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Which game do you replay the most
RBY because gen 1 has the sort of unique charm you cannot find anywhere else, both in terms of aesthetics and design decisions. It also allows the most freedom in the order you do things after Lavender Town, although before that you already can make several choices. And of course you can mess around with glitches
BW2 because it offers the largest variety in terms of teambuilding but without the nugame shit. Whenever you want to try using pokemon you skipped on before due to being bad in the origin game, BW2 is where you do it as they will probably get a better moveset or reasonable availability.
fire red and leaf green. love playing through kanto in gen 3.
Kanto is the region I'm most familiar with and it has the most replay value with its nonlinearity. FRLG specifically since it has various updates but I'll play the orignials as well
Only problem is at this point I've used the majority of gen 1 pokemon so it's kind of slim pickings on new pokemon to use. Is there a romhack for either version that just adds more pokemon without bothering the difficulty too much?
ive heard of a frlg romhack that has the entire natdex available in game but i forgot what its called.
There's several of those
it's comfy
Exact same as this guy desu
My nigga
There's a lot you can use if you take advantage of a savefile to trade. Worst case scenario you can customize starters and encounters with a randomizer
Than emerald
>all these remake picks
Zoom zoom board.
And each time I spend some postgame time adding to my stable of Stadium mons.
The first abs second guys literally said RBG and G/S/C retardo
And everyone else?
New games >>>> anything before BW
fuck ass niqqa
fr fr no cap
The GBA ones cuz emulation.
But you can emulate all of them
Shiny only runs are much cooler than same old shitty gameboy runs
Any reason you prefer RBG>>> FRLG?
Or just the openess more?
Again, RBY is a much more charming game than FRLG, and has many unique quirks compared to Gen 3
No need to say “again” when it was the first time you were describing it as charming and quirky ITT muppet
And FRLG has QOL and much more pokes again
Maybe read the post you are replying to. In full.
The words charming was never used once
Keep coping retardo
>gets asked to clarify something the first time
>says “ again” likd I’m asking a fucking alien q
>RBY because gen 1 has the sort of unique charm
Just don’t be rude next time and there’ll be no issues ok
Not saying it twice
Cope, illiterate bitch-replying nigger
> mask off
>gets BTFO
>immediately reply
Lol! Rekt n chekt
Nostalgiafag btfo
What "mask"? You are the one who can't read.
> responding in less than a minute
Holy kekz
>getting this upset someone checked you
This guy is really going to sperg out for the whole thread because somebody used the word "again".
>samefagging now
> or acting like a 3rd person
Holy Kekaroo
This nigga Str8 retarded
This is like if I told someone I like blue cars a lot, and they’re cool
And someone asks me “can you elaborate on why you like them so much?”
And I’m like “AgaiN, because it’s just blue and like cool”
There’s no fucking elaboration you literally repeated your point, and left the person just as confused as they were PRIOR to asking
These are the kinda people that call nu-pokemon bad btw
Crystal Clear
more like FEDdiursa
Platinum. Super comfy and I like the Sinnoh BF more than Hoenn’s. Game is also the perfect length to do a mostly complete run
I don't any more, because I invariably get antsy about losing all the event shit I spend the Gen collecting. When I was doing it, used to replay red just. Gen 2 was shit to replay, skipped Gen 3 and by the time Gen 4 rolled around and I'd started collecting events in Platinum, I'd largely stopped save a couple token nuzlocke attempts for posterity (I gave up on them all, the playstyle is not fun to me). At this stage of the game, I'm a shiny hunter, so keep my extant files for shiny hunting.
My IQ isn’t low enough to enjoy replaying any of these games.

Teambuilding variety doesn’t mean anything when the game has zero difficulty and zero exploration and the gameplay boils down to the exact same thing regardless of what team you use.
Not sure I understand what you mean. Backup your savefiles and you cannot lose anything.
>zero difficulty zero exploration
That's every pokemon game. Every single one is piss easy, linear, and bad game design. Go ahead and tell me a puzzle that stumped you or a fight you wiped to, or a time you got lost. so we can all laugh.
In a normal run, you mostly can't lose save for running out of items or being completely unable to make any progress, usually due to extremely low levels.
In a challenge run(set+no items at least) you can easily wipe to some Gen4-5 fights, especially the final ones if your team comp can't trade KOs or setup
fire red gemerald and platinum
I literally told you in the same post my IQ isn’t low enough to enjoy replaying any of these games. You aight, schizo? Maybe another replay of your toddler game might calm your nerves.
Why enter a thread about replays?
Why even staying for more than one post if you want to say you don't?
Literally only here to attention whore.
>Why enter a thread about replays?
Because OP asked a question and I answered it. You sure seem to be seething hard about your low IQ being called out. Go on and start that BW2 replay anon. Maybe this time you’ll beat Elesa on the first try.
Should have read both questions.
Should have stopped seething.
Ok whore.
Real question though, why this thread has attracted such autism?
Idk some schizo got butthurt another anon said “again” just ignore it

For me? Rubes and saph
Oddly enough, emerald
Implying I would ever delete a game after filling out the national dex, functionally rendering the game pak useless to me or anyone else, since I want to keep my perfect save file, even though all the good pokemon have long since been transferred through Bank and Home.
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>Which game do you replay the most
While my first game was Emerald, it was only really casual and I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. The DS era was when I really feel in love with the series when I played Platinum for the first time, with BW/BW2 being absolute favorite. They're pretty much the only Pokemon games that I tried 100%'ing, even the side contents like contests, pokeathlon, Join Avenue, Pokestar studios, etc.
Everything from the first 4 gen but especially Leaf Green and Emerald. Never replayed anything past gen 5.
>hacking a kid's game
Why don't I just inject the shinies and not play the games then? How about you play however your ADD zoomer bastard brain tells you to and I'll play how I want to and we'll not have to worry about talking to each other again?
I don't mod my shit, because I'm not a broke little cunt with no money to game in 2024. So I don't *need* to back up save files fo a kid's game, to replay the thing, when part of the draw of playing it originally, was the interaction with the rest the world playing it. Unlike you cunts, the world moves forward, not hangs ENDLESSLY onto their childhood and starting Gen, because it's the last time in their lives they felt truly whole and happy.
>anon suggests backups
>suddenly another melty
What the fuck is wrong with this thread.
I'm currently replaying Platinum, and have played it all the way through with both Turtwig and Chimchar in the past. So, probably Platinum. Other contenders for the title are Crystal, Emerald, and HGSS.
NTA but are you ok? Calm down
>RBY because gen 1 has the sort of unique charm you cannot find anywhere else
They said it was charming. What the fuck are you screeching about?
It's the designated mental breakdown thread for some reason
He never said anything about hacking the pokemon, just backing up your saves to external resources in case shit hits the fan. You sperg.
stealth gen 2 thread = sperg general
At least going by the posts here, everyone is replaying Gen 3 or 4, with a few outliers who like older games and BW.
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Sinnoh is my home and it has good replayability. It's definitely a bit due to nostalgia, but i don't care

They're my favorite games in the series due to the sheer amount of content you get without any of the dogshit mons from gens 5 onward.

They're my favorite games in the series due to the sheer amount of content you get without any of the dogshit mons from gens 2 onward.
RBY thread died.

>Red, Green, Blue
Nailed it. Love playing these, or hacks, a on cartridge.
Foremost because of the variety allowed with glitches.
Just as important is the freedom and respect you are given as a player, and the subtlety of the worldbuilding. Yeah there is corruption and even weird genetic experiments, but it isn't shoved down your throat. If Kanto was made today, it would be unbearable with cutscenes every 10 steps, you wouldn't step foot on SS Anne and just be given Cut instead of earning it, the legendary birds would be everday conversation but treated like kaiju gods, even though they're supposed to be more like bigfoot or nessie. Show don't tell.
Freedom after Rock Tunnel feels good man.
Aesthetic: You are allowed to imagine a good deal using only chibi sprites. Sugimori's art really brings it to life in my imagination. To me Kanto feels like where I grew up, except with pocket monsters instead of animals. That is in contrast to the most recent games, which feel like a cartoon superhero movie. The humans in Kanto feel like perfect stereotypes of real life people like scientists, gamblers, magicians, bikers, bird tamers, psychics.
Music: To me seems to be on a different level compared to the other games. The music in every game after is too sweet overall, but it feels like half of Kanto approach stress and dread. Games afterward replace dread with exciting tunes. I love music in other games, but Kanto sets itself apart.
Negatives for replays: Linearity before you reach Rock Tunnel. Poor move pool without TMs. Otherwise, love everything else which nu-genners pretend is a fault. If a game doesn't use HMs I won't enjoy it.
Yellow is also not fun for me. To me, the anime is very much Pokemon Gaiden and not representative of how the "real" Pokemon world would be. To force the anime into the games was a fun one-off fan game, but I never want to play it again. See also: the orange islands game on 3DS.
I don't replay pokemon games
>RBYcel screeching, samefagging and shitting herself after I slapped her around for misusing again after being asked just once to elaborate
>againfag seething so hard he samefags for damage control
You already got slapped around, now kneel
The charm word isn’t the issue samefaggot
I asked him to elaborate, and the tard said “again, xxx” like it wasn’t the first time I fucking asked
It’s presumptuous. Now you know
Pretty good takes. Personally I don't see HMs as something necessary to make a game good, but RBY has a low number of them so they don't come across as an annoyance either.
Yellow is also not my favorite, in fact it's a game I never replayed. Whenever I get the itch it's always Red or Blue.
Silver and Emerald
What does Pokemon mean to you? What makes a Pokemon game enjoyable?

For me, HMs introduce a rare moment of limitation and forces you to come up with your own creative solution to that limitation as a result aka problem solving; not only that, but HMs also simultaneously function as a mechanism for puzzles combined with exploration, and lastly a practical function ie surf/fly which okay sure that might be okay to not call an HM anymore since it's the same in every game and are desirable attacks. But when you only keep flying and surfing, the richness that was baked into HM games evaporates. Diving, rock smash, cut, strength, waterfall. I love all of these. Even gimmick ones are cool to me, like Flash or Defog. People hate on Flash but I actually like using accuracy reduced attacks. Dig should bring you to the Underground, or at least function like Dive. These are just off the top of my head.
>My IQ isn’t low enough to enjoy replaying any of these games.
If only that meant you would abandon game discussion entirely, but unfortunately I'm sure we'll all see you in the next XY thread.
>What does Pokemon mean to you? What makes a Pokemon game enjoyable?
Many things really. First of all, I like the idea of following a boy/girl who catches, befriends and raises a bunch of monsters in their adventure to become recognized as the strongest trainer around. The urban fantasy theme is always a nice breath of fresh air when compared to typical high fantasy settings you find in JRPGs also.
Exploring the region is absolutely part of the fun, but I can live without the HM system even if the idea of making your pokemon use field moves isn't inherently bad, just had to be implemented differently especially after Gen 1.
Thanks doc. It's been a while.

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