Shiv not cooperating at all, glad he was at least somewhat helpful on your end, GG.
I know there are some later sidequest fights that are painfully fucking stupid, especially waterrape or round two with Cedric, but my dualtypes specifically are fucking terrible at dealing with Garret because of how shit his field was, I get I am doing something rather pointless in perfecting fights, but that fight by itself is so fucking stupid, even compared to DARKNESS or Water Surface.
GL bro.
>Do they do the thing where they kill off Baron
I won't spoil it, but I will say one other anon who did their playthrough of Desolation was not a fan
Personally, I liked the other villain I'm referring to, but I wish they were differentiated from Barron somehow
>My good friend Clefable is about to tell Darkrai to go fuck himself,
Let's just say I hope you're well read enough, haha...
That's fair
A-at least we're probably not going to get into any more scenarios anytime soon that require Crowd Field, haha...?
Also remember in Deso's beta that Crowd Field literally neutered every single type strong vs Fighting, imagine the timeline where that went public kek
>Another shiny
Is the shiny rate still 1% or did they increase it further?
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I want to look forward to this as I love a good tournament arc but god I hate terra so much
>Tries to go out to check the blood moon
>Weather is shit again and for whatever there's a fucking emu outside pecking at the leftover corn I feed my chickens this afternoon
I....I am not even going to question it.
GG bro.
No, you'll have to deal with the yakuza.
That's the cool thing about Desolation, it has unique themes for a lot of side characters and some very good picks too.
I know they tried to bandaid that by boosting Brave Bird and a few other things, but it just doesn't work, Garret's team isn't even that good, it's just his field being utter dogwater, not to mention the whole point of his fight in v5 was that he wouldn't rely on cheap bullshit and it was just a straight and honest fight.
>The buizel you get near the start also has sonic boom like in rejuvenation
Hell yeah, this'll be my emergency button for a bit
What the fuck does that even mean?
I'm 9/9 as far as I can tell. Just finished up as many other misc sidequests as I could like the Drillbur and abducted kid because I'm assuming I'm not going to be able to come back here after this is all said and done.
As far as I can tell from my reset autism it's about what Reborn's is.
I was told it's a euphamism for tits up. I kind of get it but have no idea who decided this was the phrase to coin or why it caught on the way it did.
>Major and extremely corrupt corporations being so twisted in bureaucracy that you don't even know who you're working for
>Their higher ups beat everyone into silence and submission by using their money and they all believe themselves above the people, almost as if they were part of some tribe if you
Hmmmmm.......sounds familiar.....
You can Articuno after beating Garret, though you'll have to traverse Silver Rise, which yeah, that's painful.
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fuck off titania
now that I'm going through this again I think you're one of the worst characters in this game and thats a high bar
have you never heard that? means for things to go bad
is it too old a saying? am I old now
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I actually beat the gauntlet on my first try. I tried to sweep blake/fern with azumarill but it got frozen from a blizzard. talonflame and scrafty did the most here, especially with intimidate. Solaris wasn't as bad as but dealing with a sand team was still annoying, vileplume fucking missed a sleep powder and got hit by a crit, but scrafty came through with intimidate again which actually allowed an azumarill sweep
Couple levels and I can start payday spamming for resources using this
This is the first I'm hearing it, is it just a regional saying of some kind? If you can't say tits up why not just say "Let's hope it doesn't get hairy up ahead, yeah?"
AND it came with a Quick Claw? Arceus is being generous tonight it seems
dude, reborn's plot is so complex and nuanced, it's crazy how two different people can come away with completely different lists of who they find abhorrent
it's bri*ish which means it got filtered down as it does to austr*lia, that being where the main dev is from
in general desolation has a bit of awkward old fashioned dialogue writing with the overuse of 'hmph' or the occasional use of shit like wench. not really as distracting or annoying as the other two THOUGH.
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Ava's lack of patience for dealing with nogs is inspiring.
nice work
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Cool undocumented bits about Darkness Field
>picrel also applies to Moonlight
>The ingame selector over moonlight implies it's being buffed, not nerfed
>Didnt learn Pay Day at 12
Dammit, they're using the gen 7 learnset. Well it has technician so having bite a little earlier instead is nothing to sneeze at, though I doubt I'll actually have use for payday spam by level 30
fuck I hate inverse field aaahhhh
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Whiteouts 32 (+3)
2 losses to a combination of bad luck and bad sequencing. 1 loss to field jeetcode. Didn't bother with the 6-0 because it'd basically just be resetting until Clefable can go literally 43 turns without being crit and that'd sure be """gameplay""".
Edgy name there, Shiv
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In a single scene, Lilith adds herself to the running for Best Girl with solid philosophical literacy. She doesn't beat out Ava or even Rosetta for me, but I really like this scene a lot.
Quick napkin math says that even assuming the rest of the fight goes perfectly and there's no autism with damage ranges, the odds of going 43 turns in a row without getting crit are a bare minimum of 16.016% and that's before the possibility of stuff like Dark Pulse flinches raising the turn count.
Yeah, no thank you.
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And then Tristan became the puppet after that, right?
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Rejuv doesn't let you be someone's discord kitten. How will we ever recover?
>Jinx Guild
You may as well name yourself the Bad Luck Group
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Get fucked, Inceptionfaggot. I'm pretty sure I worked out most of your jewish 'inversion of reality' tricks.

I'm guessing that this is the dialogue prompt that appears if you gathered enough clues ingame before reaching here and you'd be forced to submit to him otherwise? Or is this sequence just entirely different if you don't have enough and tell him to sod off?
Thanks bro.
how do you think he would react if you put your cock in his hand? would he perhaps do something mean or rather something naughty instead
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Took quite a lot of effort due to how annoying the fight was, but I decided to try a bit of thieving myself since a lot of the sidequest bosses in Cellia East have some amazing items, it didn't go very well, at all, but I did manage to steal two Leftovers and a singular assault vest, not bad I suppose, I just don't have very optimal setups or Pokemon to pull it off.
Pretty much, the whole experience is you gathering insight into what's going on to oppose his will, if you got 7 points I believe you can pull it off.
how it works is if you didn't gather enough insight points, trying to reject darkrai would make him throw you into the grid and you'd get I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream'd and forced to reload your save to pick the 'accept' option
taking darkrai's hand unfortunately leads to pretty much the same outcome in this scene, as you'll see, but probably means worse things happen in the future
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and there goes ciel. suprisingly I didn't go all the way with boomburst swellow or acrobatics talonflame, it was raichu that did moat of the work
alright, I'm goingto bed

good work, the big top fights can be tricky
In a world of top-tier waifus, that's real bold to assume he even has a prayer of touching protag benis.
Garbodor can learn Fling, Recycle, and Thief making for an optimal and compact 1 mon bulky setup which is ideal for something like this that requires you to more or less pick your nose for 3 turns. He's been my goto for all my shenanigans this whole playthrough (and usually every other game I engage in this tomfoolery).
Makes sense. I assume I'm on the "anna route" now?
>Got a metronome off the wild kriketot
Rollout just got a lot more insane
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I was right. It was tardjail all along. And Scarlett would've gone there if she didn't Ack or was saved by Protag-kun.
uh, i guess so
the 'anna' route so far (i think) would be
>give the dream stone to shiv (i could see this one not mattering in the long run desu)
>save scarlett
>save nova
>have enough insight to reject darkrai
>this one you haven't done yet investigate the perfection fragments in artem's lab during the prison raid
so yeah if you did the first one and do the last one when the time comes, probably
there's nothing ridiculous so far in terms of plot branching, sadly, but probably will be unavoidable for when E7 rolls around
good job, go and enjoy debrazilified reborn city tomorrow
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I don't like your attitude you nigger faggot.
Nicely done.
Sadly dualtype restrictions got me under tight wraps, the only Pokemon I have that learns Recycle is Mime.Jr and it's evolutions, which really doesn't help.
She never shows up again if you let her die, barely anyone even brings her up outside of Connor because he really wanted to be with his pink waifu.
I will credit desolation that in both that scenario and the whole who to side with of shiv and nova earlier it had me doubting myself just enough to make it interesting, without pulling a bait and switch just to say "gotcha, how silly you were to believe the clues"
>The visorniggers hired a Psyduck chef to work for 'em
It's truly fucking joever for the Interceptor.
>zesty buck sees a white blond aryan
he can't help himself
Aren't you at a major disadvantage against it? All you have are fire types
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Cut to credits.
Pffffft, kek.
It's an exceptionally well handled twist all things said. Desolation is a game that actively wants the player to engage with the breadcrumbs to figure it out ahead of time and is never like
like a certain other worse rebornlike regularly does while also respecting the player's intelligence to reason through their situation and not outright spoonfeeding them the solution.

For those of you who knew the twist ahead of time, I hope watching me work through it blind was entertaining because I sure had fun piecing the puzzle together.
GG, game's over.
how in the fuck did you pull that off
>The breeders use the old rejuvenation trainer battle theme
That actually caught me off guard
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This is the new driving mystery for Act 3, huh?
I was pretty stunned you guessed it so thoroughly, it took me a fair while on my first go to figure it out, I knew something was wrong and that the whole inception thing seemed shady, I figured out the ruse during the booker sidequest due to the last thing Aurora says, as well as thinking over the fact a few characters were behaving strangely at times, as if they weren't quite themselves, you really start to notice if you read between the lines in a few scenes.
He has a Fletchinder to deal with Ground moves and a few moves that can burn on his mons, I guess he whittled it down with some effort.
Yup, it has....very interesting implications.
It really is a fun twist. I like that the game pretends your first visit to the Dreamscape is set up like the major twist and tries to use the usual tropes for "it was all a dream" stories but then fucks with them. So the player goes in thinking that clearly is something is wronf before they get to Dreamscape and could accept it being reality as plausible, but the feeling of wrongness doesn't wear off once you're in there
the last piece of the puzzle on the darkrai front is Tristan, who, well, you'll see pretty soon
>This is the new driving mystery for Act 3,
That, and something else
Probably should start wondering what's up with Lilith's Umbreon
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That shit eating grin, he surely didn't take it from daddy dearest.
I still swear to this day if the joke I made regarding this character actually turns out to have even an inkling of truth behind it I'm going to record myself eating a brick.
Calling it a night since I got work in a few hours.
Am I missing something or does this actually say "southw 5st"
fuck wait e and 5 are the same letter, i hate braille so much
Right, it's been a bit since I last posted it, but current hmph count is 279, it stopped pretty abruptly when we reach Cellia North but it slowly starts picking back up again after we come face to face with Baron and Shiv again, it's actually pretty tough to hell who's ahead of the hmph count, Baron and Shiv were neck and neck last time around with Amelia being not too far behind either of them.
I translated this way back if you want help, so if you want to avoid a headache it's center first, then northeast, then southwest, then southeast, then northwest, then northeast again, southwest, southeast and then northwest, then for last it's center again.
I do hope they dont go too metashit with it
Oh, so they do actually give you a real starter choice later, I was fully ready to accept not getting until certain sidequests
Fuck the npc threw me off by making think I couldnt read any twice and I was misreading one of them, since they dont change the message until you loop
You know what, I've never actually given Froakie a shot before despite hearing good things about Greninja, nor do I really pick water starters that often so why not?
Got a little unlucky toward the end with missing rollout first try and having my water sport mons die the second the field caught fire, but otherwise he was pretty easy since his mons were around level 15 and I had about 18 on average from the breeder
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I like the concept of this gym but the tower defense drags on just a little too long
I am glad Steelix made it though
High kinography.
>It's truly fucking joever for the Interceptor.
Which one?
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Ya know, the literal future scientist who made this shit was was already performing all these experiments on her own Pokemon. Can't even make the excuse that it was muh Zero who made her do it (but he still needs to get off scot-free anyway) because she was doing this shit to her own Magneton/Magnezone right before he showed up, including all the pain. Shit like this pisses me off even more when these types try to act like they dindu nuffin, it was someone else's fault, but wait, you need to pretend that other guy also dindu nuffin.
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The fuck was that fight, lol. That's more damage than, say, Samson and Charlotte.
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Saphira was a pretty solid fight. I think her all gen team is better, the steel types mix up how you approach her a bit.
I didn't want to bring in any ringers for this fight but was worried I've have to, until I remembered the Dragons Den field is pretty simple to switch to a Cave. My Blastoise couldnt trade with the boosted dragon moves but could handle duralodon, goodra and dracozolt okay after the change.
if I remember right eve doesnt think she's not a bad person, she just puts her sister over all else
Yeeeesss gj smacking that thieving cunt around, kek
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I despise terra and wish she wasnt in the game, but I will admit as a one off surprise the no text battle was neat
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From what I've seen, it was mostly some shit about regretting being part of ZEL, regretting that her inventions were used by the Meteors, etc. Somewhat less gay and castrated than Cal here, purely by virtue of having less lines.
And yes, Cal was a mistake.
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you make the game worse terra
you make everything worse
Cal is a huge nothing for me
I dont even hate him, because he hasnt left enough of an impression for that
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Maybe this ain't as bad as how the others are doing with TMs, but some of these decisions are just crazy. Why is this one, for example, way after Dark Pulse? It would've been useful maybe in the teens and 20s, but you get Dark Pulse by leveling at maybe 30s-40s, and as a TM at 70 or so. Maybe there's a field or something to boost it, I dunno. It's not even from the mod, since those TMs are 100+,
I just can't say enough how based Florinia is there. She probably carried Tit*nia against the other girls considering their types, before BTFOing her herself, despite the disadvantage. And now outhacks T*rra too.
Hardy really beats out Ren by getting groomed by someone who is rich, charismatic, and attractive instead of a saggy tits femcel with mommy issues
sometimes I feel like they just needed to put the TM somewhere and forgot about it until they had a spot to fill
>I just can't say enough how based Florinia is there
honestly I should put more respect on Florinas name in general
like you said, carries and then beat Titania, takes down terra and saves everyone and actually has a character arc that goes some where
plus I like her gym a lot, as she has a field that synergises with her team and puts a new spin on them without just flat buffing them/nerfing their counters like so many of the later ones
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Nice trauma dump
I really like when the villain says shit like this, I didn't expect that kind of thing from baron but it's always fun to see. the smile sells it
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should I really be getting a pep talk from this one kek
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other then her ace that wasn't so bad, 3 attempts
I haven't played Pokemon in almost two years. I'm thinking of giving Pokemon Tectonic a try. Is it any good? Also, roughly how long is it?
GG, hope you did your reading
It's pretty alright, you'll just have to get accustomed to all the Pokemon changes
Probably about 30 hours long or so, maybe longer if you're diligent with sidequests
it's good but it changes a lot of type matchups and rules, it's also really battle centric there's very little plot. If you want something more traditional you could try pokemon rowe, it's emerald but you can choose your gym path and it's got I think up to gen 8 pokemon
Yeah, all the changes is what made me interested in it. I want a fresh experience.
When you say there's very little plot, how little are we talking? I don't mind a light plot, in fact, I prefer more grounded plots, but I would like a bare minimum of story direction.
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I think I read as much as I could
it does exist but it's light, there's some nice character stuff though
Did event flags fuck up or is this scene just a bit wonky if she died?
thanks. I didn't get green happy text from her so maybe it's just remembering them before they drank the koolaid but it's still weird
There isn't like a major villain team or anything, there are some antagonists but the game doesn't put a ridiculous amount of focus on them
The game is also mostly semi-open world and doesn't really rely on you following some kind of linear plot
Good shit
GG, GL for victory road
Ummm, guaranteed lowering special attack is clearly too powerful for the player to have chud
It even hits BOTH pokemon in double battles, the horror
How dare they give out Struggle Bug (which does the exact same thing) as the 3rd gym's reward
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both choices being a negative towards one of them is an issue. I sided with ava obviously but if that's gonna be the case moving forward with other options I can only hope only major ones affect the ending. I can bake
don't worry, already had a bread primed kek


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