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Gen 5 started the trend of constantly healing you at every route
Good I hate having to walk back to the Pokémon Center after every fight.
Are there like maps of all the heal locations in each region
Good. Is every trend Gen 5 "started" supposed to be bad, somehow?
I agree, party wide exp share is a good thing
No, it didn't.
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I love gen 5, but I agree that this was a bad decision in the long run and a sign of things to come.
If optional, yes. Don't force changes down people's throats, especially when no one complained about the old system of exp.
yawnfag thread
yawnfag post
Don't forget the max revives and full restores they give you for the road.
>If optional, yes
Nah, it’s always good
Gen 5 didn't start this shit.
Well no, some people dislike it. Having an option is objectively superior.
>still can't name which gen started it instead
Unovafags lmao
You’re right, some people dislike free healing so it’s bad that free healing exists in gen 5
It also started:
>Unskippable cutscene spam
>Shitty dexes full of turnermons
>Pointless gimmicks that get ditched next game (Seasons)
>"friendly" rivals who aren't actually rivals
>Forced legendaries
>Shiny locks
It was a gradual increase throughout the franchise of the increase of healing items being handed out, so drawing some line at really any point is pretty retarded instead of just disliking the trend.
Your desperation to point fingers stupidly is a sign of tiktok attention span. Therefore, you are a zoomer and need range-banning.
You're brown. Stop trying to talk to humans.
>It was a gradual increase
nah it was at its worst in gen 5
It's still optional to use them. Funny how you like one exp system, but oppose the ability for others to have access to their preffered system via a toggle that doesn't affect you whatsoever. Likewise, people who dislike free healing can just not use them.
>Unskippable cutscene spam
Gen 5 didn't start this.
>shitty dexes
much better than every dex since and much more comparable to previous dexes. A few outliers are assumed to be the rest of the dex. Plus, Turner only designed a couple lines.
Seasons aren't gimmicks in the way that subsequent gen gimmicks are gimmicks. Gen 6 started this.
>aren't actually rivals
Friendly rivals started with Gen 3, which are not necessarily bad. Shitty rivals started with Gen 6.
>Forced legendaries.
Gen 5 did not start this.
>Shiny locks
Gen 5 did not start this.
>it was at its worst
No it wasn't. You're just spewing what you can at this point.
>It's still optional to use them
Nope, the npcs force healing on me
No they don't. You're just spewing what you can at this point.
>Shitty rivals started with Gen 6.
Every rival since Gen 2 is shit
>No it wasn't.
Yes it was
Sure, maybe you have an extremely high standard of good rival that consists of "spitting in my face = good", but don't project that standard onto other people.
>still can't name which game had healers on every route before BW
it's crazy how each gen takes away from your agency as a player. got rid of marts and combined them with the pokemon center, free heals and teleports to tour location, forced exp share so you never struggle against the game, bottle caps and herbs to not even engage in pokemon breeding, trainers are now completely skippable and even wild battles can be automated. we lost all of these features and what did we get for it? fucking games practically play themselves.
I don't remember this, but I never played anything after ORAS. Is this really a thing?
No it wasn't. Care to actually back up what you fucking say?
BW came out before ORAS, but yes, it's true. They fully heal you and then give you some of the strongest healing items in the game.
No game has a healer on every route. That's an invented criticism from vermin like you gaslighting newfags into siding against your boogeyman region.
So BW didn't start the trend. Thanks for clarifying.
>No they don't
Yes they do
>forced exp share so you never struggle against the game
This one was especially funny to see the cope evolve over time. Remember when shills were telling everyone to just turn it off?
>autistic third worlder can't into hyperbole
I played BW but I don't remember the nurses/doctors giving you items.
>got rid of marts and combined them with the pokemon center
This one is fine really.
>free heals
Early game is cool if they plan to put a longer route/dungeon, but after that it's just unnecessary.
>teleports to tour location
Pretty silly but w/e
>forced exp share
Yeah that's a little too far
>bottle caps and herbs to not even engage in pokemon breeding
Thank God
>trainers are now completely skippable
Always should have been. But granted, if you are skipping them in a game that doesn't have all the handholding it only means you are going to make the game harder for yourself.
> and even wild battles can be automated
Ok. Wild mons are never a threat anyway.
Well sorry if your criticism hasn't actually been stated once in this thread. The ACTUAL thing you meant to bring up is that it introduced a trainer class that heals you, which isn't inherently a bad trend starter if other games actually up the healing items drastically, as opposed to BW who just replaced some of them with NPCs that you have to battle first. In order to prove BW started a bad trend, you actually have to count and state how much more distributed these are relative to other games, which you have now, nor will you ever, since all of your shitposting is based on vague hyperbole anyway.
>In order to prove BW started a bad trend, you actually have to count and state how much more distributed these are relative to other games
Or I could just post my opinion and insult you. This isn't debate club. You never support anything you say either so why would anyone bother when they're talking to you?
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I'm pretty sure that the fired unemployed voreschizo is making half the posts itt.
>You never support anything you say either
I'm not the one making a shitty claim and screeching "ACTUALLY IT'S JUST HYPERBOLE" when someone points out it has no merit. I don't need evidence to logically explain how your argument doesn't make sense. What would that even look like? It's your argument that's lacking substance.
>bw started the trend, here's examples
>noooo you can't do that you need an entire essay and examples from every other gen or it's invalid criticism
>here's examples
Except you haven't done this part. Pointing that out doesn't warrant some kind of evidence of my own.
Haven't you played the games? What do you need to accept that BW has healers that give you strong items everywhere?
>blue was mean
You have autism and no friends.
>BW has healers
You were asked why this supports your argument as a bad thing (by the person who asked why putting a battle before a heal is somehow worse than the heal alone like in the other games) and you haven't replied. All you did was falsely claim that the healers hand out healing items which is false. Try playing the game instead of pretending you did and telling others to.
>gives you strong items everywhere
And this is your hyperbolic claim that BW started a trend, which it did not. The items were always handed out. To actually have a claim here, you still need to do this>>56207272
>All you did was falsely claim that the healers hand out healing items which is false
Unovafags don't play the games they jerk off? I'm shocked.
>blue was mean
not exactly, but he came off pretty smugly anon, as if he feels like you're nothing compared to him
Are you high? They only reward you with money, not healing items.
>he doesn't know how a trainer class introduced in the games he's defending works
They HEAL you directly, retard. Even then, they aren't forced battles.
>forced exp share so you never struggle against the game,
Why is BDSP harder than DPPt then?
The doctor in the sports place heals you directly by giving you a max revive?
It actually isn't. If you play them the same way, BDSP overlevels you much more, so you sweep everything. Some updated movesets won't fix nearly that.
That's only in facilities like Black Tower. You get al sorts of items from every NPC ever in facilities like those.
Big stadium is not like black tower.
>he thinks only the movesets updated
Thanks for admitting you never played BDSP.
>locations with specific facilities and tweaks on battles that are bent on handing out items and don't control levels
pretty similar
Now look up how many items they hand out as is and realize how dumb your argument is. Facilities hand out items. In this case, it's completely disconnected from the trainer class, which is your argument, in case you forgot.
I didn't say it's the ONLY thing you drooling shitposter. I know it added held items and other changes to stats count. My point that you didn't address is that they don't make up for the overlevelling BDSP gives you. And I didn't even mention the consistent affection boosts.
>is that they don't make up for the overlevelling BDSP gives you
It does. You would know this if you actually played the games.
>It does because i say so
No it doesn't. I played the game unlike you. It's extremely easy. The only way to make it match the difficulty of DP is to play them differently. My second playthrough used double the mons to get that precious difficulty back.
Actually think the typical jerk rival archetype is overdone in general but nice try tho
Yes or no, is there an NPC in BW that hands out max revives after beating them? Yes or no, does any game before BW do that? And it doesn't even need to be a doctor, your rival hands you 2 for free. Not even XY gives you as many free heals.
>is there an NPC in BW that hands out max revives after beating them? Yes or no, does any game before BW do that?
BW and BW2 have ONE (1) NPC that gives you a max revive after beating him (Doctor Jules). As REPEATEDLY asked of you and REPEATEDLY ignored by you, why does putting a battle before a heal is somehow worse than the heal alone like in the other games?

Surprise surprise, Falseflagging OP's a faggot
>It's extremely easy
And yet it’s still harder than DPPt.
Yes, he's found randomly after beating the game in a single optional area. It's not even consistent either. In fact, BW is one of the more inconsistent games to get extra max revives in. Compare that to XY where as early as after the second gym you can just buy them, although it is quite expensive.
>your rival hands you 2 for free. Not even XY gives you as many free heals.
Both Bianca and Calem/Serena give you two at the ass end of the game, what the fuck are you talking about?
>No it wasn't
Yes it was

>Care to actually back up what you fucking say?
Care to actually play the games?
I have. For my taste, as far as mid-route heals go, I prefer BW's system of actually beating a trainer providing even a modicum of challenge over Gen 1's Pokemon Center you can't even fly to before both major caves of the game (for some reason) or Gen 3's house in the middle of 3 routes and the bed in the Weather Institute (although the latter is super understandable design wise). The rival heals were a bit much, but BW doesn't have as much of them as XY (mostly down to there being too many fucking characters in XY, if they removed Trevor and Tierno it would probably even out) and they feel less patronizing than Gen 7's for some reason.
>Unskippable cutscene spam
You can't skip the Lance dnite cutscene in gen 2 lil bro.
>Shitty dexes full of turnermons
Turnermons are better than your favourites lil bro.
>Pointless gimmicks that get ditched next game (Seasons)
Day and night got ditched in gen 3, types being special or physical got ditched in gen 4, the underground and seals got ditched in gen 5. This is part of GF's retarded obsession with "asymmetrical design".
>"friendly" rivals who aren't actually rivals
May/Brendan and Wally were friendly, Barry and Dawn were friendly
>Forced legendaries
The legends being part of the story and being basically given to you started with gen 2, in gen 3 they even give you the masterball shortly before you fight Groudon/Kyogre, the same with gen 4 and the fight with Dialga/Palkia.
>Shiny locks
Idk nor care to see if anything else was shiny locked before, shiny hunting is for speedrunning trannies.
That's a good thing
>>Unskippable cutscene spam
Gen 7
>>Shitty dexes full of turnermons
Gen 3
>>Pointless gimmicks that get ditched next game (Seasons)
Gen 2
>>"friendly" rivals who aren't actually rivals
Gen 1
>>Forced legendaries
Gen 3
>>Shiny locks
Technically gen 4.
>Gen 5 didn't start this.
It started the spam.
>much better than every dex since and much more comparable to previous dexes.
The Gen 5 games were the first game I boxed my starter because they all suck ass, and having to use exclusively shitty Gen 5 mons like ice cream and literal trash sucks.
>Seasons aren't gimmicks in the way that subsequent gen gimmicks are gimmicks
Yes, they are. There is content locked behind them.
>Shitty rivals started with Gen 6.
Nope, gen 5.
>Gen 5 did not start this.
You could KO box legendaries in every game before, not in Gen 5. you HAVE to catch reshiram/zekrom.
>Gen 5 did not start this.
It Did. ALL pokemon you can catch in gen 4 and before can be shiny. IN gen 5, some cannot.
>Technically gen 4.
>It Did. ALL pokemon you can catch in gen 4 and before can be shiny. IN gen 5, some cannot.
how you finna be getting a shiny selebi or arceus doe
>Gen 5 started the trend of constantly healing you at every route
kanto has a tower with ghost who has a healing circle in the middle
Gen VI started party exp share anon
that was in gen 1 stupid
and it’s a good thing
Not gonna lie, I always forget to grab the EXP.ALL every single time I have played RBY. Mainly because the catching requirement is boring to fulfill and what's the fucking point it's Gen 1, the enemy pokemon have shit movesets, no stat exp and you have badge boosts.
>ALL pokemon you can catch in gen 4 and before can be shiny.
Not exactly. Manaphy had a shiny lock on it but only for the first game it was transfered to.
>It started the spam.
Nope. 7
>personal taste
>There is content locked behind them
doesn't make it the same kind of gimmick. Every region has this then. What's the underground?
>gen 5
Nope. They aren't a downgrade from previous rivals, unlike 6
sure, but not required for use. if you understood the story, this wouldn't be an issue. every other forced legendary doesn't make sense. This is your only decent point
you're blatantly lying
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I only hate it because I buy full heals and moomoo milks and use them along the way only to find out that 20 steps later there was an NPC who would heal my pokemom for free.

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