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For all your shiny hunting needs.
Rate. Hate. Post your own.
Male shinys don't count.

Previous: >>56179282
its over bros...
Still breeding for my shiny female Ralts. I've filled over 60 boxes with breedjects. I'm wonder trading as I go so at least I'm getting some interesting mons as I go. I might actually get a full living dex before I'm done.
Ahhhhh, reminds me of when I got my shiny Mew in Emerald....

Never doing anything like that again :)
Rate my shiny baby dragons.
>Male shinys don't count.

Why though? I don't even check the gender of my shinies
>spent a few hours getting a shiny FEMALE Espathra
>6 males before I reset
>finally got the female after one more male
>Final male is has "peckish" mark
I found that a little funny
>400 Alolapix Eggs in my first Masuda Hunt
SV shinies have to be the worst yet
yeah sucks that they literally destroyed all other pokemon games so you cant even hunt in them anymore
only thong I hate is modern shiny lock, locking away your legends, while shitty, its already a thing, bit locking away your starters is plain bullshit
Dont you like hatching eggs ?????
I used to enjoy hinting my starters, even if they were tied to shitty PokeBall forever Ball Changer when
>no dratini
Pikachunk the Peckish
Ticker the Giddy
They're both shiny, of course
Was tryna find another female cuz I wanna evolve the one I have into an Alolan eventually, but only found boys today
Was he retarded?
Probably Legends, Lumiose City's PokéBall Emporium had a guy in the shop mention how neat such a feature would be and gamefreak love to tease features in old games.
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>50+ Dynamax Adventures runs with no Latios popup
>have to keep playing with the retarded AI
>>>>>>Pyukumuku users
Lord please give me strength.
Also going for Regidrago, ORAS Heatran, and Poipole as well.
shiny hunting Mewtwo took me less than 100 resets, its been +1000 and not Zapdos.
Im so close to give up aaaaaaaaaaaah
There was no Year of the Dragon Dratini egg.

You must be a pretty mid tier shiny hunter if you don't know about the Year of the Dragon eggs.
haha THREE (3) shiny Mawiles male
I found like 6 shiny male smolive before finding 2 females and in hunting shiny female Popplio, I found 15 shiny males, two shiny females, then another 4-5 shiny males before finally finding the final shiny girl.
I have a Latios route saved on my second Shield file if you need it, let me know as soon as possible. My NSO subscription for that account is due to run out today so if you take too long I won't be able to help
If you catch a shiny legendary from a Dynamax Adventure, are you locked out of getting that shiny again forever. Or if you do a Dynamax Adventure hosted by someone else, for the same shiny legendary you already got, can you get it again?
You can only catch one legendary of a given species per save file in DAs.

You can participate in DAs hosted by others even if you already caught that legendary from another DA run.

Again, you can only keep one per save, even if you join one hosted by someone else. If you already caught it (shiny or not) and want another one you can start a new profile in your Switch and try your hand at DAs again
If you catch a Legendary in Dynamax Adventures on your save file, shiny or not, once it's caught it's caught you can't catch another on that file
I see. Alright. Thank you for the heads up.
nah but it was a bird that was peckish, get it?
Sorry, probably should've worded that better, I meant to say I had Latios on my file, I tried DA like 50 times and homeboy won't be green on me. Got a Haunter and Flareon out of it Shiny in the meantime, and both mean nothing to me.
Ah, yeah, I figured that might be what you meant as soon as I asked. Thanks for the clarification, though
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I love the new Regis
>Need to beat all gyms to allow Level 70 catches in SwSh
>May as well go to Wyndon to buy Luxury Balls
Then I can go and head straight to the DLC encou-
>Forced Slowpoke fight
>Forced Peony fight
>Forced Suicune DA
>Forced Freezington intro sequence
>Forced Regi trio capture
Perfect, now I can catch the following
>1x Regidrago OR 1x Regieleki
So, to get all the forms I want
>Star, Square, Regular Regidrago
>Star, Square, Regular Regieleki
I need to play these games through 6 times, and only then do I get to try for the 4 hunts
>2x 1/4096 Star Shiny hunt
>2x 1/65536 Square Shiny hunt
>Shiny Charm doesn't work
What fun
I finally finished this last night, got my regular Eleki. Put off powering through the game a final time for weeks. Never touching SwSh again
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Just hunt it on emerald like me lol
Unmarked Shinies may as well be non-shiny.
Sociable Mark is worthless.
Sleepy Mark is worthless.
I'm convinced egg hunts are just cursed. I'm well over 1k into a hat hunt on swsh myself, I've never had a masuda hunt I didn't give up on or be below 1k other than the first one I did for a Zorua in Black.
>Sleepy Mark is worthless.
I agree with you. Unless it's on Snorlax.
Learning how Gen 7 handles egg shininess honestly pissed me off and its probably still in Gen 8 (where I'm doing this) and Gen 9
>Masuda, Shiny Charm, and Masuda with Shiny Charm technically remove all randomness by having a shiny egg show up in a predetermined egg
>Can also just get fucked because your egg seed can be in the thousands and you have no way of knowing how to shorten it without external/custom firmwear in 3DS Era (ft. Magikarp Method) and outright zero resources on the switch side of things
>no way of knowing how to shorten it
Why would you need to shorten anything?
If you want your shiny, hatch the eggs. Simple as that.
>If you want your shiny, hatch the eggs. Simple as that.
Fine, I will. But I'm presetting it to be shiny.

RNG simulator != fun game play
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Posting something you dislike is not trolling.
On the other hand, announcing your reports is absolutely against the rules. Not that you actually care about those.
I mean that's what I'm doing, I'm not quiting lol
It's just a bit annoying that its not actually random so I can't luckshit
Gen 8 rolls a new seed every time you swap parents or boot up the game.
BEST way to egghunt is hatch 500, then restart and get a new seed, than hope you didn't roll shit RNG and have to eat 2.5k eggs to get something that's not worth it at that stage, especially if you're masuda with charming.
Thanks Anon
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>want a shiny hawlucha
>Some faggot at gamefreak decided to make it a rare outbreak spawn
Hawlucha can be isolate-hunted. Near sure a Flying sandwich will find it in NP, on that massive slope, but there's an isolation spreadsheet and github tool to help with that shit too.
As in, I'm near sure I found mine with a flying sandwich, but then again I could be wrong.
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Anyone got any dexnav hints? I was hoping to get Volbeat and Illumise but the patches seem too small, anyway to force an encounter? Going for Lilipup now, hopefully won't take too long.
What's your favorite shiny hunting method?

- Going in raw
- PokeRadar
- Hordes
- Dexnav
- Catch Combos
- Ultra Space Wilds
- Dynamx Adventures
- Sandwiches
- PkHex
- Sucking cocks (Pokemon Go)
I want to believe but I know my GameFreak, they will never do something as cool as that because it will destroy their shitty Cherishit Ball (((Event Exclusivity)))
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>a few days ago I was hyper up for finally having every rare form in shiny form in my livingdex and was ready to move to Dynamax Adventures for two extra Zygardes
>then my brain realized Gigantamax are also valid forms that have a special dex place
>now I need regular and shiny specimens for every Gigamtamax too... BUT
>I need yet another 49 shiny Milceries
SEND HELP AHHHHHHHHHHHH at least a random outbreak today was nice enough to give me 3, one with a cute Dawn mark too!
the only really good ones are SOS, raw encounters/soft resets and pokeradar in this order
PkHex for sure.
Going in raw for one (1) shiny legendary.
PkHex for every shiny after that.
>MM’d a Duradulon finally after 700+ eggs
>back on the MM grind for my male shiny Axew
I’ve gotten 2 female ones before already
I just want my bro
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Good luck, man. I did this back in 2020 with the help of the raid generals at the time, a couple of people helped me get all 378 (stars and squares), even just rerunning the same 1* max raids over and over took an eternity
Why dont you just get the BW2 one?
pogo shiny are superior
Nah, PoGo shinys are too easy to spoof AND you have a play a game where you are forced to be gender non-binary.
>Going in raw
have multiple, most on accident
never did this
have multiple
i vaguely remember doing this
never have, i am considering it
>Catch Combos
lets go was a cute game but im not doing any more kanto shiny
>Ultra Space Wilds
i might but the pool is filled with duplicates i already have
>Dynamx Adventures
i hate playing with other retards
i prob have more than 10 shiny though
barely even a "hunt"
basically a welfare shiny
fucking kek
>Sucking cocks (Pokemon Go)
stay mad
pogo shiny take work to catch
they take work to evolve
they require physical effort which you clearly are incapable of
stay mad lardy
>pogo shiny take work to catch
PoGo Auto Grunt
PoGo Auto Catch

There are more. Take your pick. Dozens of ways to spoof shinys in PoGo.
Also, coping with your shit life by thinking other people are mad makes you pathetic.
>people still care about other peoples shinies
The only ones that matter are egg mons in Masters
It's unironically one guy talking to himself. He does this every thread when no one replies to him. Also I didn't know masters had shinies does any character mention your shiny mon?
My shinys = based
Your shinys = cringe
This is impressively mentally ill.
Tell me, how long have you been on welfare?
The ravings are pretty obvious, and not just on this board.
>I didn't know masters had shinies
Pretty much all the egg mons can be shiny, but the shiny is usually locked to a specific role.
No comments and they usually suck.
Also regular pairs feature shinies and nobody really cares either.
>No comments and they usually suck.

>Also regular pairs feature shinies and nobody really cares either.
Even lamer they had the perfect chance for characters who met a legendary before to be weirded out or curious as to why their mon looks so different from the one with a shiny.
>you have a play a game where you are forced to be gender non-binary.
I didn't touch any that shit and my character still looks like the one that got given to me when I first installed the game in 2016. You saying afterbirths now HAVE to fuck with that monkeyshit to even play?
>my character still looks like the one that got given to me when I first installed the game in 2016
No it doesn't. The only way you couldn't notice this is if you were wearing a full face mask.
>its possible to cheat therefore the fitness tracker is VOID!!!
retarded logic (lardgic)
your brain is too fat think properly
consider pokemon GOing outfuckin side

following your same logic
>pkhex injects any shiny into whatever garbage switch "game" you are wasting your life on
nigga forgot chainfishing and friend safari
>fails to mention masudas wild ride
>in the literal shiny hunt general
>in fucking /SHG/ on /vp/
sad state of this board
It was always bait so he could argue with himself about pokemon go again.
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I wanted to breed it again and level it up for fun.
I’m already on my 5th shiny team and I’m just picking pokemon I liked playing with to MM at this point.
Currently hunting darkrain in my pearl cartridge, my first shiny hunt.
>anything i don't like is bait!!!
It's funny, because you have to cope with being wrong by deluding yourself into thinking all your assumptions are reality.
Has anyone ever timed out Square shiny hunting, Masuda vs SV sandwiches? I'm aiming for Squares of all the SwSh-compatible starter Pokémon, thinking the best way to go might actually be sandwiches.
Assuming I want 3 of a shiny:
>~3 shinies per sandwich with a well placed isolated encounter
>1/16 odds per shiny
>~8 hours for 48 encounters, putting me at odds
>Extra time for HOME transfer but not too bad, maybe an hour tops
>Maybe another hour for HM farming
>10 hours total
vs SwSh Masuda with Charm
>Immediate Star/Square reveal
>But 1/512 * 1/16 = 1/8192 odds
>Four times over, so 32768 eggs at odds
>~4m30s for a clutch of 5 hatched
>~492 hours total
I haven't fucked these calcs, have I? I didn't think the difference would be so extreme
>Extra time for HOME transfer but not too bad, maybe an hour tops
Are you calculating dial-up during maintenance downtime?
Mainly calculating the repeated transfers from SV into HOME into SwSh to validate if shinies are Star or Square. If your boxes are near full that's a solid 5-10 minutes per transfer session, HOME got laggy as shit post-BDSP
Well I have fucked them, why was I doing 4 for SwSh? Still:
>1/512 * 1/16 = 1/8192 odds
>Three times over, so 24576 eggs at odds
>~4m30s for a clutch of 5 hatched
>~369 hours total
>Going in raw
Only by accident
I have no idea how anyone stomachs this shit. The fact that your chain can just break though no fault of your own makes me never want to do this
I've never done it intentionally, but I've found a few shinies as I was grinding EVs
I've only done this once before for a shiny Klefki, which was also the first time I ever had to reclaim a shiny. Not bad, but I prefer other methods
I've done it a few times for stuff like shiny Mimikyu or Bounsweet. Tedious at times, but sees results. I've also gotten several shiny Chanseys with this as I was grinding levels
>Catch Combos
I've never played LGPE
>Ultra Space Wilds
Ultra Wormholes is actually kind of fun to run through, so I like this method. The odds are insane and since shininess is determined on entrance you can savescum if you fuck up, but it's balanced out by the relatively shallow selection. I'm glad it has Barbaracle, might not be everyone's favorite but I like it
>Dynamax Adventures
I would rather kill myself. The fact that I got a shiny Reshiram at base odds is insane, though
My favorite shiny hunting method. Not entirely free, but not too tedious either. Perfect for when you're chillin' out listening to some podcasts
I can understand if it's for something super bullshit, like shiny Manaphy or a one-time event like shiny Zeraora, or if you're just trying to fuck around for fun. But unironically arguing it's a valid form of shiny hunting is just taking the piss. Unless they're legal (in other words, look legitimate) I wouldn't mind having one, but if it's something I can get myself through more legitimate means I'd rather get it that way
>Sucking cocks (Pokemon Go)
Unless it's something that's only available in GO you shouldn't ever feel proud to have them. Sandwiches might be considered free, but they still require some skill and a keen eye in order to get them
>cope with being wrong
yes, that is exactly what you are doing now
you are a dumbass
>The fact that your chain can just break
To be honest it would be way too easy if it didnt break. It doesnt too long for 40 and you can also just stop at 19 or something and reset at that.
Sandwiches but only cause i legit find the minigame fun
On the topic of the spoiler, I have spent days, maybe weeks even over the course of a few months routing Pokemon Wack for a coomer playthrough. I made a world map for all the regions, listed encounter charts with the wild encounter rates per route, found the trades, and had to take extra time to locate what route some event mons are on as the wiki only lists where wild encounter rates are. I've been spreadsheeting so I can read everything on one page. Now double checking the dex on the wiki to make sure I don't miss anything in the 4000+ dex for what I would smash. Pokegirl Island has humanoid forms of all gen 1. Item locations are a bit of a problem still as the wiki doesn't have an itemdex and there are some choice mons that I'll have to use the in game gacha system "wonder trade" for. I still have a few that I know exist but I don't know what route they appear on. You need to beat the post-game for some.

And then I realized that for this to truly be complete, that I would need to shiny hunt in addition to regular catches. I haven't even started the game yet. I have never shiny hunted before not usually caring about visual aesthetics, but the point of the playthough is the appearance, therefore shiny hunting becomes mandatory. This is almost as autistic as that guy who was trying to get either a complete dex or a living dex of that game. I don't know if the later is even possible legitimately.
>n- no u!!!
Is this really the best you can come up with?
I've only had issues with XY radar but thats only because the mechanical changes does not fucking function with most of XY's route design.
I've heard BDSP also makes it worse? But I never bought BDSP
I dont remember all the specifics but theres a higher chance of it randomly breaking but theres also double the chance of shinies becuse its 1/99 instead of 1/200. Its still fairly common and should result in 1 shiny every 3 hours and more if you continue the chain.
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how did you get these, anon?
How did this all start? I saw the Titsdevoir, and wondered how to get one. Seems like the answer was beat the game or beat the post-game but after further research that may not actually be true. Once I saw the sheer size of the dex, I decided to make a map and start this project as I figured it would give me something interesting to do on my way through the game. I severely underestimated the scope and now according to my version history log I have worked on this for 6 months over the past 3 years.

According to my list I would shiny hunt AND regular hunt 449 mons out of the 4857 in Pokemon Wack. And I still have to double check my list so I expect the list to increase slightly. So far though this is 898 catches out of which half are to be shiny.
Within 2 seconds of this post I just added 1 more to my list.
>how did you get these
By being old.
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Man fuck you, now I'm probably going to do this. I draw the line at Alcremie though, I already hunted 64 Milcery, I will get one more and that's it.
I really like this picture.
>found a black raid with a shiny Gardevoir
fuck it I can get shiny Ralts fucking everywhere
Host it. I'll come do it with you.
Tera type?
Bug, Im lazy and im using Stellar Tera Arceus w/Fire plate... never had the time to build other raiders beyond it and raidcat
sadly, I cant im playing on emunand
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Finally got shiny charm on my second save, time to hunt some Dynamax legendaries wahhOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Have fun. See you in 100+ hours.
Maybe you'll get one (1) shiny legendary.
>play 1
>lose to fucking mesprit
yeah fuck this mode
I wish it was me.
you're in for a wild ride and the ultimate Pokemon Superboss
I got a good route and caught it 4 times so we are already pretty close!
>Event outbreaks
>8 shiny Kantonkan Raichus
>Not a single shiny male
50% my ass
>Finally free
Next: those incoming Tatsugiris
>said no one
I found a website that calculates the optimal game/method to get a shiny (Vanillite) and it tells me to SOS hunt in Sun/Moon, but when I do the math to compare with Horde hunts in X/Y I get better odds there. Am I missing something?
SOS hunts are the most free method no way you get 1 faster with hordes.
So my dumb ass had no idea there was a fucking event going on, so I found those intial 3 in the dark :(
Today I found Pichu, 2 Pikachu, and 2 Alolan Raichu, so I have the full set now

And of course, none of them were marked, unlike the ones I found on my own the other day :/
But Vanilline has a 10% chance to be summoned + you have to keep Hail up
How did you get a screen shot like that with them all facing the camera?
Got two shinies with Marks: a male Pikachu with Dawn Mark and a female Kantonian Raichu with Smiley Mark. Don't have the Mark Charm yet nor used a sandwich
>Looking for Chansey
>Find this instead
I'll take it.
by the time i get my albino cat bank will close down
Missed out on a chocolate Raichu sadly since I can't get the dlc till payday but I managed to snag a shiny Pichu! Ikl post a pic when I get home
Nice get anon, I could never do safari searches because I would be devastated if they ran away.

>Missed out on a chocolate Raichu sadly since I can't get the dlc till payday but I managed to snag a shiny Pichu! Ikl post a pic when I get home
Same but I made sure to catch enough pichu to evolve into at least on of each to make up for it.
but Mewtwo is green
Are these Pika outbreaks actually boosted? Fuck.
Yeah but you have 9 minutes to find a shiny though. What you could do is disconnect from the internet to continue your search though.
I did literally just find one after I posted that but I still need 2 more. Didn't realise it was ending yet, thanks.
I'm playing Brilliant Diamond and Bebe just gave me a shiny Eevee, what should I evolve him into?
My bad anon it's 5:00pm PDT and to me that's 8:00pm tonight my bad sorry for the confusion.
Fair enough, no worries.
You can't evolve any Pikachu into Alolan Raichu in SV
Hit R to whistle at them during a picnic, then when they're gathered up, quickly hit the camera button and tap ZL/ZR to play music and lock them in place
This could take a few tries
>evolving to alolan Raichu
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1500 resets for this shit bird, totally not worth it.
>not even bothering to set nature
It's what you deserve
I'm debating getting a copy of Shining Pearl just to try hunting for a Shiny Arceus. I basically have zero interest in any of the other pokemon in the game, or even in the game itself, really.

I already have Arceus in Legends, so there's that.

Is there a better way to hunt for Shiny Arceus?
It's the ONLY way to hunt Arceus
Now I've got to figure out if Shiny Arceus is really worth it.
How badly do you want your own OT?
I can give you a shiny one if you want. But it's an event one.
who cares when mints exist
What website
Its the only way to hunt shiny Arceus, its shiny locked in DPPt and PLA, there's one or two shiny distros from Gen5 if I can remember properly
Here's a debate, especially for the guys going for a full shiny dex who hate GO shinies. Which one would you prefer:
>Event Shiny Genesect from the mainline games
>Genesect with your own OT hunted in GO
I've stopped using GO shinies for my dex but I'm honestly leaning to option 2 since it's actually somewhat of a "hunt".
It's not shiny locked in Gen 4 but it IS illegitimate as they never gave away the Azure flute to enter the hall of origin. They only started locking stuff in Gen 5.
>welfare shiny vs soulless husk
I think I'm good
I'm kinda hoping the 30th anniversary celebrations will be shiny mythicals.
No, it's shiny locked there as well.
Don't try and cite the deep magic to me witch, I was there when it was written. Fuck you and go play the games you didn't, as your education's clearly lacking.
Fuckin hate gen 9 hunting due to the game itself being a laggy POS. I hate how there's a 5 second delay just to put up the picnic table and then you gotta spam A to skip the gay eating cutscene. Then you get to the outbreaks and the game becomes 10fps
I just learned the shiny charm on pokemon brilliant diamond oly works for eggs.
is there any way of improving chances on static encounter legenedaries?
It would be nice seeing as the only one we can legitimately hunt post bank will be Arceus (unless you got the Shaymin and Darkrai items) but I think they would just prefer to charge for GO tickets.
Nope, that's why I'm trying to get mine in USUM.
aim the camera to the ground when preping the table.
zoom your camera in, choose places close to walls or water.
It's shiny locked in the sense you can't take it out of the game.
Anon, to play GO, you need to be 13, to own a google account, assuming you're not playing on your parent's email. And the majority of fucks playing GO are adults, that's why it's set up like it is, instead of being like the kid's games.
They distroed all the mythicals, chiefly for kids in 2016, to celebrate the anniversary. There's every chance they give out shiny ones now, they had a paypig shiny celebi in GO, Game Freak still went and handed out a shiny Celebi as a movie tie-in.
So it's not shiny locked in the slightest and is instead forbidden from being transferred, take your L and do one you disingenuous retard.
>own a google account
Or a Facebook account
Or a Pokémon Trainer Club Account

If you randomly redefine words, anything and nothing is shiny locked
It's literally the same end result.
>instantly samefagging to damage control
>overly aggressive for no reason
Hi, !Akemi.
Completely indifferent, and I'd gladly take a shiny Arceus if it meant not having to buy a game and play it for 200+ hours just to get it.
Dunno about trainer club, but facebook is 13 as well. The point is, it's not aimed at kids as much as it is teens and adults, who likely have personal smartphones.
Not in the slightest. And certainly not if you're hunting it JUST to hunt it in odd-school odds as a braggard. But that's the difference between something being shiny locked and something being transfer-locked. You can still hunt the fucking thing, if you wanted.
What did it mean by that?
>every Gen2 Pokémon in GSC is shiny locked
Okay, just use 5621 8148.
On SV games.
since we're talking about transfer locked things, anyone knows why I cant move my Lv1 creation trio from the Sinjoh ruins from BANK to HOME?
also, correct me if Im wrong but arent Shiny Darkrai and Shiny Shaymin also locked in gen4?
Thanks for confirming it even more.
holy fuck, a monkey paw situation, almost no shiny locked legendries but at raw 1/4096
does someone know how long does it take to load the game after a reset? I know it was around 40 seconds on PLGPE with it was tolerable for a switch game.
Not the same. Those CAN go up games. The cade allows for it.
Arceus can't go up at all.
I have both, but I've opted for the non-GO. My order of preference is:
>Non-GO (or LGPE-able like Meltan to avoid HOME's GO stamp)
>Correct OT
>Correct Ball
>Those CAN go up games
No they can't, they are literally trapped on a cartridge
Yo, you're absolutely amazing and thank you so much.
No problem. Enjoy.

Thanks for the shiny Eevee. He's a cutie.
The games code 100% allows for shiny Gen 2 and 1 pokemon to exist in Home and current games. Home and Bank will not allow shiny Arceus in them.
No, if caught in Platinum, Shaymin gets the fateful encounter flag and Darkrai passes as-legal. So if you hunt both, they both can move forward. game Freak had foresight to code Platinum Darkrai as legal (IIRC, if you level up the DP Darkrai to 50, it passes too, but it may need to be transferred from Platinum).
I'm too old to be hanging around your /vp/ discord kid. I guarantee you, your boogyman is in another IP address.
>THIS much of an autistic oblivious cunt
He means "all Gen 2 shinies caught on Gen 2 carts are shiny locked, per >>56218119's claim untransferrable pokémon are as good as shiny-locked"
>by shiny lock I mean you can't take it out of the game.
>by can't take it out of the game I don't mean literally can't take it out of the game
>by can't take it out of the game I mean they are not allowed in Bank
>which you can only know by taking them out of the game into a completely different generation
So Gen2 Odd-Egg mons with Dizzy Punch are shiny locked?
You can stop replying to posts twice.
Gen 1/2 pokemon, and Odd Egg pokemon are not SPECFCIALLY A SHINY that can not be transferred out of the game.
>could my insane definition of shiny lock be so stupid multiple people take issue with it?
>No, it's just one autist samefagging
And by one autist I mean multiple people
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Enough squabbling, let's see if anyone here is truly shiny-pilled. Check out this find from today, what am I hunting tomorrow?
I want to say Kyureim
Shiny is locked to not existing outside of game where you can only get by cheating.
It is shiny locked.
hacking isn't hunting. anon
Yes it is.
It's the same as going to the supermarket and hunting for a steak. You're just hunting the easy way.
Hack checks actually flagging an illegal mon for a change is literally the same as the game code not allowing an encounter to shine in the first place.
Literally no difference,
I see, never actually cared to hunt them since I captured mine over ten years ago when I didnt actually cared about shinies... well I guess my Diamond is going to be forever a hatching test for my Manaphy egg... one day it will shine
>Hack checks actually flagging an illegal mon
None of which are gen 1/2 shinys.
Man, he's so awesome.

Thanks again so much. He was basically the last shiny on my personal checklist.
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soulless i say
Is that shiny? I can't even tell.
Stop posting shitty screen shots.
who pissed on your cereal friend?
I don't have a cereal friend.
And even if I did, I'd stop being his friend after someone pissed in him.

Also, stop taking shitty screen shots. You're on a Switch already.
Im not that anon, just found so funny these threads have a dedicated clown.
>Droopy form shiny with Recluse mark
>Im not that anon
Everyone totally believes you.

But yeah, the clown who posts phone pictures of a switch is funny.
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Check this out
Yeah, it's funny. Look at how retarded that picture is.

By the way, people mocking you for something doesn't mean they are mad about it.
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Thats good bro, no one needs to be mad.
It's just funny how easy it is to tell who you are, !Akemi. You have the exact same coping mechanisms for every single confrontation you get into.
- Lose argument
- Samefag
- Post screen shot of (you)s
- Scream at people that they are mad
- Repeat until you pass out from sleep depravation.
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What is blud yapping about
Say "replying does not mean mad".
Say "someone mocking me does not mean they are mad".
Replying does not mean mad
Someone mocking me does not mean they are mad
How many Tatsugiris did you catch?
>How many Tatsugiris did you catch?
One. For the Dex entry.
Theres 3 forms you are missing out...
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Love this fuckin shiny
not using a luxury ball for the best color combo in the franchise. My brother in Christ what are you doin'
You only get one in emerald unless you grind master contests
And fuck doing that on my jap game
Im showing how disconnected I am from the 3rd generation, I legit forgot you cant just buy them.
Great catch and great nickname.
lolol, fucking spastic.
Something you have to lie to yourself to pretend is legitimate.
Transferred to my English emerald and the worm is Hasty, which is actually a great nature
>Nice get anon, I could never do safari searches because I would be devastated if they ran away.
I was legitimately just looking for Chansey because this is a new game.
Also here's the worst case scenario from a game from 2016.
I wish I was who you say I am kid. But my webhandle's initials are SR. I was christened by the Blue Star and I know you wouldn't been able to hang in the IRC chans I cut my teeth on. So enjoy melting down at shadows.
lol did you just kill a sinistcha tera raid?
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People always talk about the shiny they got but never about the WHAT Pokemon you use to hunt. So, what's your designated shiny hunter (or team)?

I'll start
Pecharunt for moral support
Gallade is my usual go-to hunter mon. It's got good attack, the False Swipe + Hypnosis combo, and because it's part of the ever popular Ralts family, it's all-but guaranteed to show up in most games. If I have the option, though, I prefer to get a Spore setter like Parasect or Breloom. Breloom is especially useful since it has Poison Heal, allowing it greater longevity during encounters
Smeargle and Alolan Marowak are my goats
Whoops, meant Fug is the main guy I keep in front for most overworld hunting in SV and then when I do actually have to capture them, I have an Ampharos for status effect, Gallade for false swipe, and then like a low level mon (depending on the general level I hunt in) in case it uses a recoil move after false swiping it just in case even though I do save right before

But for ORAS, I have maxed PP Pokemon that can keep going until the chain ends
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Can't believe I got this so fast after Fug
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Trust in Fug
a hacked mudkip (now swampert) I got in a trade with someone here on /vp/
Damp + Spore, Soak and False Swipe.
fun fact, didnt realized it was hacked or anything special until way later when I was sorting my boxes to compare and complete both of my livingdexes
Historically, I prefer Gallade because False Swipe/Hypnosis/Heal Pulse/Mean Look role compression.
Back in MY day, mons could run away.
For US holes I currently run A-Marowak for swiping, Roserade with Sleep Powder and a random Pelipper for Soak.
Because that's what I had on hand
Pretty much my go to, but I use Swords Dance instead of Mean Look for stronger mons. Also a Wide Lens for the Hypnosis accuracy boost
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does shiny hunting on the switch games even count
I mean yeah. Despite the sandwich boost luck is still a factor and you can go several sandwiches without seeing a single shiny (or getting one you didnt want, looking at you shiny stantler). Also doesnt help that the lack of an overworld animation makes it harder to notice the more subtle shinies (im 100% sure i've missed shinies before). I recently started hunting shinies and so far my longest streak without seeing a shiny has been 5 sandwiches, which doesnt sound like a lot but remember each sandwich lasts 30 minutes, so it was 2 and a half hours of hunting.
>press A is harder than walk
sure, fatso
If it's not 1/8192 or higher, does it really count?
You don't have to walk to get shinys in PoGo. Just turn on the auto catcher bots.
>log into pogo
>get 25 shinys in 20 minutes
>log out
Ghetto shinys.
hardest thing about pogo hunting is having space to catch more shineis
The only chore of GO shinies is the restriction on transferring them to home.
Unless theyre Kantomons (and you have LETSGO PIKAEEVEE) shinies takes a lot of energy to more and it takes even days to recharge, and god forbids you from moving a shiny mythic/legendary since it takes the energy of a whole week
really? I barely get one shiny per month, (not counting the comunity day ones)

>Unless theyre Kantomons (and you have LETSGO PIKAEEVEE)
Im so retarded, how I've not ever think of this.
Do you know if you can catch them with premier balls?
I've never used that feature besides for Meltan once
once you have them in the Safari Zone you can use any of the 5 balls PikaEevee has
thats neat, I like the premier ball enough to consider it an upgrade vs the 3 standard ones
>just cheat bro
not an argument, fatso
and having legs way too strong, fatso
I love the irony of you (and you alone) constantly trying to call people against PoGo fat, when all the top PoGo players are fat ugly mexicans.
>top PoGo players
How is that relevant to shiny hunting? I'm going to assume when you say "top pogo players" you're talking about "the people who regularly win or place at pvp competitions" and not "random anon using GO as a tool to supplement their maingame shiny hunting". So again, how do they matter to this conversation? Especially as the nolifers of ANY video game, much less core pokémon are fat ugly fuckers anyway?
Because shiny hunting or otherwise is irrelevant to the point that people who are against the integrity of PoGo shinys has nothing to do with them being fat. And the fat players of PoGo are often the legit players.
A long hunt really puts into perspective how lucky you get sometimes
Took me less than 30 SRs to get my shiny Celebi on VC Crystal a month or two ago but I havent completed either:
>shiny Hat Pikachu from USUM
>the 3 shinies from Motostoke Gym in Sword
>Manaphy Egg on Pt, SS and D
>shiny Celesteela on DA
been attempting each of these hunts for months, or in Manaphy's egg, a year and half
On swsh the aura boost is really unhelpful and grindy to max out and you still can't see if an overworld encounter is shiny.
Manaphy has been so fuckin painful
I can't be bothered to do more than a couple hours on it every few days cause it just feels so much worse than literally every other hunt
I even started hunting on emerald just cause manaphy feels so bad
>>Manaphy Egg on Pt, SS and D

This one is legit really, really hard the others are just bad luck, But Manaphy taking years is not uncommon.

This and Jirachi are the only ones I will never hunt.
yeah, got my copy of Ranger like 3 years ago but at the time I didnt had a 3Ds (nor a DS) and was until like a tear and half when I finally got one to finally move my all BANK stuff to HOME and with it the hunt for Manaphy.
I own every Gen IV cartridge but restarted Diamond, Soul Silver and Heart Gold to reroll for new TIDs...
Like you >>56223134 said I just commit a hour or two to it every few days, one day I will get my fucking manaphy
i dont know what yall niggas on bout easy go shinies but my pokemon go shiny situation is drip fed, ill take who ever i can get
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Guys I just stumbled upon a shiny Gyarados in heart gold on a lake I can't remember the name, how rare is this?
v rare anon
start buying lotto tix NOW!
they are fat retards ignore them
comday aside you have to grind for everything
they simply cannot walk (too fat)
not if you have two consoles and multiple gen4 games :)
>Inferno misses every time
>Araquanid uses Entertainment
>Coaching spam
>Metal sound spam
Fuck whoever came up with this shitty AI fuuuuuUUUUUCK
>Necrozma path
>Low HP burned Poliwrath
>Full HP Bisharp
>the fucking Bisharp takes Rotom
gay as fuck
there's anything that can be hunted exclusively on USUMs wormholes? Ive heard those things are more cancerous that gen8's DAs
Some stuff is very easy. I think all the legendaries are shared, but the regis are overworld in SwSh so you have the same odds as resetting once you find one in the wormholes. I think the same for the swords of ugly design
DAs have several of them, if you don't tolarate finding paths and their gameplay you can choose Wormholes instead (plus any Beast Ball balltism will be way easier), other than that:

Sword of Justice but the tent method in SWSH "should" feel easier than SR holes.

Regi trio + Gigas, lower odds than going for them in BDSP or SWSH.
>developer oversight
they didnt intend for you to trade your rare mythical
cant hear you, my cute shiny hat pikachu is singing and doing cute shit :)
>whines about anon hunting Manaphy, a mon that actually has a shiny palette
>not a single fuck about ash pikachu, a literally coding error that doesn't even has a shiny palette on the first place
its for retard lime this one we have shiny locks on the first place
if you transfer it to SWSH it has a shiny color
So does Manaphy.
Why must you lie?
Never mind the fact Ash didn't have a shiny, so a shiny Ashhat by definition is illegitimate.
I derped, it was SV
It does not

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